blob: f94183ddc75bb422403b72d5663ea7f5c363e8f8 [file] [log] [blame]
description: >
This interface contains a Create method, which can be implemented
to allow creation of xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Entry objects
directly over D-Bus, without needing the errors defined in
the *.Error/metadata.yaml files.
- name: Create
description: >
Create a xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Entry object.
- name: Message
type: string
description: >
The Message property of the event entry.
- name: Severity
type: enum[xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Entry.Level]
description: >
The Severity property of the event entry.
- name: AdditionalData
type: dict[string, string]
description: >
The AdditionalData property of the event entry.
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"
ends up in AdditionaData like:
["KEY1=value1", "KEY2=value2"]