blob: 70eb453ed0db1c21dbb66166924af5ce6f2be2e8 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "config.h"
#include "editor_impl.hpp"
#include "parser.hpp"
#include "utils.hpp"
#include "vpdecc/vpdecc.h"
namespace openpower
namespace vpd
namespace manager
namespace editor
using namespace openpower::vpd::constants;
void EditorImpl::checkPTForRecord(Binary::const_iterator& iterator,
Byte ptLength)
// auto iterator = ptRecord.cbegin();
auto end = std::next(iterator, ptLength + 1);
// Look at each entry in the PT keyword for the record name
while (iterator < end)
auto stop = std::next(iterator, lengths::RECORD_NAME);
std::string record(iterator, stop);
if (record == thisRecord.recName)
// Skip record name and record type
std::advance(iterator, lengths::RECORD_NAME + sizeof(RecordType));
// Get record offset
thisRecord.recOffset = readUInt16LE(iterator);
// pass the record offset length to read record length
std::advance(iterator, lengths::RECORD_OFFSET);
thisRecord.recSize = readUInt16LE(iterator);
std::advance(iterator, lengths::RECORD_LENGTH);
thisRecord.recECCoffset = readUInt16LE(iterator);
ECCLength len;
std::advance(iterator, lengths::RECORD_ECC_OFFSET);
len = readUInt16LE(iterator);
thisRecord.recECCLength = len;
// once we find the record we don't need to look further
// Jump the record
std::advance(iterator, lengths::RECORD_NAME + sizeof(RecordType) +
sizeof(RecordOffset) +
sizeof(RecordLength) +
sizeof(ECCOffset) + sizeof(ECCLength));
// imples the record was not found
throw std::runtime_error("Record not found");
void EditorImpl::updateData(const Binary& kwdData)
std::size_t lengthToUpdate = kwdData.size() <= thisRecord.kwdDataLength
? kwdData.size()
: thisRecord.kwdDataLength;
auto iteratorToNewdata = kwdData.cbegin();
auto end = iteratorToNewdata;
std::advance(end, lengthToUpdate);
// update data in file buffer as it will be needed to update ECC
// avoiding extra stream operation here
auto iteratorToKWdData = vpdFile.begin();
std::advance(iteratorToKWdData, thisRecord.kwDataOffset);
std::copy(iteratorToNewdata, end, iteratorToKWdData);
// update data in EEPROM as well. As we will not write complete file back
vpdFileStream.seekg(thisRecord.kwDataOffset, std::ios::beg);
iteratorToNewdata = kwdData.cbegin();
std::copy(iteratorToNewdata, end,
// get a hold to new data in case encoding is needed
auto itrToKWdData = vpdFile.cbegin();
std::advance(itrToKWdData, thisRecord.kwDataOffset);
auto kwdDataEnd = itrToKWdData;
std::advance(kwdDataEnd, thisRecord.kwdDataLength);
std::copy(itrToKWdData, kwdDataEnd, thisRecord.kwdUpdatedData.begin());
void EditorImpl::checkRecordForKwd()
RecordOffset recOffset = thisRecord.recOffset;
// Amount to skip for record ID, size, and the RT keyword
constexpr auto skipBeg = sizeof(RecordId) + sizeof(RecordSize) +
lengths::KW_NAME + sizeof(KwSize);
auto iterator = vpdFile.cbegin();
std::advance(iterator, recOffset + skipBeg + lengths::RECORD_NAME);
auto end = iterator;
std::advance(end, thisRecord.recSize);
std::size_t dataLength = 0;
while (iterator < end)
// Note keyword name
std::string kw(iterator, iterator + lengths::KW_NAME);
// Check if the Keyword starts with '#'
char kwNameStart = *iterator;
std::advance(iterator, lengths::KW_NAME);
// if keyword starts with #
if (POUND_KW == kwNameStart)
// Note existing keyword data length
dataLength = readUInt16LE(iterator);
// Jump past 2Byte keyword length + data
std::advance(iterator, sizeof(PoundKwSize));
// Note existing keyword data length
dataLength = *iterator;
// Jump past keyword length and data
std::advance(iterator, sizeof(KwSize));
if (thisRecord.recKWd == kw)
thisRecord.kwDataOffset = std::distance(vpdFile.cbegin(), iterator);
thisRecord.kwdDataLength = dataLength;
// jump the data of current kwd to point to next kwd name
std::advance(iterator, dataLength);
throw std::runtime_error("Keyword not found");
void EditorImpl::updateRecordECC()
auto itrToRecordData = vpdFile.cbegin();
std::advance(itrToRecordData, thisRecord.recOffset);
auto itrToRecordECC = vpdFile.cbegin();
std::advance(itrToRecordECC, thisRecord.recECCoffset);
auto l_status = vpdecc_create_ecc(
const_cast<uint8_t*>(&itrToRecordData[0]), thisRecord.recSize,
const_cast<uint8_t*>(&itrToRecordECC[0]), &thisRecord.recECCLength);
if (l_status != VPD_ECC_OK)
throw std::runtime_error("Ecc update failed");
auto end = itrToRecordECC;
std::advance(end, thisRecord.recECCLength);
vpdFileStream.seekp(thisRecord.recECCoffset, std::ios::beg);
std::copy(itrToRecordECC, end,
auto EditorImpl::getValue(offsets::Offsets offset)
auto itr = vpdFile.cbegin();
std::advance(itr, offset);
LE2ByteData lowByte = *itr;
LE2ByteData highByte = *(itr + 1);
lowByte |= (highByte << 8);
return lowByte;
void EditorImpl::checkECC(Binary::const_iterator& itrToRecData,
Binary::const_iterator& itrToECCData,
RecordLength recLength, ECCLength eccLength)
auto l_status =
vpdecc_check_data(const_cast<uint8_t*>(&itrToRecData[0]), recLength,
const_cast<uint8_t*>(&itrToECCData[0]), eccLength);
if (l_status != VPD_ECC_OK)
throw std::runtime_error("Ecc check failed for VTOC");
void EditorImpl::readVTOC()
// read VTOC offset
RecordOffset tocOffset = getValue(offsets::VTOC_PTR);
// read VTOC record length
RecordLength tocLength = getValue(offsets::VTOC_REC_LEN);
// read TOC ecc offset
ECCOffset tocECCOffset = getValue(offsets::VTOC_ECC_OFF);
// read TOC ecc length
ECCLength tocECCLength = getValue(offsets::VTOC_ECC_LEN);
auto itrToRecord = vpdFile.cbegin();
std::advance(itrToRecord, tocOffset);
auto iteratorToECC = vpdFile.cbegin();
std::advance(iteratorToECC, tocECCOffset);
// validate ecc for the record
checkECC(itrToRecord, iteratorToECC, tocLength, tocECCLength);
// to get to the record name.
