blob: 268c53e36b45c30002f331e51a906de12594a8db [file] [log] [blame]
description: >
Implement this interface to provide trigger inspection features. An
implementation service should additionaly implement
xyz.openbmc_project.Object.Delete for deletion of individual trigger.
- name: Discrete
type: boolean
description: >
If true than trigger uses discrete thresholds as threshold conditions.
Otherwise numeric thresholds is used.
- const
- name: LogToJournal
type: boolean
description: >
Defines if trigger logs to system journal when threshold conditions are
met. LogToJournal is a trigger action.
- const
- name: LogToRedfish
type: boolean
description: >
Defines if trigger logs Redfish message when threshold conditions are
met. LogToRedfish is a trigger action.
- const
- name: UpdateReport
type: boolean
description: >
Defines if trigger updates report when threshold conditions are
met. Reports that will be updated are specified in ReportNames property.
UpdateReport is a trigger action.
- const
- name: Persistent
type: boolean
description: Defines if Trigger is stored in non volatile memory.
- name: ReportNames
type: array[string]
description: >
Collection of report names that are updated when threshold conditions
are met. List is ignored if UpdateReport property is false.
- name: Sensors
type: array[struct[object_path, string]]
description: >
Array of sensors that is monitored within trigger. First parameter of a
structure is a sensor path. Second parameter is a metadata that is used
to store user data about sensor.
- name: Thresholds
type: variant[array[struct[enum[self.Type],enum[self.Direction],uint64,double]],array[struct[string,enum[self.Severity],uint64,double]]]
description: >
First type in variant is a collection of numeric thresholds that has
following fields - type, direction, dwell time and threshold value.
Second type holds by variant is a collection of discrete thresholds that
contains following fields - user id, severity, dwell time and threshold
value. Numeric threshold array is limited by Type enumeration, only 4
elements are allowed. Discrete threshold array size is not limited. If
Discrete threshold array is empty than every value change is taken into
account of threshold condition. Dwell time specify for how long
condition has to persist to trigger an action.
- name: Type
description: >
Defines a context of a message that is logged when numeric threshold
condition is met.
- name: LowerCritical
- name: LowerWarning
- name: UpperWarning
- name: UpperCritical
- name: Direction
description: >
Defines in which direction threshold value is crossed to fulfill numeric
threshold condition.
- name: Either
description: >
Crossing threshold value fulfill numeric threshold condition.
- name: Decreasing
description: >
If threshold value is crossed and previous sensor value was greater
then threshold value then numeric threshold condition is met.
- name: Increasing
description: >
If threshold value is crossed and previous sensor value was less
then threshold value then numeric threshold condition is met.
- name: Severity
description: >
Defines a context of a message that is logged when discrete threshold
condition is met.
- name: OK
- name: Warning
- name: Critical