blob: 62fa083f192aecd64fb3d8898e12f64158dfaf26 [file] [log] [blame]
description: >
Implement to emit D-Bus signal for PLDM Event Messages. PLDM Event
Messages are PLDM monitoring and control messages that are used by
a PLDM terminus to synchronously or asynchronously report PLDM events
to a central party called the PLDM Event Receiver.
When the PLDM daemon receives a sensorEvent of type stateSensorState,
it emits the StateSensorEvent signal.
This signal would be used by PLDM Requester apps on the BMC, which
will rely on this signal to determine state changes on a connected
PLDM entity.
More information about PLDM Event Messages can be found at DSP0248
version 1.2.0 section 13.
- name: StateSensorEvent
description: >
Signal indicating that a state sensor change EventMessage is
More information about properties can be found at DSP0248 version
1.2.0 table 19.
- name: TID
type: byte
description: >
A terminus id.
- name: sensorID
type: uint16
description: >
The sensorID is the value that is used in PDRs and PLDM sensor
access commands to identify and access a particular sensor
within a terminus.
- name: sensorOffset
type: byte
description: >
Identifies which state sensor within a composite state sensor
the event is being returned for.
- name: eventState
type: byte
description: >
The event state value from the state change that triggered
the event message.
- name: previousEventState
type: byte
description: >
The event state value for the state from which the present
event state was entered.