Copied PRD register access code from Hostboot project

This is just a straight copy from the Hostboot project. No modifications
have been made. Those will come in later commits.

Change-Id: Id9985f5542944ba88498b348b24b711fe2c30704
Signed-off-by: Zane Shelley <>
diff --git a/src/register/iipCaptureData.h b/src/register/iipCaptureData.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e65e94d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/register/iipCaptureData.h
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG                                                   */
+/* This is an automatically generated prolog.                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* $Source: src/usr/diag/prdf/common/framework/register/iipCaptureData.h $ */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project                                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2012,2019                        */
+/* [+] International Business Machines Corp.                              */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");        */
+/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.       */
+/* You may obtain a copy of the License at                                */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software    */
+/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,      */
+/* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or        */
+/* implied. See the License for the specific language governing           */
+/* permissions and limitations under the License.                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG                                                     */
+#ifndef iipCaptureData_h
+#define iipCaptureData_h
+// Class Specification *************************************************
+// Class name:   CaptureData
+// Parent class: None.
+// Summary: This class provides a queue-like buffer for recording Scan
+//          Comm Register data.
+//          When this class is constructed or the Clear() member
+//          function is called, the buffer is empty.  The Add()
+//          function adds data to the front or back of this buffer.
+//          The data is ordered according to the sequence of Add()
+//          calls and the Place parameter (FRONT or BACK).  A Scan
+//          Comm Register is passed to the Add() function and the
+//          register is read during the Add() function.  The data is
+//          then stored internally.  Whenever the Copy() member
+//          function is called, the current internal data is copied to
+//          the specified buffer with respect to the current ordering.
+//          Only the number of bytes specified are copied.  Therefore,
+//          any data that MUST be copied should be added using the
+//          FRONT placement.
+// Cardinality: N
+// Performance/Implementation:
+//   Space Complexity: Linear based on the number of Add() calls
+//   Time Complexity:  All member functions constant unless otherwise
+//                     stated.
+// Usage Examples:
+// BIT8 data[BUFFER_SIZE];
+// void foo(TARGETING::TargetHandle_t chipId, ScanCommRegisterAccess & scr)
+//   {
+//   CaptureData captureData;
+//   captureData.Add(chipId, scr, CaptureData::FRONT);
+//   captureData.Add(chipId, scr, CaptureData::BACK);
+//   int bytesCopied = captureData.Copy(data, BUFFER_SIZE);
+//   }
+// End Class Specification *********************************************
+/* Reference the virtual function tables and inline function
+   defintions in another translation unit.                            */
+#include <list>
+#ifndef IIPCONST_H
+#include <iipconst.h>
+#include <prdfPlatServices.H>
+#include <functional>  // @jl04 a Needed for the unary function in new predicate.
+  // FIXME: RTC 73204 was opened to add support for these in hostboot. They will
+  //        need to be removed once the issue has been resolved.
+  #ifndef htonl
+    #define htonl(foo) (foo)
+  #endif
+  #ifndef htons
+    #define htons(foo) (foo)
+  #endif
+  #ifndef ntohl
+    #define ntohl(foo) (foo)
+  #endif
+  #ifndef ntohs
+    #define ntohs(foo) (foo)
+  #endif
+  #include <netinet/in.h>
+namespace PRDF
+// Forward Declarations
+class ScanCommRegisterAccess;
+class BitString;
+// @jl04 a start
+// @jl04 a Added this enumeration for error log compression, elimination of secondary regs.
+  enum RegType
+  {
+    PRIMARY   = 1,
+    SECONDARY = 2
+  };
+// @jl04 a Stop
+ Capture data class
+ @author Doug Gilbert
+ @version V5R2
+class CaptureData
+  enum Place
+  {
+    FRONT,
+    BACK
+  };
+  enum
+  {
+    MAX_ENTRY_SIZE = 128
+  };
+  /**
+   Constructor
+   */
+  CaptureData(void);
+  /*
+   Copy constructor - default is ok
+   */
+//  CaptureData(const CaptureData & c);
+  /*
+   Assignment operator - default is ok
+   */
+//  CaptureData & operator=(const CaptureData & c);
+  /**
+   Destructor
+   */
+// dg05d  ~CaptureData(void);   // compiler default is ok
+  /**
+   Clear out capture data
+   <ul>
+   <br><b>Parameters:None
+   <br><b>Returns:Nothing
+   <br><b>Requirments:None.
+   <br><b>Promises: All capture data cleared ( copy(...) == 0 )
+   </ul><br>
+   */
+  void Clear(void);
+  // dg00 start
+  /**
+   Add scr & data to capture log
+   <ul>
+   <br><b>Parameter:  chipHandle     target handle of chip object
+   <br><b>Parameter:  scan comm id (unique one btye code representing scan comm address)
+   <br><b>Parameter:  Scan comm register object
+   <br><b>Parameter:  Optional location in capure vector [FRONT | BACK] def = BACK
+   <br><b>Returns:   Nothing
+   <br><b>Requires:  Nothing
+   <br><b>Promises:  scr.Read()
+   <br><b>Notes:     This is the required Add() method for Regatta and beyond
+   </ul><br>
+   */
+  void Add( TARGETING::TargetHandle_t i_pchipHandle, int scomId,
+            SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & scr, Place place = BACK,
+            RegType type = PRIMARY);  // @jl04 c. Changed this to add the type to the end of the parms.
+  // dg00 end
+  /*  REMOVE for FSP
+   Add scr & data to capture log
+   <ul>
+   <br><b>Parameter:  chipHandle     target handle of chip object
+   <br><b>Parameter:  Scan comm register object
+   <br><b>Parameter:  Optional location in capure vector [FRONT | BACK] def = BACK
+   <br><b>Returns:   Nothing
+   <br><b>Requires:  Nothing
+   <br><b>Promises:  scr.Read()
+   <br><b>Notes:     This is the required Add() method for pre-Regatta
+   </ul><br>
+  void Add(TARGETING::TargetHandle_t chipId, SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & scr,
+      Place place = BACK);
+  // dg02 start
+  /**
+   Add scr & data to capture log
+   <ul>
+   <br><b>Parameter:  i_pchipHandle Handle of chip object
+   <br><b>Parameter:  scan comm id (unique one btye code representing scan comm address)
+   <br><b>Parameter:  BitString
+   <br><b>Parameter:  Optional location in capure vector [FRONT | BACK] def = BACK
+   <br><b>Returns:   Nothing
+   <br><b>Requires:  Nothing
+   <br><b>Promises:
+   <br><b>Notes:     This is available for Regatta and beyond. Not implemented on Condor
+   </ul><br>
+   */
+  void Add( TARGETING::TargetHandle_t i_pchipHandle, int scomId,
+            const BitString & bs, Place place = BACK);
+  // dg02 end
+// start @jl04a
+  /**
+   Drop scr & data from capture log
+   <ul>
+   <br><b>Parameter:  Type of capture vector [PRIMARY | SECONDARY] def = PRIMARY. SECONDARIES dropped on connected.
+   <br><b>Returns:   Nothing
+   <br><b>Requires:  Nothing
+   <br><b>Promises:
+   </ul><br>
+   */
+void Drop(RegType type);  //@jl04a
+// end @jl04a
+    /**
+     * @brief  Copies the capture data to a buffer.
+     *
+     * The capture data is copied to the buffer in the order it exists in the
+     * vector until all entries have been added or until the buffer is full.
+     *
+     * @param  i_buffer     Pointer to buffer.
+     * @param  i_bufferSize Maximum size of the buffer.
+     * @return The actual size of the data buffer. The value will always be less
+     *         than or equal to the maximum buffer size.
+     */
+    uint32_t Copy( uint8_t * i_buffer, uint32_t i_bufferSize ) const;
+  // dg08a -->
+  /**
+   Reconstruct data from flat data
+   <ul>
+   <br><b>Parameter:  i_flatdata ptr to flat data
+   <br><b>Returns:   reference to the new capture data
+   <br><b>Requirements: None
+   <br><b>Promises:  CaptureData created form flatdata
+   <br><b>Note:  i_flatdata -> (uin32_t)size + data created by Copy()
+                 data is network ordered bytes.
+   <ul><br>
+   */
+  CaptureData & operator=(const uint8_t *i_flatdata);
+  // <-- dg08a
+  // Notes *************************************************************
+  //
+  // Instead of maintaining an actual data buffer, an auxiliary data
+  // structure is used to maintain data in a specific order.  The main
+  // reason for this is that since data can be entered in the front or
+  // back of the buffer, the data must be copied to maintain the order.
+  // It is more efficient to copy a number of pointers than a large
+  // data buffer.  However, there is added complexity since the data
+  // structure contains a pointer to dynamic data that must be
+  // allocated/deallocated properly.
+  //
+  // A vector of data structures is maintained that is given an initial
+  // size.  The vector can grow dynamically, but this can be expensive
+  // in terms of copying and memory fragmentation.  To prevent this, the
+  // number of calls to Add() between calls to Clear() should not exceed
+  // the enum INITIAL_DATA_COUNT.
+  //
+  // End Notes *********************************************************
+  class Data
+  {
+  public:
+    // Ctor
+    Data(TARGETING::TargetHandle_t i_pchipHandle= NULL,   // dg01
+         uint16_t a = 0,
+         uint16_t  dbl = 0,
+         uint8_t * dPtr = NULL)
+    :
+    chipHandle(i_pchipHandle),
+    address(a),
+    dataByteLength(dbl),
+    dataPtr(dPtr)
+    {}
+    ~Data(void)                     // dg05a
+    {                               // dg05a
+      if(dataPtr != NULL)           // dg05a
+      {                             // dg05a
+        delete [] dataPtr;          // pw01
+      }                             // dg05a
+    }                               // dg05a
+    // Data
+    TARGETING::TargetHandle_t  chipHandle;
+    uint16_t address;
+    uint16_t  dataByteLength;
+    uint8_t * dataPtr;
+    RegType registerType;          // @jl04a
+    Data(const Data & d);
+    Data & operator=(const Data & d);
+  };
+// We should probably use a link list instead of a vector
+  typedef std::list<Data> DataContainerType;
+  typedef DataContainerType::iterator DataIterator;
+  typedef DataContainerType::const_iterator ConstDataIterator;
+  DataContainerType             data;
+    /** Private function to facilitate the adding of caputre data to the
+     *  internal vector */
+    void AddDataElement( TARGETING::TargetHandle_t i_trgt, int i_scomId,
+                         const BitString * i_bs, Place i_place,
+                         RegType i_type = PRIMARY );
+  // Predicate for deciding to delete an element of data from a Capture Data list.
+  class prdfCompareCaptureDataType : public std::unary_function<Data &, bool>
+  {
+    public:
+      prdfCompareCaptureDataType(RegType i_ctor_input) : __private_storage(i_ctor_input){};
+      bool operator() (Data &i)
+      {
+        return (i.registerType == __private_storage);
+      };
+    private:
+    //Private storage for value passed in.
+      RegType __private_storage;
+    //Constructor allows a value to be passed in to compare against.
+  };
+  // Predicate for deciding whether to delete an
+  // element of data from a Capture Data list.
+  class prdfCompareCaptureDataEntry :
+      public std::unary_function<Data &, bool>
+  {
+    public:
+      prdfCompareCaptureDataEntry(
+                    TARGETING::TargetHandle_t chipHandle,
+                    uint16_t address) :
+                    __chipHandle(chipHandle),
+                    __address(address) {};
+      bool operator() (Data &i)
+      {
+        return ((i.chipHandle == __chipHandle) &&
+                (i.address    == __address));
+      };
+    private:
+      TARGETING::TargetHandle_t  __chipHandle;
+      uint16_t __address;
+  };
+  /**
+   * @brief   Merge scom register data from two captures
+   * @param   i_cd  secondary capture data to merge
+   */
+  void mergeData(CaptureData & i_cd);
+  /**
+   * @brief   Get the Scom data pointer
+   * @return  the Scom data pointer
+   */
+  DataContainerType * getData() { return &data; }
+} // end namespace PRDF
diff --git a/src/register/iipMopRegisterAccess.h b/src/register/iipMopRegisterAccess.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1e7ad59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/register/iipMopRegisterAccess.h
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG                                                   */
+/* This is an automatically generated prolog.                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* $Source: src/usr/diag/prdf/common/framework/register/iipMopRegisterAccess.h $ */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project                                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2012,2017                        */
+/* [+] International Business Machines Corp.                              */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");        */
+/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.       */
+/* You may obtain a copy of the License at                                */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software    */
+/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,      */
+/* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or        */
+/* implied. See the License for the specific language governing           */
+/* permissions and limitations under the License.                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG                                                     */
+#ifndef iipMopRegisterAccess_h
+#define iipMopRegisterAccess_h
+// Class Specification *************************************************
+// Class name:   MopRegisterAccess
+// Parent class: None.
+// Summary: This class provides access to hardware register via
+//          a MOP routine.  A single pure virtual function Access()
+//          is declared for this purpose.
+// Cardinality: 0
+// Performance/Implementation:
+//   Space Complexity: Constant
+//   Time Complexity:  All member functions constant unless otherwise
+//                     stated.
+// Usage Examples:
+//   void foo(MopRegisterAccess & mra)
+//   {
+//     BitStringBuffer bitString(80);  // 80 bits
+//     mra.Access(bitString, READ);
+//     ...
+//   }
+// End Class Specification *********************************************
+// Includes
+#if !defined(IIPCONST_H)
+#include <iipconst.h>
+#include <prdfPlatServices.H>
+namespace PRDF
+// Forward References
+class BitString;
+class MopRegisterAccess
+  enum Operation
+  {
+    READ = 0,
+    WRITE = 1
+  };
+  //  MopRegisterAccess(void);
+  // Function Specification ********************************************
+  //
+  // Purpose:      Initialization
+  // Parameters:   None.
+  // Returns:      No value returned.
+  // Requirements: None.
+  // Promises:     All data members are initialized.
+  // Exceptions:   None.
+  // Concurrency:  N/A
+  // Notes:  This constructor is not declared.  This compiler generated
+  //         default definition is sufficient.
+  //
+  // End Function Specification //////////////////////////////////////
+  //  MopRegisterAccess(const MopRegisterAccess & scr);
+  // Function Specification ********************************************
+  //
+  // Purpose:      Copy
+  // Parameters:   scr: Reference to instance to copy
+  // Returns:      No value returned.
+  // Requirements: None.
+  // Promises:     All data members will be copied (Deep copy).
+  // Exceptions:   None.
+  // Concurrency:  N/A.
+  // Notes:  This constructor is not declared.  This compiler generated
+  //         default definition is sufficient.
+  //
+  // End Function Specification ****************************************
+  virtual ~MopRegisterAccess() {}
+  // Function Specification ********************************************
+  //
+  // Purpose:      Destruction
+  // Parameters:   None.
+  // Returns:      No value returned
+  // Requirements: None.
+  // Promises:     None.
+  // Exceptions:   None.
+  // Concurrency:  N/A
+  //
+  // End Function Specification ****************************************
+  //  MopRegisterAccess & operator=(const MopRegisterAccess & scr);
+  // Function Specification ********************************************
+  //
+  // Purpose:      Assigment
+  // Parameters:   d: Reference to instance to assign from
+  // Returns:      Reference to this instance
+  // Requirements: None.
+  // Promises:     All data members are assigned to
+  // Exceptions:   None.
+  // Concurrency:  N/A.
+  // Notes:  This assingment operator is not declared.  The compiler
+  //         generated default definition is sufficient.
+  //
+  // End Function Specification ****************************************
+  virtual uint32_t Access(BitString & bs,
+                       uint64_t registerId,
+                       Operation operation) const = 0;
+  // Function Specification ********************************************
+  //
+  // Purpose:      This function reads or writes the hardware according
+  //               to the specified operation.
+  // Parameters:   bs: Bit string to retrieve(for write) or store data
+  //               (from read)
+  //               registerId: SCR Address or scan offset
+  //               operation: Indicates either read or write operation
+  // Returns:      Hardware OPs return code
+  // Requirements: bs.Length() == long enough
+  // Promises:     For read operation, bs is modified to reflect hardware
+  //               register state
+  // Exceptions:   None.
+  // Concurrency:  Nonreentrant.
+  // Note:         The first bs.Length() bits from the Hardware OPs read
+  //               are set/reset in bs (from left to right)
+  //               For a write, the first bs.Length() bits are written
+  //               to the hardware register with right padded 0's if
+  //               needed
+  //
+  // End Function Specification ****************************************
+  //Get Ids and count
+  virtual const TARGETING::TargetHandle_t * GetChipIds(int & count) const = 0;
+  // Function Specification ********************************************
+  //
+  // Purpose:      Access Chip Ids and # of chips to access
+  // Parameters:   count: Var to return chip count of valid IDs
+  // Returns:      ptr to Chip ids
+  // Requirements: None
+  // Promises:     None
+  // Exceptions:   None.
+  // Concurrency:  Reentrant.
+  //
+  // End Function Specification ****************************************
+  private:
+  };
+} // end namespace PRDF
diff --git a/src/register/iipMopRegisterAccessScanComm.h b/src/register/iipMopRegisterAccessScanComm.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e87d702
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/register/iipMopRegisterAccessScanComm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG                                                   */
+/* This is an automatically generated prolog.                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* $Source: src/usr/diag/prdf/common/framework/register/iipMopRegisterAccessScanComm.h $ */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project                                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 1996,2017                        */
+/* [+] International Business Machines Corp.                              */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");        */
+/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.       */
+/* You may obtain a copy of the License at                                */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software    */
+/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,      */
+/* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or        */
+/* implied. See the License for the specific language governing           */
+/* permissions and limitations under the License.                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG                                                     */
+#ifndef iipMopRegisterAccessScanComm_h
+#define iipMopRegisterAccessScanComm_h
+// Class Specification *************************************************
+// Class name:   MopRegisterAccessScanComm
+// Parent class: MopRegisterAccess.
+// Summary: This class provides access to hardware register data via
+//          a MOP Scan Comm routine.
+// Cardinality: 0
+// Performance/Implementation:
+//   Space Complexity: Constant
+//   Time Complexity:  All member functions constant unless otherwise
+//                     stated.
+// Usage Examples:
+// End Class Specification *********************************************
+// Includes
+#pragma interface
+#ifndef iipMopRegisterAccess_h
+#include <iipMopRegisterAccess.h>
+namespace PRDF
+// Forward References
+class MopRegisterAccessScanComm : public MopRegisterAccess
+  // Function Specification ********************************************
+  //
+  // Purpose:      CTOR
+  // Parameters:   None
+  // Returns:      No value returned.
+  // Requirements: None.
+  // Promises:     All data members are initialized.
+  // Exceptions:   None.
+  // Concurrency:  N/A
+  // Note:         Multiple chip IDs are for chips that MOPs must
+  //               access at the same time when performing a Scan
+  //               Comm operation (ie STINGER & ARROW chips)
+  //
+  // End Function Specification //////////////////////////////////////
+  //  MopRegisterAccessScanComm(const MopRegisterAccessScanComm & scr);
+  // Function Specification ********************************************
+  //
+  // Purpose:      Copy
+  // Parameters:   scr: Reference to instance to copy
+  // Returns:      No value returned.
+  // Requirements: None.
+  // Promises:     All data members will be copied (Deep copy).
+  // Exceptions:   None.
+  // Concurrency:  N/A.
