blob: 9cde19a3aab70a61e8a8477646f9becd9d49fc36 [file] [log] [blame]
description: >
Implement to provide DBus service lookup features.
Any OpenBMC implementation must provide exactly one implementation of
xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper on /xyz/openbmc_project/ObjectMapper.
- name: GetObject
description: >
Obtain a dictionary of service -> implemented interface(s) for the
given path.
- name: path
type: object_path
description: >
The object path for which the result should be fetched.
- name: interfaces
type: array[string]
description: >
An array of result set constraining interfaces.
- name: services
type: dict[string,array[string]]
description: >
A dictionary of service -> implemented interface(s).
- xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.ResourceNotFound
- name: GetAncestors
description: >
Obtain a dictionary of ancestor -> services where ancestor is an
ancestor of path and services is of the type returned by the GetObject
- name: path
type: object_path
description: >
The path for which the result should be fetched.
- name: interfaces
type: array[string]
description: >
An array of result set constraining interfaces.
- name: ancestors
type: dict[object_path,dict[string,array[string]]]
description: >
A dictionary of ancestor -> services.
- xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.ResourceNotFound
- name: GetSubTree
description: >
Obtain a dictionary of path -> services where path is in sutbtree and
services is of the type returned by the GetObject method.
- name: subtree
type: object_path
description: >
The subtree path for which the result should be fetched.
- name: depth
type: int32
description: >
The maximum subtree depth for which results should be fetched.
For unconstrained fetches use a depth of zero.
- name: interfaces
type: array[string]
description: >
An array of result set constraining interfaces.
- name: objects
type: dict[object_path,dict[string,array[string]]]
description: >
A dictionary of path -> services.
- xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.ResourceNotFound
- name: GetSubTreePaths
description: >
Obtain an array of paths where array elements are in subtree.
- name: subtree
type: object_path
description: >
The subtree path for which the result should be fetched.
- name: depth
type: int32
description: >
The maximum subtree depth for which results should be fetched.
For unconstrained fetches use a depth of zero.
- name: interfaces
type: array[string]
description: >
An array of result set constraining interfaces.
- name: paths
type: array[object_path]
description: >
An array of paths.
- xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.ResourceNotFound
- name: GetAssociatedSubTree
description: >
Same as GetSubTree, but only return the dbus paths that are an
association endpoint on associatedPath
- name: associatedPath
type: object_path
description: >
The path where the associated endpoint is fetched from.
- name: subtree
type: object_path
description: >
The subtree path for which the result should be fetched.
- name: depth
type: int32
description: >
The maximum subtree depth for which results should be fetched.
For unconstrained fetches use a depth of zero.
- name: interfaces
type: array[string]
description: >
An array of result set constraining interfaces.
- name: objects
type: dict[object_path,dict[string,array[string]]]
description: >
A dictionary of path -> services.
- xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.ResourceNotFound
- name: GetAssociatedSubTreePaths
description: >
Same as GetSubTreePaths, but only return the dbus paths that are an
association endpoint on associatedPath
- name: associatedPath
type: object_path
description: >
The path where the associated endpoint is fetched from.
- name: subtree
type: object_path
description: >
The subtree path for which the result should be fetched.
- name: depth
type: int32
description: >
The maximum subtree depth for which results should be fetched.
For unconstrained fetches use a depth of zero.
- name: interfaces
type: array[string]
description: >
An array of result set constraining interfaces.
- name: paths
type: array[object_path]
description: >
An array of paths.
- xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.ResourceNotFound