blob: 8dc1fca276aa12b69f43c026d415b0813b95d4fd [file] [log] [blame]
#! /bin/bash
dreport creates an archive(xz compressed) consisting of the following:
* Configuration information
* Debug information
* A summary report
The type parameter controls the content of the data. The generated
archive is stored in the user specified location.
usage: dreport [OPTION]
-n, —-name <name> Name to be used for the archive.
Default name format obmcdump_<id>_<epochtime>
-d, —-dir <directory> Archive directory to copy the compressed report.
Default output directory is /tmp/dreport
-i, —-id <id> Dump identifier to associate with the archive.
Identifiers include numeric characters.
Default dump identifier is 0
-t, —-type <type> Data collection type. Valid types are
"user", "core".
Default type is "user" initiated.
-f, —-file <file> Optional file to be included in the archive.
Absolute path of the file must be passed as
parameter. This is useful to include application
core in the dump.
-s, --size <size> Maximum allowed size(in KB) of the archive.
Report will be truncated in case size exceeds
this limit. Default size is 500KB.
-v, —-verbose Increase logging verbosity.
-V, --version Output version information.
-q, —-quiet Only log fatal errors to stderr
-h, —-help Display this help and exit.
while [[ $# -ge 1 ]]; do
case $key in
echo "$help"
echo "Unknown option $1. Display available options with -h or --help"