blob: a9bc8f473e9c8d51d20755c0f1bb4bb10601718b [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <sdbusplus/server.hpp>
#include "activation.hpp"
#include <xyz/openbmc_project/Common/FactoryReset/server.hpp>
#include "version.hpp"
namespace openpower
namespace software
namespace updater
using ItemUpdaterInherit = sdbusplus::server::object::object<
namespace MatchRules = sdbusplus::bus::match::rules;
/** @class ItemUpdater
* @brief Manages the activation of the version items.
class ItemUpdater : public ItemUpdaterInherit
/** @brief Constructs ItemUpdater
* @param[in] bus - The Dbus bus object
* @param[in] path - The Dbus path
ItemUpdater(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, const std::string& path) :
ItemUpdaterInherit(bus, path.c_str()),
MatchRules::interfacesAdded() +
/** @brief Sets the given priority free by incrementing
* any existing priority with the same value by 1
* @param[in] value - The priority that needs to be set free.
* @param[in] versionId - The Id of the version for which we
* are trying to free up the priority.
* @return None
void freePriority(uint8_t value, const std::string& versionId);
/** @brief Determine is the given priority is the lowest
* @param[in] value - The priority that needs to be checked.
* @return boolean corresponding to whether the given
* priority is lowest.
bool isLowestPriority(uint8_t value);
* @brief Create and populate the active PNOR Version.
void processPNORImage();
/** @brief Deletes version
* @param[in] entryId - Id of the version to delete
* @return None
void erase(std::string entryId);
/** @brief Deletes the active pnor version with highest priority
if the total number of volume exceeds the threshold.
void freeSpace();
/** @brief Callback function for Software.Version match.
* @details Creates an Activation dbus object.
* @param[in] msg - Data associated with subscribed signal
void createActivation(sdbusplus::message::message& msg);
* @brief Validates the presence of SquashFS iamge in the image dir.
* @param[in] filePath - The path to the SquashfFS image.
* @param[out] result - 0 --> if validation was successful
* - -1--> Otherwise
static int validateSquashFSImage(const std::string& filePath);
/** @brief Persistent sdbusplus DBus bus connection. */
sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus;
/** @brief Persistent map of Activation dbus objects and their
* version id */
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Activation>> activations;
/** @brief Persistent map of Version dbus objects and their
* version id */
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Version>> versions;
/** @brief sdbusplus signal match for Software.Version */
sdbusplus::bus::match_t versionMatch;
/** @brief Clears read only PNOR partition for
* given Activation dbus object
* @param[in] versionId - The id of the ro partition to remove.
void removeReadOnlyPartition(std::string versionId);
/** @brief Clears read write PNOR partition for
* given Activation dbus object
* @param[in] versionId - The id of the rw partition to remove.
void removeReadWritePartition(std::string versionId);
/** @brief Clears preserved PNOR partition */
void removePreservedPartition();
/** @brief Host factory reset - clears PNOR partitions for each
* Activation dbus object */
void reset() override;
} // namespace updater
} // namespace software
} // namespace openpower