blob: 4f45243c9ff996193fdbcf05a60fdbbfa0052d22 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019 Intel Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "peci_pcie.hpp"
#include "pciDeviceClass.hpp"
#include "pciVendors.hpp"
#include <boost/container/flat_map.hpp>
#include <boost/container/flat_set.hpp>
#include <sdbusplus/asio/object_server.hpp>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
namespace peci_pcie
static boost::container::flat_map<
int, boost::container::flat_map<
int, boost::container::flat_map<
int, std::shared_ptr<sdbusplus::asio::dbus_interface>>>>
namespace function
static constexpr char const* functionTypeName = "FunctionType";
static constexpr char const* deviceClassName = "DeviceClass";
static constexpr char const* vendorIdName = "VendorId";
static constexpr char const* deviceIdName = "DeviceId";
static constexpr char const* classCodeName = "ClassCode";
static constexpr char const* revisionIdName = "RevisionId";
static constexpr char const* subsystemIdName = "SubsystemId";
static constexpr char const* subsystemVendorIdName = "SubsystemVendorId";
} // namespace function
} // namespace peci_pcie
struct CPUInfo
size_t addr;
bool skipCpuBuses;
boost::container::flat_set<size_t> cpuBusNums;
// PECI Client Address Map
static void getClientAddrMap(std::vector<CPUInfo>& cpuInfo)
for (size_t i = MIN_CLIENT_ADDR; i <= MAX_CLIENT_ADDR; i++)
if (peci_Ping(i) == PECI_CC_SUCCESS)
cpuInfo.emplace_back(CPUInfo{i, false, {}});
// Get CPU PCIe Bus Numbers
static void getCPUBusNums(std::vector<CPUInfo>& cpuInfo)
for (CPUInfo& cpu : cpuInfo)
uint8_t cc = 0;
CPUModel model{};
uint8_t stepping = 0;
if (peci_GetCPUID(cpu.addr, &model, &stepping, &cc) != PECI_CC_SUCCESS)
std::cerr << "Cannot get CPUID!\n";
switch (model)
case skx:
// Get the assigned CPU bus numbers from CPUBUSNO and CPUBUSNO1
// (B(0) D8 F2 offsets CCh and D0h)
uint32_t cpuBusNum = 0;
if (peci_RdPCIConfigLocal(cpu.addr, 0, 8, 2, 0xCC, 4,
uint32_t cpuBusNum1 = 0;
if (peci_RdPCIConfigLocal(cpu.addr, 0, 8, 2, 0xD0, 4,
// Add the CPU bus numbers to the set for this CPU
while (cpuBusNum)
// Get the LSB
size_t busNum = cpuBusNum & 0xFF;
// Shift right by one byte
cpuBusNum >>= 8;
while (cpuBusNum1)
// Get the LSB
size_t busNum = cpuBusNum1 & 0xFF;
// Shift right by one byte
cpuBusNum >>= 8;
cpu.skipCpuBuses = true;
static bool isPECIAvailable(void)
for (size_t i = MIN_CLIENT_ADDR; i <= MAX_CLIENT_ADDR; i++)
if (peci_Ping(i) == PECI_CC_SUCCESS)
return true;
return false;
static bool getDataFromPCIeConfig(const int& clientAddr, const int& bus,
const int& dev, const int& func,
const int& offset, const int& size,
uint32_t& pciData)
// PECI RdPCIConfig() currently only supports 4 byte reads, so adjust
// the offset and size to get the right data
static constexpr const int pciReadSize = 4;
int mod = offset % pciReadSize;
int pciOffset = offset - mod;
if (mod + size > pciReadSize)
return false;
std::array<uint8_t, pciReadSize> data;
uint8_t cc;
int ret = peci_RdPCIConfig(clientAddr, // CPU Address
bus, // PCI Bus
dev, // PCI Device
func, // PCI Function
pciOffset, // PCI Offset, // PCI Read Data
&cc); // PECI Completion Code
return false;
// Now build the requested data into a single number
pciData = 0;
for (int i = mod; i < mod + size; i++)
pciData |= data[i] << 8 * (i - mod);
return true;
static std::string getStringFromPCIeConfig(const int& clientAddr,
const int& bus, const int& dev,
const int& func, const int& offset,
