blob: 9fa2cdd8debcab0a4a266727d95b68db4a1b7cdd [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include "watch.hpp"
#include <openssl/x509.h>
#include <filesystem>
#include <phosphor-logging/elog.hpp>
#include <xyz/openbmc_project/Certs/Certificate/server.hpp>
#include <xyz/openbmc_project/Certs/Replace/server.hpp>
#include <xyz/openbmc_project/Object/Delete/server.hpp>
namespace phosphor
namespace certs
using DeleteIface = sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Object::server::Delete;
using CertificateIface = sdbusplus::server::object::object<
using ReplaceIface = sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Certs::server::Replace;
using CertIfaces = sdbusplus::server::object::object<CertificateIface,
ReplaceIface, DeleteIface>;
using CertificateType = std::string;
using UnitsToRestart = std::string;
using CertInstallPath = std::string;
using CertUploadPath = std::string;
using InputType = std::string;
using InstallFunc = std::function<void(const std::string&)>;
using AppendPrivKeyFunc = std::function<void(const std::string&)>;
using CertWatchPtr = std::unique_ptr<Watch>;
using namespace phosphor::logging;
// for placeholders
using namespace std::placeholders;
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
class Manager; // Forward declaration for Certificate Manager.
// Supported Types.
static constexpr auto SERVER = "server";
static constexpr auto CLIENT = "client";
static constexpr auto AUTHORITY = "authority";
// RAII support for openSSL functions.
using X509_Ptr = std::unique_ptr<X509, decltype(&::X509_free)>;
using X509_STORE_CTX_Ptr =
std::unique_ptr<X509_STORE_CTX, decltype(&::X509_STORE_CTX_free)>;
/** @class Certificate
* @brief OpenBMC Certificate entry implementation.
* @details A concrete implementation for the
* xyz.openbmc_project.Certs.Certificate DBus API
* xyz.openbmc_project.Certs.Instal DBus API
class Certificate : public CertIfaces
Certificate() = delete;
Certificate(const Certificate&) = delete;
Certificate& operator=(const Certificate&) = delete;
Certificate(Certificate&&) = delete;
Certificate& operator=(Certificate&&) = delete;
virtual ~Certificate();
/** @brief Constructor for the Certificate Object
* @param[in] bus - Bus to attach to.
* @param[in] objPath - Object path to attach to
* @param[in] type - Type of the certificate
* @param[in] unit - Units to restart after a certificate is installed
* @param[in] installPath - Path of the certificate to install
* @param[in] uploadPath - Path of the certificate file to upload
* @param[in] isSkipUnitReload - If true do not restart units
* @param[in] watchPtr - watch on self signed certificate pointer
Certificate(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, const std::string& objPath,
const CertificateType& type, const UnitsToRestart& unit,
const CertInstallPath& installPath,
const CertUploadPath& uploadPath, bool isSkipUnitReload,
const CertWatchPtr& watchPtr, Manager& parent);
/** @brief Validate certificate and replace the existing certificate
* @param[in] filePath - Certificate file path.
void replace(const std::string filePath) override;
/** @brief Populate certificate properties by parsing certificate file
* @return void
void populateProperties();
* @brief Obtain certificate's subject hash
* @return certificate's subject hash
const std::string& getHash() const;
* @brief Delete the certificate
void delete_() override;
* @brief Populate certificate properties by parsing given certificate file
* @param[in] certPath Path to certificate that should be parsed
* @return void
void populateProperties(const std::string& certPath);
/** @brief Validate and Replace/Install the certificate file
* Install/Replace the existing certificate file with another
* (possibly CA signed) Certificate file.
* @param[in] filePath - Certificate file path.
* @param[in] isSkipUnitReload - If true do not restart units
void install(const std::string& filePath, bool isSkipUnitReload);
/** @brief Load Certificate file into the X509 structre.
* @param[in] filePath - Certificate and key full file path.
* @return pointer to the X509 structure.
X509_Ptr loadCert(const std::string& filePath);
/** @brief Check and append private key to the certificate file
* If private key is not present in the certificate file append the
* certificate file with private key existing in the system.
* @param[in] filePath - Certificate and key full file path.
* @return void.
void checkAndAppendPrivateKey(const std::string& filePath);
/** @brief Public/Private key compare function.
* Comparing private key against certificate public key
* from input .pem file.
* @param[in] filePath - Certificate and key full file path.
* @return Return true if Key compare is successful,
* false if not
bool compareKeys(const std::string& filePath);
/** @brief systemd unit reload or reset helper function
* Reload if the unit supports it and use a restart otherwise.
* @param[in] unit - service need to reload.
void reloadOrReset(const UnitsToRestart& unit);
* @brief Extracts subject hash
* @param[in] storeCtx Pointer to X509_STORE_CTX containing certificate
* @return Subject hash as formatted string
static inline std::string
getSubjectHash(const X509_STORE_CTX_Ptr& storeCtx);
/** @brief Type specific function pointer map **/
std::unordered_map<InputType, InstallFunc> typeFuncMap;
/** @brief sdbusplus handler */
sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus;
/** @brief object path */
std::string objectPath;
/** @brief Type of the certificate **/
CertificateType certType;
/** @brief Unit name associated to the service **/
UnitsToRestart unitToRestart;
/** @brief Certificate file installation path **/
CertInstallPath certInstallPath;
/** @brief Type specific function pointer map for appending private key */
std::unordered_map<InputType, AppendPrivKeyFunc> appendKeyMap;
/** @brief Certificate file create/update watch */
const CertWatchPtr& certWatchPtr;
/** @brief Stores certificate subject hash */
std::string certHash;
/** @brief Reference to Certificate Manager */
Manager& manager;
} // namespace certs
} // namespace phosphor