+  // Notes:  This constructor is not declared.  This compiler generated
+  //         default definition is sufficient.
+  //
+  // End Function Specification ****************************************
+  //   virtual ~MopRegisterAccessScanComm(void);
+  // Function Specification ********************************************
+  //
+  // Purpose:      Destruction
+  // Parameters:   None.
+  // Returns:      No value returned
+  // Requirements: None.
+  // Promises:     None.
+  // Exceptions:   None.
+  // Concurrency:  N/A
+  // Notes:  This destructor is not declared.  This compiler generated
+  //         default definition is sufficient.
+  //
+  // End Function Specification ****************************************
+  //  MopRegisterAccessScanComm & operator=(const MopRegisterAccessScanComm & scr);
+  // Function Specification ********************************************
+  //
+  // Purpose:      Assigment
+  // Parameters:   d: Reference to instance to assign from
+  // Returns:      Reference to this instance
+  // Requirements: None.
+  // Promises:     All data members are assigned to
+  // Exceptions:   None.
+  // Concurrency:  N/A.
+  // Notes:  This assingment operator is not declared.  The compiler
+  //         generated default definition is sufficient.
+  //
+  // End Function Specification ****************************************
+  virtual uint32_t Access(BitString & bs,
+                          uint32_t registerId,
+                          Operation operation) const;
+  // Function Specification ********************************************
+  //
+  // Purpose:      This function reads or writes the hardware according
+  //               to the specified operation.
+  // Parameters:   bs: Bit string to retrieve(for write) or store data
+  //               (from read)
+  //               registerId: ScanComm register address
+  //               operation: Indicates either read or write operation
+  // Returns:      Hardware OPs return code
+  // Requirements: bs.Length() == long enough
+  // Promises:     For read operation, bs is modified to reflect hardware
+  //               register state
+  // Exceptions:   None.
+  // Concurrency:  Nonreentrant.
+  // Note:         The first bs.Length() bits from the Hardware OPs read
+  //               are set/reset in bs (from left to right)
+  //               For a write, the first bs.Length() bits are written
+  //               to the hardware register with right padded 0's if
+  //               needed
+  //
+  // End Function Specification ****************************************
+private: // DATA
+} // end namespace PRDF
diff --git a/src/register/iipMopRegisterAccessScanComm.inl b/src/register/iipMopRegisterAccessScanComm.inl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ad08084
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/register/iipMopRegisterAccessScanComm.inl
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG                                                   */
+/* This is an automatically generated prolog.                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* $Source: src/usr/diag/prdf/common/framework/register/iipMopRegisterAccessScanComm.inl $ */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project                                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1996,2014              */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");        */
+/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.       */
+/* You may obtain a copy of the License at                                */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software    */
+/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,      */
+/* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or        */
+/* implied. See the License for the specific language governing           */
+/* permissions and limitations under the License.                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG                                                     */
+// Module Description **************************************************
+// Description: This module provides the inline implementation for the
+//              PRD MOP Register Access Scan Comm class.
+// End Module Description **********************************************
+namespace PRDF
+//  Includes
+//  User Types
+//  Constants
+//  Macros
+//  Internal Function Prototypes
+//  Global Variables
+// Member Function Specifications
+  {
+  }
+} // end namespace PRDF
diff --git a/src/register/iipscr.C b/src/register/iipscr.C
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d4d7017
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/register/iipscr.C
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG                                                   */
+/* This is an automatically generated prolog.                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* $Source: src/usr/diag/prdf/common/framework/register/iipscr.C $        */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project                                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 1997,2017                        */
+/* [+] International Business Machines Corp.                              */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");        */
+/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.       */
+/* You may obtain a copy of the License at                                */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software    */
+/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,      */
+/* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or        */
+/* implied. See the License for the specific language governing           */
+/* permissions and limitations under the License.                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG                                                     */
+#define IIPSCR_C
+/* Module Description *************************************************/
+/*                                                                    */
+/*  Description:  This module contains the implementation for the     */
+/*   Processor Runtime Diagnostics Scan Communication                 */
+/*   Register class.                                                  */
+/*                                                                    */
+/*  Notes:  Unless stated otherwise, assume that each function        */
+/*   specification has no side-effects, no dependencies, and          */
+/*   constant time complexity.                                        */
+/*                                                                    */
+/* End Module Description *********************************************/
+/*  Includes                                                          */
+#include <iipbits.h>
+#include <iipscr.h>
+#include <iipconst.h>
+#include <prdfAssert.h>
+namespace PRDF
+/*  User Types                                                        */
+/*  Constants                                                         */
+/*  Macros                                                            */
+/*  Internal Function Prototypes                                      */
+/*  Global Variables                                                  */
+/*  Static Variables                                                  */
+// Function Specification //////////////////////////////////////////
+// Title:  ~SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS (Virtual destructor)
+// Purpose:  This destructor deallocates the Bit String.
+// Side-effects:  Memory is deallocated.
+// Dependencies:  None.
+// End Function Specification //////////////////////////////////////
+ void
+ /*!i No parameters                                               */
+ )
+/*!o No value returned                                           */
+// Function Specification ///////////////////////////////////////////
+// Title:  Read
+// Purpose:  This function reads the actual hardware register and
+//           sets the Bit String data member values.  The specified
+//           Bit String is then used to mask the Bit String data
+//           member.  If an error occur, then the error is reported
+//           and the Bit String values are undefined.
+// Side-effects:  Hardware register is read.
+//                Bit String data member is modified.
+//                Memory is reallocated.
+// End Function Specification //////////////////////////////////////
+ BitString & mask
+ /*!i Reference to Bit String mask                                */
+ )
+/*!o Error return code                                           */
+  uint32_t rc = Read();
+  if(rc == SUCCESS)
+  {
+    BitString & bitString = AccessBitString();
+    bitString.maskString(mask);
+  }
+  return(rc);
+// Function Specification //////////////////////////////////////////
+//  Title:  Set Bit
+//  Purpose:  This function sets(1) the specified bit position in
+//            the Bit String.  If the Bit String is NULL, then a
+//            new Bit String is allocated and cleared to all zero
+//            before setting the bit.
+//  Side-effects:  Bit String is modified.
+//                 Memory may be allocated.
+//  Dependencies:  bit_position must be in the string
+// End Function Specification //////////////////////////////////////
+ uint32_t bit_position
+ /*!i Bit position in string                                      */
+ )
+/*!o No value returned                                           */
+  BitString & bitString = AccessBitString();
+  bitString.setBit(bit_position);
+// Function Specification //////////////////////////////////////////
+//  Title:  Clear Bit
+//  Purpose:  This function clears(0) the specified bit position in
+//            the Bit String.  If the Bit String is NULL, then a
+//            new Bit String is allocated and cleared to all zeros.
+//  Side-effects:  Bit String is modified.
+//                 Memory may be allocated.
+//  Dependencies:  bit_position must be in the string
+// End Function Specification //////////////////////////////////////
+ uint32_t bit_position
+ /*!i Bit position in string                                      */
+ )
+/*!o No value returned                                           */
+  BitString & bitString = AccessBitString();
+  bitString.clearBit(bit_position);
+// Function Specification ///////////////////////////////////////////
+// Title:  Clear Bit String
+// Purpose:  This function clears the Bit String.  If the data
+//           member is NULL, then a new Bit String is allocated.
+//           Upon return, the state of the Bit String is all zero.
+// Side-effects:  Bit String data member is modified.
+//                Memory is allocated or reallocated.
+// End Function Specification //////////////////////////////////////
+void SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS::clearAllBits()
+    BitString & bitString = AccessBitString();
+    bitString.clearAll();
+    BitString & bitString = AccessBitString();
+    bitString.setAll();
+uint64_t SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS::GetBitFieldJustified( uint32_t i_pos,
+                                                         uint32_t i_len ) const
+    uint64_t o_value = 0;
+    const uint32_t len_cpu_word = sizeof(CPU_WORD) * 8;
+    const uint32_t len_uint64   = sizeof(uint64_t) * 8;
+    const uint32_t pos_end      = i_pos + i_len;
+    PRDF_ASSERT( pos_end <= len_uint64 );
+    const BitString * bs = GetBitString();
+    for ( uint32_t pos = i_pos; pos < pos_end; pos += len_cpu_word )
+    {
+        // Calculate chunk length.
+        uint32_t len_chunk = len_cpu_word;
+        if ( len_chunk > pos_end - pos )
+            len_chunk = pos_end - pos;
+        o_value <<= len_chunk; // Make room for new chunk.
+        // Get chunk.
+        o_value |= static_cast<uint64_t>(bs->getFieldJustify(pos, len_chunk));
+    }
+    return o_value;
+void SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS::SetBitFieldJustified( uint32_t i_pos,
+                                                     uint32_t i_len,
+                                                     uint64_t i_value )
+    const uint32_t len_cpu_word = sizeof(CPU_WORD) * 8;
+    const uint32_t len_uint64   = sizeof(uint64_t) * 8;
+    PRDF_ASSERT( i_pos + i_len <= len_uint64 );
+    BitString & bs = AccessBitString();
+    for ( uint32_t offset = 0; offset < i_len; offset += len_cpu_word )
+    {
+        // Calculate chunk length.
+        uint32_t len_chunk = len_cpu_word;
+        if ( len_chunk > i_len - offset )
+            len_chunk = i_len - offset;
+        uint64_t value = i_value;
+        value >>= i_len - (offset + len_chunk); // right justify
+        // Set chunk.
+        bs.setFieldJustify( i_pos + offset, len_chunk,
+                            static_cast<CPU_WORD>(value) );
+    }
+} // end namespace PRDF
+#undef IIPSCR_C
diff --git a/src/register/iipscr.h b/src/register/iipscr.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..53c9bfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/register/iipscr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG                                                   */
+/* This is an automatically generated prolog.                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* $Source: src/usr/diag/prdf/common/framework/register/iipscr.h $        */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project                                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2012,2017                        */
+/* [+] International Business Machines Corp.                              */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");        */
+/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.       */
+/* You may obtain a copy of the License at                                */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software    */
+/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,      */
+/* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or        */
+/* implied. See the License for the specific language governing           */
+/* permissions and limitations under the License.                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG                                                     */
+#ifndef IIPSCR_H
+#define IIPSCR_H
+// Module Description **************************************************
+//  Description:  This module contains the declarations for the
+//                Processor Runtime Diagnostics Scan Communication
+//                Register class.
+//  Notes:  Unless stated otherwise, assume that each function
+//          specification has no side-effects, no dependencies, and
+//          constant time complexity.
+// End Module Description **********************************************
+//  Includes
+#include <iipbits.h>
+#include <iipconst.h>
+#include <iipsdbug.h>
+#include <prdfMain.H>
+#include <prdfTrace.H>
+namespace PRDF
+/*  Forward References                                                */
+/*  User Types                                                        */
+/*  Constants                                                         */
+/*  Macros                                                            */
+/*  Global Variables                                                  */
+/*  Function Prototypes                                               */
+// Class Specification *************************************************
+//  Title:  Scan Communication Register
+//  Purpose:  SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS provides the representation
+//            and access to a physical register.
+//  Usage:  This is an abstract base class.
+//  Side-effects:  Memory is allocated.
+//  Dependencies:  None.
+//  Notes: The Scan Communication Register is a model of an actual
+// physical register.  The bits in the register are represented by the
+// bit_string data member which is modified dynamically as operations
+// are preformed.  It acts as a temporarily cached value of the
+// register.  When a read is performed, the bit values are updated in
+// the bit string. When a write is performed, the current value of the
+// bits are used as the value to write.  The current value of this
+// cached bit string can be accessed or modified by other objects via
+// the public interface.  The physical address and bit length of the
+// hardware register are set during initialization and used on all
+// acceses.
+// The basic Read() and Write() functions are virtual.  The
+// actual implemenations are dependent on the actual hardware
+// and the software Hardware Manual Ops Scan Control Routines.
+// These function specifications describe a common behaviour
+// that every derived class must follow.  Additional,
+// information may also be specified.
+// A Read() function is also provided that has a Bit String
+// mask parameter.  This function calls the virtual Read()
+// and then applies the mask so that the internal Bit String
+// contains the hardware register contents with certain bits
+// ignored (masked off).
+//  Cardinality:  0
+//  Space Complexity:  Linear
+//                     K + Mn where K and M are constants and n is the
+//                     number of bits in the register.
+// End Class Specification *********************************************
+ @author Doug Gilbert
+ @V5R2
+ */
+  public: // enums, structs, typedefs
+    /** The register access level */
+    enum AccessLevel
+    {
+        ACCESS_NONE = 0x0, ///< No access
+        ACCESS_RO   = 0x1, ///< Read-only access
+        ACCESS_WO   = 0x2, ///< Write-only access
+        ACCESS_RW   = 0x3, ///< Read/Write access
+    };
+  public: // functions
+  /**
+   Destructor
+   */
+  virtual ~SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS(void);
+  /**
+   Read hardware register (virtual)
+   <ul>
+   <br><b>Parameters:  </b> None
+   <br><b>Returns:     </b> [SUCCESS | MOPs return code]
+   <br><b>Requirements:</b> None.
+   <br><b>Promises:    </b> Internal bit string represents the value of the
+                            hardware register (if rc == SUCCESS)
+   <br><b>Sideaffects: </b> Value guaranteed to be read from hardware.
+   <br><b>Exceptions:  </b> None.
+   <br><b>Notes:       </b> Default is to call Read().  If a child class cannot
+                            guarantee hardware access every time Read() is
+                            called then the function ForceRead() should be
+                            overridden.
+   </ul><br>
+   */
+  virtual uint32_t ForceRead(void) const { return Read(); }
+  /**
+   Read hardware register (pure virtual)
+   <ul>
+   <br><b>Parameters:  </b> None
+   <br><b>Returns:     </b> [SUCCESS | MOPs return code]
+   <br><b>Requirements:</b> None.
+   <br><b>Promises:    </b> Internal bit string represents the value of the
+                            hardware register (if rc == SUCCESS)
+   <br><b>Sideaffects: </b> The bit string value may or may not be retrieved
+                            from hardware; a buffered copy may be used.
+   <br><b>Exceptions:  </b> None.
+   </ul><br>
+   */
+  virtual uint32_t Read(void) const = 0;
+  /**
+   Read hardware register and apply a mask
+   <ul>
+   <br><b>Parameters:  </b> Mask to apply
+   <br><b>Returns:     </b> [SUCCESS | MOPs return code]
+   <br><b>Requirements:</b> None.
+   <br><b>Promises:    </b> Internal bit string represents the value of the
+                            hardware register with the bits turned off as
+                            specified by the mask.
+   <br><b>Sideaffects: </b> The bit string value may or may not be retrieved
+   from hardware. a buffered copy may be used.
+   <br><b>Exceptions:  </b> None.
+   <br><b>Notes:       </b> if bits read from hardware = '00110100'
+                            and mask =                   '01110000'
+                            then internal bit sting =    '00000100'
+                            if mask.Length() < GetBitString()->Length()
+                            then mask is right extended with 0's
+                            if mask.Length() > GetBitString()->Length()
+                            then extra mask bits are ignored.
+   </ul><br>
+   */
+  uint32_t Read(BitString & mask);
+  /**
+   Write hardware register (pure virtual)
+   <ul>
+   <br><b>Parameters:  </b> None
+   <br><b>Returns:     </b> [SUCCESS | MOPs return code]
+   <br><b>Requirements:</b> None.
+   <br><b>Promises:    </b> Internal bit string value written to hardware
+   <br><b>Exceptions:  </b> None.
+   <br><b>Notes:       </b> If internal bitstring was never read/set/modified then
+                            zeros are written to corresponding hardware register.
+   </ul><br>
+   */
+ virtual uint32_t Write(void) = 0;
+  /**
+   Access a copy of the scan comm address
+   <ul>
+   <br><b>Parameters:  </b> None
+   <br><b>Returns:     </b> Returns scom address
+   <br><b>Requirements:</b> None.
+   <br><b>Promises:    </b> None.
+   <br><b>Exceptions:  </b> None.
+   </ul><br>
+   */
+  virtual uint64_t GetAddress(void) const {return 0 ;}
+  /**
+   Access a copy of the short id for signatures.
+   <ul>
+   <br><b>Parameters:  </b> None
+   <br><b>Returns:     </b> ID.
+   <br><b>Requirements:</b> None.
+   <br><b>Promises:    </b> None.
+   <br><b>Exceptions:  </b> None.
+   </ul><br>
+   */
+  virtual uint16_t GetId(void) const = 0;
+  /**
+   Set the short id for signatures.
+   <ul>
+   <br><b>Parameters:  </b> ID.
+   <br><b>Returns:     </b> None.
+   <br><b>Requirements:</b> None.
+   <br><b>Promises:    </b> None.
+   <br><b>Exceptions:  </b> For virtual registers, this is not required to have
+                            any effect.
+   </ul><br>
+   */
+  virtual void SetId(uint16_t) = 0;
+  /**
+   Access the bit length of the register
+   <ul>
+   <br><b>Parameters:  </b> None
+   <br><b>Returns:     </b> bit length of the register
+   <br><b>Requirements:</b> None.
+   <br><b>Promises:    </b> None.
+   <br><b>Exceptions:  </b> None.
+   </ul><br>
+   */
+   virtual uint32_t GetBitLength(void) const { return DEFAULT_BIT_LENGTH ;}
+  /**
+   Access the internal bit string (pure virtual)
+   <ul>
+   <br><b>Parameters:  </b> None
+   <br><b>Returns:     </b> ptr to the internal bit string (const)
+   <br><b>Requirements:</b> None.
+   <br><b>Promises:    </b> None.
+   <br><b>Exceptions:  </b> None.
+   <br><b>Notes:       </b> If the internal bit string was never read/modified then
+                            all bits are zero
+   </ul><br>
+   */
+  virtual
+  const BitString * GetBitString(ATTENTION_TYPE
+                                        i_type = INVALID_ATTENTION_TYPE
+                                       ) const = 0;
+  /**
+   Modify the internal bit string (pure virtual)
+   <ul>
+   <br><b>Parameters:  </b> a bit string
+   <br><b>Returns:     </b> Nothing
+   <br><b>Requirements:</b> None.
+   <br><b>Promises:    </b> Internal bit string == *bs for first len bits where
+                            len is the smaller of the two lengths.
+                            Memory may be (re)allocated
+   <br><b>Exceptions:  </b> None.
+   <br><b>Notes:       </b> The hardware register value is not modified until
+                            Write() is called
+   </ul><br>
+   */
+  virtual void SetBitString(const BitString * bs) = 0;
+  /**
+   SetBit
+   <ul>
+   <br><b>Parameters:  </b> Position of bit to set (= 1)
+   <br><b>Returns:     </b> None.
+   <br><b>Requirements:</b> bit position < GetBitString()->Length()
+   <br><b>Promises:    </b> GetBitString()->isBitSet(bit_position) == true
+   <br><b>Exceptions:  </b> None.
+   <br><b> Notes:      </b> Register value is not reflected in hardware until
+                            Write() is called
+   </ul><br>
+   */
+  void SetBit(uint32_t bit_position);
+  /**
+   ClearBit (reset bit)
+   <ul>
+   <br><b>Parameters:  </b> Position of bit to clear (= 0)
+   <br><b>Returns:     </b> None.
+   <br><b>Requirements:</b> bit position < GetBitString()->Length()
+   <br><b>Promises:    </b> GetBitString()->isBitSet(bit_position) == false
+   <br><b>Exceptions:  </b> None.
