blob: 742c222ef95d5352220a1d07a6afa621cce2aaae [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include "occ_pass_through.hpp"
#include "occ_status.hpp"
#ifdef PLDM
#include "pldm.hpp"
#include <libphal.H>
#include "powercap.hpp"
#include "utils.hpp"
#ifdef POWER10
#include "powermode.hpp"
#include <sdbusplus/bus.hpp>
#include <sdeventplus/event.hpp>
#include <sdeventplus/utility/timer.hpp>
#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
namespace sdbusRule = sdbusplus::bus::match::rules;
namespace open_power
namespace occ
enum occFruType
processorCore = 0,
internalMemCtlr = 1,
dimm = 2,
memCtrlAndDimm = 3,
VRMVdd = 6,
PMIC = 7,
memCtlrExSensor = 8,
processorIoRing = 9
/** @brief Default time, in seconds, between OCC poll commands */
#ifndef POWER10
constexpr unsigned int defaultPollingInterval = 1;
constexpr unsigned int defaultPollingInterval = 5;
/** @class Manager
* @brief Builds and manages OCC objects
struct Manager
Manager() = delete;
Manager(const Manager&) = delete;
Manager& operator=(const Manager&) = delete;
Manager(Manager&&) = delete;
Manager& operator=(Manager&&) = delete;
~Manager() = default;
/** @brief Adds OCC pass-through and status objects on the bus
* when corresponding CPU inventory is created.
* @param[in] event - Unique ptr reference to sd_event
Manager(EventPtr& event) :
event(event), pollInterval(defaultPollingInterval),
sdpEvent, std::bind(&Manager::pollerTimerExpired, this)))
#ifdef PLDM
std::bind(std::mem_fn(&Manager::updateOCCActive), this,
std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2),
std::bind(std::mem_fn(&Manager::sbeHRESETResult), this,
std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)))
#ifdef POWER10
sdpEvent, std::bind(&Manager::findAndCreateObjects, this)))
#ifdef I2C_OCC
// I2C OCC status objects are initialized directly
/** @brief Return the number of bound OCCs */
inline auto getNumOCCs() const
return activeCount;
#ifdef PLDM
/** @brief Called by a Device to report that the SBE timed out
* and appropriate action should be taken
* @param[in] instance - the OCC instance id
void sbeTimeout(unsigned int instance);
/** @brief Creates the OCC D-Bus objects.
void findAndCreateObjects();
/** @brief Callback that responds to cpu creation in the inventory -
* by creating the needed objects.
* @param[in] msg - bus message
* @returns 0 to indicate success
int cpuCreated(sdbusplus::message::message& msg);
/** @brief Create child OCC objects.
* @param[in] occ - the occ name, such as occ0.
void createObjects(const std::string& occ);
/** @brief Callback handler invoked by Status object when the OccActive
* property is changed. This is needed to make sure that the
* error detection is started only after all the OCCs are bound.
* Similarly, when one of the OCC gets its OccActive property
* un-set, then the OCC error detection needs to be stopped on
* all the OCCs
* @param[in] status - OccActive status
void statusCallBack(bool status);
/** @brief Sends a Heartbeat command to host control command handler */
void sendHeartBeat();
/** @brief reference to sd_event wrapped in unique_ptr */
EventPtr& event;
/** @brief OCC pass-through objects */
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PassThrough>> passThroughObjects;
/** @brief OCC Status objects */
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Status>> statusObjects;
/** @brief Power cap monitor and occ notification object */
std::unique_ptr<open_power::occ::powercap::PowerCap> pcap;
#ifdef POWER10
/** @brief Power mode monitor and notification object */
std::unique_ptr<open_power::occ::powermode::PowerMode> pmode;
/** @brief Idle Power Saver monitor and notification object */
std::unique_ptr<open_power::occ::powermode::PowerIPS> pips;
/** @brief sbdbusplus match objects */
std::vector<sdbusplus::bus::match_t> cpuMatches;
/** @brief Number of OCCs that are bound */
uint8_t activeCount = 0;
/** @brief Number of seconds between poll commands */
uint8_t pollInterval;
/** @brief Poll timer event */
sdeventplus::Event sdpEvent;
* @brief The timer to be used once the OCC goes active. When it expires,
* a POLL command will be sent to the OCC and then timer restarted.
#ifdef I2C_OCC
/** @brief Init Status objects for I2C OCC devices
* It iterates in /sys/bus/i2c/devices, finds all occ hwmon devices
* and creates status objects.
void initStatusObjects();
#ifdef PLDM
/** @brief Callback handler invoked by the PLDM event handler when state of
* the OCC is toggled by the host. The caller passes the instance
* of the OCC and state of the OCC.
