blob: 05fc874f618ad70e8b707626534dc6a9e48e3e90 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright © 2020 IBM Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "../zone.hpp"
#include "config_base.hpp"
#include "group.hpp"
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp>
#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <numeric>
namespace phosphor::fan::control::json
using json = nlohmann::json;
using namespace phosphor::logging;
* @class ActionParseError - A parsing error exception
* A parsing error exception that can be used to terminate the application
* due to not being able to successfully parse a configured action.
class ActionParseError : public std::runtime_error
ActionParseError() = delete;
ActionParseError(const ActionParseError&) = delete;
ActionParseError(ActionParseError&&) = delete;
ActionParseError& operator=(const ActionParseError&) = delete;
ActionParseError& operator=(ActionParseError&&) = delete;
~ActionParseError() = default;
* @brief Action parsing error object
* When parsing an action from the JSON configuration, any critical
* attributes that fail to be parsed for an action can throw an
* ActionParseError exception to log the parsing failure details and
* terminate the application.
* @param[in] name - Name of the action
* @param[in] details - Additional details of the parsing error
ActionParseError(const std::string& name, const std::string& details) :
fmt::format("Failed to parse action {} [{}]", name, details)
* @brief Function used in creating action objects
* @param[in] jsonObj - JSON object for the action
* Creates an action object given the JSON configuration
template <typename T>
std::unique_ptr<T> createAction(const json& jsonObj)
return std::make_unique<T>(jsonObj);
* @class ActionBase - Base action object
* Base class for fan control's event actions
class ActionBase : public ConfigBase
ActionBase() = delete;
ActionBase(const ActionBase&) = delete;
ActionBase(ActionBase&&) = delete;
ActionBase& operator=(const ActionBase&) = delete;
ActionBase& operator=(ActionBase&&) = delete;
virtual ~ActionBase() = default;
* @brief Base action object
* All actions derived from this base action object must be given a name
* that uniquely identifies the action. Optionally, a configured action can
* have a list of explicit profiles it should be included in, otherwise
* always include the action where no profiles are given.
* @param[in] jsonObj - JSON object containing name and any profiles
explicit ActionBase(const json& jsonObj) : ConfigBase(jsonObj)
* @brief Run the action
* Run the action function associated to the derived action object
* that performs a specific task against a group of dbus objects on a zone
* configured by a user.
* @param[in] zone - Zone to run the action on
* @param[in] group - Group of dbus objects the action runs against
virtual void run(Zone& zone, const Group& group) = 0;
* @class ActionFactory - Factory for actions
* Factory that registers and retrieves actions based on a given name.
class ActionFactory
ActionFactory() = delete;
ActionFactory(const ActionFactory&) = delete;
ActionFactory(ActionFactory&&) = delete;
ActionFactory& operator=(const ActionFactory&) = delete;
ActionFactory& operator=(ActionFactory&&) = delete;
~ActionFactory() = default;
* @brief Registers an action
* Registers an action as being available for configuration use. The action
* is registered by its name and a function used to create the action
* object. An action fails to be registered when another action of the same
* name has already been registered. Actions with the same name would cause
* undefined behavior, therefore are not allowed.
* Actions are registered prior to starting main().
* @param[in] name - Name of the action to register
* @return The action was registered, otherwise an exception is thrown.
template <typename T>
static bool regAction(const std::string& name)
auto it = actions.find(name);
if (it == actions.end())
actions[name] = &createAction<T>;
fmt::format("Action '{}' is already registered", name).c_str());
throw std::runtime_error("Actions with the same name found");
return true;
* @brief Gets a registered action's object
* Gets a registered action's object of a given name from the JSON
* configuration data provided.
* @param[in] name - Name of the action to create/get
* @param[in] jsonObj - JSON object for the action
* @return Pointer to the action object.
static std::unique_ptr<ActionBase>
getAction(const std::string& name, const json& jsonObj,
const std::vector<Group>& groups,
std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<Zone>>&& zones)
auto it = actions.find(name);
if (it != actions.end())
return it->second(jsonObj);
// Construct list of available actions
auto acts = std::accumulate(
std::next(actions.begin()), actions.end(),
actions.begin()->first, [](auto list, auto act) {
return std::move(list) + ", " + act.first;
fmt::format("Action '{}' is not registered", name).c_str(),
entry("AVAILABLE_ACTIONS=%s", acts.c_str()));
throw std::runtime_error("Unsupported action name given");
/* Map to store the available actions and their creation functions */
static inline std::map<
std::string, std::function<std::unique_ptr<ActionBase>(const json&)>>
* @class ActionRegister - Registers an action class
* Base action registration class that is extended by an action object so
* that action is registered and available for use.
template <typename T>
class ActionRegister
ActionRegister(const ActionRegister&) = delete;
ActionRegister(ActionRegister&&) = delete;
ActionRegister& operator=(const ActionRegister&) = delete;
ActionRegister& operator=(ActionRegister&&) = delete;
virtual ~ActionRegister() = default;
// Templates instantiated when used, need to assign a value
// here so the compiler doesnt remove it
registered = true;
/* Register actions in the factory */
static inline bool registered = ActionFactory::regAction<T>(T::name);
} // namespace phosphor::fan::control::json