blob: 064d801a607f9a9e51606dbdb2883ee429e22bae [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include "certificate.hpp"
#include "csr.hpp"
#include "watch.hpp"
#include <openssl/evp.h>
#include <openssl/ossl_typ.h>
#include <openssl/x509.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <filesystem>
#include <memory>
#include <sdbusplus/server/object.hpp>
#include <sdeventplus/source/child.hpp>
#include <sdeventplus/source/event.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <xyz/openbmc_project/Certs/CSR/Create/server.hpp>
#include <xyz/openbmc_project/Certs/Install/server.hpp>
#include <xyz/openbmc_project/Certs/InstallAll/server.hpp>
#include <xyz/openbmc_project/Certs/ReplaceAll/server.hpp>
#include <xyz/openbmc_project/Collection/DeleteAll/server.hpp>
namespace phosphor::certs
namespace internal
using ManagerInterface = sdbusplus::server::object_t<
class Manager : public internal::ManagerInterface
/* Define all of the basic class operations:
* Not allowed:
* - Default constructor is not possible due to member
* reference
* - Move operations due to 'this' being registered as the
* 'context' with sdbus.
* Allowed:
* - copy
* - Destructor.
Manager() = delete;
Manager(const Manager&) = delete;
Manager& operator=(const Manager&) = delete;
Manager(Manager&&) = delete;
Manager& operator=(Manager&&) = delete;
virtual ~Manager() = default;
/** @brief Constructor to put object onto bus at a dbus path.
* @param[in] bus - Bus to attach to.
* @param[in] event - sd event handler.
* @param[in] path - Path to attach at.
* @param[in] type - Type of the certificate.
* @param[in] unit - Unit consumed by this certificate.
* @param[in] installPath - Certificate installation path.
Manager(sdbusplus::bus_t& bus, sdeventplus::Event& event, const char* path,
CertificateType type, const std::string& unit,
const std::string& installPath);
/** @brief Implementation for Install
* Replace the existing certificate key file with another
* (possibly CA signed) Certificate key file.
* @param[in] filePath - Certificate key file path.
* @return Certificate object path.
std::string install(const std::string filePath) override;
/** @brief Implementation for InstallAll
* Install the authority list and restart the associated services.
* @param[in] path - Path of the file that contains a list of root
* certificates.
* @return D-Bus object path to created objects.
installAll(std::string path) override;
/** @brief Implementation for ReplaceAll
* Replace the current authority lists and restart the associated services.
* @param[in] path - Path of file that contains multiple root certificates.
* @return D-Bus object path to created objects.
replaceAll(std::string filePath) override;
/** @brief Implementation for DeleteAll
* Delete all objects in the collection.
void deleteAll() override;
/** @brief Delete the certificate.
void deleteCertificate(const Certificate* const certificate);
/** @brief Replace the certificate.
void replaceCertificate(Certificate* const certificate,
const std::string& filePath);
/** @brief Generate Private key and CSR file
* Generates the Private key file and CSR file based on the input
* parameters. Validation of the parameters is callers responsibility.
* At present supports only RSA algorithm type
* @param[in] alternativeNames - Additional hostnames of the component that
* is being secured.
* @param[in] challengePassword - The challenge password to be applied to
* the certificate for revocation requests.
* @param[in] city - The city or locality of the organization making the
* request. For Example Austin
* @param[in] commonName - The fully qualified domain name of the component
* that is being secured.
* @param[in] contactPerson - The name of the user making the request.
* @param[in] country - The country of the organization making the request.
* @param[in] email - The email address of the contact within the
* organization making the request.
* @param[in] givenName - The given name of the user making the request.
* @param[in] initials - The initials of the user making the request.
* @param[in] keyBitLength - The length of the key in bits, if needed based
* on the value of the KeyPairAlgorithm parameter.
* @param[in] keyCurveId - The curve ID to be used with the key, if needed
* based on the value of the KeyPairAlgorithm parameter.
* @param[in] keyPairAlgorithm - The type of key pair for use with signing
* algorithms. Valid built-in algorithm names for private key
* generation are: RSA, DSA, DH and EC.
* @param[in] keyUsage - Key usage extensions define the purpose of the
* public key contained in a certificate. Valid Key usage extensions
* and its usage description.
* - ClientAuthentication: The public key is used for TLS WWW client
* authentication.
* - CodeSigning: The public key is used for the signing of executable
* code
* - CRLSigning: The public key is used for verifying signatures on
* certificate revocation lists (CLRs).
* - DataEncipherment: The public key is used for directly enciphering
* raw user data without the use of an intermediate symmetric
* cipher.
* - DecipherOnly: The public key could be used for deciphering data
* while performing key agreement.
* - DigitalSignature: The public key is used for verifying digital
* signatures, other than signatures on certificatesand CRLs.
* - EmailProtection: The public key is used for email protection.
* - EncipherOnly: Thepublic key could be used for enciphering data
* while performing key agreement.
* - KeyCertSign: The public key is used for verifying signatures on
* public key certificates.
* - KeyEncipherment: The public key is used for enciphering private or
* secret keys.
* - NonRepudiation: The public key is used to verify digital
* signatures, other than signatures on certificates and CRLs, and
* used to provide a non-repudiation service that protects against
* the signing entity falsely denying some action.
* - OCSPSigning: The public key is used for signing OCSP responses.
* - ServerAuthentication: The public key is used for TLS WWW server
* authentication.
* - Timestamping: The public key is used for binding the hash of an
* object to a time.
* @param[in] organization - The legal name of the organization. This
* should not be abbreviated and should include suffixes such as Inc,
* Corp, or LLC.For example, IBM Corp.
