blob: a877c8cb2e75701d8b012be9210505d53ae6b664 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include "config.h"
#include "occ_errors.hpp"
#include "occ_events.hpp"
#include "occ_presence.hpp"
#include <org/open_power/OCC/Device/error.hpp>
#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
namespace open_power
namespace occ
class Manager;
class Status;
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
using namespace sdbusplus::org::open_power::OCC::Device::Error;
/** @class Device
* @brief Binds and unbinds the OCC driver upon request
class Device
Device() = delete;
~Device() = default;
Device(const Device&) = delete;
Device& operator=(const Device&) = delete;
Device(Device&&) = default;
Device& operator=(Device&&) = default;
/** @brief Constructs the Device object
* @param[in] event - Unique ptr reference to sd_event
* @param[in] path - Path to the OCC instance
* @param[in] manager - OCC manager instance
* @param[in] callback - Optional callback on errors
Device(EventPtr& event, const fs::path& path, const Manager& manager,
Status& status, std::function<void(bool)> callBack = nullptr) :
devPath(path), statusObject(status),
error(event, path / "occ_error", callBack),
presence(event, path / "occs_present", manager, callBack),
event, path / "occ_dvfs_overtemp",
std::bind(std::mem_fn(&Device::throttleProcTempCallback), this,
event, path / "occ_dvfs_power",
std::bind(std::mem_fn(&Device::throttleProcPowerCallback), this,
throttleMemTemp(event, path / "occ_mem_throttle",
this, std::placeholders::_1))
// Nothing to do here
/** @brief Binds device to the OCC driver */
inline void bind()
// Bind the device
return write(bindPath, config);
/** @brief Un-binds device from the OCC driver */
inline void unBind()
// Unbind the device
return write(unBindPath, config);
/** @brief Returns if device is already bound.
* On device bind, a soft link by the name $config
* gets created in OCC_HWMON_PATH and gets removed
* on unbind
* @return true if bound, else false
inline bool bound() const
return fs::exists(OCC_HWMON_PATH + config);
/** @brief Starts to monitor for errors
* @param[in] poll - Indicates whether or not the error file should
* actually be polled for changes. Disabling polling is
* necessary for error files that don't support the poll
* file operation.
inline void addErrorWatch(bool poll = true)
catch (const OpenFailure& e)
// try the old kernel version
throttleProcTemp.setFile(devPath / "occ_dvfs_ot");
/** @brief stops monitoring for errors */
inline void removeErrorWatch()
// we can always safely remove watch even if we don't add it
/** @brief Starts to watch how many OCCs are present on the master */
inline void addPresenceWatchMaster()
if (master())
/** @brief helper function to get the last part of the path
* @param[in] path - Path to parse
* @return - Last directory name in the path
static std::string getPathBack(const fs::path& path);
/** @brief Returns true if device represents the master OCC */
bool master() const;
/** @brief Config value to be used to do bind and unbind */
const std::string config;
/** @brief This directory contains the error files */
const fs::path devPath;
/** @brief To bind the device to the OCC driver, do:
* Write occ<#>-dev0 to: /sys/bus/platform/drivers/occ-hwmon/bind
static fs::path bindPath;
/** @brief To un-bind the device from the OCC driver, do:
* Write occ<#>-dev0 to: /sys/bus/platform/drivers/occ-hwmon/unbind
static fs::path unBindPath;
/** Store the associated Status instance */
Status& statusObject;
/** Abstraction of error monitoring */
Error error;
/** Abstraction of OCC presence monitoring */
Presence presence;
/** Error instances for watching for throttling events */
Error throttleProcTemp;
Error throttleProcPower;
Error throttleMemTemp;
/** @brief file writer to achieve bind and unbind
* @param[in] filename - Name of file to be written
* @param[in] data - Data to be written to
* @return - None
void write(const fs::path& fileName, const std::string& data)
// If there is an error, move the exception all the way up
std::ofstream file(fileName, std::ios::out);
file << data;
/** @brief callback for the proc temp throttle event
* @param[in] error - True if an error is reported, false otherwise
void throttleProcTempCallback(bool error);
/** @brief callback for the proc power throttle event
* @param[in] error - True if an error is reported, false otherwise
void throttleProcPowerCallback(bool error);
/** @brief callback for the proc temp throttle event
* @param[in] error - True if an error is reported, false otherwise
void throttleMemTempCallback(bool error);
} // namespace occ
} // namespace open_power