Add unit tests for testing Signature verification functionality

Resolves openbmc/openbmc#2838

Change-Id: I60b5ca418551d404d29646fd729311adbe81290c
Signed-off-by: Jayanth Othayoth <>
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 6923088..0c59399 100755
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -15,4 +15,7 @@
 	$(PHOSPHOR_LOGGING_LIBS) -lstdc++fs -lssl -lcrypto
 utest_SOURCES = utest.cpp
-utest_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/phosphor_version_software_manager-version.o
+utest_LDADD = \
+        $(top_builddir)/image_verify.cpp \
+        $(top_builddir)/version.cpp
diff --git a/test/utest.cpp b/test/utest.cpp
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index ac0aa7c..1c0c803
--- a/test/utest.cpp
+++ b/test/utest.cpp
@@ -7,9 +7,10 @@
 #include <sstream>
 #include <string>
 #include <openssl/sha.h>
+#include "image_verify.hpp"
 using namespace phosphor::software::manager;
-namespace fs = std::experimental::filesystem;
+using namespace phosphor::software::image;
 class VersionTest : public testing::Test
@@ -70,3 +71,145 @@
     hexId = hexId.substr(0, 8);
     EXPECT_EQ(Version::getId(version), hexId);
+class SignatureTest : public testing::Test
+    static constexpr auto opensslCmd = "openssl dgst -sha256 -sign ";
+    static constexpr auto testPath = "/tmp/_testSig";
+  protected:
+    void command(const std::string& cmd)
+    {
+        auto val = std::system(cmd.c_str());
+        if (val)
+        {
+            std::cout << "COMMAND Error: " << val << std::endl;
+        }
+    }
+    virtual void SetUp()
+    {
+        // Create test base directory.
+        fs::create_directories(testPath);
+        // Create unique temporary path for images
+        std::string tmpDir(testPath);
+        tmpDir += "/extractXXXXXX";
+        std::string imageDir = mkdtemp(const_cast<char*>(tmpDir.c_str()));
+        // Create unique temporary configuration path
+        std::string tmpConfDir(testPath);
+        tmpConfDir += "/confXXXXXX";
+        std::string confDir = mkdtemp(const_cast<char*>(tmpConfDir.c_str()));
+        extractPath = imageDir;
+        extractPath /= "images";
+        signedConfPath = confDir;
+        signedConfPath /= "conf";
+        signedConfOpenBMCPath = confDir;
+        signedConfOpenBMCPath /= "conf";
+        signedConfOpenBMCPath /= "OpenBMC";
+        std::cout << "SETUP " << std::endl;
+        command("mkdir " + extractPath.string());
+        command("mkdir " + signedConfPath.string());
+        command("mkdir " + signedConfOpenBMCPath.string());
+        std::string hashFile = signedConfOpenBMCPath.string() + "/hashfunc";
+        command("echo \"HashType=RSA-SHA256\" > " + hashFile);
+        std::string manifestFile = extractPath.string() + "/" + "MANIFEST";
+        command("echo \"HashType=RSA-SHA256\" > " + manifestFile);
+        command("echo \"KeyType=OpenBMC\" >> " + manifestFile);
+        std::string kernelFile = extractPath.string() + "/" + "image-kernel";
+        command("echo \"image-kernel file \" > " + kernelFile);
+        std::string rofsFile = extractPath.string() + "/" + "image-rofs";
+        command("echo \"image-rofs file \" > " + rofsFile);
+        std::string rwfsFile = extractPath.string() + "/" + "image-rwfs";
+        command("echo \"image-rwfs file \" > " + rwfsFile);
+        std::string ubootFile = extractPath.string() + "/" + "image-u-boot";
+        command("echo \"image-u-boot file \" > " + ubootFile);
+        std::string pkeyFile = extractPath.string() + "/" + "private.pem";
+        command("openssl genrsa  -out " + pkeyFile + " 2048");
+        std::string pubkeyFile = extractPath.string() + "/" + "publickey";
+        command("openssl rsa -in " + pkeyFile + " -outform PEM " +
+                "-pubout -out " + pubkeyFile);
+        std::string pubKeyConfFile =
+            signedConfOpenBMCPath.string() + "/" + "publickey";
+        command("cp " + pubkeyFile + " " + signedConfOpenBMCPath.string());
+        command(opensslCmd + pkeyFile + " -out " + kernelFile + ".sig " +
+                kernelFile);
+        command(opensslCmd + pkeyFile + " -out " + manifestFile + ".sig " +
+                manifestFile);
+        command(opensslCmd + pkeyFile + " -out " + rofsFile + ".sig " +
+                rofsFile);
+        command(opensslCmd + pkeyFile + " -out " + rwfsFile + ".sig " +
+                rwfsFile);
+        command(opensslCmd + pkeyFile + " -out " + ubootFile + ".sig " +
+                ubootFile);
+        command(opensslCmd + pkeyFile + " -out " + pubkeyFile + ".sig " +
+                pubkeyFile);
+        signature = std::make_unique<Signature>(extractPath, signedConfPath);
+    }
+    virtual void TearDown()
+    {
+        command("rm -rf " + std::string(testPath));
+    }
+    std::unique_ptr<Signature> signature;
+    fs::path extractPath;
+    fs::path signedConfPath;
+    fs::path signedConfOpenBMCPath;
+/** @brief Test for sucess scenario*/
+TEST_F(SignatureTest, TestSignatureVerify)
+    EXPECT_TRUE(signature->verify());
+/** @brief Test failure scenario with corrupted signature file*/
+TEST_F(SignatureTest, TestCorruptSignatureFile)
+    // corrupt the image-kernel.sig file and ensure that verification fails
+    std::string kernelFile = extractPath.string() + "/" + "image-kernel";
+    command("echo \"dummy data\" > " + kernelFile + ".sig ");
+    EXPECT_FALSE(signature->verify());
+/** @brief Test failure scenario with no public key in the image*/
+TEST_F(SignatureTest, TestNoPublicKeyInImage)
+    // Remove publickey file from the image and ensure that verify fails
+    std::string pubkeyFile = extractPath.string() + "/" + "publickey";
+    command("rm " + pubkeyFile);
+    EXPECT_FALSE(signature->verify());
+/** @brief Test failure scenario with invalid hash function value*/
+TEST_F(SignatureTest, TestInvalidHashValue)
+    // Change the hashfunc value and ensure that verification fails
+    std::string hashFile = signedConfOpenBMCPath.string() + "/hashfunc";
+    command("echo \"HashType=md5\" > " + hashFile);
+    EXPECT_FALSE(signature->verify());
+/** @brief Test for failure scenario with no config file in system*/
+TEST_F(SignatureTest, TestNoConfigFileInSystem)
+    // Remove the conf folder in the system and ensure that verify fails
+    command("rm -rf " + signedConfOpenBMCPath.string());
+    EXPECT_FALSE(signature->verify());