+   <br><b> Notes:      </b> Register value is not reflected in hardware until
+                            Write() is called
+   </ul><br>
+   */
+  void ClearBit(uint32_t bit_position);
+    /**
+     * @brief  Will query if a bit is set.
+     * @param  i_bitPos The bit position to query.
+     * @pre    The bit position must be less than GetBitString()->Length()
+     * @return TRUE if the bit is set, FALSE otherwise.
+     */
+    bool IsBitSet( uint32_t i_bitPos )
+    {  return GetBitString()->isBitSet(i_bitPos);  }
+    /** @brief Flushes all bits to 0. */
+    void clearAllBits();
+    /** @brief Flushes all bits to 1. */
+    void setAllBits();
+    /**
+     * @brief Returns target value from the BitString (right justified).
+     * @param i_pos   Starting position in the bit string.
+     * @param i_len   Length of target value.
+     * @pre   i_pos + i_len must be less than or equal 64 bits.
+     * @return The target value (right justified).
+     */
+    uint64_t GetBitFieldJustified( uint32_t i_pos, uint32_t i_len ) const;
+    /**
+     * @brief Set a field within the BitString with a value (right justified).
+     * @param i_pos   Starting position in the bit string.
+     * @param i_len   Length of target value.
+     * @param i_value Value to add to BitString.
+     * @pre   i_pos + i_len must be less than or equal 64 bits.
+     */
+    void SetBitFieldJustified( uint32_t i_pos, uint32_t i_len,
+                               uint64_t i_value );
+  /**
+   Query if bit string is all zeros
+   <ul>
+   <br><b>Parameters:  </b> None.
+   <br><b>Returns:     </b> [true | false]
+   <br><b>Requirements:</b> None.
+   <br><b>Promises:    </b> None.
+   <br><b>Exceptions:  </b> None.
+   </ul><br>
+   */
+  bool BitStringIsZero()
+  { return GetBitString()->isZero(); }
+   /**
+    *@brief    Returns TYPE_NA as type of Target associated with register.Actual
+    *          implementation is expected in derived class
+     *@return   TYPE_NA
+   */
+  virtual TARGETING::TYPE getChipType(void)const { return TARGETING::TYPE_NA; }
+    /** @return The register access level (see enum AccessLevel). */
+    virtual AccessLevel getAccessLevel() const { return ACCESS_RW; }
+    /** @brief Sets the register access level (see enum AccessLevel). */
+    virtual void setAccessLevel( AccessLevel i_op ) {}
+  /**
+   Get modifiable reference to internal bit string (don't even thing about making this public!!!)
+   <ul>
+   <br><b>Parameters:    </b> None.
+   <br><b>Returns       </b> Reference to the internal bit string
+   <br><b>Requirments   </b> None.
+   <br><b>Promises      </b> None.
+   </ul><br>
+   */
+  virtual BitString & AccessBitString(void) = 0;
+private: // Data
+  static const int DEFAULT_BIT_LENGTH = 64;
+  // Enum Specification //////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //
+  // Purpose:  These enumerated constants specify implementation data.
+  //
+  // End Enum Specification //////////////////////////////////////////
+  enum
+  {
+  };
+  // Data Specification //////////////////////////////////////////////
+  //
+  // Purpose:  These data members specify the physical properties of
+  //           register.
+  //
+  // End Data Specification //////////////////////////////////////////
+}//namespace PRDF
diff --git a/src/register/prdfCaptureData.C b/src/register/prdfCaptureData.C
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3911350
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/register/prdfCaptureData.C
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
+/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG                                                   */
+/* This is an automatically generated prolog.                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* $Source: src/usr/diag/prdf/common/framework/register/prdfCaptureData.C $ */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project                                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2012,2019                        */
+/* [+] International Business Machines Corp.                              */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");        */
+/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.       */
+/* You may obtain a copy of the License at                                */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software    */
+/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,      */
+/* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or        */
+/* implied. See the License for the specific language governing           */
+/* permissions and limitations under the License.                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG                                                     */
+  @file prdfCaptureData.C
+  @brief Squadrons implementation of capture data
+//  Includes
+#include <iipbits.h>
+#include <prdfHomRegisterAccess.H>  // dg06a
+#include <prdfScomRegister.H>
+#include <iipchip.h>
+#include <iipCaptureData.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <algorithm>    // @jl04 a Add this for the Drop function.
+using namespace TARGETING;
+namespace PRDF
+// Member Function Specifications
+//  data.reserve(INITIAL_DATA_COUNT);
+// dg05d CaptureData::~CaptureData(void)
+// dg05d {
+// dg05d   if(!data.empty())
+// dg05d   {
+// dg05d     Clear();
+// dg05d   }
+// dg05d }
+void CaptureData::Clear(void)
+  if(!data.empty())
+  {
+// dg05d   for(DataContainerType::iterator i  = data.begin();i != data.end();i++)
+// dg05d   {
+// dg05d     delete [] (*i).dataPtr;
+// dg05d   }
+    data.erase(data.begin(), data.end());
+  }                             /* if not empty */
+void CaptureData::AddDataElement( TargetHandle_t i_trgt, int i_scomId,
+                                  const BitString * i_bs,
+                                  Place i_place, RegType i_type )
+    // Initial values of the bit string buffer if i_bs has a zero value.
+    uint8_t * buf = nullptr;
+    size_t sz_buf = 0;
+    // Add buffer only if the value is non-zero.
+    if ( !i_bs->isZero() )
+    {
+        // Get the size of i_bs and ensure byte alignment.
+        sz_buf = (i_bs->getBitLen() + 8-1) / 8;
+        // Since we are using a BitString below, which does everything on a
+        // CPU_WORD boundary, we must make sure the buffer is CPU_WORD aligned.
+        const size_t sz_word = sizeof(CPU_WORD);
+        sz_buf = ((sz_buf + sz_word-1) / sz_word) * sz_word;
+        // Allocate memory for the buffer.
+        buf = new uint8_t[sz_buf];
+        memset( buf, 0x00, sz_buf );
+        // Use a BitString to copy i_bs to the buffer.
+        BitString bs ( i_bs->getBitLen(), (CPU_WORD *)buf );
+        bs.setString( *i_bs );
+        // Create the new data element.
+        Data element( i_trgt, i_scomId, sz_buf, buf );
+        element.registerType = i_type;
+        // Add the new element to the data.
+        if ( FRONT == i_place )
+            data.insert( data.begin(), element );
+        else
+            data.push_back( element );
+    }
+void CaptureData::Add( TargetHandle_t i_trgt, int32_t i_scomId,
+                       SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & io_scr,
+                       Place i_place, RegType i_type )
+    if ( SUCCESS == io_scr.Read() )
+    {
+        AddDataElement( i_trgt, i_scomId, io_scr.GetBitString(),
+                        i_place, i_type );
+    }
+void CaptureData::Add( TargetHandle_t i_trgt, int i_scomId,
+                       const BitString & i_bs, Place i_place )
+    AddDataElement( i_trgt, i_scomId, &i_bs, i_place );
+// start jl04a
+void CaptureData::Drop(RegType i_type)
+  //  Function below requires a predicate function above to Drop
+  //  a data element from the capture data if it is
+  //    defined as secondary data instead of primary data in the rule files.
+  //  This predicate has to exist within the CaptureData Class because the
+  //  class "Data" is defined within CaptureData class.
+  data.erase( std::remove_if(data.begin(),data.end(),
+              prdfCompareCaptureDataType(i_type)), data.end() );
+// end jl04a
+template <class T>
+void __bufferAdd( uint8_t* & i_idx, T i_val )
+    memcpy( i_idx, &i_val, sizeof(i_val) );
+    i_idx += sizeof(i_val);
+bool __bufferFull( uint8_t * i_buf, size_t i_bufSize,
+                   uint8_t * i_idx, size_t i_idxSize )
+    if ( (i_buf + i_bufSize) < (i_idx + i_idxSize) )
+    {
+        PRDF_ERR( "[CaptureData::Copy] Buffer is full. Some data may have "
+                  "been lost" );
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+/* CaptureData Format:
+ *        capture data -> ( <chip header> <registers> )*
+ *        chip header -> ( <chip id:32> <# registers:32> )
+ *        registers -> ( <reg id:16> <reg byte len:16> <bytes>+ )
+ */
+uint32_t CaptureData::Copy( uint8_t * i_buffer, uint32_t i_bufferSize ) const
+    TargetHandle_t curTrgt = nullptr;
+    uint32_t * regCntPtr = nullptr;
+    uint8_t * curIdx = i_buffer;
+    for ( auto & entry : data )
+    {
+        // We only need the target data when the target for this entry does not
+        // match the previous entry.
+        if ( entry.chipHandle != curTrgt )
+        {
+            // Ensure we have enough space for the entry header.
+            if ( __bufferFull( i_buffer, i_bufferSize, curIdx,
+                               (sizeof(HUID) + sizeof(uint32_t)) ) )
+            {
+                break;
+            }
+            // Update current target.
+            curTrgt = entry.chipHandle;
+            // Add HUID to buffer.
+            __bufferAdd( curIdx, htonl(PlatServices::getHuid(curTrgt)) );
+            // Update the current count pointer.
+            regCntPtr = (uint32_t *)curIdx;
+            // Zero out the register count.
+            __bufferAdd( curIdx, htonl(0) );
+        }
+        // Go to next entry if the data byte length is 0.
+        if ( 0 == entry.dataByteLength )
+            continue;
+        // Ensure we have enough space for the entry header.
+        if ( __bufferFull( i_buffer, i_bufferSize, curIdx,
+                           (2 * sizeof(uint16_t) + entry.dataByteLength) ) )
+        {
+            break;
+        }
+        // Write register ID.
+        __bufferAdd( curIdx, htons(entry.address) );
+        // Write data length.
+        __bufferAdd( curIdx, htons(entry.dataByteLength) );
+        // Write the data.
+        // >>> TODO: RTC 199045 The data should already be in network format.
+        //           However, that is not the case. Instead, the data is
+        //           converted here, which would be is fine if we were only
+        //           adding registers, but we have additional capture data,
+        //           especially in the memory subsytem, that are actually stored
+        //           in the network format, but swizzled before adding to the
+        //           capture data. Which means we are doing too much.
+        //           Unfortunately, it currently works and will take some time
+        //           to actually do it right. Therefore, we will leave this
+        //           as-is and try to make the appropriate fix later.
+        uint32_t l_dataWritten = 0;
+        while ((l_dataWritten + 4) <= entry.dataByteLength)
+        {
+            uint32_t l_temp32;
+            memcpy(&l_temp32, &entry.dataPtr[l_dataWritten], sizeof(l_temp32));
+            l_temp32 = htonl(l_temp32);
+            memcpy(curIdx, &l_temp32, 4);
+            l_dataWritten += 4; curIdx += 4;
+        }
+        if (l_dataWritten != entry.dataByteLength)
+        {
+            // TODO: RTC 199045 This is actually pretty bad because it will read
+            //       four bytes of memory, sizzle the four bytes, then write
+            //       less than four bytes to the buffer. This could cause a
+            //       buffer overrun exception if we were at the end of memory.
+            //       Also, how can we trust the right most bytes to be correct
+            //       since they technically should not be part of the entry
+            //       data? Again, we don't seem to be hitting this bug and it
+            //       will take time to fix it (see note above). Therefore, we
+            //       will leave it for now and fix it when we have time.
+            uint32_t l_temp32;
+            memcpy(&l_temp32, &entry.dataPtr[l_dataWritten], sizeof(l_temp32));
+            l_temp32 = htonl(l_temp32);
+            memcpy(curIdx, &l_temp32, entry.dataByteLength - l_dataWritten);
+            curIdx += entry.dataByteLength - l_dataWritten;
+        }
+        // <<< TODO: RTC 199045
+        // Update entry count. It is important to update the buffer just in
+        // case we happen to run out of room in the buffer and need to exit
+        // early.
+        *regCntPtr = htonl( ntohl(*regCntPtr) + 1 );
+    }
+    return curIdx - i_buffer;
+// dg08a -->
+CaptureData & CaptureData::operator=(const uint8_t *i_flatdata)
+    uint32_t l_tmp32 = 0;
+    uint16_t l_tmp16 = 0;
+    HUID  l_chipHuid = INVALID_HUID;
+    const size_t l_huidSize = sizeof(l_chipHuid);
+    // Read size.
+    memcpy(&l_tmp32, i_flatdata, sizeof(uint32_t));
+    uint32_t size = ntohl(l_tmp32);
+    i_flatdata += sizeof(uint32_t);
+    Clear();
+    // Calculate end of buffer.
+    const uint8_t *eptr = i_flatdata + size;
+    while(i_flatdata < eptr)
+    {
+        // Read chip Handle.
+        memcpy(&l_chipHuid , i_flatdata,l_huidSize );
+        i_flatdata += l_huidSize ;
+        TargetHandle_t l_pchipHandle  =NULL;
+        l_chipHuid =  ntohl(l_chipHuid);
+        l_pchipHandle = PlatServices::getTarget(l_chipHuid );
+        if(NULL ==l_pchipHandle)
+        {
+            continue;
+        }
+        // Read # of entries.
+        memcpy(&l_tmp32, i_flatdata, sizeof(uint32_t));
+        i_flatdata += sizeof(l_tmp32);
+        uint32_t entries = ntohl(l_tmp32);
+        // Input each entry.
+        for(uint32_t i = 0; i < entries; ++i)
+        {
+            // Read register id.
+            memcpy(&l_tmp16, i_flatdata, sizeof(uint16_t));
+            i_flatdata += sizeof(uint16_t);
+            int regid = ntohs(l_tmp16);
+            // Read byte count.
+            memcpy(&l_tmp16, i_flatdata, sizeof(uint16_t));
+            i_flatdata += sizeof(uint16_t);
+            uint32_t bytecount = ntohs(l_tmp16);
+            // Read data for register.
+            BitStringBuffer bs(bytecount * 8);
+            for(uint32_t bc = 0; bc < bytecount; ++bc)
+            {
+                bs.setFieldJustify(bc*8,8,(CPU_WORD)(*(i_flatdata+bc))); //mp01a
+            }
+            i_flatdata += bytecount;
+            // Add to capture data.
+            Add(l_pchipHandle, regid, bs);
+        }
+    }
+    return *this;
+// <-- dg08a
+void CaptureData::mergeData(CaptureData & i_cd)
+    DataContainerType l_data = *(i_cd.getData());
+    if( !l_data.empty() )
+    {
+        // Remove duplicate entries from secondary capture data
+        for (ConstDataIterator i = data.begin(); i != data.end(); i++)
+        {
+            l_data.remove_if(prdfCompareCaptureDataEntry(i->chipHandle,
+                                                         i->address) );
+        }
+        // Add secondary capture data to primary one
+        data.insert( data.end(),
+                     l_data.begin(),
+                     l_data.end() );
+    }
+// copy ctor for Data class
+CaptureData::Data::Data(const Data & d):
+chipHandle(d.chipHandle), address(d.address),
+dataByteLength(d.dataByteLength), dataPtr(NULL)
+    if(d.dataPtr != NULL)
+    {
+        dataPtr = new uint8_t[dataByteLength];
+        memcpy(dataPtr, d.dataPtr, dataByteLength);
+    }
+CaptureData::Data & CaptureData::Data::operator=(const Data & d)
+    chipHandle = d.chipHandle;
+    address = d.address;
+    dataByteLength = d.dataByteLength;
+    if(dataPtr != NULL)
+    {
+        delete[]dataPtr;
+        dataPtr = NULL;
+    }
+    if(d.dataPtr != NULL)
+    {
+        dataPtr = new uint8_t[dataByteLength];
+        memcpy(dataPtr, d.dataPtr, dataByteLength);
+    }
+    return *this;
+} // end of namespace PRDF
diff --git a/src/register/prdfHomRegisterAccess.C b/src/register/prdfHomRegisterAccess.C
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a9d2a61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/register/prdfHomRegisterAccess.C
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG                                                   */
+/* This is an automatically generated prolog.                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* $Source: src/usr/diag/prdf/common/framework/register/prdfHomRegisterAccess.C $ */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project                                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2012,2017                        */
+/* [+] International Business Machines Corp.                              */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");        */
+/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.       */
+/* You may obtain a copy of the License at                                */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software    */
+/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,      */
+/* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or        */
+/* implied. See the License for the specific language governing           */
+/* permissions and limitations under the License.                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG                                                     */
+  @file prdfHomRegisterAccess.C
+  @brief definition of HomRegisterAccess
+//  Includes
+#define prdfHomRegisterAccess_C
+#include <prdfHomRegisterAccess.H>
+#include <prdf_service_codes.H>
+#include <iipbits.h>
+#include <prdfMain.H>
+#include <prdfPlatServices.H>
+#include <prdfGlobal.H>
+#include <prdfErrlUtil.H>
+#include <prdfTrace.H>
+#include <pm_common_ext.H>
+#include <p9_stop_api.H>
+#undef prdfHomRegisterAccess_C
+using namespace TARGETING;
+namespace PRDF
+//  User Types
+//  Constants
+//  Macros
+//  Internal Function Prototypes
+//  Global Variables
+// Member Function Specifications
+ScomService& getScomService()
+    return PRDF_GET_SINGLETON(theScomService);
+ScomService::ScomService() :
+    iv_ScomAccessor(NULL)
+    PRDF_DTRAC("ScomService() initializing default iv_ScomAccessor");
+    iv_ScomAccessor = new ScomAccessor();
+    if(NULL != iv_ScomAccessor)
+    {
+        PRDF_DTRAC("~ScomService() deleting iv_ScomAccessor");
+        delete iv_ScomAccessor;
+        iv_ScomAccessor = NULL;
+    }
+void ScomService::setScomAccessor(ScomAccessor & i_ScomAccessor)
+    PRDF_DTRAC("ScomService::setScomAccessor() setting new scom accessor");
+    if(NULL != iv_ScomAccessor)
+    {
+        PRDF_TRAC("ScomService::setScomAccessor() deleting old iv_ScomAccessor");
+        delete iv_ScomAccessor;
+        iv_ScomAccessor = NULL;
+    }
+    iv_ScomAccessor = &i_ScomAccessor;
+uint32_t ScomService::Access(TargetHandle_t i_target,
+                             BitString & bs,
+                             uint64_t registerId,
+                             MopRegisterAccess::Operation operation) const
+    PRDF_DENTER("ScomService::Access()");
+    uint32_t rc = SUCCESS;
+    rc = iv_ScomAccessor->Access( i_target,
+                                  bs,
+                                  registerId,
+                                  operation);
+    PRDF_DEXIT("ScomService::Access(): rc=%d", rc);
+    return rc;
+uint32_t ScomAccessor::Access(TargetHandle_t i_target,
+                                BitString & bs,
+                                uint64_t registerId,
+                                MopRegisterAccess::Operation operation) const
+    PRDF_DENTER("ScomAccessor::Access()");
+    uint32_t rc = SUCCESS;
+    if(i_target != NULL)
+    {
+        switch (operation)
+        {
+            case MopRegisterAccess::WRITE:
+            {
+                rc = PRDF::PlatServices::putScom(i_target, bs, registerId);
+                #ifdef __HOSTBOOT_RUNTIME
+                using namespace stopImageSection;
+                // Update CORE/EQ/EX Fir masks in HCODE image
+                TARGETING::TYPE type = PlatServices::getTargetType(i_target);
+                if( TYPE_EX == type || TYPE_EQ == type || TYPE_CORE == type )
+                {
+                    uint32_t l_MaskReg[7] = {
+                                        0x2004000f,   // EC_LFIR_MASK_OR
+                                        0x20010a45,   // EC_COREFIR_MASK_OR
+                                        0x1004000f,   // EQ_LOCAL_FIR_MASK_OR
+                                        0x10010805,   // EX_L2FIR_MASK_OR
+                                        0x10011005,   // EX_NCUFIR_MASK_OR
+                                        0x10011805,   // EX_L3FIR_MASK_OR
+                                        0x10012005 }; // EX_CMEFIR_MASK_OR
+                    for(uint32_t l_count = 0; l_count < 7; l_count++)
+                    {
+                        if( l_MaskReg[l_count]  == registerId )
+                        {
+                            errlHndl_t err = nullptr;
+                            uint32_t sec = (TYPE_CORE == type) ?
