blob: ad49d1e2aa3ab8c91ec43175a6bfc4f5959dc1ef [file] [log] [blame]
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
import hashlib
import logging
import os
import re
import tempfile
import pickle
import difflib
import simplediff
from bb.checksum import FileChecksumCache
from bb import runqueue
import hashserv
import hashserv.client
logger = logging.getLogger('BitBake.SigGen')
hashequiv_logger = logging.getLogger('BitBake.SigGen.HashEquiv')
def init(d):
siggens = [obj for obj in globals().values()
if type(obj) is type and issubclass(obj, SignatureGenerator)]
desired = d.getVar("BB_SIGNATURE_HANDLER") or "noop"
for sg in siggens:
if desired ==
return sg(d)
logger.error("Invalid signature generator '%s', using default 'noop'\n"
"Available generators: %s", desired,
', '.join( for obj in siggens))
return SignatureGenerator(d)
class SignatureGenerator(object):
name = "noop"
# If the derived class supports multiconfig datacaches, set this to True
# The default is False for backward compatibility with derived signature
# generators that do not understand multiconfig caches
supports_multiconfig_datacaches = False
def __init__(self, data):
self.basehash = {}
self.taskhash = {}
self.unihash = {}
self.runtaskdeps = {}
self.file_checksum_values = {}
self.taints = {}
self.unitaskhashes = {}
self.tidtopn = {}
self.setscenetasks = set()
def finalise(self, fn, d, varient):
def postparsing_clean_cache(self):
def get_unihash(self, tid):
return self.taskhash[tid]
def prep_taskhash(self, tid, deps, dataCaches):
def get_taskhash(self, tid, deps, dataCaches):
self.taskhash[tid] = hashlib.sha256(tid.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
return self.taskhash[tid]
def writeout_file_checksum_cache(self):
"""Write/update the file checksum cache onto disk"""
def stampfile(self, stampbase, file_name, taskname, extrainfo):
return ("%s.%s.%s" % (stampbase, taskname, extrainfo)).rstrip('.')
def stampcleanmask(self, stampbase, file_name, taskname, extrainfo):
return ("%s.%s.%s" % (stampbase, taskname, extrainfo)).rstrip('.')
def dump_sigtask(self, fn, task, stampbase, runtime):
def invalidate_task(self, task, d, fn):, d, fn)
def dump_sigs(self, dataCache, options):
def get_taskdata(self):
return (self.runtaskdeps, self.taskhash, self.unihash, self.file_checksum_values, self.taints, self.basehash, self.unitaskhashes, self.tidtopn, self.setscenetasks)
def set_taskdata(self, data):
self.runtaskdeps, self.taskhash, self.unihash, self.file_checksum_values, self.taints, self.basehash, self.unitaskhashes, self.tidtopn, self.setscenetasks = data
def reset(self, data):
def get_taskhashes(self):
return self.taskhash, self.unihash, self.unitaskhashes, self.tidtopn
def set_taskhashes(self, hashes):
self.taskhash, self.unihash, self.unitaskhashes, self.tidtopn = hashes
def save_unitaskhashes(self):
def set_setscene_tasks(self, setscene_tasks):
def get_data_caches(cls, dataCaches, mc):
This function returns the datacaches that should be passed to signature
generator functions. If the signature generator supports multiconfig
caches, the entire dictionary of data caches is sent, otherwise a
special proxy is sent that support both index access to all
multiconfigs, and also direct access for the default multiconfig.
The proxy class allows code in this class itself to always use
multiconfig aware code (to ease maintenance), but derived classes that
are unaware of multiconfig data caches can still access the default
multiconfig as expected.
