blob: 561489016fffeb878789b45e1c8ee7e15b714677 [file] [log] [blame]
description: >
Implement this interface to provide report inspection features. An
implementation service should additionally implement
xyz.openbmc_project.Object.Delete for deletion of individual report objects.
- name: Update
description: >
The Update method is defined for the on demand metric report update.
It triggers update of the Readings property. If ReportingType is not
set to OnRequest then method does nothing.
- name: Persistency
type: boolean
description: >
Defines if the report configuration is stored in non volatile memory.
Configuration contains all Report properties excluding Readings.
- name: ReadingParameters
type: array[struct[array[object_path],enum[self.OperationType],string,string]]
description: >
Array of structure that contains list of sensor paths, operation type,
metric Id and metadata. Metric Id and metadata are used to store user
details, e.g. metadata can be used to map sensor name to DBus path.
- name: Readings
type: struct[uint64,array[struct[string,string,double,uint64]]]
description: >
Structure that contains timestamp of readings update in milliseconds and
array of metric Id, metadata, reading value and timestamp of single
reading update in milliseconds. Metric Id and metadata are equal to its
counterparts in ReadingParameters property.
- readonly
- name: EmitsReadingsUpdate
type: boolean
description: >
On Readings update PropertiesChanged signal is emitted. It allows to
decrease generation of load on DBus when Readings property is updated.
Redfish Event Service requires this option to be equal to true.
- const
- name: LogToMetricReportsCollection
type: boolean
description: >
Presence of Report in Metric Report Collection in Redfish Telemetry
- const
- name: ReportingType
type: enum[self.ReportingType]
description: Defines how readings are updated.
- name: Interval
type: uint64
description: >
Defines period of time in milliseconds when readings are updated.
- name: OperationType
descritpion: Type of action that is executed on readings.
- name: Single
description: Store a single reading, only allowed on single sensor.
- name: Max
description: Store maximal reading during defined time period.
- name: Min
description: Store minimal reading during defined time period.
- name: Avg
description: Calulate average of readings during defined time period.
- name: Sum
description: Calulate sum of readings over defined time period.
- name: ReportingType
description: >
The type that defines when Readings are updated.
- name: OnChange
description: >
On sensor reading change.
- name: OnRequest
description: >
On Update method call.
- name: Periodic
description: >
After period of time defined by ScanPeriod property.