blob: 2c925f6338b5769718ddb4a1e9c009b799192c0f [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include "occ_errors.hpp"
#include "utils.hpp"
#include <org/open_power/OCC/PassThrough/server.hpp>
#include <sdbusplus/bus.hpp>
#include <sdbusplus/server/object.hpp>
#include <string>
namespace open_power
namespace occ
// For waiting on signals
namespace sdbusRule = sdbusplus::bus::match::rules;
enum class CmdStatus
/** @brief Trace block of data in hex with log<level:INFO>
* @param[in] data - vector containing data to trace
* @param[in] data_len - optional number of bytes to trace
* If 0, entire vector will be traced.
void dump_hex(const std::vector<std::uint8_t>& data,
const unsigned int data_len = 0);
/** @class OccCommand
* @brief Send commands and process respsonses from the OCC
class OccCommand
OccCommand() = delete;
OccCommand(const OccCommand&) = delete;
OccCommand& operator=(const OccCommand&) = delete;
OccCommand(OccCommand&&) = default;
OccCommand& operator=(OccCommand&&) = default;
/** @brief Ctor to set up which OCC the command will go to
* @param[in] instance - OCC instance
* @param[in] path - Path to attach at
OccCommand(uint8_t instance, const char* path);
/** @brief Dtor to clean up and close device */
/** @brief Send the command to the OCC and collect the response.
* The checksum will be validated and removed from the response.
* @param[in] command - command to pass-through
* @param[out] response - response
* returns SUCCESS if response was received
CmdStatus send(const std::vector<std::uint8_t>& command,
std::vector<std::uint8_t>& response);
/** @brief Instance number of the target OCC */
uint8_t occInstance;
/** @brief OCC path on the bus */
std::string path;
/** @brief OCC device path
* For now, here is the hard-coded mapping until
* the udev rule is in.
* occ0 --> /dev/occ1
* occ1 --> /dev/occ2
* ...
std::string devicePath;
/** @brief Indicates whether or not the OCC is currently active */
bool occActive = false;
/** brief file descriptor associated with occ device */
int fd = -1;
/** @brief Subscribe to OCC Status signal
* Once the OCC status gets to active, only then we will get /dev/occ2
* populated and hence need to wait on that before opening that
sdbusplus::bus::match_t activeStatusSignal;
/** Opens devicePath and populates file descriptor */
void openDevice();
/** Closed the fd associated with opened device */
void closeDevice();
/** @brief Callback function on OCC Status change signals
* @param[in] msg - Data associated with subscribed signal
void activeStatusEvent(sdbusplus::message::message& msg);
} // namespace occ
} // namespace open_power