Do not override this function in derived classes; it will be removed in
the future when support for multiconfig data caches is mandatory
class DataCacheProxy(object):
def __init__(self):
def __getitem__(self, key):
return dataCaches[key]
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(dataCaches[mc], name)
if cls.supports_multiconfig_datacaches:
return dataCaches
return DataCacheProxy()
class SignatureGeneratorBasic(SignatureGenerator):
name = "basic"
def __init__(self, data):
self.basehash = {}
self.taskhash = {}
self.unihash = {}
self.taskdeps = {}
self.runtaskdeps = {}
self.file_checksum_values = {}
self.taints = {}
self.gendeps = {}
self.lookupcache = {}
self.setscenetasks = set()
self.basewhitelist = set((data.getVar("BB_HASHBASE_WHITELIST") or "").split())
self.taskwhitelist = None
checksum_cache_file = data.getVar("BB_HASH_CHECKSUM_CACHE_FILE")
if checksum_cache_file:
self.checksum_cache = FileChecksumCache()
self.checksum_cache.init_cache(data, checksum_cache_file)
self.checksum_cache = None
self.unihash_cache = bb.cache.SimpleCache("3")
self.unitaskhashes = self.unihash_cache.init_cache(data, "bb_unihashes.dat", {})
self.localdirsexclude = (data.getVar("BB_SIGNATURE_LOCAL_DIRS_EXCLUDE") or "CVS .bzr .git .hg .osc .p4 .repo .svn").split()
self.tidtopn = {}
def init_rundepcheck(self, data):
self.taskwhitelist = data.getVar("BB_HASHTASK_WHITELIST") or None
if self.taskwhitelist:
self.twl = re.compile(self.taskwhitelist)
self.twl = None
def _build_data(self, fn, d):
ignore_mismatch = ((d.getVar("BB_HASH_IGNORE_MISMATCH") or '') == '1')
tasklist, gendeps, lookupcache =, self.basewhitelist)
taskdeps, basehash =, gendeps, lookupcache, self.basewhitelist, fn)
for task in tasklist:
tid = fn + ":" + task
if not ignore_mismatch and tid in self.basehash and self.basehash[tid] != basehash[tid]:
bb.error("When reparsing %s, the basehash value changed from %s to %s. The metadata is not deterministic and this needs to be fixed." % (tid, self.basehash[tid], basehash[tid]))
bb.error("The following commands may help:")
cmd = "$ bitbake %s -c%s" % (d.getVar('PN'), task)
# Make sure sigdata is dumped before run printdiff
bb.error("%s -Snone" % cmd)
bb.error("%s -Sprintdiff\n" % cmd)
self.basehash[tid] = basehash[tid]
self.taskdeps[fn] = taskdeps
self.gendeps[fn] = gendeps
self.lookupcache[fn] = lookupcache
return taskdeps
def set_setscene_tasks(self, setscene_tasks):
self.setscenetasks = set(setscene_tasks)
def finalise(self, fn, d, variant):
mc = d.getVar("__BBMULTICONFIG", False) or ""
if variant or mc:
fn = bb.cache.realfn2virtual(fn, variant, mc)
taskdeps = self._build_data(fn, d)
except bb.parse.SkipRecipe:
bb.warn("Error during finalise of %s" % fn)
#Slow but can be useful for debugging mismatched basehashes
#for task in self.taskdeps[fn]:
# self.dump_sigtask(fn, task, d.getVar("STAMP"), False)
for task in taskdeps:
d.setVar("BB_BASEHASH_task-%s" % task, self.basehash[fn + ":" + task])
def postparsing_clean_cache(self):
# After parsing we can remove some things from memory to reduce our memory footprint
self.gendeps = {}
self.lookupcache = {}
self.taskdeps = {}
def rundep_check(self, fn, recipename, task, dep, depname, dataCaches):
# Return True if we should keep the dependency, False to drop it
# We only manipulate the dependencies for packages not in the whitelist
if self.twl and not
# then process the actual dependencies
return False
return True
def read_taint(self, fn, task, stampbase):
taint = None
with open(stampbase + '.' + task + '.taint', 'r') as taintf:
taint =
except IOError:
return taint
def prep_taskhash(self, tid, deps, dataCaches):
(mc, _, task, fn) = bb.runqueue.split_tid_mcfn(tid)
self.basehash[tid] = dataCaches[mc].basetaskhash[tid]
self.runtaskdeps[tid] = []
self.file_checksum_values[tid] = []
recipename = dataCaches[mc].pkg_fn[fn]
self.tidtopn[tid] = recipename
for dep in sorted(deps, key=clean_basepath):
(depmc, _, _, depmcfn) = bb.runqueue.split_tid_mcfn(dep)
depname = dataCaches[depmc].pkg_fn[depmcfn]
if not self.supports_multiconfig_datacaches and mc != depmc:
# If the signature generator doesn't understand multiconfig
# data caches, any dependency not in the same multiconfig must
# be skipped for backward compatibility
if not self.rundep_check(fn, recipename, task, dep, depname, dataCaches):
if dep not in self.taskhash:
bb.fatal("%s is not in taskhash, caller isn't calling in dependency order?" % dep)
if task in dataCaches[mc].file_checksums[fn]:
if self.checksum_cache:
checksums = self.checksum_cache.get_checksums(dataCaches[mc].file_checksums[fn][task], recipename, self.localdirsexclude)
