sync_manager: Create sync watch class

Create a watch class to monitor the files and directories
specified in the synclist file.
Store the file descriptors and file names in a map to be
able to know the full path of the file that triggered the
event. The watch descriptor number does not change so it
can be a single variable.

Change-Id: I211225ddc012af85d9be39ae5d40b8258d73435d
Signed-off-by: Adriana Kobylak <>
diff --git a/sync_manager_main.cpp b/sync_manager_main.cpp
index 09aea5c..46a2d95 100644
--- a/sync_manager_main.cpp
+++ b/sync_manager_main.cpp
@@ -1,15 +1,41 @@
+#include <exception>
+#include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp>
 #include <sdbusplus/bus.hpp>
 #include <sdbusplus/server/manager.hpp>
+#include <systemd/sd-event.h>
 #include "config.h"
 #include "sync_manager.hpp"
+#include "sync_watch.hpp"
 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
     auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default();
+    sd_event* loop = nullptr;
+    sd_event_default(&loop);
     sdbusplus::server::manager::manager objManager(bus, SOFTWARE_OBJPATH);
-    phosphor::software::manager::Sync syncManager();
-    bus.request_name(SYNC_BUSNAME);
+    try
+    {
+        phosphor::software::manager::Sync syncManager;
+        bus.request_name(SYNC_BUSNAME);
+        using namespace phosphor::software::manager;
+        phosphor::software::manager::SyncWatch watch(
+            *loop, std::bind(std::mem_fn(&Sync::processEntry), &syncManager));
+        bus.attach_event(loop, SD_EVENT_PRIORITY_NORMAL);
+        sd_event_loop(loop);
+    }
+    catch (std::exception& e)
+    {
+        using namespace phosphor::logging;
+        log<level::ERR>(e.what());
+        sd_event_unref(loop);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    sd_event_unref(loop);
     return 0;