+                                P9_STOP_SECTION_CORE_SCOM :
+                                P9_STOP_SECTION_EQ_SCOM;
+                            uint64_t scomVal =
+                                (((uint64_t)bs.getFieldJustify(0, 32)) << 32) |
+                                 ((uint64_t)bs.getFieldJustify(32, 32));
+                            err = RTPM::hcode_update(sec,
+                                                     P9_STOP_SCOM_OR_APPEND,
+                                                     i_target,
+                                                     registerId,
+                                                     scomVal);
+                            if( nullptr != err)
+                            {
+                                PRDF_ERR("[ScomAccessor::Access()] Error in"
+                                         " hcode_update");
+                                PRDF_COMMIT_ERRL( err, ERRL_ACTION_REPORT );
+                            }
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                #endif
+                break;
+            }
+            case MopRegisterAccess::READ:
+                bs.clearAll(); // clear all bits
+                rc = PRDF::PlatServices::getScom(i_target, bs, registerId);
+                break;
+            default:
+                PRDF_ERR("ScomAccessor::Access() unsuppported scom op: 0x%08X",
+                          operation);
+                break;
+        } // end switch operation
+    }
+    else // Invalid target
+    {
+        rc = PRD_SCANCOM_FAILURE;
+    }
+    PRDF_DEXIT("ScomAccessor::Access()");
+    return rc;
+} // End namespace PRDF
diff --git a/src/register/prdfHomRegisterAccess.H b/src/register/prdfHomRegisterAccess.H
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6426b4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/register/prdfHomRegisterAccess.H
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG                                                   */
+/* This is an automatically generated prolog.                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* $Source: src/usr/diag/prdf/common/framework/register/prdfHomRegisterAccess.H $ */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project                                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2012,2017                        */
+/* [+] International Business Machines Corp.                              */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");        */
+/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.       */
+/* You may obtain a copy of the License at                                */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software    */
+/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,      */
+/* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or        */
+/* implied. See the License for the specific language governing           */
+/* permissions and limitations under the License.                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG                                                     */
+   @file prdfHomRegisterAccess.H
+   @brief Provide access to scan & scan com registers via the HOM
+// Includes
+#include <iipMopRegisterAccess.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include <prdfPlatServices.H>
+#include <prdfErrlUtil.H>
+#include <prdfGlobal.H>
+//  Forward References
+namespace PRDF
+class ScomAccessor
+  public:
+    /**
+     * @brief ctor
+     */
+    inline ScomAccessor() {}
+    /**
+     * @brief dtor
+     */
+    inline virtual ~ScomAccessor() {}
+    /**
+     * @brief Access the scan com register
+     * @param i_target    Target to access the register
+     * @param bs holds    data read or to write
+     * @param registerId  register address
+     * @param operation   [READ|WRITE]
+     * @pre bs.Length() must be size of register data to read/write
+     * @post For read operation, bs is modified to reflect hardware
+     *       register state
+     */
+    virtual uint32_t Access( TARGETING::TargetHandle_t i_target,
+                             BitString & bs,
+                             uint64_t registerId,
+                             MopRegisterAccess::Operation operation) const;
+  private:
+    /**
+     * @brief disable copy
+     */
+    ScomAccessor(const ScomAccessor &);
+    /**
+     * @brief disable assignment
+     */
+    ScomAccessor & operator=(const ScomAccessor &);
+ *  @brief Singleton to access the only ScomService
+ */
+class ScomService;
+PRDF_DECLARE_SINGLETON(ScomService, theScomService);
+ *  @brief Returns a reference to the ScomService singleton
+ *
+ *  @return Reference to the ScomService
+ */
+ScomService& getScomService();
+ *  @brief ScomService class
+ */
+class ScomService
+  public:
+    /**
+     *  @brief Construct ScomService
+     */
+    ScomService();
+    /**
+     *  @brief Destroys ScomService
+     */
+    ~ScomService();
+    /**
+     * @brief set the scom accessor to be used
+     *
+     * @param[in] i_ScomAccessor new scom accessor
+     */
+    void setScomAccessor(ScomAccessor & i_ScomAccessor);
+    /**
+     Access the scan com register
+     @param i_target Target to access the register
+     @param BitString - holds data read or to write
+     @param register address
+     @param [READ|WRITE]
+     @returns [SUCCESS|FAIL]
+     @pre bs.Length() must be size of register data to read/write
+     @post For read operation, bs is modified to reflect hardware register state
+     @note
+     */
+    virtual uint32_t Access(TARGETING::TargetHandle_t i_target,
+                            BitString & bs,
+                            uint64_t registerId,
+                            MopRegisterAccess::Operation operation) const;
+  private:
+    // Disable copy constructor / assignment operator
+    ScomService(const ScomService& i_right);
+    ScomService& operator=(const ScomService& i_right);
+    // Scom access to actual HW or Sim
+    ScomAccessor * iv_ScomAccessor;
+} // End namespace PRDF
diff --git a/src/register/prdfOperatorRegister.H b/src/register/prdfOperatorRegister.H
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..00f39fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/register/prdfOperatorRegister.H
@@ -0,0 +1,698 @@
+/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG                                                   */
+/* This is an automatically generated prolog.                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* $Source: src/usr/diag/prdf/common/framework/register/prdfOperatorRegister.H $ */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project                                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2012,2018                        */
+/* [+] International Business Machines Corp.                              */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");        */
+/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.       */
+/* You may obtain a copy of the License at                                */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software    */
+/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,      */
+/* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or        */
+/* implied. See the License for the specific language governing           */
+/* permissions and limitations under the License.                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG                                                     */
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <iipscr.h>
+#include <prdrCommon.H>
+namespace PRDF
+class NotRegister : public SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS
+  public:
+    NotRegister() :
+        SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS( ), iv_child(NULL), iv_iBS(0)
+    {
+        iv_bs = &iv_iBS;
+    }
+    NotRegister(SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & i_arg) :
+        SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS( ), iv_child(&i_arg),
+        iv_iBS(i_arg.GetBitLength())
+    {
+        iv_bs = &iv_iBS;
+    }
+    NotRegister & operator=(const NotRegister & r)
+    {
+        iv_child = r.iv_child;
+        iv_iBS = r.iv_iBS;
+        //iv_bs = r.iv_bs; <-- don't do this!
+        return *this;
+    }
+    virtual uint32_t Read() const { return iv_child->Read();  }
+    virtual uint32_t Write()      { return iv_child->Write(); }
+    const BitString * GetBitString(
+                    ATTENTION_TYPE i_type = INVALID_ATTENTION_TYPE) const
+    {
+        (*iv_bs) = ~(*iv_child->GetBitString(i_type));
+        return iv_bs;
+    }
+    virtual uint16_t GetId() const { return iv_child->GetId(); }
+    virtual void SetId(uint16_t i_id) {}
+    bool operator==(const NotRegister & r) const
+    { return r.iv_child == iv_child; }
+    bool operator<(const NotRegister & r) const
+    { return iv_child < r.iv_child; }
+    bool operator>=(const NotRegister & r) const
+    { return iv_child >= r.iv_child; }
+  protected:
+    BitString & AccessBitString(void) { return iv_iBS; }
+    void SetBitString(const BitString *) {}
+  private:
+    BitStringBuffer * iv_bs;
+    BitStringBuffer iv_iBS;
+class SummaryRegister : public SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS
+  public:
+    SummaryRegister() :
+        SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS( ), iv_child(NULL), iv_amount(0), iv_iBS(0)
+    {
+        iv_bs = &iv_iBS;
+    }
+    SummaryRegister(SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & i_arg, uint16_t i_amount) :
+        SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS( ), iv_child(&i_arg), iv_amount(i_amount),
+        iv_iBS(i_arg.GetBitLength())
+    {
+        iv_bs = &iv_iBS;
+    }
+    SummaryRegister & operator=(const SummaryRegister & r)
+    {
+        iv_child = r.iv_child;
+        iv_amount = r.iv_amount;
+        iv_iBS = r.iv_iBS;
+        //iv_bs = r.iv_bs; <-- don't do this!
+        return *this;
+    }
+    virtual uint32_t Read() const
+    {
+        uint32_t rc = iv_child->Read();
+        if ( PRD_SCANCOM_FAILURE == rc )
+        {
+            // This is a bit unusual, but we are going to ignore SCOM failures.
+            // This takes care of a corner case where one of the summary
+            // registers in the list returns an error, but there is another
+            // summary register with an active attention, which would be ignored
+            // if we return a bad rc.
+            PRDF_INF( "[SummaryRegister::read] SCOM failure on register ID "
+                      "0x%04x, ignoring error", iv_child->GetId() );
+            rc = SUCCESS;
+            iv_child->clearAllBits(); // just in case
+        }
+        return rc;
+    }
+    virtual uint32_t Write()      { return iv_child->Write(); }
+    const BitString * GetBitString(
+                    ATTENTION_TYPE i_type = INVALID_ATTENTION_TYPE) const
+    {
+        iv_bs->clearAll();
+        PRDF::BitString tmp = *iv_child->GetBitString(i_type);
+        //if any bits are set in iv_child, then set the iv_amount bit
+        if (0 != tmp.getSetCount())
+        {
+            iv_bs->setBit(0);
+            *iv_bs = *iv_bs >> iv_amount;
+        }
+        return iv_bs;
+    }
+    virtual uint16_t GetId() const { return iv_child->GetId(); }
+    virtual void SetId(uint16_t i_id) {}
+    bool operator==(const SummaryRegister & r) const
+    { return (r.iv_child == iv_child) && (r.iv_amount == iv_amount); }
+    bool operator<(const SummaryRegister & r) const
+    {
+        if (iv_child == r.iv_child)
+            return iv_amount < r.iv_amount;
+        return iv_child < r.iv_child;
+    }
+    bool operator>=(const SummaryRegister & r) const
+    {
+        if (iv_child == r.iv_child)
+            return iv_amount >= r.iv_amount;
+        return iv_child >= r.iv_child;
+    }
+  protected:
+    BitString & AccessBitString(void) { return iv_iBS; }
+    void SetBitString(const BitString *) {}
+  private:
+    uint16_t iv_amount;
+    BitStringBuffer * iv_bs;
+    BitStringBuffer iv_iBS;
+class LeftShiftRegister : public SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS
+  public:
+    LeftShiftRegister() :
+        SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS( ), iv_child(NULL), iv_amount(0), iv_iBS(0)
+    {
+        iv_bs = &iv_iBS;
+    }
+    LeftShiftRegister(SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & i_arg, uint16_t i_amount) :
+        SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS( ), iv_child(&i_arg), iv_amount(i_amount),
+        iv_iBS(i_arg.GetBitLength())
+    {
+        iv_bs = &iv_iBS;
+    }
+    LeftShiftRegister & operator=(const LeftShiftRegister & r)
+    {
+        iv_child = r.iv_child;
+        iv_amount = r.iv_amount;
+        iv_iBS = r.iv_iBS;
+        //iv_bs = r.iv_bs; <-- don't do this!
+        return *this;
+    }
+    virtual uint32_t Read() const { return iv_child->Read();  }
+    virtual uint32_t Write()      { return iv_child->Write(); }
+    const BitString * GetBitString(
+                    ATTENTION_TYPE i_type = INVALID_ATTENTION_TYPE) const
+    {
+        (*iv_bs) = (*iv_child->GetBitString(i_type)) << iv_amount;
+        return iv_bs;
+    }
+    virtual uint16_t GetId() const { return iv_child->GetId(); }
+    virtual void SetId(uint16_t i_id) {}
+    bool operator==(const LeftShiftRegister & r) const
+    { return (r.iv_child == iv_child) && (r.iv_amount == iv_amount); }
+    bool operator<(const LeftShiftRegister & r) const
+    {
+        if (iv_child == r.iv_child)
+            return iv_amount < r.iv_amount;
+        return iv_child < r.iv_child;
+    }
+    bool operator>=(const LeftShiftRegister & r) const
+    {
+        if (iv_child == r.iv_child)
+            return iv_amount >= r.iv_amount;
+        return iv_child >= r.iv_child;
+    }
+  protected:
+    BitString & AccessBitString(void) { return iv_iBS; }
+    void SetBitString(const BitString *) {}
+  private:
+    uint16_t iv_amount;
+    BitStringBuffer * iv_bs;
+    BitStringBuffer iv_iBS;
+class RightShiftRegister : public SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS
+  public:
+    RightShiftRegister() :
+        SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS( ), iv_child(NULL), iv_amount(0), iv_iBS(0)
+    {
+        iv_bs = &iv_iBS;
+    }
+    RightShiftRegister(SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & i_arg, uint16_t i_amount) :
+        SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS( ), iv_child(&i_arg), iv_amount(i_amount),
+        iv_iBS(i_arg.GetBitLength())
+    {
+        iv_bs = &iv_iBS;
+    }
+    RightShiftRegister & operator=(const RightShiftRegister & r)
+    {
+        iv_child = r.iv_child;
+        iv_amount = r.iv_amount;
+        iv_iBS = r.iv_iBS;
+        //iv_bs = r.iv_bs; <-- don't do this!
+        return *this;
+    }
+    virtual uint32_t Read() const { return iv_child->Read();  }
+    virtual uint32_t Write()      { return iv_child->Write(); }
+    const BitString * GetBitString(
+                    ATTENTION_TYPE i_type = INVALID_ATTENTION_TYPE) const
+    {
+        (*iv_bs) = (*iv_child->GetBitString(i_type)) >> iv_amount;
+        return iv_bs;
+    }
+    virtual uint16_t GetId() const { return iv_child->GetId(); }
+    virtual void SetId(uint16_t i_id) {}
+    bool operator==(const RightShiftRegister & r) const
+    { return (r.iv_child == iv_child) && (r.iv_amount == iv_amount); }
+    bool operator<(const RightShiftRegister & r) const
+    {
+        if (iv_child == r.iv_child)
+            return iv_amount < r.iv_amount;
+        return iv_child < r.iv_child;
+    }
+    bool operator>=(const RightShiftRegister & r) const
+    {
+        if (iv_child == r.iv_child)
+            return iv_amount >= r.iv_amount;
+        return iv_child >= r.iv_child;
+    }
+  protected:
+    BitString & AccessBitString(void) { return iv_iBS; }
+    void SetBitString(const BitString *) {}
+  private:
+    uint16_t iv_amount;
+    BitStringBuffer * iv_bs;
+    BitStringBuffer iv_iBS;
+class AndRegister : public SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS
+  public:
+    AndRegister() :
+        SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS( ), iv_left(NULL), iv_right(NULL), iv_iBS(0)
+    {
+        iv_bs = &iv_iBS;
+    }
+    AndRegister( SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & i_left,
+                 SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & i_right ) :
+        SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS( ), iv_left(&i_left), iv_right(&i_right),
+        iv_iBS(std::min(i_left.GetBitLength(),
+                        i_right.GetBitLength()))
+    {
+        iv_bs = &iv_iBS;
+    }
+    AndRegister & operator=(const AndRegister & r)
+    {
+        iv_left = r.iv_left;
+        iv_right = r.iv_right;
+        iv_iBS = r.iv_iBS;
+        //iv_bs = r.iv_bs; <-- don't do this!
+        return *this;
+    }
+    virtual uint32_t Read() const
+    {
+        return iv_left->Read() | iv_right->Read();
+    }
+    virtual uint32_t Write()
+    {
+        return iv_left->Write() | iv_right->Write();
+    }
+    const BitString * GetBitString(
+                    ATTENTION_TYPE i_type = INVALID_ATTENTION_TYPE) const
+    {
+        (*iv_bs) = *iv_left->GetBitString(i_type);
+        (*iv_bs) = (*iv_bs) & (*iv_right->GetBitString(i_type));
+        return iv_bs;
+    }
+    virtual uint16_t GetId() const
+    {
+        return Prdr::SignatureOp::combineSig(iv_left->GetId(),
+                                             iv_right->GetId());
+    }
+    virtual void SetId(uint16_t i_id) {}
+    bool operator==(const AndRegister & r) const
+    { return (r.iv_left == iv_left) && (r.iv_right == iv_right); }
+    bool operator<(const AndRegister & r) const
+    {
+        if (iv_left == r.iv_left)
+            return iv_right < r.iv_right;
+        return iv_left < r.iv_left;
+    }
+    bool operator>=(const AndRegister & r) const
+    {
+        if (iv_left == r.iv_left)
+            return iv_right >= r.iv_right;
+        return iv_left >= r.iv_left;
+    }
+  protected:
+    BitString & AccessBitString(void) { return iv_iBS; }
+    void SetBitString(const BitString *) {}
+  private:
+    BitStringBuffer * iv_bs;
+    BitStringBuffer iv_iBS;
+class OrRegister : public SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS
+  public:
+    OrRegister() :
+        SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS( ), iv_left(NULL), iv_right(NULL), iv_iBS(0)
+    {
+        iv_bs = &iv_iBS;
+    }
+    OrRegister( SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & i_left,
+                SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & i_right ) :
+        SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS( ), iv_left(&i_left), iv_right(&i_right),
+        iv_iBS(std::min(i_left.GetBitLength(),
+                        i_right.GetBitLength()))
+    {
+        iv_bs = &iv_iBS;
+    }
+    OrRegister & operator=(const OrRegister & r)
+    {
+        iv_left = r.iv_left;
+        iv_right = r.iv_right;
+        iv_iBS = r.iv_iBS;
+        //iv_bs = r.iv_bs; <-- don't do this!