checksums = bb.fetch2.get_file_checksums(dataCaches[mc].file_checksums[fn][task], recipename, self.localdirsexclude)
for (f,cs) in checksums:
taskdep = dataCaches[mc].task_deps[fn]
if 'nostamp' in taskdep and task in taskdep['nostamp']:
# Nostamp tasks need an implicit taint so that they force any dependent tasks to run
if tid in self.taints and self.taints[tid].startswith("nostamp:"):
# Don't reset taint value upon every call
import uuid
taint = str(uuid.uuid4())
self.taints[tid] = "nostamp:" + taint
taint = self.read_taint(fn, task, dataCaches[mc].stamp[fn])
if taint:
self.taints[tid] = taint
logger.warning("%s is tainted from a forced run" % tid)
def get_taskhash(self, tid, deps, dataCaches):
data = self.basehash[tid]
for dep in self.runtaskdeps[tid]:
if dep in self.unihash:
if self.unihash[dep] is None:
data = data + self.taskhash[dep]
data = data + self.unihash[dep]
data = data + self.get_unihash(dep)
for (f, cs) in self.file_checksum_values[tid]:
if cs:
data = data + cs
if tid in self.taints:
if self.taints[tid].startswith("nostamp:"):
data = data + self.taints[tid][8:]
data = data + self.taints[tid]
h = hashlib.sha256(data.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
self.taskhash[tid] = h
#d.setVar("BB_TASKHASH_task-%s" % task, taskhash[task])
return h
def writeout_file_checksum_cache(self):
"""Write/update the file checksum cache onto disk"""
if self.checksum_cache:
def save_unitaskhashes(self):
def dump_sigtask(self, fn, task, stampbase, runtime):
tid = fn + ":" + task
referencestamp = stampbase
if isinstance(runtime, str) and runtime.startswith("customfile"):
sigfile = stampbase
referencestamp = runtime[11:]
elif runtime and tid in self.taskhash:
sigfile = stampbase + "." + task + ".sigdata" + "." + self.get_unihash(tid)
sigfile = stampbase + "." + task + ".sigbasedata" + "." + self.basehash[tid]
data = {}
data['task'] = task
data['basewhitelist'] = self.basewhitelist
data['taskwhitelist'] = self.taskwhitelist
data['taskdeps'] = self.taskdeps[fn][task]
data['basehash'] = self.basehash[tid]
data['gendeps'] = {}
data['varvals'] = {}
data['varvals'][task] = self.lookupcache[fn][task]
for dep in self.taskdeps[fn][task]:
if dep in self.basewhitelist:
data['gendeps'][dep] = self.gendeps[fn][dep]
data['varvals'][dep] = self.lookupcache[fn][dep]
if runtime and tid in self.taskhash:
data['runtaskdeps'] = self.runtaskdeps[tid]
data['file_checksum_values'] = [(os.path.basename(f), cs) for f,cs in self.file_checksum_values[tid]]
data['runtaskhashes'] = {}
for dep in data['runtaskdeps']:
data['runtaskhashes'][dep] = self.get_unihash(dep)
data['taskhash'] = self.taskhash[tid]
data['unihash'] = self.get_unihash(tid)
taint = self.read_taint(fn, task, referencestamp)
if taint:
data['taint'] = taint
if runtime and tid in self.taints:
if 'nostamp:' in self.taints[tid]:
data['taint'] = self.taints[tid]
computed_basehash = calc_basehash(data)
if computed_basehash != self.basehash[tid]:
bb.error("Basehash mismatch %s versus %s for %s" % (computed_basehash, self.basehash[tid], tid))
if runtime and tid in self.taskhash:
computed_taskhash = calc_taskhash(data)
if computed_taskhash != self.taskhash[tid]:
bb.error("Taskhash mismatch %s versus %s for %s" % (computed_taskhash, self.taskhash[tid], tid))
sigfile = sigfile.replace(self.taskhash[tid], computed_taskhash)
fd, tmpfile = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=os.path.dirname(sigfile), prefix="sigtask.")
with os.fdopen(fd, "wb") as stream:
p = pickle.dump(data, stream, -1)
os.chmod(tmpfile, 0o664)
os.rename(tmpfile, sigfile)
except (OSError, IOError) as err:
except OSError:
raise err
def dump_sigfn(self, fn, dataCaches, options):
if fn in self.taskdeps:
for task in self.taskdeps[fn]:
tid = fn + ":" + task
mc = bb.runqueue.mc_from_tid(tid)
if tid not in self.taskhash:
if dataCaches[mc].basetaskhash[tid] != self.basehash[tid]:
bb.error("Bitbake's cached basehash does not match the one we just generated (%s)!" % tid)
bb.error("The mismatched hashes were %s and %s" % (dataCaches[mc].basetaskhash[tid], self.basehash[tid]))
self.dump_sigtask(fn, task, dataCaches[mc].stamp[fn], True)
class SignatureGeneratorBasicHash(SignatureGeneratorBasic):
name = "basichash"
def get_stampfile_hash(self, tid):
if tid in self.taskhash:
return self.taskhash[tid]
# If task is not in basehash, then error
return self.basehash[tid]
def stampfile(self, stampbase, fn, taskname, extrainfo, clean=False):
if taskname != "do_setscene" and taskname.endswith("_setscene"):
tid = fn + ":" + taskname[:-9]
tid = fn + ":" + taskname
if clean:
h = "*"
h = self.get_stampfile_hash(tid)
return ("%s.%s.%s.%s" % (stampbase, taskname, h, extrainfo)).rstrip('.')
