blob: 6e8e673784ef117253c853e887ebc80dfc1880f8 [file] [log] [blame]
description: >
Provides threshold functionality for Metrics and Sensors. Any object
implementing Threshold interface must implement a Value interface at
corresponding path.
- name: Value
type: dict[enum[self.Type],dict[enum[self.Bound],double]]
description: >
This indicates the threshold ranges applicable for the corresponding
Value interface. This property is experimental and may change based on
implementation. map{thresholdType,map{thresholdBound,thresholdValue}}
- readonly
- name: Asserted
type: set[struct[enum[self.Type],enum[self.Bound]]]
description: >
This indicates the set of asserted thresholds.
- readonly
- name: AssertionChanged
description: >
This indicates the assertion change for a threshold.
- name: ThresholdType
type: enum[self.Type]
description: >
This indicates the threshold type for the assertion.
- name: ThresholdBound
type: enum[self.Bound]
description: >
This indicates the threshold bound for the assertion.
- name: Status
type: boolean
description: >
This indicates whether the assertion has been asserted(true) or
- name: Value
type: double
description: >
The value that triggered the assertion change.
- name: Type
description: >
This indicates the type of threshold.
- name: Warning
description: >
Indicates the warning level.
- name: Critical
description: >
Indicates the critical level.
- name: PerformanceLoss
description: >
Indicates the performance loss level.
- name: SoftShutdown
description: >
Indicates the soft shutdown level.
- name: HardShutdown
description: >
Indicates the hard shutdown level.
- name: Bound
description: >
This indicates the threshold direction.
- name: Upper
description: >
Indicates the upper bound of the threshold.
- name: Lower
description: >
Indicates the lower bound of the threshold.