blob: a582cae8dd87a6e891fb229601d520cbd9abb4a6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Module Description **************************************************
// Description: This module provides the implementation for the PRD Scan
// Comm Register Chip class.
// End Module Description **********************************************
// Includes
#include <iipchip.h>
#include <prdfScomRegister.H>
#include <iipconst.h>
#include <iipbits.h>
#include <prdfMain.H>
#include <prdfRasServices.H>
#include <prdfRegisterCache.H>
#include <prdfHomRegisterAccess.H>
#include <prdfPlatServices.H>
#include <prdfExtensibleChip.H>
// User Types
// Constants
// Macros
// Internal Function Prototypes
// Global Variables
// Member Function Specifications
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace libhei
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void ScomRegister::SetBitString( const BitString *bs )
BitString & l_string = AccessBitString();
const BitString * ScomRegister::GetBitString(ATTENTION_TYPE i_type) const
// Calling Read() will ensure that an entry exists in the cache and the
// entry has at been synched with hardware at least once. Note that we
// cannot read hardware for write-only registers. In this case, an entry
// will be created in the cache, if it does not exist, when readCache() is
// called below.
if ( ( ACCESS_NONE != iv_operationType ) &&
( ACCESS_WO != iv_operationType ) )
return &(readCache());
BitString & ScomRegister::AccessBitString()
// Calling Read() will ensure that an entry exists in the cache and the
// entry has at been synched with hardware at least once. Note that we
// cannot read hardware for write-only registers. In this case, an entry
// will be created in the cache, if it does not exist, when readCache() is
// called below.
if ( ( ACCESS_NONE != iv_operationType ) &&
( ACCESS_WO != iv_operationType ) )
return readCache();
uint32_t ScomRegister::Read() const
uint32_t o_rc = SUCCESS;
// First query the cache for an existing entry.
if ( !queryCache() )
// There was not a previous entry in the cache, so do a ForceRead() to
// sync the cache with hardware.
o_rc = ForceRead();
return o_rc;
uint32_t ScomRegister::ForceRead() const
#define PRDF_FUNC "[ScomRegister::ForceRead] "
uint32_t o_rc = FAIL;
// No read allowed if register access attribute is write-only or no
// access.
if ( ( ACCESS_NONE == iv_operationType ) &&
( ACCESS_WO == iv_operationType ) )
PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC "Write-only register: 0x%08x 0x%016llx",
getChip()->GetId(), iv_scomAddress );
// Read hardware.
o_rc = Access( readCache(), RegisterAccess::READ );
if ( SUCCESS != o_rc )
// The read failed. Remove the entry from the cache so a subsequent
// Read() will attempt to read from hardware again.
flushCache( getChip() );
} while (0);
return o_rc;
#undef PRDF_FUNC
uint32_t ScomRegister::Write()
#define PRDF_FUNC "[ScomRegister::Write] "
uint32_t o_rc = FAIL;
// No write allowed if register access attribute is read-only or no
// access.
if ( ( ACCESS_NONE == iv_operationType ) &&
( ACCESS_RO == iv_operationType ) )
PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC "Read-only register: 0x%08x 0x%016llx",
getChip()->GetId(), iv_scomAddress );
// Query the cache for an existing entry.
if ( !queryCache() )
// Something bad happened and there was nothing in the cache to
// write to hardware.
PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC "No entry found in cache: 0x%08x 0x%016llx",
getChip()->GetId(), iv_scomAddress );
// Write hardware.
o_rc = Access( readCache(), RegisterAccess::WRITE );
} while (0);
return o_rc;
#undef PRDF_FUNC
uint32_t ScomRegister::Access( BitString & bs,
RegisterAccess::Operation op ) const
int32_t l_rc = SCR_ACCESS_FAILED;
TARGETING::TargetHandle_t i_pchipTarget = getChip()->GetChipHandle();
l_rc = getScomService().Access( i_pchipTarget,bs,iv_scomAddress,op );
ExtensibleChip* ScomRegister::getChip( )const
ExtensibleChip* l_pchip = NULL;
l_pchip = ServiceDataCollector::getChipAnalyzed();
TARGETING::TYPE l_type = PlatServices::getTargetType(
l_pchip->GetChipHandle() );
PRDF_ASSERT( iv_chipType == l_type )
return l_pchip;
bool ScomRegister::queryCache() const
RegDataCache & cache = RegDataCache::getCachedRegisters();
BitString * bs = cache.queryCache( getChip(), this );
return ( NULL != bs );
BitString & ScomRegister::readCache() const
RegDataCache & cache = RegDataCache::getCachedRegisters();
return getChip(), this );
void ScomRegister::flushCache( ExtensibleChip *i_pChip ) const
RegDataCache & regDump = RegDataCache::getCachedRegisters();
if( NULL == i_pChip )
regDump.flush( i_pChip ,this );
bool ScomRegister::operator == ( const ScomRegister & i_rightRegister ) const
if( iv_scomAddress == i_rightRegister.GetAddress() )
return ( iv_chipType == i_rightRegister.getChipType() );
return false ;
bool ScomRegister::operator < ( const ScomRegister & i_rightRegister ) const
if( iv_scomAddress == i_rightRegister.GetAddress() )
return ( iv_chipType < i_rightRegister.getChipType() );
return( iv_scomAddress < i_rightRegister.GetAddress() );
bool ScomRegister::operator >= ( const ScomRegister & i_rightRegister ) const
return !( *this < i_rightRegister );
} // end namespace libhei