def stampcleanmask(self, stampbase, fn, taskname, extrainfo):
return self.stampfile(stampbase, fn, taskname, extrainfo, clean=True)
def invalidate_task(self, task, d, fn):
bb.note("Tainting hash to force rebuild of task %s, %s" % (fn, task)), d, fn)
class SignatureGeneratorUniHashMixIn(object):
def __init__(self, data):
self.extramethod = {}
def get_taskdata(self):
return (self.server, self.method, self.extramethod) + super().get_taskdata()
def set_taskdata(self, data):
self.server, self.method, self.extramethod = data[:3]
def client(self):
if getattr(self, '_client', None) is None:
self._client = hashserv.create_client(self.server)
return self._client
def get_stampfile_hash(self, tid):
if tid in self.taskhash:
# If a unique hash is reported, use it as the stampfile hash. This
# ensures that if a task won't be re-run if the taskhash changes,
# but it would result in the same output hash
unihash = self._get_unihash(tid)
if unihash is not None:
return unihash
return super().get_stampfile_hash(tid)
def set_unihash(self, tid, unihash):
(mc, fn, taskname, taskfn) = bb.runqueue.split_tid_mcfn(tid)
key = mc + ":" + self.tidtopn[tid] + ":" + taskname
self.unitaskhashes[key] = (self.taskhash[tid], unihash)
self.unihash[tid] = unihash
def _get_unihash(self, tid, checkkey=None):
if tid not in self.tidtopn:
return None
(mc, fn, taskname, taskfn) = bb.runqueue.split_tid_mcfn(tid)
key = mc + ":" + self.tidtopn[tid] + ":" + taskname
if key not in self.unitaskhashes:
return None
if not checkkey:
checkkey = self.taskhash[tid]
(key, unihash) = self.unitaskhashes[key]
if key != checkkey:
return None
return unihash
def get_unihash(self, tid):
taskhash = self.taskhash[tid]
# If its not a setscene task we can return
if self.setscenetasks and tid not in self.setscenetasks:
self.unihash[tid] = None
return taskhash
# TODO: This cache can grow unbounded. It probably only needs to keep
# for each task
unihash = self._get_unihash(tid)
if unihash is not None:
