blob: bd01cacc4ff803a27bb7fab8cd928fc923e6f861 [file] [log] [blame]
description: >
This interface provides the Board Manager Metric values for resource
- name: Value
type: double
description: >
The current metric value.
- readonly
- name: MaxValue
type: double
default: infinity
- readonly
description: >
The maximum supported metric value.
- name: MinValue
type: double
default: -infinity
- readonly
description: >
The minimum supported metric value.
- name: Unit
type: enum[self.Unit]
description: >
The unit for metric value. For example, memory in bytes, CPU in
percent, reboots in count.
- const
- name: Unit
description: >
Metric value unit.
- name: Bytes
description: >
Unit to indicate bytes.
- name: Count
description: >
Unit to indicate counts.
- name: Percent
description: >
Unit to indicate percentage.
- name: measuring
description: >
Metrics measure the inventory item's resource utilization, therefore
implement an association to the inventory item.
- measured_by
- xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item
- namespace: /xyz/openbmc_project/metric
description: >
The root path for all Metrics.
- name: TotalMemory
description: >
The total memory metric.
value: memory/total
- name: FreeMemory
description: >
The free memory metric.
value: memory/free
- name: AvailableMemory
description: >
The available memory metric.
value: memory/available
- name: SharedMemory
description: >
The shared memory utilization.
value: memory/shared
- name: BufferedAndCachedMemory
description: >
The buffered and cached memory memory utilization.
value: memory/buffered_and_cached
- name: KernelCPU
description: >
The kernel CPU utilization.
value: cpu/kernel
- name: UserCPU
description: >
The user CPU utilization.
value: cpu/user
- name: TotalCPU
description: >
The total CPU utilization.
value: cpu/total
- name: ReadWriteStorage
description: >
The available read write storage.
value: storage/rw
- name: RebootCount
description: >
Reboot statistic to track number of times device rebooted
without failure.
value: reboot/count
- name: RebootCountWithFailure
description: >
Reboot statistic to track number of times device rebooted
because of a failure.
value: reboot/count_with_failure
- name: BMC
description: >
The BMC metrics.
value: /xyz/openbmc_project/metric/bmc