blob: 12b0fbd9c361c38934e6e30dda3523a9a7b655b8 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<attn_node model_ec="P10_10,P10_20" name="PAU_FIR_2" reg_type="SCOM">
<local_fir config="" name="PAU_FIR_2">
<instance addr="0x10010C80" reg_inst="0"/>
<instance addr="0x11010C80" reg_inst="3"/>
<instance addr="0x12010C80" reg_inst="4"/>
<instance addr="0x12011480" reg_inst="5"/>
<instance addr="0x13010C80" reg_inst="6"/>
<instance addr="0x13011480" reg_inst="7"/>
<action attn_type="CS" config="00"/>
<action attn_type="RE" config="01"/>
<action attn_type="UCS" config="11"/>
<bit pos="0">OTL Brick2 translation fault</bit>
<bit pos="1">OTL Brick3 translation fault</bit>
<bit pos="2">OTL Brick4 translation fault</bit>
<bit pos="3">OTL Brick5 translation fault</bit>
<bit pos="4">OTL TL credit counter overflow caused by return_tl_credits.</bit>
<bit pos="5">OTL RX acTag specified in a command is outside the configured specification set.</bit>
<bit pos="6">OTL RX acTag specified in the command points to an invalid entry.</bit>
<bit pos="7">OTL RX reserved opcode used.</bit>
<bit pos="8">OTL RX return_tl_credit command found outside slot0.</bit>
<bit pos="9">OTL RX bad opcode and template combination.</bit>
<bit pos="10">OTL RX unsupported template format.</bit>
<bit pos="11">OTL RX bad template x00 format.</bit>
<bit pos="12">OTL RX control flit overrun.</bit>
<bit pos="13">OTL RX unexpected data flit.</bit>
<bit pos="14">OTL RX DL link down.</bit>
<bit pos="15">OTL RX bad data received on command.</bit>
<bit pos="16">OTL RX bad data received on response.</bit>
<bit pos="17">OTL RX AP response not allowed (CAPPTag not recognized).</bit>
<bit pos="18">OR of all OTL parity errors.</bit>
<bit pos="19">OR of all OTL ECC CE errors.</bit>
<bit pos="20">OR of all OTL ECC UE errors.</bit>
<bit pos="21">RXO OP Errors.</bit>
<bit pos="22">RXO Internal Errors.</bit>
<bit pos="23">OTL RXI fifo overrun.</bit>
<bit pos="24">OTL RXI control flit data run length invalid.</bit>
<bit pos="25">OTL RXI opcode utilizing dLength specifies dL=0b00 or other invalid dL.</bit>
<bit pos="26">OTL RXI bad data received vc2.</bit>
<bit pos="27">OTL RXI dcp2 fifo overrun.</bit>
<bit pos="28">OTL RXI vc1 fifo overrun.</bit>
<bit pos="29">OTL RXI vc2 fifo overrun.</bit>
<bit pos="30">Opcode data length not supported.</bit>
<bit pos="31">OTL TXI opcode error.</bit>
<bit pos="32">malformed packet error type 4 (rxi_misc_error_fieldrsvdne0_tlvc2).</bit>
<bit pos="33">OTL Happi no bar match</bit>
<bit pos="34">OTL Reserved, macro bit 30.</bit>
<bit pos="35">OTL Reserved, macro bit 31.</bit>
<bit pos="36">MMIO invalidate requested while one is in progress.</bit>
<bit pos="37">Unexpected ITAG returned on itag completion port 0.</bit>
<bit pos="38">Unexpected ITAG returned on itag completion port 1.</bit>
<bit pos="39">Unexpected Read PEE completion.</bit>
<bit pos="40">Unexpected Checkout response.</bit>
<bit pos="41">Translation request while SPAP is invalid.</bit>
<bit pos="42">Read a PEE which was not valid.</bit>
<bit pos="43">Bloom filter protection error.</bit>
<bit pos="44">Translation request to non-valid TA.</bit>
<bit pos="45">TA Translation request to an invalid TA.</bit>
<bit pos="46">correctable array error (SBE).</bit>
<bit pos="47">uncorrectable array error (UE or parity).</bit>
<bit pos="48">S/TLBI buffer overflow.</bit>
<bit pos="49">SBE correctable error on Powerbus checkout response data or Powerbus PEE read data.</bit>
<bit pos="50">UE uncorrectable error on Powerbus checkout response data or Powerbus PEE read data.</bit>
<bit pos="51">SUE error on Powerbus checkout response data or Powerbus PEE read data.</bit>
<bit pos="52">PA mem_hit when bar mode is nonzero .</bit>
<bit pos="53">XSL Reserved, macro bit 17.</bit>
<bit pos="54">OTL Brick0 translation fault</bit>
<bit pos="55">OTL Brick1 translation fault</bit>
<bit pos="56">AME ECC UE on control information or state bit errors that are contained within AME and ATL</bit>
<bit pos="57">AME ECC UE on control information or state bit errors that can affect correctness of external logic such as XSL castout</bit>
<bit pos="58">AME Logic errors that are contained within AME and ATL</bit>
<bit pos="59">AME Logic errors that can affect correctness of external logic such as XSL castout</bit>
<bit pos="60">AME firmware-detected fatal error conditions</bit>
<bit pos="61">AME Reserved</bit>
<bit pos="62">Unused FIR</bit>
<bit pos="63">Unused FIR</bit>