* @param[in] organizationalUnit - The name of the unit or division of the
* organization making the request.
* @param[in] state - The state or province where the organization is
* located. This should not be abbreviated. For example, Texas.
* @param[in] surname - The surname of the user making the request.
* @param[in] unstructuredName - The unstructured name of the subject.
* @return path[std::string] - The object path of the D-Bus object
* representing CSR string. Note: For new CSR request will overwrite
* the existing CSR in the system.
std::string generateCSR(
std::vector<std::string> alternativeNames,
std::string challengePassword, std::string city, std::string commonName,
std::string contactPerson, std::string country, std::string email,
std::string givenName, std::string initials, int64_t keyBitLength,
std::string keyCurveId, std::string keyPairAlgorithm,
std::vector<std::string> keyUsage, std::string organization,
std::string organizationalUnit, std::string state, std::string surname,
std::string unstructuredName) override;
/** @brief Get reference to certificates' collection
* @return Reference to certificates' collection
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Certificate>>& getCertificates();
/** @brief Systemd unit reload or reset helper function
* Reload if the unit supports it and use a restart otherwise.
* @param[in] unit - service need to reload.
virtual void reloadOrReset(const std::string& unit);
void generateCSRHelper(std::vector<std::string> alternativeNames,
std::string challengePassword, std::string city,
std::string commonName, std::string contactPerson,
std::string country, std::string email,
std::string givenName, std::string initials,
int64_t keyBitLength, std::string keyCurveId,
std::string keyPairAlgorithm,
std::vector<std::string> keyUsage,
std::string organization,
std::string organizationalUnit, std::string state,
std::string surname, std::string unstructuredName);
/** @brief Generate RSA Key pair and get private key from key pair
* @param[in] keyBitLength - KeyBit length.
* @return Pointer to RSA private key
std::unique_ptr<EVP_PKEY, decltype(&::EVP_PKEY_free)>
generateRSAKeyPair(const int64_t keyBitLength);
/** @brief Generate EC Key pair and get private key from key pair
* @param[in] p_KeyCurveId - Curve ID
* @return Pointer to EC private key
std::unique_ptr<EVP_PKEY, decltype(&::EVP_PKEY_free)>
generateECKeyPair(const std::string& pKeyCurveId);
/** @brief Write private key data to file
* @param[in] pKey - pointer to private key
* @param[in] privKeyFileName - private key filename
void writePrivateKey(
const std::unique_ptr<EVP_PKEY, decltype(&::EVP_PKEY_free)>& pKey,
const std::string& privKeyFileName);
/** @brief Add the specified CSR field with the data
* @param[in] x509Name - Structure used in setting certificate properties
* @param[in] field - field name
* @param[in] bytes - field value in bytes
void addEntry(X509_NAME* x509Name, const char* field,
const std::string& bytes);
/** @brief Check if usage is extended key usage
* @param[in] usage - key usage value
* @return true if part of extended key usage
bool isExtendedKeyUsage(const std::string& usage);
/** @brief Create CSR D-Bus object by reading the data in the CSR file
* @param[in] statis - SUCCESS/FAILURE In CSR generation.
void createCSRObject(const Status& status);
/** @brief Write generated CSR data to file
* @param[in] filePath - CSR file path.
* @param[in] x509Req - OpenSSL Request Pointer.
void writeCSR(
const std::string& filePath,
const std::unique_ptr<X509_REQ, decltype(&::X509_REQ_free)>& x509Req);
/** @brief Load certificate
* Load certificate and create certificate object
void createCertificates();
/** @brief Create RSA private key file
* Create RSA private key file by generating rsa key if not created
void createRSAPrivateKeyFile();
/** @brief Getting RSA private key
* Getting RSA private key from generated file
* @param[in] keyBitLength - Key bit length
* @return Pointer to RSA key
std::unique_ptr<EVP_PKEY, decltype(&::EVP_PKEY_free)>
getRSAKeyPair(const int64_t keyBitLength);
/** @brief Update certificate storage (remove outdated files, recreate
* symbolic links, etc.).
void storageUpdate();
/** @brief Check if provided certificate is unique across all certificates
* on the internal list.
* @param[in] certFilePath - Path to the file with certificate for
* uniqueness check.
* @param[in] certToDrop - Pointer to the certificate from the internal
* list which should be not taken into account while uniqueness check.
* @return Checking result. True if certificate is unique, false if
* not.
bool isCertificateUnique(const std::string& certFilePath,
const Certificate* const certToDrop = nullptr);
/** @brief sdbusplus handler */
sdbusplus::bus_t& bus;
// sdevent Event handle
sdeventplus::Event& event;
/** @brief object path */
std::string objectPath;
/** @brief Type of the certificate **/
CertificateType certType;
/** @brief Unit name associated to the service **/
std::string unitToRestart;
/** @brief Certificate file installation path **/
std::string certInstallPath;
/** @brief Collection of pointers to certificate */
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Certificate>> installedCerts;
/** @brief pointer to CSR */
std::unique_ptr<CSR> csrPtr = nullptr;
/** @brief SDEventPlus child pointer added to event loop */
std::unique_ptr<sdeventplus::source::Child> childPtr = nullptr;
/** @brief Watch on self signed certificates */
std::unique_ptr<Watch> certWatchPtr = nullptr;
/** @brief Parent path i.e certificate directory path */
std::filesystem::path certParentInstallPath;
/** @brief Certificate ID pool */
uint64_t certIdCounter = 1;
} // namespace phosphor::certs