+        return *this;
+    }
+    virtual uint32_t Read() const
+    {
+        return iv_left->Read() | iv_right->Read();
+    }
+    virtual uint32_t Write()
+    {
+        return iv_left->Write() | iv_right->Write();
+    }
+    const BitString * GetBitString(
+                    ATTENTION_TYPE i_type = INVALID_ATTENTION_TYPE ) const
+    {
+        (*iv_bs) = *iv_left->GetBitString(i_type);
+        (*iv_bs) = (*iv_bs) | (*iv_right->GetBitString(i_type));
+        return iv_bs;
+    }
+    virtual uint16_t GetId() const
+    {
+        return Prdr::SignatureOp::combineSig( iv_left->GetId(),
+                                              iv_right->GetId() );
+    }
+    virtual void SetId(uint16_t i_id) {}
+    bool operator==(const OrRegister & r) const
+    { return (r.iv_left == iv_left) && (r.iv_right == iv_right); }
+    bool operator<(const OrRegister & r) const
+    {
+        if (iv_left == r.iv_left)
+            return iv_right < r.iv_right;
+        return iv_left < r.iv_left;
+    }
+    bool operator>=(const OrRegister & r) const
+    {
+        if (iv_left == r.iv_left)
+            return iv_right >= r.iv_right;
+        return iv_left >= r.iv_left;
+    }
+  protected:
+    BitString & AccessBitString(void) { return iv_iBS; }
+    void SetBitString(const BitString *) {}
+  private:
+    BitStringBuffer * iv_bs;
+    BitStringBuffer iv_iBS;
+class NullRegister : public SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS
+  public:
+    NullRegister(int size) :
+        SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS( ), iv_iBS(size)
+    {}
+    NullRegister & operator=(const NullRegister & r)
+    {
+        iv_iBS = r.iv_iBS;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    virtual uint32_t Read() const { return 0; }
+    virtual uint32_t Write()      { return 0; }
+    const BitString * GetBitString(
+                    ATTENTION_TYPE i_type = INVALID_ATTENTION_TYPE) const
+    {
+        return &iv_iBS;
+    }
+  protected:
+    BitString & AccessBitString(void) { return iv_iBS; }
+    void SetBitString(const BitString *) {}
+  private:
+    BitStringBuffer iv_iBS;
+    virtual uint16_t GetId() const
+    { return Prdr::SignatureOp::DEFAULT_SIGNATURE; }
+    virtual void SetId(uint16_t i_id) {}
+class AttnTypeRegister : public SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS
+  public:
+    AttnTypeRegister() :
+        SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS( ), iv_check(&cv_null), iv_recov(&cv_null),
+        iv_special(&cv_null), iv_proccs(&cv_null), iv_hostattn(&cv_null),
+        iv_iBS(0)
+    {
+        iv_bs = &iv_iBS;
+    }
+    AttnTypeRegister( SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS *i_check,
+                      SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS *i_recov,
+                      SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS *i_special,
+                      SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS *i_proccs,
+                      SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS *i_hostattn ) :
+        iv_check(    NULL == i_check    ? &cv_null : i_check),
+        iv_recov(    NULL == i_recov    ? &cv_null : i_recov),
+        iv_special(  NULL == i_special  ? &cv_null : i_special),
+        iv_proccs(   NULL == i_proccs   ? &cv_null : i_proccs),
+        iv_hostattn( NULL == i_hostattn ? &cv_null : i_hostattn),
+        iv_iBS(0)         // will fully initialize this inside ctor.
+    {
+        uint32_t l_length = 1024;
+        l_length = std::min(l_length, iv_check->GetBitLength());
+        l_length = std::min(l_length, iv_recov->GetBitLength());
+        l_length = std::min(l_length, iv_special->GetBitLength());
+        l_length = std::min(l_length, iv_proccs->GetBitLength());
+        l_length = std::min(l_length, iv_hostattn->GetBitLength());
+        iv_iBS = BitStringBuffer(l_length);
+        iv_bs = &iv_iBS;
+    }
+    AttnTypeRegister & operator=(const AttnTypeRegister & r)
+    {
+        //iv_null = r.iv_null; <-- don't do this!
+        iv_check    = (r.iv_check    == &r.cv_null ? &cv_null : r.iv_check);
+        iv_recov    = (r.iv_recov    == &r.cv_null ? &cv_null : r.iv_recov);
+        iv_special  = (r.iv_special  == &r.cv_null ? &cv_null : r.iv_special);
+        iv_proccs   = (r.iv_proccs   == &r.cv_null ? &cv_null : r.iv_proccs);
+        iv_hostattn = (r.iv_hostattn == &r.cv_null ? &cv_null : r.iv_hostattn);
+        iv_iBS = r.iv_iBS;
+        //iv_bs = r.iv_bs; <-- don't do this!
+        return *this;
+    }
+    virtual uint32_t Read() const
+    {
+        return iv_check->Read()   | iv_recov->Read() |
+               iv_special->Read() | iv_proccs->Read() |
+               iv_hostattn->Read();
+    }
+    virtual uint32_t Write()
+    {
+        return iv_check->Write()   | iv_recov->Write() |
+               iv_special->Write() | iv_proccs->Write() |
+               iv_hostattn->Write();
+    }
+    const BitString * GetBitString(
+                    ATTENTION_TYPE i_type = INVALID_ATTENTION_TYPE) const
+    {
+        switch (i_type)
+        {
+            case CHECK_STOP:
+                (*iv_bs) = BitStringBuffer(
+                                            *iv_check->GetBitString(i_type));
+                break;
+            case RECOVERABLE:
+                (*iv_bs) = BitStringBuffer(
+                                            *iv_recov->GetBitString(i_type));
+                break;
+            case SPECIAL:
+                (*iv_bs) = BitStringBuffer(
+                                            *iv_special->GetBitString(i_type));
+                break;
+            case PROC_CS:
+                (*iv_bs) = BitStringBuffer(
+                                            *iv_proccs->GetBitString(i_type));
+                break;
+            case HOST_ATTN:
+                (*iv_bs) = BitStringBuffer(
+                                            *iv_hostattn->GetBitString(i_type));
+                break;
+        }
+        return iv_bs;
+    }
+    virtual uint16_t GetId() const
+    {
+        uint16_t l_rc = Prdr::SignatureOp::DEFAULT_SIGNATURE;
+        l_rc = Prdr::SignatureOp::combineSig(l_rc, iv_check->GetId());
+        l_rc = Prdr::SignatureOp::combineSig(l_rc, iv_recov->GetId());
+        l_rc = Prdr::SignatureOp::combineSig(l_rc, iv_special->GetId());
+        l_rc = Prdr::SignatureOp::combineSig(l_rc, iv_proccs->GetId());
+        l_rc = Prdr::SignatureOp::combineSig(l_rc, iv_hostattn->GetId());
+        return l_rc;
+    }
+    virtual void SetId(uint16_t i_id) {}
+    bool operator==(const AttnTypeRegister & r) const
+    {
+        return (r.iv_check   == iv_check)   && (r.iv_recov  == iv_recov) &&
+               (r.iv_special == iv_special) && (r.iv_proccs == iv_proccs) &&
+               (r.iv_special == iv_hostattn);
+    }
+  protected:
+    BitString & AccessBitString(void) { return iv_iBS; }
+    void SetBitString(const BitString *) {}
+  private:
+    static NullRegister cv_null;
+    SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * iv_special;
+    SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * iv_proccs;
+    SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * iv_hostattn;
+    BitStringBuffer * iv_bs;
+    BitStringBuffer iv_iBS;
+class ConstantRegister : public SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS
+  public:
+    ConstantRegister() :
+        SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS( ), iv_iBS(0)
+    {}
+    ConstantRegister( const BitStringBuffer & i_arg ) :
+        SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS( ), iv_iBS(i_arg)
+    {}
+    ConstantRegister & operator=(const ConstantRegister & r)
+    {
+        iv_iBS = r.iv_iBS;
+        return *this;
+    }
+    virtual uint32_t Read() const { return SUCCESS; }
+    virtual uint32_t Write()      { return SUCCESS; }
+    const BitString * GetBitString(
+                    ATTENTION_TYPE i_type = INVALID_ATTENTION_TYPE) const
+    {
+        return &iv_iBS;
+    }
+    virtual uint16_t GetId() const
+    { return Prdr::SignatureOp::DEFAULT_SIGNATURE; }
+    virtual void SetId(uint16_t i_id) {}
+    bool operator==(const ConstantRegister & r) const
+    { return r.iv_iBS == iv_iBS; }
+  protected:
+    BitString & AccessBitString(void) { return iv_iBS; }
+    void SetBitString(const BitString *) {}
+  private:
+    BitStringBuffer iv_iBS;
+} // end namespace PRDF
diff --git a/src/register/prdfRegisterCache.C b/src/register/prdfRegisterCache.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7d29ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/register/prdfRegisterCache.C
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG                                                   */
+/* This is an automatically generated prolog.                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* $Source: src/usr/diag/prdf/common/framework/register/prdfRegisterCache.C $ */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project                                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2012,2017                        */
+/* [+] International Business Machines Corp.                              */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");        */
+/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.       */
+/* You may obtain a copy of the License at                                */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software    */
+/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,      */
+/* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or        */
+/* implied. See the License for the specific language governing           */
+/* permissions and limitations under the License.                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG                                                     */
+#include <prdfRegisterCache.H>
+#include <iipconst.h>
+namespace PRDF
+RegDataCache & RegDataCache::getCachedRegisters()
+    return PRDF_GET_SINGLETON( ReadCache );
+    flush();
+BitString & RegDataCache::read( ExtensibleChip * i_chip,
+                                       const SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * i_reg )
+    ScomRegisterAccess l_scomAccessKey ( *i_reg, i_chip );
+    BitString * l_pBitString = queryCache( l_scomAccessKey );
+    if ( NULL == l_pBitString )
+    {
+        // Creating new entry
+        l_pBitString = new BitStringBuffer( i_reg->GetBitLength() );
+        // Adding register in the cache
+        iv_cachedRead[l_scomAccessKey] = l_pBitString;
+    }
+    return *l_pBitString;
+void RegDataCache::flush()
+    for ( CacheDump::iterator it = iv_cachedRead.begin();
+          it != iv_cachedRead.end(); it++ )
+    {
+        // Freeing up the bit string memory reserved on heap
+        delete it->second;
+    }
+    // Deleting all the entry from the cache
+    iv_cachedRead.clear();
+void RegDataCache::flush( ExtensibleChip* i_pChip,
+                          const SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * i_pRegister )
+    ScomRegisterAccess l_scomAccessKey ( *i_pRegister,i_pChip );
+    // Find the entries associated with the given target in the map
+    CacheDump::iterator it = iv_cachedRead.find( l_scomAccessKey );
+    // If entry exists delete the entry for given scom address
+    if ( it !=iv_cachedRead.end() )
+    {
+        delete it->second;
+        iv_cachedRead.erase( it );
+    }
+BitString * RegDataCache::queryCache(
+                            ExtensibleChip* i_pChip,
+                            const SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * i_pRegister )const
+    ScomRegisterAccess l_scomAccessKey ( *i_pRegister,i_pChip );
+    return queryCache( l_scomAccessKey );
+BitString * RegDataCache::queryCache(
+                        const ScomRegisterAccess & i_scomAccessKey ) const
+    BitString * l_pBitString = NULL;
+    CacheDump::const_iterator itDump = iv_cachedRead.find( i_scomAccessKey );
+    if( iv_cachedRead.end() != itDump )
+    {
+        l_pBitString = itDump->second ;
+    }
+    return l_pBitString;
+}// end namespace  PRDF
diff --git a/src/register/prdfRegisterCache.H b/src/register/prdfRegisterCache.H
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be34884
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/register/prdfRegisterCache.H
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG                                                   */
+/* This is an automatically generated prolog.                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* $Source: src/usr/diag/prdf/common/framework/register/prdfRegisterCache.H $ */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project                                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2012,2017                        */
+/* [+] International Business Machines Corp.                              */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");        */
+/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.       */
+/* You may obtain a copy of the License at                                */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software    */
+/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,      */
+/* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or        */
+/* implied. See the License for the specific language governing           */
+/* permissions and limitations under the License.                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG                                                     */
+#ifndef REG_CACHE_H
+#define REG_CACHE_H
+/** @file prdfRegisterCache.H */
+#include <map>
+#include <iipbits.h>
+#include <prdfGlobal.H>
+#include <prdfScanFacility.H>
+#include <prdfScomRegisterAccess.H>
+#include <prdfTargetFwdRef.H>
+class BitString;
+namespace PRDF
+ * @brief Caches the contents of registers used during analysis.
+ *
+ * It maintains the latest content of a register in a map. If contents of the
+ * register remain unchanged, register read returns contents stored in
+ * cache rather than reading from hardware. Hence it brings efficiency in read.
+ * Whenever write to actual hardware takes place, it is expected that once write
+ * to hardware succeeds, the user of cache shall call flush. It drops the
+ * particular register from map. As a result, when read takes place from same
+ * register next time, read from cache fails and actual access to hardware
+ * takes place.
+ */
+class RegDataCache
+  public:
+    /**
+     * @brief Constructor
+     */
+    RegDataCache()
+    { }
+    /**
+     * @brief Destructor
+     */
+    ~RegDataCache();
+    /**
+     * @brief  Returns reference to singleton instance of the RegDataCache.
+     * @return The singleton reference.
+     */
+     static RegDataCache & getCachedRegisters();
+    /**
+     * @brief Returns the data buffer for the given target and address.
+     * @param i_chip The target associated with the register.
+     * @param i_reg  Pointer to register to be read.
+     * @return A reference to the data buffer associated with the register.
+     */
+    BitString & read( ExtensibleChip * i_chip,
+                             const SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * i_reg );
+    /**
+     * @brief Flushes entire contents from cache.
+     */
+    void flush();
+    /**
+     * @brief Removes a single entry from the cache.
+     * @param i_pChip       The rulechip  associated with the register.
+     * @param i_pRegister   points to the register to be flushed from cache.
+     */
+    void flush( ExtensibleChip* i_pChip,
+                const SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * i_pRegister );
+    /**
+     * @brief Queries if a specific entry exist in cache.
+     * @param i_pChip       The rulechip  associated with the register.
+     * @param i_pRegister   base part of register entry to be queried in cache.
+     * @return pointer to cache entry associated with a given register
+     */
+     BitString * queryCache( ExtensibleChip* i_pChip,
+                            const SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * i_pRegister )const;
+    /**
+     * @brief Queries if a specific entry exist in cache.
+     * @param i_scomAccessKey Reference to register to be queried.
+     * @return pointer to cache entry associated with a given register
+     */
+    BitString * queryCache(
+                        const ScomRegisterAccess & i_scomAccessKey )const;
+  private: // data
+    typedef std::map<ScomRegisterAccess, BitString *> CacheDump;
+    CacheDump iv_cachedRead;
+} // namespace PRDF
+#endif // REG_CACHE_H
diff --git a/src/register/prdfScanFacility.C b/src/register/prdfScanFacility.C
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1607d95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/register/prdfScanFacility.C
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG                                                   */
+/* This is an automatically generated prolog.                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* $Source: src/usr/diag/prdf/common/framework/register/prdfScanFacility.C $ */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project                                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2012,2018                        */
+/* [+] International Business Machines Corp.                              */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");        */
+/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.       */
+/* You may obtain a copy of the License at                                */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software    */
+/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,      */
+/* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or        */
+/* implied. See the License for the specific language governing           */
+/* permissions and limitations under the License.                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG                                                     */
+  @file prdfScanFacility.C
+  @brief PRD ScanFaclity class definition
+//  Includes
+#define prdfScanFacility_C
+#include <iipscr.h>
+#include <prdfScanFacility.H>
+#include <prdfFlyWeight.C>
+#include <prdfFlyWeightS.C>
+#include <prdfScomRegisterAccess.H>
+#undef prdfScanFacility_C
+namespace PRDF
+//  Constants
+//  Macros
+//  Internal Function Prototypes
+//  Global Variables
+NullRegister AttnTypeRegister::cv_null(1024);
+// Member Function Specifications
+ScanFacility & ScanFacility::Access(void)
+  static ScanFacility sf;
+  return sf;
+SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & ScanFacility::GetScanCommRegister( uint64_t address,
+                                uint32_t i_scomLength, TARGETING::TYPE i_type,
+                                SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS::AccessLevel i_regOp )
+    /* i_regOp is not used to determine uniqueness of the object for following
+      reason -
+      There can not be two registers in hardware with same address and target
+      type supporting different operations say one supports only write and
+      other both read and write.
+      */
+    ScomRegister scrKey( address, i_scomLength, i_type, i_regOp );
+    // in case we get a object with different default operation, we shall reset
+    // it to what it should be as per rule file.
+    ScomRegister &regCreated = iv_scomRegFw.get(scrKey);
+    regCreated.setAccessLevel( i_regOp );
+    return regCreated;
+SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS &  ScanFacility::GetNotRegister(
+                                        SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & i_arg )
+  NotRegister r(i_arg);
+  return iv_notRegFw.get(r);
+SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS &  ScanFacility::GetLeftShiftRegister(
+                                    SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & i_arg,
+                                     uint16_t i_amount )
+  LeftShiftRegister r(i_arg, i_amount);
+  return iv_leftRegFw.get(r);
+SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS &  ScanFacility::GetSummaryRegister(
+                                    SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & i_arg,
+                                     uint16_t i_bit )
+  SummaryRegister r(i_arg, i_bit);
+  return iv_sumRegFw.get(r);
+SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS &  ScanFacility::GetRightShiftRegister(
+                                SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & i_arg,
+                                uint16_t i_amount )
+  RightShiftRegister r(i_arg, i_amount);
+  return iv_rightRegFw.get(r);
+SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS &  ScanFacility::GetAndRegister(
+                                            SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & i_left,
+                                            SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & i_right )
+  AndRegister r(i_left,i_right);
+  return iv_andRegFw.get(r);
+SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS &  ScanFacility::GetOrRegister(
+                                            SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & i_left,
+                                            SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & i_right )
+  OrRegister r(i_left,i_right);
+  return iv_orRegFw.get(r);
+SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS &  ScanFacility::GetAttnTypeRegister(
+                                        SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * i_check,
+                                        SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * i_recov,
+                                        SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * i_special,
+                                        SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * i_proccs,
+                                        SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * i_hostattn )
+  AttnTypeRegister r(i_check, i_recov, i_special, i_proccs, i_hostattn);
+  return iv_attnRegFw.get(r);
+SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & ScanFacility::GetConstantRegister(
+                                                const BitStringBuffer & i_val )
+  ConstantRegister r(i_val);
+  return iv_constRegFw.get(r);
+SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS &  ScanFacility::GetPluginRegister(
+                                        SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & i_flyweight,
+                                        ExtensibleChip & i_RuleChip )
+  ScomRegisterAccess l_regKey ( i_flyweight,&i_RuleChip );
+  return iv_pluginRegFw.get(l_regKey);
+void ScanFacility::ResetPluginRegister()
+  iv_pluginRegFw.clear();
+void ScanFacility::reset()
+    iv_scomRegFw.clear();
+    iv_attnRegFw.clear();
+    iv_andRegFw.clear();
+    iv_orRegFw.clear();
+    iv_notRegFw.clear();
+    iv_leftRegFw.clear();
+    iv_sumRegFw.clear();
+    iv_rightRegFw.clear();
+    iv_constRegFw.clear();
+    iv_pluginRegFw.clear();
+void ScanFacility::printStats()
+    PRDF_TRAC("ScomRegister");
+    iv_scomRegFw.printStats();
+    PRDF_TRAC("Not Register");
+    iv_notRegFw.printStats();
+    PRDF_TRAC("Left Register");
+    iv_leftRegFw.printStats();
+    PRDF_TRAC("Right Register");
+    iv_rightRegFw.printStats();
+    PRDF_TRAC("And Register");
+    iv_andRegFw.printStats();
+    PRDF_TRAC("Or Register");
+    iv_orRegFw.printStats();
+    PRDF_TRAC("AttnTypeRegisters FW" );
+    iv_attnRegFw.printStats();
+    PRDF_TRAC("SummaryRegisters FW" );
+    iv_sumRegFw.printStats();
+    PRDF_TRAC("ConstantRegisters FW" );
+    iv_constRegFw.printStats();
+    PRDF_TRAC("PluginRegisters FW" );
+    iv_pluginRegFw.printStats();
+} // end namespace PRDF
diff --git a/src/register/prdfScanFacility.H b/src/register/prdfScanFacility.H
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..02644f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/register/prdfScanFacility.H
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG                                                   */
+/* This is an automatically generated prolog.                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* $Source: src/usr/diag/prdf/common/framework/register/prdfScanFacility.H $ */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project                                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2012,2018                        */
+/* [+] International Business Machines Corp.                              */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");        */
+/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.       */
+/* You may obtain a copy of the License at                                */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software    */
+/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,      */
+/* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or        */
+/* implied. See the License for the specific language governing           */
+/* permissions and limitations under the License.                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG                                                     */
+   @file prdfScanFacility.H
+   @brief Description
+// Includes
+#include <prdfFlyWeight.H>
+#include <prdfFlyWeightS.H>
+#include <vector>
+#include <prdfHomRegisterAccess.H>
+#include <prdfScomRegister.H>
+#include <prdfScomRegisterAccess.H>
+#include <prdfOperatorRegister.H>
+#include <prdfPlatServices.H>
+namespace PRDF
+    PRD Scan Facility
+    @author Doug Gilbert
+    @par    The Scan facility is used by PRD to access Scan and Scan Comm
+    @       functions.It attempts to reduce duplicate objects and their
+    @       aggragates as must as possible.
