blob: 1741447a8cc958fe27f34105889f28c99ce33594 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Chip Data Files
build_cdb = find_program('')
# The key for each entry in this dictionary is a subdirectory containing XML for
# a chip model. The value for each entry contains the expected output files that
# will be produced for each chip model. It is important to note that the script
# will generate all output files, regardless of what is listed, when the script
# is run. However, this list must be kept in sync with the expected output so
# that meson will know to run the script when an output file has changed or is
# missing.
cdb_files = {}
chip_config = get_option('chip_config')
if 'p10' in chip_config
cdb_files += {'p10_10' : ['chip_data_p10_10.cdb']}
cdb_files += {'p10_20' : ['chip_data_p10_20.cdb']}
if 'explorer' in chip_config
cdb_files += {'explorer' : ['chip_data_explorer_11.cdb',
if 'odyssey' in chip_config
cdb_files += {'odyssey' : ['chip_data_odyssey_10.cdb']}
foreach chip_dir, out_files : cdb_files
source_dir = meson.current_source_dir() + '/' + chip_dir
build_dir = meson.current_build_dir()
# Get all JSON files in the chip directory. This is a bit of a workaround
# because meson does not allow wildcards.
json_list = run_command('', source_dir)
in_files = json_list.stdout().strip().split('\n')
custom_target('build_cdb_' + chip_dir, build_by_default : true,
input : in_files, output : out_files,
command : [ build_cdb, 'bin', source_dir, build_dir ],
install : true,
install_dir : join_paths(get_option('prefix'),