self.unihash[tid] = unihash
return unihash
# In the absence of being able to discover a unique hash from the
# server, make it be equivalent to the taskhash. The unique "hash" only
# really needs to be a unique string (not even necessarily a hash), but
# making it match the taskhash has a few advantages:
# 1) All of the sstate code that assumes hashes can be the same
# 2) It provides maximal compatibility with builders that don't use
# an equivalency server
# 3) The value is easy for multiple independent builders to derive the
# same unique hash from the same input. This means that if the
# independent builders find the same taskhash, but it isn't reported
# to the server, there is a better chance that they will agree on
# the unique hash.
unihash = taskhash
method = self.method
if tid in self.extramethod:
method = method + self.extramethod[tid]
data = self.client().get_unihash(method, self.taskhash[tid])
if data:
unihash = data
# A unique hash equal to the taskhash is not very interesting,
# so it is reported it at debug level 2. If they differ, that
# is much more interesting, so it is reported at debug level 1
hashequiv_logger.debug((1, 2)[unihash == taskhash], 'Found unihash %s in place of %s for %s from %s' % (unihash, taskhash, tid, self.server))
hashequiv_logger.debug(2, 'No reported unihash for %s:%s from %s' % (tid, taskhash, self.server))
except hashserv.client.HashConnectionError as e:
bb.warn('Error contacting Hash Equivalence Server %s: %s' % (self.server, str(e)))
self.set_unihash(tid, unihash)
self.unihash[tid] = unihash
return unihash
def report_unihash(self, path, task, d):
import importlib
taskhash = d.getVar('BB_TASKHASH')
unihash = d.getVar('BB_UNIHASH')
report_taskdata = d.getVar('SSTATE_HASHEQUIV_REPORT_TASKDATA') == '1'
tempdir = d.getVar('T')
fn = d.getVar('BB_FILENAME')
tid = fn + ':do_' + task
key = tid + ':' + taskhash
if self.setscenetasks and tid not in self.setscenetasks:
# This can happen if locked sigs are in action. Detect and just abort
if taskhash != self.taskhash[tid]:
# Sanity checks
cache_unihash = self._get_unihash(tid, checkkey=taskhash)
if cache_unihash is None:
bb.fatal('%s not in unihash cache. Please report this error' % key)
if cache_unihash != unihash:
bb.fatal("Cache unihash %s doesn't match BB_UNIHASH %s" % (cache_unihash, unihash))
sigfile = None
sigfile_name = "depsig.do_%s.%d" % (task, os.getpid())
sigfile_link = "depsig.do_%s" % task
sigfile = open(os.path.join(tempdir, sigfile_name), 'w+b')
locs = {'path': path, 'sigfile': sigfile, 'task': task, 'd': d}
if "." in self.method:
(module, method) = self.method.rsplit('.', 1)
locs['method'] = getattr(importlib.import_module(module), method)
outhash = bb.utils.better_eval('method(path, sigfile, task, d)', locs)
outhash = bb.utils.better_eval(self.method + '(path, sigfile, task, d)', locs)
extra_data = {}
owner = d.getVar('SSTATE_HASHEQUIV_OWNER')
if owner:
extra_data['owner'] = owner
if report_taskdata:
extra_data['PN'] = d.getVar('PN')
extra_data['PV'] = d.getVar('PV')
extra_data['PR'] = d.getVar('PR')
extra_data['task'] = task
extra_data['outhash_siginfo'] ='utf-8')
method = self.method
if tid in self.extramethod:
method = method + self.extramethod[tid]
data = self.client().report_unihash(taskhash, method, outhash, unihash, extra_data)
new_unihash = data['unihash']
if new_unihash != unihash:
hashequiv_logger.debug(1, 'Task %s unihash changed %s -> %s by server %s' % (taskhash, unihash, new_unihash, self.server)) + ':do_' + task, new_unihash), d)
self.set_unihash(tid, new_unihash)
d.setVar('BB_UNIHASH', new_unihash)
hashequiv_logger.debug(1, 'Reported task %s as unihash %s to %s' % (taskhash, unihash, self.server))
except hashserv.client.HashConnectionError as e:
bb.warn('Error contacting Hash Equivalence Server %s: %s' % (self.server, str(e)))
if sigfile:
sigfile_link_path = os.path.join(tempdir, sigfile_link)
os.symlink(sigfile_name, sigfile_link_path)
except OSError:
def report_unihash_equiv(self, tid, taskhash, wanted_unihash, current_unihash, datacaches):
extra_data = {}
method = self.method
if tid in self.extramethod:
method = method + self.extramethod[tid]
data = self.client().report_unihash_equiv(taskhash, method, wanted_unihash, extra_data)
hashequiv_logger.verbose('Reported task %s as unihash %s to %s (%s)' % (tid, wanted_unihash, self.server, str(data)))
if data is None:
bb.warn("Server unable to handle unihash report")
return False
finalunihash = data['unihash']
if finalunihash == current_unihash:
hashequiv_logger.verbose('Task %s unihash %s unchanged by server' % (tid, finalunihash))
elif finalunihash == wanted_unihash:
hashequiv_logger.verbose('Task %s unihash changed %s -> %s as wanted' % (tid, current_unihash, finalunihash))
self.set_unihash(tid, finalunihash)
