blob: 330f140454487f4e43101e8095e1ccfe15f554a1 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <xyz/openbmc_project/Sensor/Value/server.hpp>
#include <xyz/openbmc_project/State/Decorator/OperationalStatus/server.hpp>
namespace open_power
namespace occ
namespace dbus
using ObjectPath = std::string;
using SensorIntf = sdbusplus::server::object::object<
using OperationalStatusIntf =
/** @class OccDBusSensors
* @brief This is a custom D-Bus object, used to add D-Bus interface and update
* the corresponding properties value.
class OccDBusSensors
OccDBusSensors(const OccDBusSensors&) = delete;
OccDBusSensors(OccDBusSensors&&) = delete;
OccDBusSensors& operator=(const OccDBusSensors&) = delete;
OccDBusSensors& operator=(OccDBusSensors&&) = delete;
~OccDBusSensors() = default;
static OccDBusSensors& getOccDBus()
static OccDBusSensors customDBus;
return customDBus;
/** @brief Set the max value of the Sensor
* @param[in] path - The object path
* @param[in] value - The value of the MaxValue property
* @return true or false
bool setMaxValue(const std::string& path, double value);
/** @brief Get the max value of the Sensor
* @param[in] path - The object path
* @return bool - The value of the MaxValue property
double getMaxValue(const std::string& path) const;
/** @brief Set the min value of the Sensor
* @param[in] path - The object path
* @param[in] value - The value of the MinValue property
* @return true or false
bool setMinValue(const std::string& path, double value);
/** @brief Get the min value of the Sensor
* @param[in] path - The object path
* @return bool - The value of the MinValue property
double getMinValue(const std::string& path) const;
/** @brief Set the value of the Sensor
* @param[in] path - The object path
* @param[in] value - The value of the Value property
* @return true or false
bool setValue(const std::string& path, double value);
/** @brief Get the value of the Sensor
* @param[in] path - The object path
* @return bool - The value of the Value property
double getValue(const std::string& path) const;
/** @brief Set the unit of the Sensor
* @param[in] path - The object path
* @param[in] value - The value of the Unit property
* @return true or false
bool setUnit(const std::string& path, const std::string& value);
/** @brief Get the unit of the Sensor
* @param[in] path - The object path
* @return std::string - The value of the Unit property
std::string getUnit(const std::string& path) const;
/** @brief Set the Functional property
* @param[in] path - The object path
* @param[in] value - PLDM operational fault status
* @return true or false
bool setOperationalStatus(const std::string& path, bool value);
/** @brief Get the Functional property
* @param[in] path - The object path
* @return status - PLDM operational fault status
bool getOperationalStatus(const std::string& path) const;
std::map<ObjectPath, std::unique_ptr<SensorIntf>> sensors;
std::map<ObjectPath, std::unique_ptr<OperationalStatusIntf>>
} // namespace dbus
} // namespace occ
} // namespace open_power