const int& size)
// Get the requested data
uint32_t data = 0;
if (!getDataFromPCIeConfig(clientAddr, bus, dev, func, offset, size, data))
return std::string();
// And convert it to a string
std::stringstream dataStream;
dataStream << "0x" << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(size * 2)
<< data;
return dataStream.str();
static std::string getVendorName(const int& clientAddr, const int& bus,
const int& dev)
static constexpr const int vendorIDOffset = 0x00;
static constexpr const int vendorIDSize = 2;
// Get the header type register from function 0
uint32_t vendorID = 0;
if (!getDataFromPCIeConfig(clientAddr, bus, dev, 0, vendorIDOffset,
vendorIDSize, vendorID))
return std::string();
// Get the vendor name or use Other if it doesn't exist
return pciVendors.try_emplace(vendorID, otherVendor).first->second;
static std::string getDeviceClass(const int& clientAddr, const int& bus,
const int& dev, const int& func)
static constexpr const int baseClassOffset = 0x0b;
static constexpr const int baseClassSize = 1;
// Get the Device Base Class
uint32_t baseClass = 0;
if (!getDataFromPCIeConfig(clientAddr, bus, dev, func, baseClassOffset,
baseClassSize, baseClass))
return std::string();
// Get the base class name or use Other if it doesn't exist
return pciDeviceClasses.try_emplace(baseClass, otherClass).first->second;
static bool isMultiFunction(const int& clientAddr, const int& bus,
const int& dev)
static constexpr const int headerTypeOffset = 0x0e;
static constexpr const int headerTypeSize = 1;
static constexpr const int multiFuncBit = 1 << 7;
// Get the header type register from function 0
uint32_t headerType = 0;
if (!getDataFromPCIeConfig(clientAddr, bus, dev, 0, headerTypeOffset,
headerTypeSize, headerType))
return false;
// Check if it's a multifunction device
if (headerType & multiFuncBit)
return true;
return false;
static bool pcieFunctionExists(const int& clientAddr, const int& bus,
const int& dev, const int& func)
constexpr const int pciIDOffset = 0;
constexpr const int pciIDSize = 4;
uint32_t pciID = 0;
if (!getDataFromPCIeConfig(clientAddr, bus, dev, func, pciIDOffset,
pciIDSize, pciID))
return false;
// if VID and DID are all 0s or 1s, then the device doesn't exist
if (pciID == 0x00000000 || pciID == 0xFFFFFFFF)
return false;
return true;
static bool pcieDeviceExists(const int& clientAddr, const int& bus,
const int& dev)
// Check if this device exists by checking function 0
return (pcieFunctionExists(clientAddr, bus, dev, 0));
static void setPCIeProperty(const int& clientAddr, const int& bus,
const int& dev, const std::string& propertyName,
const std::string& propertyValue)
std::shared_ptr<sdbusplus::asio::dbus_interface> iface =
if (iface->is_initialized())
iface->set_property(propertyName, propertyValue);
iface->register_property(propertyName, propertyValue);
static void setDefaultPCIeFunctionProperties(const int& clientAddr,
const int& bus, const int& dev,
const int& func)
// Set the function-specific properties
static constexpr const std::array functionProperties{
for (const char* name : functionProperties)
setPCIeProperty(clientAddr, bus, dev,
"Function" + std::to_string(func) + std::string(name),
static void setPCIeFunctionProperties(const int& clientAddr, const int& bus,
const int& dev, const int& func)
// Set the function type always to physical for now
setPCIeProperty(clientAddr, bus, dev,
"Function" + std::to_string(func) +
// Set the function Device Class
