blob: 42c8f719d76c8f6c4680d14f98751b0a663323e6 [file] [log] [blame]
Implement to provide the chassis power management
- name: RequestedPowerTransition
type: enum[self.Transition]
default: 'Off'
description: >
The desired power transition to start on this chassis.
This will be preserved across AC power cycles of the BMC.
- name: CurrentPowerState
type: enum[self.PowerState]
description: >
A read-only property describing the current chassis power state.
A user can determine if a chassis is in transition by comparing
the CurrentPowerState and RequestedPowerTransition properties.
- name: Transition
description: >
The desired power transition for the chassis
- name: 'Off'
description: >
Chassis power should be off
- name: 'On'
description: >
Chassis power should be on
- name: PowerState
description: >
The current state of the chassis power
- name: 'Off'
description: >
Chassis power is off
- name: 'On'
description: >
Chassis power is on