blob: 92adeae117edd67e1e03a723c040f41e2cd565fb [file] [log] [blame]
description: >
Implement to provide an object that contains a history of maximum values.
The values are the maximum values within a time period. The object this
interface is placed on should provide information about the time period.
- name: Scale
type: int64
description: >
The reading scaling factor N, where the actual reading is value *
10^N. This is immutable once set.
- name: Unit
type: enum[self.Unit]
description: >
The unit of the reading. Immutable once set for a sensor. For objects
in the temperature namespace, Unit must be "DegreesC". For objects in
the fan_tach namespace, Unit must be "RPMS". For objects in the
voltage namespace, Unit must be "Volts". For objects in the altitude
namespace, Unit must be "Meters". For objects in the current
namespace, Unit must be "Amperes". For objects in the power namespace,
Unit must be "Watts". For objects in the energy namespace, Unit must
be "Joules".
- name: Values
type: array[struct[uint64,int64]]
description: >
An array of timestamp, maximum value tuples. The timestamp is the
number of milliseconds since 1970. The entries in the array will
always be ordered from newest to oldest.
- name: Unit
description: >
A sensor reading unit.
- name: DegreesC
description: >
Temperature as degrees Celsius.
- name: RPMS
description: >
Frequency of rotation as revolutions per minute.
- name: Volts
description: >
Electromotive force as volts.
- name: Meters
description: >
Length as meters.
- name: Amperes
description: >
Electrical charge flow rate as Amperes.
- name: Watts
description: >
Rate of energy transfer as Watts.
- name: Joules
description: >
Energy transfer as Joules.