blob: 7c6e5275a86ab9fe5d86177b209771335fa6026e [file] [log] [blame]
## This file is a template, the comment below is emitted into the generated file
/* This is an auto generated file. Do not edit. */
#pragma once
#include <array>
#include <string>
using namespace std::string_literals;
namespace phosphor
namespace dbus
namespace monitoring
struct ConfigMeta
using Meta = std::array<std::string, ${len(meta)}>;
static auto& get()
static const Meta meta =
% for m in meta:
% endfor
return meta;
struct ConfigPaths
using Paths = std::array<std::string, ${len(paths)}>;
static auto& get()
static const Paths paths =
% for p in paths:
% endfor
return paths;
struct ConfigInterfaces
using Interfaces = std::array<std::string, ${len(interfaces)}>;
static auto& get()
static const Interfaces interfaces =
% for i in interfaces:
% endfor
return interfaces;
struct ConfigProperties
using Properties = std::array<std::string, ${len(propertynames)}>;
static auto& get()
static const Properties properties =
% for p in propertynames:
% endfor
return properties;
} // namespace monitoring
} // namespace dbus
} // namespace phosphor