* @param[in] instance - instance of the OCC
* @param[in] status - true when the OCC goes active and false when the OCC
* goes inactive
* @return true if setting the state of OCC is successful and false if it
* fails.
bool updateOCCActive(instanceID instance, bool status);
/** @brief Callback handler invoked by PLDM sensor change when
* the HRESET succeeds or fails.
* @param[in] instance - the SBE instance id
* @param[in] success - true if the HRESET succeeded, otherwise false
void sbeHRESETResult(instanceID instance, bool success);
/** @brief Helper function to check whether an SBE dump should be collected
* now.
* @param[in] instance - the SBE instance id
* @return true if an SBE dump should be collected and false if not
bool sbeCanDump(unsigned int instance);
/** @brief Helper function to set the SBE state through PDBG/PHAL
* @param[in] instance - instance of the SBE
* @param[in] state - the state to which the SBE should be set
void setSBEState(unsigned int instance, enum sbe_state state);
/** @brief Helper function to get the SBE instance PDBG processor target
* @param[in] instance - the SBE instance id
* @return a pointer to the PDBG target
struct pdbg_target* getPdbgTarget(unsigned int instance);
/** @brief Whether pdbg_targets_init has been called */
bool pdbgInitialized = false;
std::unique_ptr<pldm::Interface> pldmHandle = nullptr;
#ifdef POWER10
* @brief Timer used when discovering OCCs in /dev.
* @brief Used when discovering /dev/occ objects to know if
* any were added since the last check.
std::vector<int> prevOCCSearch;
* @brief Called when poll timer expires and forces a POLL command to the
* OCC. The poll timer will then be restarted.
* */
void pollerTimerExpired();
* @brief Finds the OCC devices in /dev
* @return The IDs of the OCCs - 0, 1, etc.
std::vector<int> findOCCsInDev();
* @brief Gets the occ sensor values.
* @param[in] id - Id of the OCC.
* @param[in] masterOcc - Is this OCC the master OCC.
* */
void getSensorValues(uint32_t id, bool masterOcc);
* @brief Trigger OCC driver to read the temperature sensors.
* @param[in] path - path of the OCC sensors.
* @param[in] id - Id of the OCC.
* */
void readTempSensors(const fs::path& path, uint32_t id);
* @brief Trigger OCC driver to read the power sensors.
* @param[in] path - path of the OCC sensors.
* @param[in] id - Id of the OCC.
* */
void readPowerSensors(const fs::path& path, uint32_t id);
* @brief Set all sensor values of this OCC to NaN.
* @param[in] id - Id of the OCC.
* */
void setSensorValueToNaN(uint32_t id);
/** @brief Store the existing OCC sensors on D-BUS */
std::map<std::string, uint32_t> existingSensors;
/** @brief Get FunctionID from the `powerX_label` file.
* @param[in] value - the value of the `powerX_label` file.
* @returns FunctionID of the power sensors.
getPowerLabelFunctionID(const std::string& value);
/** @brief The power sensor names map */
const std::map<std::string, std::string> powerSensorName = {
{"system", "total_power"}, {"1", "p0_mem_power"},
{"2", "p1_mem_power"}, {"3", "p2_mem_power"},
{"4", "p3_mem_power"}, {"5", "p0_power"},
{"6", "p1_power"}, {"7", "p2_power"},
{"8", "p3_power"}, {"9", "p0_cache_power"},
{"10", "p1_cache_power"}, {"11", "p2_cache_power"},
{"12", "p3_cache_power"}, {"13", "io_a_power"},
{"14", "io_b_power"}, {"15", "io_c_power"},
{"16", "fans_a_power"}, {"17", "fans_b_power"},
{"18", "storage_a_power"}, {"19", "storage_b_power"},
{"23", "mem_cache_power"}, {"25", "p0_mem_0_power"},
{"26", "p0_mem_1_power"}, {"27", "p0_mem_2_power"}};
/** @brief The dimm temperature sensor names map */
const std::map<uint32_t, std::string> dimmTempSensorName = {
{internalMemCtlr, "_intmb_temp"},
{dimm, "_dram_temp"},
{memCtrlAndDimm, "_dram_extmb_temp"},
{PMIC, "_pmic_temp"},
{memCtlrExSensor, "_extmb_temp"}};
} // namespace occ
} // namespace open_power