return True
# TODO: What to do here?
hashequiv_logger.verbose('Task %s unihash reported as unwanted hash %s' % (tid, finalunihash))
except hashserv.client.HashConnectionError as e:
bb.warn('Error contacting Hash Equivalence Server %s: %s' % (self.server, str(e)))
return False
# Dummy class used for bitbake-selftest
class SignatureGeneratorTestEquivHash(SignatureGeneratorUniHashMixIn, SignatureGeneratorBasicHash):
name = "TestEquivHash"
def init_rundepcheck(self, data):
self.server = data.getVar('BB_HASHSERVE')
self.method = "sstate_output_hash"
# Dummy class used for bitbake-selftest
class SignatureGeneratorTestMulticonfigDepends(SignatureGeneratorBasicHash):
name = "TestMulticonfigDepends"
supports_multiconfig_datacaches = True
def dump_this_task(outfile, d):
import bb.parse
fn = d.getVar("BB_FILENAME")
task = "do_" + d.getVar("BB_CURRENTTASK")
referencestamp =, d, None, True)
bb.parse.siggen.dump_sigtask(fn, task, outfile, "customfile:" + referencestamp)
def init_colors(enable_color):
"""Initialise colour dict for passing to compare_sigfiles()"""
# First set up the colours
colors = {'color_title': '\033[1m',
'color_default': '\033[0m',
'color_add': '\033[0;32m',
'color_remove': '\033[0;31m',
# Leave all keys present but clear the values
if not enable_color:
for k in colors.keys():
colors[k] = ''
return colors
def worddiff_str(oldstr, newstr, colors=None):
if not colors:
colors = init_colors(False)
diff = simplediff.diff(oldstr.split(' '), newstr.split(' '))
ret = []
for change, value in diff:
value = ' '.join(value)
if change == '=':
elif change == '+':
item = '{color_add}{{+{value}+}}{color_default}'.format(value=value, **colors)
elif change == '-':
item = '{color_remove}[-{value}-]{color_default}'.format(value=value, **colors)
whitespace_note = ''
if oldstr != newstr and ' '.join(oldstr.split()) == ' '.join(newstr.split()):
whitespace_note = ' (whitespace changed)'
return '"%s"%s' % (' '.join(ret), whitespace_note)
def list_inline_diff(oldlist, newlist, colors=None):
if not colors:
colors = init_colors(False)
diff = simplediff.diff(oldlist, newlist)
ret = []
for change, value in diff:
value = ' '.join(value)
if change == '=':
ret.append("'%s'" % value)
elif change == '+':
item = '{color_add}+{value}{color_default}'.format(value=value, **colors)
elif change == '-':
item = '{color_remove}-{value}{color_default}'.format(value=value, **colors)
return '[%s]' % (', '.join(ret))
def clean_basepath(a):
mc = None
if a.startswith("mc:"):
_, mc, a = a.split(":", 2)
b = a.rsplit("/", 2)[1] + '/' + a.rsplit("/", 2)[2]
if a.startswith("virtual:"):
b = b + ":" + a.rsplit(":", 2)[0]
if mc:
b = b + ":mc:" + mc
return b
def clean_basepaths(a):
b = {}
for x in a:
b[clean_basepath(x)] = a[x]
return b
def clean_basepaths_list(a):
b = []
for x in a:
return b
def compare_sigfiles(a, b, recursecb=None, color=False, collapsed=False):
output = []
colors = init_colors(color)
def color_format(formatstr, **values):
Return colour formatted string.
NOTE: call with the format string, not an already formatted string
containing values (otherwise you could have trouble with { and }
if not formatstr.endswith('{color_default}'):
formatstr += '{color_default}'
# In newer python 3 versions you can pass both of these directly,
# but we only require 3.4 at the moment
formatparams = {}
return formatstr.format(**formatparams)
with open(a, 'rb') as f:
p1 = pickle.Unpickler(f)
a_data = p1.load()
with open(b, 'rb') as f:
p2 = pickle.Unpickler(f)
b_data = p2.load()
def dict_diff(a, b, whitelist=set()):
sa = set(a.keys())
sb = set(b.keys())
common = sa & sb
changed = set()
for i in common:
if a[i] != b[i] and i not in whitelist:
added = sb - sa
removed = sa - sb
return changed, added, removed
def file_checksums_diff(a, b):
from collections import Counter
# Handle old siginfo format
if isinstance(a, dict):
a = [(os.path.basename(f), cs) for f, cs in a.items()]
if isinstance(b, dict):
b = [(os.path.basename(f), cs) for f, cs in b.items()]
# Compare lists, ensuring we can handle duplicate filenames if they exist
removedcount = Counter(a)
addedcount = Counter(b)
added = []
for x in b:
if addedcount[x] > 0:
addedcount[x] -= 1
removed = []
changed = []
for x in a:
if removedcount[x] > 0:
removedcount[x] -= 1
for y in added:
if y[0] == x[0]:
changed.append((x[0], x[1], y[1]))
added = [x[0] for x in added]
removed = [x[0] for x in removed]
return changed, added, removed
if 'basewhitelist' in a_data and a_data['basewhitelist'] != b_data['basewhitelist']:
