blob: 4649adcefa57fb8c5e950702ecdb5de9feb438e7 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include "const.hpp"
#include "store.hpp"
#include "types.hpp"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
namespace openpower
namespace vpd
/** @brief Return the hex representation of the incoming byte
* @param [in] c - The input byte
* @returns The hex representation of the byte as a character.
constexpr auto toHex(size_t c)
constexpr auto map = "0123456789abcdef";
return map[c];
namespace inventory
/** @brief Api to obtain a dictionary of path -> services
* where path is in subtree and services is of the type
* returned by the GetObject method.
* @param [in] root - Root path for object subtree
* @param [in] depth - Maximum subtree depth required
* @param [in] interfaces - Array to interfaces for which
* result is required.
* @return A dictionary of Path -> services
getObjectSubtreeForInterfaces(const std::string& root, const int32_t depth,
const std::vector<std::string>& interfaces);
} // namespace inventory
/**@brief This API reads 2 Bytes of data and swap the read data
* @param[in] iterator- Pointer pointing to the data to be read
* @return returns 2 Byte data read at the given pointer
readUInt16LE(Binary::const_iterator iterator);
/** @brief Encodes a keyword for D-Bus.
* @param[in] kw - kwd data in string format
* @param[in] encoding - required for kwd data
string encodeKeyword(const string& kw, const string& encoding);
/** @brief Reads a property from the inventory manager given object path,
* intreface and property.
* @param[in] obj - object path
* @param[in] inf - interface
* @param[in] prop - property whose value is fetched
* @return [out] - value of the property
string readBusProperty(const string& obj, const string& inf,
const string& prop);
* @brief API to create PEL entry
* @param[in] additionalData - Map holding the additional data
* @param[in] sev - Severity
* @param[in] errIntf - error interface
void createPEL(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& additionalData,
const constants::PelSeverity& sev, const std::string& errIntf);
* @brief getVpdFilePath
* Get vpd file path corresponding to the given object path.
* @param[in] - json file path
* @param[in] - Object path
* @return - Vpd file path
inventory::VPDfilepath getVpdFilePath(const string& jsonFile,
const std::string& ObjPath);
* @brief isPathInJson
* API which checks for the presence of the given eeprom path in the given json.
* @param[in] - eepromPath
* @return - true if the eeprom is present in the json; false otherwise
bool isPathInJson(const std::string& eepromPath);
* @brief isRecKwInDbusJson
* API which checks whether the given keyword under the given record is to be
* published on dbus or not. Checks against the keywords present in
* dbus_property.json.
* @param[in] - record name
* @param[in] - keyword name
* @return - true if the record-keyword pair is present in dbus_property.json;
* false otherwise.
bool isRecKwInDbusJson(const std::string& record, const std::string& keyword);
* @brief Check the type of VPD.
* Checks the type of vpd based on the start tag.
* @param[in] vector - Vpd data in vector format
* @return enum of type vpdType
constants::vpdType vpdTypeCheck(const Binary& vector);
* @brief This method does nothing. Just an empty function to return null
* at the end of variadic template args
inline string getCommand()
return "";
* @brief This function to arrange all arguments to make commandy
* @param[in] arguments to create the command
* @return cmd - command string
template <typename T, typename... Types>
inline string getCommand(T arg1, Types... args)
string cmd = " " + arg1 + getCommand(args...);
return cmd;
* @brief This API takes arguments, creates a shell command line and executes
* them.
* @param[in] arguments for command
* @returns output of that command
template <typename T, typename... Types>
inline vector<string> executeCmd(T&& path, Types... args)
vector<string> stdOutput;
array<char, 128> buffer;
string cmd = path + getCommand(args...);
unique_ptr<FILE, decltype(&pclose)> pipe(popen(cmd.c_str(), "r"), pclose);
if (!pipe)
throw runtime_error("popen() failed!");
while (fgets(, buffer.size(), pipe.get()) != nullptr)
return stdOutput;
/** @brief This API checks for IM and HW keywords, and based
* on these values decides which system json to be used.
* @param[in] vpdMap - parsed vpd
* @returns System json path
string getSystemsJson(const Parsed& vpdMap);
/** @brief Reads HW Keyword from the vpd
* @param[in] vpdMap - parsed vpd
* @returns value of HW Keyword
const string getHW(const Parsed& vpdMap);
/** @brief Reads IM Keyword from the vpd
* @param[in] vpdMap - parsed vpd
* @returns value of IM Keyword
const string getIM(const Parsed& vpdMap);
/** @brief Translate udev event generated path to a generic /sys/bus eeprom path
* @param[io] file - path generated from udev event.
void udevToGenericPath(string& file);
} // namespace vpd
} // namespace openpower