+class ScanFacility
+  /**
+   The Scan Facility is a singleton - this function provides access to it.
+   */
+  static ScanFacility & Access(void);
+    /**
+    * @brief     Returns reference to flyweight object of type ScomRegister.
+    *            An object of given address is first searched in flyweight.
+    *            If object exist, reference to existing object is returned
+    *            else a new one is created.
+    * @param     i_address        address of the register
+    * @param     i_scomLength     length of the bit string
+    * @param     i_type           type of target associated with register
+    * @param     i_regOp          operations supported for given register
+    * @return   returns reference to flyweight object from factory
+    */
+   SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & GetScanCommRegister( uint64_t address,
+                                uint32_t i_scomLength, TARGETING::TYPE i_type,
+                                SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS::AccessLevel i_regOp );
+  /**
+   * @brief  Get a register that bitwise inverts the bitstring of a register
+   *         when read or written to
+   * @param  SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS source
+   * @post   Only one instance of the register with this SCR parameter will
+   *         exist
+   */
+  /**
+   * @brief  Get a register that bitwise left shift the bitstring of a register
+   *         when read or written to
+   * @param  SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS source
+   * @post   Only one instance of the register with this SCR parameter and
+   *         amount will exist
+   */
+  SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & GetLeftShiftRegister(
+                        SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & i_arg, uint16_t i_amount);
+  /**
+   * @brief Get a register that bitwise right shift the bitstring of a register
+   *        when read or written to
+   * @param SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS source
+   * @post  Only one instance of the register with this SCR parameter and amount
+   * @      will exist
+   */
+  SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & GetRightShiftRegister(
+                        SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & i_arg, uint16_t i_amount);
+  /**
+   * @brief  Get a register for the summary construct
+   * @param  SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS source
+   * @param  uint16_t i_bit  bit to set if any attentions found in i_arg
+   * @post   Only one instance of the register with this SCR parameter and
+   *         amount will exist
+   */
+  SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & GetSummaryRegister(
+                        SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & i_arg, uint16_t i_bit);
+  /**
+   * @brief  Get a register that bit-wise ANDs the bitstring of two register
+   *         when read or written to
+   * @param  The 2 SCR 's to AND
+   * @posrt  Only one instance of the register with these SCRs will exist
+   */
+                                            SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & i_right);
+  /**
+   * @brief  Get a register that bitwise ORs the bitstrings of two register when
+   *         read or written
+   * @param  the 2 SCR's to OR
+   * @post   Only one instance of the register with these SCR's will exist
+   */
+                                           SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & i_right);
+  /**
+   * @brief  Get a AttnTypeRegister
+   * @params 5 pointers to scr Registers
+   * @post only one instance of the register with these SCR's will exist
+   */
+  SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & GetAttnTypeRegister(
+                                    SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * i_check,
+                                    SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * i_recov,
+                                    SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * i_special,
+                                    SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * i_proccs,
+                                    SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS * i_hostattn );
+  /**
+   * @brief Get a PrdfConstantRegister
+   * @param BitString - the bit string constant to use.
+   * @post only one instance of the register with this BIT_STRING value will
+   * exist.
+   */
+  SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & GetConstantRegister(const BitStringBuffer & i_val);
+  /**
+   * @brief Get a plugin  register
+   * @param Reference to target less flyweight object
+   * @param RuleChip  associatd with register
+   * @post only one instance of the register with this BIT_STRING value will
+   * exist.
+   */
+  SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & GetPluginRegister(
+                                SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & i_flyweight,
+                                ExtensibleChip & i_RuleChip );
+  /**
+   * @brief Delete all the plugin  register
+   * @param None
+   * @post  all the ScomRegisterAccess register flyweight object created for
+   *        plugin shall be deleted
+   * exist.
+   */
+  void ResetPluginRegister();
+  /**
+   * @brief Intended to reset all the flyweights if PRD is uninitialized due to
+   *        a reIPL, reset/reload, or failover. This free up the memory and
+   *        avoids memory leaks in the flyweights.
+   */
+  void reset();
+ * @brief       prints memory allocated for object residing on flyweight
+ */
+  void printStats();
+  /**
+   Destructor
+   */
+//  ~ScanFacility();
+private:  // functions
+  /**
+   Constructor
+   * @param
+   * @returns
+   * @pre
+   * @post
+   * @see
+   * @note
+   */
+  ScanFacility() {}
+private:  // Data
+  typedef FlyWeightS<ScomRegister,50>           ScanCommRegisters;
+  //FIXME RTC 64345 Investigate benefit of changing below from FlyWeight to
+  //FlyWeightS
+  typedef FlyWeight<AttnTypeRegister,50>        AttnTypeRegisters;
+  typedef FlyWeightS<AndRegister,50>            AndRegisters;
+  typedef FlyWeightS<OrRegister,10>             OrRegisters;
+  typedef FlyWeightS<NotRegister,50>            NotRegisters;
+  typedef FlyWeightS<LeftShiftRegister,10>      LeftShiftRegisters;
+  typedef FlyWeightS<RightShiftRegister, 10>    RightShiftRegisters;
+  typedef FlyWeightS<SummaryRegister,10>        SummaryRegisters;
+  typedef FlyWeight<ConstantRegister, 10>       ConstantRegisters;
+  typedef FlyWeightS<ScomRegisterAccess, 10>    PluginRegisters;
+  ScanCommRegisters     iv_scomRegFw;
+  AttnTypeRegisters     iv_attnRegFw;
+  AndRegisters          iv_andRegFw;
+  OrRegisters           iv_orRegFw;
+  NotRegisters          iv_notRegFw;
+  LeftShiftRegisters    iv_leftRegFw;
+  SummaryRegisters      iv_sumRegFw;
+  RightShiftRegisters   iv_rightRegFw;
+  ConstantRegisters     iv_constRegFw;
+  PluginRegisters       iv_pluginRegFw;
+} // end namespace PRDF
diff --git a/src/register/prdfScomRegister.C b/src/register/prdfScomRegister.C
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7e4cce8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/register/prdfScomRegister.C
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG                                                   */
+/* This is an automatically generated prolog.                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* $Source: src/usr/diag/prdf/common/framework/register/prdfScomRegister.C $ */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project                                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2012,2017                        */
+/* [+] International Business Machines Corp.                              */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");        */
+/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.       */
+/* You may obtain a copy of the License at                                */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software    */
+/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,      */
+/* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or        */
+/* implied. See the License for the specific language governing           */
+/* permissions and limitations under the License.                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG                                                     */
+// Module Description **************************************************
+// Description: This module provides the implementation for the PRD Scan
+//              Comm Register Chip class.
+// End Module Description **********************************************
+//  Includes
+#include <iipchip.h>
+#include <prdfScomRegister.H>
+#include <iipconst.h>
+#include <iipbits.h>
+#include <prdfMain.H>
+#include <prdfRasServices.H>
+#include <prdfRegisterCache.H>
+#include <prdfHomRegisterAccess.H>
+#include <prdfPlatServices.H>
+#include <prdfExtensibleChip.H>
+//  User Types
+//  Constants
+//  Macros
+//  Internal Function Prototypes
+//  Global Variables
+// Member Function Specifications
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+namespace PRDF
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ScomRegister::SetBitString( const BitString *bs )
+    BitString & l_string  = AccessBitString();
+    l_string.setString(*bs);
+const BitString * ScomRegister::GetBitString(ATTENTION_TYPE i_type) const
+    // Calling Read() will ensure that an entry exists in the cache and the
+    // entry has at been synched with hardware at least once. Note that we
+    // cannot read hardware for write-only registers. In this case, an entry
+    // will be created in the cache, if it does not exist, when readCache() is
+    // called below.
+    if ( ( ACCESS_NONE != iv_operationType ) &&
+            ( ACCESS_WO != iv_operationType ) )
+    {
+        Read();
+    }
+    return &(readCache());
+BitString & ScomRegister::AccessBitString()
+    // Calling Read() will ensure that an entry exists in the cache and the
+    // entry has at been synched with hardware at least once. Note that we
+    // cannot read hardware for write-only registers. In this case, an entry
+    // will be created in the cache, if it does not exist, when readCache() is
+    // called below.
+    if ( ( ACCESS_NONE != iv_operationType ) &&
+            ( ACCESS_WO != iv_operationType ) )
+    {
+        Read();
+    }
+    return readCache();
+uint32_t ScomRegister::Read() const
+    uint32_t o_rc = SUCCESS;
+    // First query the cache for an existing entry.
+    if ( !queryCache() )
+    {
+        // There was not a previous entry in the cache, so do a ForceRead() to
+        // sync the cache with hardware.
+        o_rc = ForceRead();
+    }
+    return o_rc;
+uint32_t ScomRegister::ForceRead() const
+    #define PRDF_FUNC "[ScomRegister::ForceRead] "
+    uint32_t o_rc = FAIL;
+    do
+    {
+        // No read allowed if register access attribute is write-only or no
+        // access.
+        if ( ( ACCESS_NONE == iv_operationType ) &&
+                ( ACCESS_WO == iv_operationType ) )
+        {
+            PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC "Write-only register: 0x%08x 0x%016llx",
+                      getChip()->GetId(), iv_scomAddress );
+            break;
+        }
+        // Read hardware.
+        o_rc = Access( readCache(), MopRegisterAccess::READ );
+        if ( SUCCESS != o_rc )
+        {
+            // The read failed. Remove the entry from the cache so a subsequent
+            // Read() will attempt to read from hardware again.
+            flushCache( getChip() );
+        }
+    } while (0);
+    return o_rc;
+    #undef PRDF_FUNC
+uint32_t ScomRegister::Write()
+    #define PRDF_FUNC "[ScomRegister::Write] "
+    uint32_t o_rc = FAIL;
+    do
+    {
+        // No write allowed if register access attribute is read-only or no
+        // access.
+        if ( ( ACCESS_NONE == iv_operationType ) &&
+                 ( ACCESS_RO == iv_operationType ) )
+        {
+            PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC "Read-only register: 0x%08x 0x%016llx",
+                      getChip()->GetId(), iv_scomAddress );
+            break;
+        }
+        // Query the cache for an existing entry.
+        if ( !queryCache() )
+        {
+            // Something bad happened and there was nothing in the cache to
+            // write to hardware.
+            PRDF_ERR( PRDF_FUNC "No entry found in cache: 0x%08x 0x%016llx",
+                      getChip()->GetId(), iv_scomAddress );
+            break;
+        }
+        // Write hardware.
+        o_rc = Access( readCache(), MopRegisterAccess::WRITE );
+    } while (0);
+    return o_rc;
+    #undef PRDF_FUNC
+uint32_t ScomRegister::Access( BitString & bs,
+                               MopRegisterAccess::Operation op ) const
+    int32_t l_rc = SCR_ACCESS_FAILED;
+    TARGETING::TargetHandle_t i_pchipTarget = getChip()->GetChipHandle();
+    l_rc = getScomService().Access( i_pchipTarget,bs,iv_scomAddress,op );
+    return(l_rc);
+ExtensibleChip* ScomRegister::getChip( )const
+    ExtensibleChip* l_pchip = NULL;
+    l_pchip = ServiceDataCollector::getChipAnalyzed();
+    TARGETING::TYPE l_type = PlatServices::getTargetType(
+                                                l_pchip->GetChipHandle() );
+    PRDF_ASSERT( iv_chipType == l_type )
+    return l_pchip;
+bool ScomRegister::queryCache() const
+    RegDataCache & cache = RegDataCache::getCachedRegisters();
+    BitString * bs = cache.queryCache( getChip(), this );
+    return ( NULL != bs );
+BitString & ScomRegister::readCache() const
+    RegDataCache & cache = RegDataCache::getCachedRegisters();
+    return getChip(), this );
+void ScomRegister::flushCache( ExtensibleChip *i_pChip ) const
+     RegDataCache & regDump = RegDataCache::getCachedRegisters();
+    if( NULL == i_pChip )
+    {
+        regDump.flush();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        regDump.flush( i_pChip ,this );
+    }
+bool ScomRegister::operator == ( const ScomRegister & i_rightRegister ) const
+    if( iv_scomAddress == i_rightRegister.GetAddress() )
+    {
+        return ( iv_chipType == i_rightRegister.getChipType() );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return false ;
+    }
+bool ScomRegister::operator < ( const ScomRegister & i_rightRegister  ) const
+    if( iv_scomAddress == i_rightRegister.GetAddress() )
+    {
+        return ( iv_chipType < i_rightRegister.getChipType() );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return( iv_scomAddress  < i_rightRegister.GetAddress() );
+    }
+bool ScomRegister::operator >= ( const ScomRegister & i_rightRegister  ) const
+    return !( *this < i_rightRegister );
+}//namespace PRDF ends
diff --git a/src/register/prdfScomRegister.H b/src/register/prdfScomRegister.H
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..655f4d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/register/prdfScomRegister.H
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG                                                   */
+/* This is an automatically generated prolog.                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* $Source: src/usr/diag/prdf/common/framework/register/prdfScomRegister.H $ */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project                                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 1996,2017                        */
+/* [+] International Business Machines Corp.                              */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");        */
+/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.       */
+/* You may obtain a copy of the License at                                */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software    */
+/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,      */
+/* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or        */
+/* implied. See the License for the specific language governing           */
+/* permissions and limitations under the License.                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG                                                     */
+#ifndef iipScomRegister_h
+#define iipScomRegister_h
+ * @brief Models register.It does not contain target.
+ *
+ * This class stores the hash id and bit length of scom registers It models
+ * registers without maintaining target information. Instances of this class
+ * are shared across rule chip objects of same type.Once prd object model is
+ * built, instances of this register are saved in flyweight.These instances
+ * persist as long as prd object model survives.
+ */
+#include <iipscr.h>
+#include <iipbits.h>
+#include <iipMopRegisterAccess.h>
+#include <prdfTrace.H>
+namespace PRDF
+// Forward References
+class CHIP_CLASS;
+class MopsRegisterAccess;
+class ExtensibleChip;
+class ScomRegister : public SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS
+  public:
+    /**
+     * @brief     constructor
+     * @param     i_address        address of the register
+     * @param     i_bitLength      bit length of register
+     * @param     i_targetType     target type associated with register
+     */
+    ScomRegister( uint64_t i_address, uint32_t i_bitLength,
+                  TARGETING::TYPE i_targetType, AccessLevel i_access ) :
+        iv_bitLength( i_bitLength ),
+        iv_chipType( i_targetType ),
+        iv_scomAddress( i_address ),
+        iv_operationType( i_access )
+    {}
+    /**
+     * @brief     constructor .Added this because we save object of this type in
+     * @          FlyweightS
+     */
+    ScomRegister():
+        iv_bitLength( 0 ),
+        iv_chipType( TARGETING::TYPE_NA ),
+        iv_scomAddress( 0 ),
+        iv_operationType( ACCESS_NONE )
+    {}
+    /**
+     * @brief     Returns the pointer to bit string
+     * @param     i_type               attention type
+     * @return    BitString *   pointer to bit string
+     */
+    virtual const BitString * GetBitString(ATTENTION_TYPE i_type =
+                                                  INVALID_ATTENTION_TYPE) const;
+    /**
+     * @brief     Updates bit string contents associated with register
+     * @param     i_bs               poiner to bit string
+     * @return    Nil
+     */
+    virtual void SetBitString(const BitString * i_bs) ;
+    /**
+     * @brief     Returns length of the bits string associated with register
+     * @return    length of bit string
+     */
+    uint32_t GetBitLength(void) const { return iv_bitLength ;}
+    /**
+     * @brief     Directly reads from hardware register
+     * @return    SUCCESS|FAIL
+     */
+    virtual uint32_t ForceRead() const;
+    /**
+     * @brief     Returns contents of register.If entry does not exist in cache
+     *            a  fresh entry is created and hardware is read.
+     * @return    SUCCESS|FAIL
+    */
+    virtual uint32_t Read() const;
+    /**
+     * @brief     Writes cache contents to register.
+     * @return    SUCCESS|FAIL
+     */
+    virtual uint32_t Write();
+    /**
+     * @brief     Returns the hash id of register
+     * @return    returns  hash id of register
+     * @pre       None
+     * @post      None
+     * @note
+     */
+    virtual uint16_t GetId(void) const { return iv_shortId; };
+    /**
+     * @brief     Sets the hash id of register
+     * @param     i_id     hash id of register
+     * @return    Nil
+     */
+    virtual void SetId(uint16_t i_id) { iv_shortId = i_id; };
+   /**
+    * @brief    Returns type of Target associated with register.
+    * @return   Refer to function description
+    */
+   TARGETING::TYPE getChipType()const{ return iv_chipType ;} ;
+   /**
+    * @brief    Returns scom address of register
+    * @return   Refer to function description
+    */
+   uint64_t GetAddress( ) const {return iv_scomAddress ;};
+   /**
+    * @brief     compares two ScomRegisterAccess register for equality
+    * @param     i_rightRegister   register to be compared against
+    * @return    Returns true if registers are equal false otherwise
+    */
+   bool operator == ( const ScomRegister & i_rightRegister ) const ;
+   /**
+    * @brief     defines < operation for ScomRegisterAccess
+    * @param     i_rightRegister   register to be compared against
+    * @return    Returns false if i_rightRegisters is less and true otherwise
+    */
+   bool operator < ( const ScomRegister & i_rightRegister  ) const ;
+   /**
+    * @brief     defines >= operation for ScomRegisterAccess
+    * @param     i_rightRegister   register to be compared against
+    * @return    Returns true if registers is >= i_rightRegister false
+    *            otherwise
+    */
+   bool operator >= ( const ScomRegister & i_rightRegister  ) const;
+    /** @return The register access level (see enum AccessLevel). */
+    virtual AccessLevel getAccessLevel() const { return iv_operationType; }
+    /** @brief Sets the register access level (see enum AccessLevel). */
+    virtual void setAccessLevel( AccessLevel i_op ) { iv_operationType = i_op; }
+  protected: // Functions
+    /**
+     * @brief     copy constructor
+     * @param     i_scomRegister   scomRegister instance to be copied
+     */
+    ScomRegister( const SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & i_scomRegister ):
+        iv_bitLength(     i_scomRegister.GetBitLength()   ),
+        iv_shortId(       i_scomRegister.GetId()          ),
+        iv_chipType(      i_scomRegister.getChipType()    ),
+        iv_scomAddress(   i_scomRegister.GetAddress()     ),
+        iv_operationType( i_scomRegister.getAccessLevel() )
+    {}
+   /**
+    * @brief    Returns reference to bit string associated with register
+    * @return   Refer to function description
+   */
+    virtual BitString & AccessBitString( );
+    /**
+     * @brief     Gets the register read and write done by calling access
+     *            function of scom  accessor service.