output.append(color_format("{color_title}basewhitelist changed{color_default} from '%s' to '%s'") % (a_data['basewhitelist'], b_data['basewhitelist']))
if a_data['basewhitelist'] and b_data['basewhitelist']:
output.append("changed items: %s" % a_data['basewhitelist'].symmetric_difference(b_data['basewhitelist']))
if 'taskwhitelist' in a_data and a_data['taskwhitelist'] != b_data['taskwhitelist']:
output.append(color_format("{color_title}taskwhitelist changed{color_default} from '%s' to '%s'") % (a_data['taskwhitelist'], b_data['taskwhitelist']))
if a_data['taskwhitelist'] and b_data['taskwhitelist']:
output.append("changed items: %s" % a_data['taskwhitelist'].symmetric_difference(b_data['taskwhitelist']))
if a_data['taskdeps'] != b_data['taskdeps']:
output.append(color_format("{color_title}Task dependencies changed{color_default} from:\n%s\nto:\n%s") % (sorted(a_data['taskdeps']), sorted(b_data['taskdeps'])))
if a_data['basehash'] != b_data['basehash'] and not collapsed:
output.append(color_format("{color_title}basehash changed{color_default} from %s to %s") % (a_data['basehash'], b_data['basehash']))
changed, added, removed = dict_diff(a_data['gendeps'], b_data['gendeps'], a_data['basewhitelist'] & b_data['basewhitelist'])
if changed:
for dep in changed:
output.append(color_format("{color_title}List of dependencies for variable %s changed from '{color_default}%s{color_title}' to '{color_default}%s{color_title}'") % (dep, a_data['gendeps'][dep], b_data['gendeps'][dep]))
if a_data['gendeps'][dep] and b_data['gendeps'][dep]:
output.append("changed items: %s" % a_data['gendeps'][dep].symmetric_difference(b_data['gendeps'][dep]))
if added:
for dep in added:
output.append(color_format("{color_title}Dependency on variable %s was added") % (dep))
if removed:
for dep in removed:
output.append(color_format("{color_title}Dependency on Variable %s was removed") % (dep))
changed, added, removed = dict_diff(a_data['varvals'], b_data['varvals'])
if changed:
for dep in changed:
oldval = a_data['varvals'][dep]
newval = b_data['varvals'][dep]
if newval and oldval and ('\n' in oldval or '\n' in newval):
diff = difflib.unified_diff(oldval.splitlines(), newval.splitlines(), lineterm='')
# Cut off the first two lines, since we aren't interested in
# the old/new filename (they are blank anyway in this case)
difflines = list(diff)[2:]
if color:
# Add colour to diff output
for i, line in enumerate(difflines):
if line.startswith('+'):
line = color_format('{color_add}{line}', line=line)
difflines[i] = line
elif line.startswith('-'):
line = color_format('{color_remove}{line}', line=line)
difflines[i] = line
output.append(color_format("{color_title}Variable {var} value changed:{color_default}\n{diff}", var=dep, diff='\n'.join(difflines)))
elif newval and oldval and (' ' in oldval or ' ' in newval):
output.append(color_format("{color_title}Variable {var} value changed:{color_default}\n{diff}", var=dep, diff=worddiff_str(oldval, newval, colors)))
output.append(color_format("{color_title}Variable {var} value changed from '{color_default}{oldval}{color_title}' to '{color_default}{newval}{color_title}'{color_default}", var=dep, oldval=oldval, newval=newval))
if not 'file_checksum_values' in a_data:
a_data['file_checksum_values'] = {}
if not 'file_checksum_values' in b_data:
b_data['file_checksum_values'] = {}
changed, added, removed = file_checksums_diff(a_data['file_checksum_values'], b_data['file_checksum_values'])
if changed:
for f, old, new in changed:
output.append(color_format("{color_title}Checksum for file %s changed{color_default} from %s to %s") % (f, old, new))
if added:
for f in added:
output.append(color_format("{color_title}Dependency on checksum of file %s was added") % (f))
if removed:
for f in removed:
output.append(color_format("{color_title}Dependency on checksum of file %s was removed") % (f))
if not 'runtaskdeps' in a_data:
a_data['runtaskdeps'] = {}
if not 'runtaskdeps' in b_data:
b_data['runtaskdeps'] = {}
if not collapsed:
if len(a_data['runtaskdeps']) != len(b_data['runtaskdeps']):
changed = ["Number of task dependencies changed"]
changed = []
for idx, task in enumerate(a_data['runtaskdeps']):
a = a_data['runtaskdeps'][idx]
b = b_data['runtaskdeps'][idx]
if a_data['runtaskhashes'][a] != b_data['runtaskhashes'][b] and not collapsed:
changed.append("%s with hash %s\n changed to\n%s with hash %s" % (clean_basepath(a), a_data['runtaskhashes'][a], clean_basepath(b), b_data['runtaskhashes'][b]))
