| SUMMARY = "Intel RSTe with Linux OS SSI API Library" |
| DESCRIPTION = "Intel Rapid Storage Technology enterprise with Linux OS* Standard Storage Interface API Library. \ |
| The library allows user to manage storage devices including creating and managing Raid arrays on systems with Intel chipset." |
| HOMEPAGE = "http://irstessi.sourceforge.net/" |
| LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=9d701a2fbb56039fd64afb2262008ddb" |
| SRC_URI = "http://sourceforge.net/projects/irstessi/files/${BPN}.${PV}.tgz \ |
| file://0001-log-Avoid-shadowing-functions-from-std-lib.patch \ |
| file://0002-boost-Backport-clang-support.patch \ |
| file://0003-engine-Define-discover-const-String-path-in-base-cla.patch \ |
| file://0004-Do-not-override-flags-coming-from-build-environment.patch \ |
| file://0005-enable-out-of-source-tree-builds.patch \ |
| file://0001-Don-t-use-__GNUC_PREREQ.patch \ |
| file://0002-Use-stangard-int-types.patch \ |
| file://0003-replace-canonicalize_file_name-with-realpath.patch \ |
| file://0004-include-limits.h.patch \ |
| file://0001-Include-libgen.h.patch \ |
| SRC_URI[md5sum] = "d06c9b426437a7697d77266e9835b520" |
| SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "59daab29363d6e9f07c524029c4239653cfbbee6b0e57fd75df62499728dad8a" |
| S ="${WORKDIR}/${BPN}.${PV}" |
| RDEPENDS_${PN} += "mdadm" |