setPCIeProperty(clientAddr, bus, dev,
"Function" + std::to_string(func) +
getDeviceClass(clientAddr, bus, dev, func));
// Get PCI Function Properties that come from PCI config with the following
// offset and size info
static constexpr const std::array pciConfigInfo{
std::tuple<const char*, int, int>{peci_pcie::function::vendorIdName, 0,
std::tuple<const char*, int, int>{peci_pcie::function::deviceIdName, 2,
std::tuple<const char*, int, int>{peci_pcie::function::classCodeName, 9,
std::tuple<const char*, int, int>{peci_pcie::function::revisionIdName,
8, 1},
std::tuple<const char*, int, int>{peci_pcie::function::subsystemIdName,
0x2e, 2},
std::tuple<const char*, int, int>{
peci_pcie::function::subsystemVendorIdName, 0x2c, 2}};
for (const auto& [name, offset, size] : pciConfigInfo)
clientAddr, bus, dev,
"Function" + std::to_string(func) + std::string(name),
getStringFromPCIeConfig(clientAddr, bus, dev, func, offset, size));
static void setPCIeDeviceProperties(const int& clientAddr, const int& bus,
const int& dev)
// Set the device manufacturer
setPCIeProperty(clientAddr, bus, dev, "Manufacturer",
getVendorName(clientAddr, bus, dev));
// Set the device type
constexpr char const* deviceTypeName = "DeviceType";
if (isMultiFunction(clientAddr, bus, dev))
setPCIeProperty(clientAddr, bus, dev, deviceTypeName, "MultiFunction");
setPCIeProperty(clientAddr, bus, dev, deviceTypeName, "SingleFunction");
static void updatePCIeDevice(const int& clientAddr, const int& bus,
const int& dev)
setPCIeDeviceProperties(clientAddr, bus, dev);
// Walk through and populate the functions for this device
for (int func = 0; func < peci_pcie::maxPCIFunctions; func++)
if (pcieFunctionExists(clientAddr, bus, dev, func))
// Set the properties for this function
setPCIeFunctionProperties(clientAddr, bus, dev, func);
// Set default properties for unused functions
setDefaultPCIeFunctionProperties(clientAddr, bus, dev, func);
static void addPCIeDevice(sdbusplus::asio::object_server& objServer,
const int& clientAddr, const int& cpu, const int& bus,
const int& dev)
std::string pathName = std::string(peci_pcie::peciPCIePath) + "/S" +
std::to_string(cpu) + "B" + std::to_string(bus) +
"D" + std::to_string(dev);
std::shared_ptr<sdbusplus::asio::dbus_interface> iface =
objServer.add_interface(pathName, peci_pcie::peciPCIeDeviceInterface);
peci_pcie::pcieDeviceDBusMap[clientAddr][bus][dev] = iface;
// Update the properties for the new device
updatePCIeDevice(clientAddr, bus, dev);
static void removePCIeDevice(sdbusplus::asio::object_server& objServer,
const int& clientAddr, const int& bus,
const int& dev)
std::shared_ptr<sdbusplus::asio::dbus_interface> iface =
if (peci_pcie::pcieDeviceDBusMap[clientAddr][bus].empty())
if (peci_pcie::pcieDeviceDBusMap[clientAddr].empty())
static bool pcieDeviceInDBusMap(const int& clientAddr, const int& bus,
const int& dev)
if (auto clientAddrIt = peci_pcie::pcieDeviceDBusMap.find(clientAddr);
clientAddrIt != peci_pcie::pcieDeviceDBusMap.end())
if (auto busIt = clientAddrIt->second.find(bus);
busIt != clientAddrIt->second.end())
if (auto devIt = busIt->second.find(dev);
devIt != busIt->second.end())
if (devIt->second)
return true;
return false;
static void scanNextPCIeDevice(boost::asio::io_service& io,
sdbusplus::asio::object_server& objServer,
std::vector<CPUInfo>& cpuInfo, int cpu, int bus,
int dev);
static void scanPCIeDevice(boost::asio::io_service& io,
sdbusplus::asio::object_server& objServer,