+     * @param     reference to bit string maintained in caller  class
+     * @param     Read or write operation
+     * @return    [SUCCESS|FAIL]
+     */
+    uint32_t Access( BitString & bs,
+                     MopRegisterAccess::Operation op )const;
+    /**
+     * @brief  Returns rulechip pointer associated with the register
+     * @return Refer to function description
+     */
+    virtual ExtensibleChip * getChip() const;
+private: // functions
+  friend class CaptureData;
+    /** @return TRUE if entry for this register exist in this cache. */
+    bool queryCache() const;
+    /**
+     * @brief  Reads register contents from cache.
+     * @return Reference to bit string buffer maintained in cache.
+     */
+    BitString & readCache() const;
+    /**
+     * @brief     Deletes one or all entry in the cache
+     * @param     RuleChip pointer associated with register
+     * @return    Nil
+     */
+    void flushCache( ExtensibleChip *i_pChip = NULL ) const;
+  private: // Data
+    uint32_t        iv_bitLength;     // bit length of scom
+    uint16_t        iv_shortId;       // unique hash id of register
+    TARGETING::TYPE iv_chipType;      // type of target associated with register
+    uint64_t        iv_scomAddress;   // scom address associated with regiser
+    AccessLevel     iv_operationType; // Operation supported (RO, WO, or RW)
+}//namespace PRDF ends
diff --git a/src/register/prdfScomRegisterAccess.C b/src/register/prdfScomRegisterAccess.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a185d63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/register/prdfScomRegisterAccess.C
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG                                                   */
+/* This is an automatically generated prolog.                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* $Source: src/usr/diag/prdf/common/framework/register/prdfScomRegisterAccess.C $ */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project                                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012,2014              */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");        */
+/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.       */
+/* You may obtain a copy of the License at                                */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software    */
+/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,      */
+/* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or        */
+/* implied. See the License for the specific language governing           */
+/* permissions and limitations under the License.                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG                                                     */
+#include <prdfScomRegisterAccess.H>
+#include <prdfScanFacility.H>
+#include <prdfRegisterCache.H>
+#include <prdfExtensibleChip.H>
+namespace PRDF
+                    const SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & i_pRegister,
+                    ExtensibleChip * i_pRuleChip ) :
+    ScomRegister( i_pRegister ),
+    iv_containerChip( i_pRuleChip )
+ExtensibleChip* ScomRegisterAccess::getChip( )const
+    return iv_containerChip;
+bool ScomRegisterAccess::operator == (
+                const ScomRegisterAccess & i_rightRegister ) const
+    if( GetAddress() == i_rightRegister.GetAddress() )
+    {
+        return ( getChip() == i_rightRegister.getChip() );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return false ;
+    }
+bool ScomRegisterAccess::operator < (
+                const ScomRegisterAccess & i_rightRegister ) const
+    if( GetAddress() == i_rightRegister.GetAddress() )
+    {
+        return ( getChip() < i_rightRegister.getChip() );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return ( GetAddress() < i_rightRegister.GetAddress() );
+    }
+bool ScomRegisterAccess::operator >= (
+                const ScomRegisterAccess & i_right ) const
+    return !( *this < i_right );
+}//namespace PRDF ends
diff --git a/src/register/prdfScomRegisterAccess.H b/src/register/prdfScomRegisterAccess.H
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17e1032
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/register/prdfScomRegisterAccess.H
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG                                                   */
+/* This is an automatically generated prolog.                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* $Source: src/usr/diag/prdf/common/framework/register/prdfScomRegisterAccess.H $ */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project                                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2012,2014              */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");        */
+/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.       */
+/* You may obtain a copy of the License at                                */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software    */
+/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,      */
+/* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or        */
+/* implied. See the License for the specific language governing           */
+/* permissions and limitations under the License.                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG                                                     */
+#ifndef __PRDF_REGISTER_
+#define __PRDF_REGISTER_
+#include <prdfScomRegister.H>
+#include <prdfBitString.H>
+#include <prdfPlatServices.H>
+ * @brief Models register.This model of register has target info
+ *
+ * In order to reduce the register objects required by PRD to do attention
+ * analysis, these are shared across all the  RuleChip objects associated with
+ * target of same type.In order to realize this,target info is taken out of
+ * register object .RuleChip contains target info.During Analysis ,pointer to
+ * Rulechip under analysis is maintained in Service Data collector.During
+ * register Read and Write,target info is obtained by register from service data
+ * collector.This idea fails when getRegister is called for Register read and
+ * write.It may be called from plugin code which may use a RuleChip different
+ * from the one in SDC.We would like to avoid SDC getting updated from multiple
+ * places.To simplify solution for this use case, a wrapper register is required
+ * .This register model knows which rule chip it is associated with.When plugin
+ * code calls getRegister ,instead of returning  targetless flyweight object,it
+ * returns an object of class ScomRegisterAccess.Since register Read Write is
+ * in parent class ,it's just a container for Rulechip pointer giving us a way
+ * to do scom without having to look for associated target/rule chip somewhere
+ * else.
+ */
+namespace PRDF
+class ScomRegisterAccess : public ScomRegister
+    public :
+    /**
+     * @brief     constructor
+     * @param     i_Register     Reference to flyweight register
+     * @param     i_pchip        RuleChip associated with register
+     */
+    ScomRegisterAccess( const SCAN_COMM_REGISTER_CLASS & i_Register,
+                        ExtensibleChip* i_pchip );
+    /**
+     * @brief     constructor
+     */
+    ScomRegisterAccess():ScomRegister( ),iv_containerChip ( NULL ){ };
+    /**
+     * @brief Destructor
+    */
+    ~ScomRegisterAccess(){ };
+    /**
+     * @brief     Returns pointer to rulechip associated with register
+     * @return    Returns rule chip pointer
+    */
+    virtual ExtensibleChip* getChip( ) const;
+    /**
+     * @brief     compares two ScomRegisterAccess register for equality
+     * @param     i_rightRegister   register to be compared against
+     * @return    Returns true if registers are equal false otherwise
+     */
+    bool operator == ( const ScomRegisterAccess & i_rightRegister ) const;
+    /**
+     * @brief     defines < operation for ScomRegisterAccess
+     * @param     i_rightRegister   register to be compared against
+     * @return    Returns false if i_rightRegisters is less and true otherwise
+     */
+    bool operator < ( const ScomRegisterAccess & i_rightRegister ) const;
+    /**
+     * @brief     defines >= operation for ScomRegisterAccess
+     * @param     i_right   register to be compared against
+     * @return    Returns true if registers is >= i_rightRegister false
+     *            otherwise
+     */
+    bool operator >= ( const ScomRegisterAccess & i_right ) const;
+    private://Data
+    ExtensibleChip* iv_containerChip;
+}//namepsace PRDF ends
diff --git a/src/util/prdfBitString.C b/src/util/prdfBitString.C
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b4e7f9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/prdfBitString.C
@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG                                                   */
+/* This is an automatically generated prolog.                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* $Source: src/usr/diag/prdf/common/util/prdfBitString.C $               */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project                                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2012,2017                        */
+/* [+] International Business Machines Corp.                              */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");        */
+/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.       */
+/* You may obtain a copy of the License at                                */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software    */
+/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,      */
+/* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or        */
+/* implied. See the License for the specific language governing           */
+/* permissions and limitations under the License.                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG                                                     */
+/** @file BitString.C
+ *  @brief BitString and BitStringBuffer class Definitions
+ */
+#include <prdfBitString.H>
+#include <prdfAssert.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace PRDF
+namespace HOSTBOOT
+#elif defined(PRDF_FSP_ERRL_PLUGIN)
+namespace FSP
+//                             BitString class
+const uint32_t BitString::CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN = sizeof(CPU_WORD) * 8;
+const CPU_WORD BitString::CPU_WORD_MASK = static_cast<CPU_WORD>(-1);
+CPU_WORD BitString::getField( uint32_t i_pos, uint32_t i_len ) const
+    PRDF_ASSERT( nullptr != getBufAddr() );      // must to have a valid address
+    PRDF_ASSERT( 0 < i_len );                    // must have at least one bit
+    PRDF_ASSERT( i_len <= CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN );    // i_len length must be valid
+    PRDF_ASSERT( i_pos + i_len <= getBitLen() ); // field must be within range
+    // The returned value.
+    CPU_WORD o_val = 0;
+    // Get the relative address and position of the field.
+    uint32_t relPos = 0;
+    CPU_WORD * relAddr = getRelativePosition( relPos, i_pos );
+    // The return value may cross two CPU_WORD addresses. Get length of each
+    // chunk, mask to clear the right-handed bits, and the shift value to make
+    // each chunk left-justified.
+    uint32_t len0 = i_len, len1 = 0;
+    if ( CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN < relPos + i_len )
+    {
+        len0 = CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN - relPos;
+        len1 = i_len - len0;
+    }
+    CPU_WORD mask0 = CPU_WORD_MASK << (CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN - len0);
+    CPU_WORD mask1 = CPU_WORD_MASK << (CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN - len1);
+    uint32_t shift0 = relPos;
+    uint32_t shift1 = CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN - relPos;
+    // Get first half of the value.
+    o_val = (*relAddr << shift0) & mask0;
+    // Get the second half of the value, if needed
+    if ( CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN < relPos + i_len )
+    {
+        ++relAddr;
+        o_val |= (*relAddr & mask1) >> shift1;
+    }
+    return o_val;
+void BitString::setField( uint32_t i_pos, uint32_t i_len, CPU_WORD i_val )
+    PRDF_ASSERT( nullptr != getBufAddr() );      // must to have a valid address
+    PRDF_ASSERT( 0 < i_len );                    // must have at least one bit
+    PRDF_ASSERT( i_len <= CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN );    // i_len length must be valid
+    PRDF_ASSERT( i_pos + i_len <= getBitLen() ); // field must be within range
+    // Get the relative address and position of the field.
+    uint32_t relPos = 0;
+    CPU_WORD * relAddr = getRelativePosition( relPos, i_pos );
+    // The value is left-justified. Ignore all other bits.
+    CPU_WORD mask = CPU_WORD_MASK << (CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN - i_len);
+    CPU_WORD val  = i_val & mask;
+    // Set first half of the value.
+    *relAddr &= ~(mask >> relPos); // Clear field
+    *relAddr |=  (val  >> relPos); // Set field
+    // Get the second half of the value, if needed
+    if ( CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN < relPos + i_len )
+    {
+        relAddr++;
+        *relAddr &= ~(mask << (CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN - relPos)); // Clear field
+        *relAddr |=  (val  << (CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN - relPos)); // Set field
+    }
+void BitString::setPattern( uint32_t i_sPos, uint32_t i_sLen,
+                            CPU_WORD i_pattern, uint32_t i_pLen )
+    PRDF_ASSERT(nullptr != getBufAddr());        // must to have a valid address
+    PRDF_ASSERT(0 < i_sLen);                     // must have at least one bit
+    PRDF_ASSERT(i_sPos + i_sLen <= getBitLen()); // field must be within range
+    PRDF_ASSERT(0 < i_pLen);                     // must have at least one bit
+    PRDF_ASSERT(i_pLen <= CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN);     // i_pLen length must be valid
+    // Get a bit string for the pattern subset (right justified).
+    BitString bso ( i_pLen, &i_pattern, CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN - i_pLen );
+    // Iterate the range in chunks the size of i_pLen.
+    uint32_t endPos = i_sPos + i_sLen;
+    for ( uint32_t pos = i_sPos; pos < endPos; pos += i_pLen )
+    {
+        // The true chunk size is either i_pLen or the leftovers at the end.
+        uint32_t len = std::min( i_pLen, endPos - pos );
+        // Get this chunk's pattern value, truncate (left justified) if needed.
+        CPU_WORD pattern = bso.getField( 0, len );
+        // Set the pattern in this string.
+        setField( pos, len, pattern );
+    }
+void BitString::setString( const BitString & i_sStr, uint32_t i_sPos,
+                           uint32_t i_sLen, uint32_t i_dPos )
+    // Ensure the source parameters are valid.
+    PRDF_ASSERT( nullptr != i_sStr.getBufAddr() );
+    PRDF_ASSERT( 0 < i_sLen ); // at least one bit to copy
+    PRDF_ASSERT( i_sPos + i_sLen <= i_sStr.getBitLen() );
+    // Ensure the destination has at least one bit available to copy.
+    PRDF_ASSERT( nullptr != getBufAddr() );
+    PRDF_ASSERT( i_dPos < getBitLen() );
+    // If the source length is greater than the destination length than the
+    // extra source bits are ignored.
+    uint32_t actLen = std::min( i_sLen, getBitLen() - i_dPos );
+    // The bit strings may be in overlapping memory spaces. So we need to copy
+    // the data in the correct direction to prevent overlapping.
+    uint32_t sRelOffset = 0, dRelOffset = 0;
+    CPU_WORD * sRelAddr = i_sStr.getRelativePosition( sRelOffset, i_sPos );
+    CPU_WORD * dRelAddr =        getRelativePosition( dRelOffset, i_dPos );
+    // Copy the data.
+    if ( (dRelAddr == sRelAddr) && (dRelOffset == sRelOffset) )
+    {
+        // Do nothing. The source and destination are the same.
+    }
+    else if ( (dRelAddr < sRelAddr) ||
+              ((dRelAddr == sRelAddr) && (dRelOffset < sRelOffset)) )
+    {
+        // Copy the data forward.
+        for ( uint32_t pos = 0; pos < actLen; pos += CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN )
+        {
+            uint32_t len = std::min( actLen - pos, CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN );
+            CPU_WORD value = i_sStr.getField( i_sPos + pos, len );
+            setField( i_dPos + pos, len, value );
+        }
+    }
+    else // Copy the data backwards.
+    {
+        // Get the first position of the last chunk (CPU_WORD aligned).
+        uint32_t lastPos = ((actLen-1) / CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN) * CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN;
+        // Start with the last chunk and work backwards.
+        for ( int32_t pos = lastPos; 0 <= pos; pos -= CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN )
+        {
+            uint32_t len = std::min( actLen - pos, CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN );
+            CPU_WORD value = i_sStr.getField( i_sPos + pos, len );
+            setField( i_dPos + pos, len, value );
+        }
+    }
+void BitString::maskString( const BitString & i_mask )
+    // Get the length of the smallest string.
+    uint32_t actLen = std::min( getBitLen(), i_mask.getBitLen() );
+    for ( uint32_t pos = 0; pos < actLen; pos += CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN )
+    {
+        uint32_t len = std::min( actLen - pos, CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN );
+        CPU_WORD dVal =        getField( pos, len );
+        CPU_WORD sVal = i_mask.getField( pos, len );
+        setField( pos, len, dVal & ~sVal );
+    }
+bool BitString::isEqual( const BitString & i_str ) const
+    if ( getBitLen() != i_str.getBitLen() )
+        return false; // size not equal
+    for ( uint32_t pos = 0; pos < getBitLen(); pos += CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN )
+    {
+        uint32_t len = std::min( getBitLen() - pos, CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN );
+        if ( getField(pos, len) != i_str.getField(pos, len) )
+            return false; // bit strings do not match
+    }
+    return true; // bit strings match
+bool BitString::isZero() const
+    for ( uint32_t pos = 0; pos < getBitLen(); pos += CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN )
+    {
+        uint32_t len = std::min( getBitLen() - pos, CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN );
+        if ( 0 != getField(pos, len) )
+            return false; // something is non-zero
+    }
+    return true; // everything was zero
+uint32_t BitString::getSetCount( uint32_t i_pos, uint32_t i_len ) const
+    uint32_t endPos = i_pos + i_len;
+    PRDF_ASSERT( endPos <= getBitLen() );
+    uint32_t count = 0;
+    for ( uint32_t i = i_pos; i < endPos; i++ )
+    {
+        if ( isBitSet(i) ) count++;
+    }
+    return count;
+BitStringBuffer BitString::operator~() const
+    BitStringBuffer bsb( getBitLen() );
+    for ( uint32_t pos = 0; pos < getBitLen(); pos += CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN )
+    {
+        uint32_t len = std::min( getBitLen() - pos, CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN );
+        CPU_WORD dVal = getField( pos, len );
+        bsb.setField( pos, len, ~dVal );
+    }
+    return bsb;
+BitStringBuffer BitString::operator&( const BitString & i_bs ) const
+    // Get the length of the smallest string.
+    uint32_t actLen = std::min( getBitLen(), i_bs.getBitLen() );
+    BitStringBuffer bsb( actLen );
+    for ( uint32_t pos = 0; pos < actLen; pos += CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN )
+    {
+        uint32_t len = std::min( actLen - pos, CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN );
+        CPU_WORD dVal =      getField( pos, len );
+        CPU_WORD sVal = i_bs.getField( pos, len );
+        bsb.setField( pos, len, dVal & sVal );
+    }
+    return bsb;
+BitStringBuffer BitString::operator|( const BitString & i_bs ) const
+    // Get the length of the smallest string.
+    uint32_t actLen = std::min( getBitLen(), i_bs.getBitLen() );
+    BitStringBuffer bsb( actLen );
+    for ( uint32_t pos = 0; pos < actLen; pos += CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN )
+    {
+        uint32_t len = std::min( actLen - pos, CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN );
+        CPU_WORD dVal =      getField( pos, len );
+        CPU_WORD sVal = i_bs.getField( pos, len );
+        bsb.setField( pos, len, dVal | sVal );
+    }
+    return bsb;
+BitStringBuffer BitString::operator>>( uint32_t i_shift ) const
+    BitStringBuffer bsb( getBitLen() ); // default all zeros
+    if ( i_shift < getBitLen() )
+    {
+        // bso overlays bsb, containing the shifted offset.
+        BitString bso ( bsb.getBitLen() - i_shift, bsb.getBufAddr(), i_shift );
+        // Copy this into bso.
+        bso.setString( *this );
+    }
+    return bsb;
+BitStringBuffer BitString::operator<<( uint32_t i_shift ) const
+    BitStringBuffer bsb( getBitLen() ); // default all zeros
+    if ( i_shift < getBitLen() )
+    {
+        // bso overlays *this, containing the shifted offset.
+        BitString bso ( this->getBitLen() - i_shift, this->getBufAddr(),
+                        i_shift );
+        // Copy bso into bsb.
