blob: d7a5a5683f233726f4a1927b469223381dce6a57 [file] [log] [blame]
description: >
Implement to provide VPD collection state management.
- name: CollectionStatus
type: enum[self.Status]
description: >
Property which tells the current status of FRU VPD collection.
- name: Status
description: >
The current status of FRU VPD collection.
- name: "InProgress"
description: >
FRU VPD collection is in progress.
- name: "Success"
description: >
FRU VPD collection is successfully completed.
- name: "Failure"
description: >
FRU VPD collection failed.
- name: "NotStarted"
description: >
FRU VPD collection not started.