std::vector<CPUInfo>& cpuInfo, int cpu, int bus,
int dev)
// Check if this is a CPU bus that we should skip
if (cpuInfo[cpu].skipCpuBuses && cpuInfo[cpu].cpuBusNums.count(bus))
std::cerr << "Skipping CPU " << cpu << " Bus Number " << bus << "\n";
// Skip all the devices on this bus
dev = peci_pcie::maxPCIDevices;
scanNextPCIeDevice(io, objServer, cpuInfo, cpu, bus, dev);
if (pcieDeviceExists(cpuInfo[cpu].addr, bus, dev))
if (pcieDeviceInDBusMap(cpuInfo[cpu].addr, bus, dev))
// This device is already in D-Bus, so update it
updatePCIeDevice(cpuInfo[cpu].addr, bus, dev);
// This device is not in D-Bus, so add it
addPCIeDevice(objServer, cpuInfo[cpu].addr, cpu, bus, dev);
// If PECI is not available, then stop scanning
if (!isPECIAvailable())
if (pcieDeviceInDBusMap(cpuInfo[cpu].addr, bus, dev))
// This device is in D-Bus, so remove it
removePCIeDevice(objServer, cpuInfo[cpu].addr, bus, dev);
scanNextPCIeDevice(io, objServer, cpuInfo, cpu, bus, dev);
static void scanNextPCIeDevice(boost::asio::io_service& io,
sdbusplus::asio::object_server& objServer,
std::vector<CPUInfo>& cpuInfo, int cpu, int bus,
int dev)
// PCIe Device scan completed, so move to the next device
if (++dev >= peci_pcie::maxPCIDevices)
// All devices scanned, so move to the next bus
dev = 0;
if (++bus >= peci_pcie::maxPCIBuses)
// All buses scanned, so move to the next CPU
bus = 0;
if (++cpu >= cpuInfo.size())
// All CPUs scanned, so we're done
boost::asio::post(io, [&io, &objServer, cpuInfo, cpu, bus, dev]() mutable {
scanPCIeDevice(io, objServer, cpuInfo, cpu, bus, dev);
static void peciAvailableCheck(boost::asio::steady_timer& peciWaitTimer,
boost::asio::io_service& io,
sdbusplus::asio::object_server& objServer)
static bool lastPECIState = false;
bool peciAvailable = isPECIAvailable();
if (peciAvailable && !lastPECIState)
lastPECIState = true;
static boost::asio::steady_timer pcieTimeout(io);
constexpr const int pcieWaitTime = 60;
[&io, &objServer](const boost::system::error_code& ec) {
if (ec)
// operation_aborted is expected if timer is canceled
// before completion.
if (ec != boost::asio::error::operation_aborted)
std::cerr << "PECI PCIe async_wait failed " << ec;
// get the PECI client address list
std::vector<CPUInfo> cpuInfo;
// get the CPU Bus Numbers to skip
// scan PCIe starting from CPU 0, Bus 0, Device 0
scanPCIeDevice(io, objServer, cpuInfo, 0, 0, 0);
else if (!peciAvailable && lastPECIState)
lastPECIState = false;
peciWaitTimer.async_wait([&peciWaitTimer, &io,
&objServer](const boost::system::error_code& ec) {
if (ec)
// operation_aborted is expected if timer is canceled
// before completion.
if (ec != boost::asio::error::operation_aborted)
std::cerr << "PECI Available Check async_wait failed " << ec;
peciAvailableCheck(peciWaitTimer, io, objServer);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// setup connection to dbus
boost::asio::io_service io;
std::shared_ptr<sdbusplus::asio::connection> conn =
// PECI PCIe Object
sdbusplus::asio::object_server server =
// Start the PECI check loop
boost::asio::steady_timer peciWaitTimer(
io, std::chrono::seconds(peci_pcie::peciCheckInterval));
peciWaitTimer.async_wait([&peciWaitTimer, &io,
&server](const boost::system::error_code& ec) {
if (ec)
// operation_aborted is expected if timer is canceled
// before completion.
if (ec != boost::asio::error::operation_aborted)
std::cerr << "PECI Available Check async_wait failed " << ec;
peciAvailableCheck(peciWaitTimer, io, server);
return 0;