blob: 3488ab94606480e2967e8d14fd6ab41d223504ff [file] [log] [blame]
#include <hei_includes.hpp>
#include <isolator/hei_isolation_node.hpp>
#include <isolator/hei_isolator.hpp>
#include <register/hei_operator_register.hpp>
#include <register/hei_scom_register.hpp>
#include <util/hei_flyweight.hpp>
namespace libhei
// Definitions for the interfaces defined in hei_main.hpp.
void initialize(void* i_buffer, size_t i_bufferSize)
Isolator::getSingleton().initialize(i_buffer, i_bufferSize);
void uninitialize()
void isolate(const std::vector<Chip>& i_chipList, IsolationData& o_isoData)
Isolator::getSingleton().isolate(i_chipList, o_isoData);
void Isolator::uninitialize()
// Clear all of the isolation objects.
// Must flush the hardware register cache before deleting any
// HardwareRegister objects.
// Remove all of the HardwareRegister objects stored in the flyweights.
Flyweight<const ScomRegister>::getSingleton().clear();
Flyweight<const IdScomRegister>::getSingleton().clear();
void Isolator::isolate(const std::vector<Chip>& i_chipList,
IsolationData& o_isoData) const
// Flush the isolation data to ensure a clean slate.
// Flush the hardware register cache to avoid using stale data.
// Analyze active error on each chip.
for (const auto& chip : i_chipList)
// Isolation objects for this chip's type must exist.
const auto& itr = iv_isoChips.find(chip.getType());
HEI_ASSERT(iv_isoChips.end() != itr);
// Analyze this chip.
itr->second->analyze(chip, o_isoData);
} // end namespace libhei