blob: ae5b7eecdb2c608e6c91c001fbb834ee4d560bc8 [file] [log] [blame]
description: >
Provides D-Bus access to OpenPower Platform Event Logs
- name: GetPEL
description: >
Returns a file desciptor to a PEL.
- name: pelID
type: uint32
description: >
The PEL log ID of the PEL to retrieve.
- name: data
type: unixfd
description: >
A file descriptor for a file that contains the PEL.
- xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InternalFailure
- xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InvalidArgument
- name: GetPELFromOBMCID
description: >
Returns PEL data based on the OpenBMC event log ID.
- name: obmcLogID
type: uint32
description: >
The OpenBMC event log ID of the PEL to retrieve.
- name: data
type: array[byte]
description: >
The PEL data
- xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InvalidArgument
- name: HostAck
description: >
Notifies the PEL handler that the host (usually the OS) acked a PEL.
- name: pelID
type: uint32
description: >
The PEL log ID
- xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InvalidArgument
- name: HostReject
description: >
Notifies the PEL handler that the host could not process a PEL.
- name: pelID
type: uint32
description: >
The PEL log ID
- name: reason
type: enum[self.RejectionReason]
description: >
The reason the PEL was rejected
- xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InvalidArgument
- name: CreatePELWithFFDCFiles
description: >
Creates an OpenBMC event log and a corresponding PEL. This method
returns the IDs of the created PEL and OpenBMC event log, unlike the
'xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Create.CreateWithFFDCFiles' method which
doesn't return anything.
- name: Message
type: string
description: >
The Message property of the OpenBMC event log entry.
This is also the key into the PEL message registry.
- name: Severity
type: enum[xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Entry.Level]
description: >
The Severity property of the event entry.
- name: AdditionalData
type: dict[string, string]
description: >
The AdditionalData property of the event entry.
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"
ends up in AdditionaData like:
["KEY1=value1", "KEY2=value2"]
- name: FFDC
type: array[struct[enum[xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Create.FFDCFormat], byte, byte, unixfd]]
description: >
File descriptors for any files containing FFDC, along with metadata
about the contents:
FFDCFormat- The format type of the contained data.
subType - The format subtype, used for the 'Custom' type.
version - The version of the data format, used for the 'Custom'
unixfd - The file descriptor to the data file.
{"xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Create.FFDCFormat.JSON", 0, 0, 5},
{"xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Create.FFDCFormat.Custom", 1, 2, 6}
- name: IDs
type: struct[uint32, uint32]
description: >
The IDs of the 2 created logs:
- OpenBMC event log ID
- PEL log ID: The unique ID of the PEL
Note that the PEL's platform log ID (PLID) field is always
equal to the PEL log ID for BMC created PELs.
- name: GetPELIdFromBMCLogId
description: >
Returns the PEL Id (aka Entry ID (EID)) based on the
given BMC event log id.
- name: bmcLogId
type: uint32
description: >
The BMC event log id of the PEL to retrieve the PEL id.
- name: pelId
type: uint32
description: >
The Id of the PEL.
- xyz.openbmc_project.Common.Error.InvalidArgument
- name: RejectionReason
description: >
The reason the PEL was rejected
- name: BadPEL
description: >
The PEL was malformed.
- name: HostFull
description: >
The host does not have room for more PELs at this time.