if changed:
clean_a = clean_basepaths_list(a_data['runtaskdeps'])
clean_b = clean_basepaths_list(b_data['runtaskdeps'])
if clean_a != clean_b:
output.append(color_format("{color_title}runtaskdeps changed:{color_default}\n%s") % list_inline_diff(clean_a, clean_b, colors))
output.append(color_format("{color_title}runtaskdeps changed:"))
if 'runtaskhashes' in a_data and 'runtaskhashes' in b_data:
a = a_data['runtaskhashes']
b = b_data['runtaskhashes']
changed, added, removed = dict_diff(a, b)
if added:
for dep in added:
bdep_found = False
if removed:
for bdep in removed:
if b[dep] == a[bdep]:
#output.append("Dependency on task %s was replaced by %s with same hash" % (dep, bdep))
bdep_found = True
if not bdep_found:
output.append(color_format("{color_title}Dependency on task %s was added{color_default} with hash %s") % (clean_basepath(dep), b[dep]))
if removed:
for dep in removed:
adep_found = False
if added:
for adep in added:
if b[adep] == a[dep]:
#output.append("Dependency on task %s was replaced by %s with same hash" % (adep, dep))
adep_found = True
if not adep_found:
output.append(color_format("{color_title}Dependency on task %s was removed{color_default} with hash %s") % (clean_basepath(dep), a[dep]))
if changed:
for dep in changed:
if not collapsed:
output.append(color_format("{color_title}Hash for dependent task %s changed{color_default} from %s to %s") % (clean_basepath(dep), a[dep], b[dep]))
if callable(recursecb):
recout = recursecb(dep, a[dep], b[dep])
if recout:
if collapsed:
# If a dependent hash changed, might as well print the line above and then defer to the changes in
# that hash since in all likelyhood, they're the same changes this task also saw.
output = [output[-1]] + recout
a_taint = a_data.get('taint', None)
b_taint = b_data.get('taint', None)
if a_taint != b_taint:
if a_taint and a_taint.startswith('nostamp:'):
a_taint = a_taint.replace('nostamp:', 'nostamp(uuid4):')
if b_taint and b_taint.startswith('nostamp:'):
b_taint = b_taint.replace('nostamp:', 'nostamp(uuid4):')
output.append(color_format("{color_title}Taint (by forced/invalidated task) changed{color_default} from %s to %s") % (a_taint, b_taint))
return output
def calc_basehash(sigdata):
task = sigdata['task']
basedata = sigdata['varvals'][task]
if basedata is None:
basedata = ''
alldeps = sigdata['taskdeps']
for dep in alldeps:
basedata = basedata + dep
val = sigdata['varvals'][dep]
if val is not None:
basedata = basedata + str(val)
return hashlib.sha256(basedata.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
def calc_taskhash(sigdata):
data = sigdata['basehash']
for dep in sigdata['runtaskdeps']:
data = data + sigdata['runtaskhashes'][dep]
for c in sigdata['file_checksum_values']:
if c[1]:
data = data + c[1]
if 'taint' in sigdata:
if 'nostamp:' in sigdata['taint']:
data = data + sigdata['taint'][8:]
data = data + sigdata['taint']
return hashlib.sha256(data.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
def dump_sigfile(a):
output = []
with open(a, 'rb') as f:
p1 = pickle.Unpickler(f)
a_data = p1.load()
output.append("basewhitelist: %s" % (a_data['basewhitelist']))
output.append("taskwhitelist: %s" % (a_data['taskwhitelist']))
output.append("Task dependencies: %s" % (sorted(a_data['taskdeps'])))
output.append("basehash: %s" % (a_data['basehash']))
for dep in a_data['gendeps']:
output.append("List of dependencies for variable %s is %s" % (dep, a_data['gendeps'][dep]))
for dep in a_data['varvals']:
output.append("Variable %s value is %s" % (dep, a_data['varvals'][dep]))
if 'runtaskdeps' in a_data:
output.append("Tasks this task depends on: %s" % (a_data['runtaskdeps']))
if 'file_checksum_values' in a_data:
output.append("This task depends on the checksums of files: %s" % (a_data['file_checksum_values']))
if 'runtaskhashes' in a_data:
for dep in a_data['runtaskhashes']:
output.append("Hash for dependent task %s is %s" % (dep, a_data['runtaskhashes'][dep]))
if 'taint' in a_data:
if a_data['taint'].startswith('nostamp:'):
msg = a_data['taint'].replace('nostamp:', 'nostamp(uuid4):')
msg = a_data['taint']
output.append("Tainted (by forced/invalidated task): %s" % msg)
if 'task' in a_data:
computed_basehash = calc_basehash(a_data)
output.append("Computed base hash is %s and from file %s" % (computed_basehash, a_data['basehash']))
output.append("Unable to compute base hash")
computed_taskhash = calc_taskhash(a_data)
output.append("Computed task hash is %s" % computed_taskhash)
return output