std::advance(itrToRecord, sizeof(RecordId) + sizeof(RecordSize) +
// Skip past the RT keyword, which contains
// the record name.
lengths::KW_NAME + sizeof(KwSize));
std::string recordName(itrToRecord, itrToRecord + lengths::RECORD_NAME);
if ("VTOC" != recordName)
throw std::runtime_error("VTOC record not found");
// jump to length of PT kwd
std::advance(itrToRecord, lengths::RECORD_NAME + lengths::KW_NAME);
// Note size of PT
Byte ptLen = *itrToRecord;
std::advance(itrToRecord, 1);
checkPTForRecord(itrToRecord, ptLen);
template <typename T>
void EditorImpl::makeDbusCall(const std::string& object,
const std::string& interface,
const std::string& property,
const std::variant<T>& data)
auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default();
auto properties =
bus.new_method_call(INVENTORY_MANAGER_SERVICE, object.c_str(),
"org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "Set");
auto result =;
if (result.is_method_error())
throw std::runtime_error("bus call failed");
void EditorImpl::processAndUpdateCI(const std::string& objectPath)
for (auto& commonInterface : jsonFile["commonInterfaces"].items())
for (auto& ciPropertyList : commonInterface.value().items())
if (ciPropertyList.value().type() ==
if ((ciPropertyList.value().value("recordName", "") ==
thisRecord.recName) &&
(ciPropertyList.value().value("keywordName", "") ==
std::string kwdData(thisRecord.kwdUpdatedData.begin(),
makeDbusCall<std::string>((INVENTORY_PATH + objectPath),
ciPropertyList.key(), kwdData);
void EditorImpl::processAndUpdateEI(const nlohmann::json& Inventory,
const inventory::Path& objPath)
for (const auto& extraInterface : Inventory["extraInterfaces"].items())
if (extraInterface.value() != NULL)
for (const auto& eiPropertyList : extraInterface.value().items())
if (eiPropertyList.value().type() ==
if ((eiPropertyList.value().value("recordName", "") ==
thisRecord.recName) &&
((eiPropertyList.value().value("keywordName", "") ==
std::string kwdData(thisRecord.kwdUpdatedData.begin(),
(INVENTORY_PATH + objPath), extraInterface.key(),
encodeKeyword(kwdData, eiPropertyList.value().value(
"encoding", "")));
void EditorImpl::updateCache()
const std::vector<nlohmann::json>& groupEEPROM =
jsonFile["frus"][vpdFilePath].get_ref<const nlohmann::json::array_t&>();
// iterate through all the inventories for this file path
for (const auto& singleInventory : groupEEPROM)
// by default inherit property is true
bool isInherit = true;
if (singleInventory.find("inherit") != singleInventory.end())
isInherit = singleInventory["inherit"].get<bool>();
if (isInherit)
// update com interface
(IPZ_INTERFACE + (std::string) "." + thisRecord.recName),
thisRecord.recKWd, thisRecord.kwdUpdatedData);
// process Common interface
.get_ref<const nlohmann::json::string_t&>());
// process extra interfaces
.get_ref<const nlohmann::json::string_t&>());
void EditorImpl::updateKeyword(const Binary& kwdData)
std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
if (!vpdFileStream)
throw std::runtime_error("unable to open vpd file to edit");
Binary completeVPDFile((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(vpdFileStream)),
vpdFile = completeVPDFile;
auto iterator = vpdFile.cbegin();
std::advance(iterator, IPZ_DATA_START);
Byte vpdType = *iterator;
if (vpdType == KW_VAL_PAIR_START_TAG)
// process VTOC for PTT rkwd
// check record for keywrod
// update the data to the file
// update the ECC data for the record once data has been updated
// update the cache once data has been updated
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid VPD file type");
} // namespace editor
} // namespace manager
} // namespace vpd
} // namespace openpower