+        bsb.setString( bso );
+    }
+    return bsb;
+CPU_WORD * BitString::getRelativePosition( uint32_t & o_relPos,
+                                           uint32_t   i_absPos ) const
+    PRDF_ASSERT( nullptr != getBufAddr() ); // must to have a valid address
+    PRDF_ASSERT( i_absPos < getBitLen() );  // must be a valid position
+    o_relPos = (i_absPos + iv_offset) % CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN;
+    return iv_bufAddr + ((i_absPos + iv_offset) / CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN);
+//                          BitStringBuffer class
+BitStringBuffer::BitStringBuffer( uint32_t i_bitLen ) :
+    BitString( i_bitLen, nullptr )
+    initBuffer();
+    delete [] getBufAddr();
+BitStringBuffer::BitStringBuffer( const BitString & i_bs ) :
+    BitString( i_bs.getBitLen(), nullptr )
+    initBuffer();
+    if ( !i_bs.isZero() ) setString( i_bs );
+BitStringBuffer::BitStringBuffer( const BitStringBuffer & i_bsb ) :
+    BitString( i_bsb.getBitLen(), nullptr )
+    initBuffer();
+    if ( !i_bsb.isZero() ) setString( i_bsb );
+BitStringBuffer & BitStringBuffer::operator=( const BitString & i_bs )
+    // The initBuffer() function will deallocate the buffer as well, however we
+    // also need to deallocate the buffer here before we set the length.
+    delete [] getBufAddr();
+    setBufAddr( nullptr );
+    setBitLen( i_bs.getBitLen() );
+    initBuffer();
+    if ( !i_bs.isZero() ) setString( i_bs );
+    return *this;
+BitStringBuffer & BitStringBuffer::operator=( const BitStringBuffer & i_bsb )
+    if ( this != &i_bsb ) // Check for assignment to self
+    {
+        // The initBuffer() function will deallocate the buffer as well, however
+        // we also need to deallocate the buffer here before we set the length.
+        delete [] getBufAddr();
+        setBufAddr( nullptr );
+        setBitLen( i_bsb.getBitLen() );
+        initBuffer();
+        if ( !i_bsb.isZero() ) setString( i_bsb );
+    }
+    return *this;
+void BitStringBuffer::initBuffer()
+    // Deallocate the current buffer.
+    delete [] getBufAddr();
+    // Allocate the new buffer.
+    setBufAddr( new CPU_WORD[ getNumCpuWords(getBitLen()) ] );
+    // Clear the new buffer.
+    if ( !isZero() ) clearAll();
+/*  IO Stream Conditional Support                                     */
+std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out,
+                          const BitString & bit_string )
+  const uint32_t bit_field_length = BitString::CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN;
+  out << std::hex;
+  for(uint32_t pos = 0; pos < bit_string.getBitLen(); pos += bit_field_length)
+  {
+    uint32_t len = bit_string.getBitLen() - pos;
+    len = std::min(len,bit_field_length);
+    CPU_WORD value = bit_string.getField(pos,len);
+    out << std::setw(bit_field_length/4) << std::setfill('0') << value << " ";
+  }
+  return(out);
+} // end namespace FSP/HOSTBOOT
+} // end namespace PRDF
diff --git a/src/util/prdfBitString.H b/src/util/prdfBitString.H
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..130d379
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/prdfBitString.H
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG                                                   */
+/* This is an automatically generated prolog.                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* $Source: src/usr/diag/prdf/common/util/prdfBitString.H $               */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* OpenPOWER HostBoot Project                                             */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Contributors Listed Below - COPYRIGHT 2012,2017                        */
+/* [+] International Business Machines Corp.                              */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");        */
+/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.       */
+/* You may obtain a copy of the License at                                */
+/*                                                                        */
+/*                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software    */
+/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,      */
+/* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or        */
+/* implied. See the License for the specific language governing           */
+/* permissions and limitations under the License.                         */
+/*                                                                        */
+/* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG                                                     */
+/** @file prdBitString.H
+ *  @brief BitString and BitStringBuffer class declarations
+ */
+#include <prdf_types.h>
+#if defined(ESW_SIM_COMPILE)
+#define _USE_IOSTREAMS_
+  #include <iostream>
+  #include <iomanip>
+namespace PRDF
+namespace HOSTBOOT
+#elif defined(PRDF_FSP_ERRL_PLUGIN)
+namespace FSP
+class BitStringBuffer;
+/** This type is used to take advantage of the most efficient memory reference
+ *  size for a specific CPU architecture. */
+typedef uint32_t CPU_WORD;
+//                             BitString class
+ * A BitString is general purpose class providing the ability to manipulate
+ * individual bits within an allocated section of contiguous memory.
+ *
+ * A BitString does not "own" the memory, it only accesses and manipulates the
+ * bits in the range specified. Users will need to ensure memory is allocated
+ * and deallocated appropriately. As an alternative, a BitStringBuffer is a
+ * BitString that will allocate and maintain its own memory.
+ *
+ * The length of a BitString is only limited by the amount of memory that
+ * contains the data buffer.
+ *
+ * The CPU_WORD type is used internally to reference memory and as the interface
+ * type for the field. Ensure that any buffer allocated for a BitString is
+ * CPU_WORD aligned so that the BitString does not accidentally access memory
+ * beyond availability. For example, say we have a buffer allocated for 6 byte
+ * (48 bits) and those 6 bytes are allocated at the very end of accessible
+ * memory. When the BitString tries to access the second CPU_WORD, which
+ * contains the last 2 bytes of the buffer, an expection will be thrown because
+ * the BitString always access an entire CPU_WORD (4 bytes) at a time and the
+ * last two bytes are not accessible. Utilize the static function
+ * getNumCpuWords() to get the minimum number of CPU_WORDs required to allocate
+ * sufficient space in the buffer. For example, getNumCpuWords(48) returns 2.
+ *
+ * The bit positions are ordered 0 to n (left to right), where n is the bit
+ * length minus one. By default, position 0 will be the first bit of the
+ * buffer's start address. The optional constructor allows users to input an
+ * offset anywhere within the buffer, which is then used as position 0. This is
+ * useful when the data within the buffer is a right-justified.
+ */
+class BitString
+  public: // constants
+    /** Bit length of a CPU_WORD */
+    static const uint32_t CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN;
+    /** A CPU_WORD with all of the bits set to 1 */
+    static const CPU_WORD CPU_WORD_MASK;
+  public: // functions
+    /**
+     * @brief Constructor
+     * @param i_bitLen  The number of bits in the bit string.
+     * @param i_bufAddr The starting address of the memory buffer.
+     * @param i_offset  Optional input to indicate the actual starting position
+     *                  of the bit string within the memory buffer.
+     * @post  It is possible that i_bitLen + i_offset may not be CPU_WORD
+     *        aligned, however, the memory space allocated for i_bufAddr must be
+     *        CPU_WORD aligned to avoid functions in this class accessing memory
+     *        outside the available memory space. Use getNumCpuWords() to
+     *        calulate the number of CPU_WORDs needed to allocate sufficient
+     *        memory space.
+     */
+    BitString( uint32_t i_bitLen, CPU_WORD * i_bufAddr,
+               uint32_t i_offset = 0 ) :
+        iv_bitLen(i_bitLen), iv_bufAddr(i_bufAddr), iv_offset(i_offset)
+    {}
+    /** @brief Destructor */
+    virtual ~BitString() {}
+    /** @return The number of bits in the bit string buffer. */
+    uint32_t getBitLen() const { return iv_bitLen; }
+    /** @return The address of the bit string buffer. Note that this may
+     *          return nullptr. */
+    CPU_WORD * getBufAddr() const { return iv_bufAddr; }
+    /**
+     * @param i_bitLen The number of bits for a bit string.
+     * @param i_offset Optional starting position of the bit string within the
+     *                 memory buffer.
+     * @return The minimum number of CPU_WORDs required to allocate sufficient
+     *         memory space for a bit string.
+     */
+    static uint32_t getNumCpuWords( uint32_t i_bitLen, uint32_t i_offset = 0 )
+    {
+        return (i_bitLen + i_offset + CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN-1) / CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN;
+    }
+    /**
+     * @brief  Returns a left-justified value of the given length from the bit
+     *         string starting at the given position.
+     * @param  i_pos The starting position of the target range.
+     * @param  i_len The number of bits of the target range.
+     * @return The value of the field range specified (left-justified).
+     * @pre    nullptr != getBufAddr()
+     * @pre    0 < i_len
+     * @pre    i_len <= CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN
+     * @pre    i_pos + i_len <= getBitLen()
+     */
+    CPU_WORD getField( uint32_t i_pos, uint32_t i_len ) const;
+    /**
+     * @brief  Returns a right-justified value of the given length from the bit
+     *         string starting at the given position.
+     * @param  i_pos The starting position of the target range.
+     * @param  i_len The number of bits of the target range.
+     * @return The value of the field range specified (right-justified).
+     * @pre    nullptr != getBufAddr()
+     * @pre    0 < i_len
+     * @pre    i_len <= CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN
+     * @pre    i_pos + i_len <= getBitLen()
+     */
+    CPU_WORD getFieldJustify( uint32_t i_pos, uint32_t i_len ) const
+    {
+        return getField(i_pos, i_len) >> (CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN - i_len);
+    }
+    /**
+     * @brief  Sets a left-justified value of the given length into the bit
+     *         string starting at the given position.
+     * @param i_pos The starting position of the target range.
+     * @param i_len The number of bits of the target range.
+     * @param i_val The left-justified value to set.
+     * @pre   nullptr != getBufAddr()
+     * @pre   0 < i_len
+     * @pre   i_len <= CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN
+     * @pre   i_pos + i_len <= getBitLen()
+     */
+    void setField( uint32_t i_pos, uint32_t i_len, CPU_WORD i_val );
+    /**
+     * @brief  Sets a right-justified value of the given length into the bit
+     *         string starting at the given position.
+     * @param i_pos The starting position of the target range.
+     * @param i_len The number of bits of the target range.
+     * @param i_val The right-justified value to set.
+     * @pre   nullptr != getBufAddr()
+     * @pre   0 < i_len
+     * @pre   i_len <= CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN
+     * @pre   i_pos + i_len <= getBitLen()
+     */
+    void setFieldJustify( uint32_t i_pos, uint32_t i_len, CPU_WORD i_val )
+    {
+        setField( i_pos, i_len, i_val << (CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN - i_len) );
+    }
+    /**
+     * @param  i_pos The target position.
+     * @return True if the bit at the given position is set(1), false otherwise.
+     * @pre    i_pos < getBitLen().
+     */
+    bool isBitSet( uint32_t i_pos ) const { return 0 != getField(i_pos, 1); }
+    /**
+     * @brief Sets the target position to 1.
+     * @param i_pos The target position.
+     * @pre   i_pos < getBitLen().
+     */
+    void setBit( uint32_t i_pos ) { setFieldJustify( i_pos, 1, 1 ); }
+    /** @brief Sets the entire bit string to 1's. */
+    void setAll() { setPattern(CPU_WORD_MASK); }
+    /**
+     * @brief Sets the target position to 0.
+     * @param i_pos The target position.
+     * @pre   i_pos < getBitLen().
+     */
+    void clearBit( uint32_t i_pos ) { setFieldJustify( i_pos, 1, 0 ); }
+    /** @brief Sets the entire bit string to 0's. */
+    void clearAll() { setPattern(0); }
+    /**
+     * @brief Sets a range within the string based on the pattern and length
+     *        provided.
+     * @param i_sPos    Starting position of this string.
+     * @param i_sLen    The length of the target range.
+     * @param i_pattern The pattern to set (right justified).
+     * @param i_pLen    The length of the pattern.
+     * @pre   nullptr != getBufAddr()
+     * @pre   0 < i_sLen
+     * @pre   i_sPos + i_sLen <= getBitLen()
+     * @pre   0 < i_pLen <= CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN
+     * @post  The pattern is repeated/truncated as needed.
+     *
+     * Examples:  i_sPos(0), i_sLen(10), i_pattern(0xA), i_pLen(4)
+     *            Old String: 0000000000
+     *            New String: 1010101010
+     *
+     *            i_sPos(3), i_sLen(4), i_pattern(0x3), i_pLen(3)
+     *            Old String: 0001001000
+     *            New String: 0000110000
+     */
+    void setPattern( uint32_t i_sPos, uint32_t i_sLen,
+                     CPU_WORD i_pattern, uint32_t i_pLen );
+    /**
+     * @brief Sets entire string based on the pattern and length provided.
+     * @param i_pattern The pattern to set (right justified).
+     * @param i_pLen    The length of the pattern.
+     * @note  See definition above for prerequisites.
+     * @post  The entire string is filled with the pattern.
+     * @post  The pattern is repeated/truncated as needed.
+     */
+    void setPattern( CPU_WORD i_pattern, uint32_t i_pLen )
+    {
+        setPattern( 0, getBitLen(), i_pattern, i_pLen );
+    }
+    /**
+     * @brief Sets entire string based on the pattern provided (length of
+     *        CPU_WORD).
+     * @param i_pattern The pattern to set.
+     * @note  See definition above for prerequisites.
+     * @post  The entire string is filled with the pattern.
+     * @post  The pattern is repeated/truncated as needed.
+     */
+    void setPattern( CPU_WORD i_pattern )
+    {
+        setPattern( i_pattern, CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN );
+    }
+    /**
+     * @brief Set bits in this string based on the given string.
+     * @param i_sStr The source string.
+     * @param i_sPos The starting position of the source string.
+     * @param i_sLen The number of bits to copy from the source string.
+     * @param i_dPos The starting position of the this string.
+     * @pre   nullptr != getBufAddr()
+     * @pre   nullptr != i_sStr.getBufAddr()
+     * @pre   0 < i_sLen
+     * @pre   i_sPos + i_sLen <= i_sStr.getBitLen()
+     * @pre   i_dPos < getBitLen()
+     * @post  Source bits in given range are copied to this starting at i_dPos.
+     * @note  If the length of the given string is greater than the length of
+     *        this string, then the extra bits are ignored.
+     * @note  If the length of the given string is less than the length of this
+     *        string, then the extra bits in this string are not modified.
+     * @note  This string and the source string may specify overlapping memory.
+     */
+    void setString( const BitString & i_sStr, uint32_t i_sPos,
+                    uint32_t i_sLen, uint32_t i_dPos = 0 );
+    /**
+     * @brief Set bits in this string based on the provided string.
+     * @param i_sStr The source string.
+     * @note  This will try to copy as much of the source as possible to this
+     *        string, starting with the first bit in each string.
+     * @note  See the other definition of this function for details and
+     *        restrictions.
+     */
+    void setString( const BitString & i_sStr )
+    {
+        setString( i_sStr, 0, i_sStr.getBitLen() );
+    }
+    /**
+     * @brief Masks (clears) any bits set in this string that correspond to bits
+     *        set in the given string (this & ~mask).
+     * @param i_mask The mask string.
+     * @note  If the length of the given string is greater than the length of
+     *        this string, then the extra bits are ignored.
+     * @note  If the length of the given string is less than the length of this
+     *        string, then the extra bits in this string are not modified.
+     */
+    void maskString( const BitString & i_mask );
+    /**
+     * @param  i_str The string to compare.
+     * @return True if the strings are equivalent, false otherwise.
+     * @pre    Both strings must be of equal length and have same values to be
+     *         equal.
+     */
+    bool isEqual( const BitString & i_str ) const;
+    /** @return True if there are no bit set(1) in this bit string, false
+     *          otherwise. */
+    bool isZero() const;
+    /**
+     * @param  i_pos The starting position of the target range.
+     * @param  i_len The length of the target range.
+     * @return The number of bits that are set(1) in given range of this string.
+     * @pre    nullptr != getBufAddr()
+     * @pre    i_pos + i_len <= getBitLen()
+     */
+    uint32_t getSetCount( uint32_t i_pos, uint32_t i_len ) const;
+    /** @return The number of bits that are set(1) in this string. */
+    uint32_t getSetCount() const { return getSetCount( 0, getBitLen() ); }
+    /** @brief Comparison operator. */
+    bool operator==( const BitString & i_str ) const { return isEqual(i_str); }
+    /** @brief Bitwise NOT operator. */
+    BitStringBuffer operator~() const;
+    /** @brief Bitwise AND operator. */
+    BitStringBuffer operator&( const BitString & i_bs ) const;
+    /** @brief Bitwise OR operator. */
+    BitStringBuffer operator|( const BitString & i_bs ) const;
+    /** @brief Right shift operator. */
+    BitStringBuffer operator>>( uint32_t i_shift ) const;
+    /** @brief Left shift operator. */
+    BitStringBuffer operator<<( uint32_t i_shift ) const;
+  protected: // functions
+    /**
+     * @param i_newBufAddr The starting address of the new bit string buffer.
+     * @pre   Before calling this function, make sure you deallocate the old
+     *        buffer to avoid memory leaks.
+     */
+    void setBufAddr( CPU_WORD * i_newBufAddr ) { iv_bufAddr = i_newBufAddr; }
+    /** @param i_newBitLen The new bit length of this bit string buffer. */
+    void setBitLen( uint32_t i_newBitLen ) { iv_bitLen = i_newBitLen; }
+  private: // functions
+    // Prevent the assignment operator and copy constructor from a
+    // BitStringBuffer. While technically these could be done. We run into
+    // serious problems like with the operator functions above that all return
+    // a BitStringBuffer. If we allowed these, the BitString would end up
+    // pointing to memory that is no longer in context.
+    BitString & operator=( const BitStringBuffer & i_bsb );
+    BitString( const BitStringBuffer & i_bsb );
+    /**
+     * @brief  Given a bit position within the bit string, this function returns
+     *         the address that contains the bit position and the bit position
+     *         relative to that address.
+     * @param  o_relPos The returned relative position.
+     * @param  i_absPos The inputted absolute position.
+     * @return The relative address.
+     * @pre    nullptr != getBufAddr()
+     * @pre    i_absPos < getBitLen()
+     */
+    CPU_WORD * getRelativePosition( uint32_t & o_relPos,
+                                    uint32_t   i_absPos ) const;
+  private: // instance variables
+    uint32_t   iv_bitLen;  ///< The bit length of this buffer.
+    CPU_WORD * iv_bufAddr; ///< The beginning address of this buffer.
+    uint32_t   iv_offset;  ///< Start position offset
+//                          BitStringBuffer class
+/** A BitStringBuffer is a BitString that maintains its own buffer in memory. It
+ *  guarantees that sufficient memory is allocated and deallocated in the
+ *  constructor and destructor, respectively. In addition, the assignment
+ *  operator will adjust the amount of memory needed, as necessary, for the
+ *  assignment. */
+class BitStringBuffer : public BitString
+  public: // functions
+    /**
+     * @brief Constructor
+     * @param i_bitLen Number of bits in the string.
+     */
+    explicit BitStringBuffer( uint32_t i_bitLen );
+    /** @brief Destructor */
+    ~BitStringBuffer();
+    /** @brief Copy constructor from BitString */
+    BitStringBuffer( const BitString & i_bs );
+    /** @brief Copy constructor from BitStringBuffer */
+    BitStringBuffer( const BitStringBuffer & i_bsb );
+    /** @brief Assignment from BitString */
+    BitStringBuffer & operator=( const BitString & i_bs );
+    /** @brief Assignment from BitStringBuffer */
+    BitStringBuffer & operator=( const BitStringBuffer & i_bsb );
+  private: // functions
+    /** @brief Deallocates the old buffer, if needed, and initializes the new
+     *         buffer. */
+    void initBuffer();
+/*  IO Stream Conditional Support                                     */
+std::ostream & operator<<( std::ostream & out,
+                      const BitString & bit_string);
+} // end namespace FSP/HOSTBOOT
+} // end namespace PRDF