blob: 9c97b9ec34dc1e44ec106e681dc8ee48b03f3197 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include "data_types.hpp"
namespace phosphor
namespace dbus
namespace monitoring
/** @class Watch
* @brief Watch interface.
* The start method is invoked by main() on all watches of any type
* at application startup, to allow watches to perform custom setup
* or initialization. Typical implementations might register dbus
* callbacks or perform queries.
* The callback method is invoked by main() on all watches of any
* type at application startup, after all watches have performed
* their setup. Typical implementations will forward the call
* to their associated callback.
class Watch
Watch() = default;
Watch(const Watch&) = default;
Watch(Watch&&) = default;
Watch& operator=(const Watch&) = default;
Watch& operator=(Watch&&) = default;
virtual ~Watch() = default;
/** @brief Start the watch. */
virtual void start() = 0;
/** @brief Invoke the callback associated with the watch. */
virtual void callback(Context ctx) = 0;
} // namespace monitoring
} // namespace dbus
} // namespace phosphor