blob: 216c2352377d689100761098577c8629765fc04c [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include "error_reporter.hpp"
#include "fan.hpp"
#include "psensor.hpp"
#include "rpolicy.hpp"
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include <sdbusplus/bus.hpp>
#include <sdeventplus/source/signal.hpp>
#include <filesystem>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace phosphor
namespace fan
namespace presence
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
using json = nlohmann::json;
constexpr auto confFileName = "config.json";
constexpr auto confAppName = "presence";
using policies = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RedundancyPolicy>>;
constexpr auto fanPolicyFanPos = 0;
constexpr auto fanPolicySensorListPos = 1;
using fanPolicy = std::tuple<Fan, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PresenceSensor>>>;
// Presence method handler function
using methodHandler =
std::function<std::unique_ptr<PresenceSensor>(size_t, const json&)>;
// Presence redundancy policy handler function
using rpolicyHandler =
std::function<std::unique_ptr<RedundancyPolicy>(const fanPolicy&)>;
class JsonConfig
JsonConfig() = delete;
JsonConfig(const JsonConfig&) = delete;
JsonConfig(JsonConfig&&) = delete;
JsonConfig& operator=(const JsonConfig&) = delete;
JsonConfig& operator=(JsonConfig&&) = delete;
~JsonConfig() = default;
* Constructor
* @param[in] bus - sdbusplus bus object
explicit JsonConfig(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus);
* @brief Get the json config based fan presence policies
* @return - The fan presence policies
static const policies& get();
* @brief Callback function to handle receiving a HUP signal to
* reload the json configuration.
* @param[in] sigSrc - sd_event_source signal wrapper
* @param[in] sigInfo - signal info on signal fd
void sighupHandler(sdeventplus::source::Signal& /*sigSrc*/,
const struct signalfd_siginfo* /*sigInfo*/);
* @brief Parses and populates the fan presence policies from
* the json file and then starts the actual presence
* detecting.
void start();
/* Fan presence policies */
static policies _policies;
/* The sdbusplus bus object */
sdbusplus::bus::bus& _bus;
/* List of Fan objects to have presence policies */
std::vector<fanPolicy> _fans;
/* Presence methods mapping to their associated handler function */
static const std::map<std::string, methodHandler> _methods;
* Presence redundancy policy mapping to their associated handler
* function
static const std::map<std::string, rpolicyHandler> _rpolicies;
* Class that handles reporting errors for missing fans.
std::unique_ptr<ErrorReporter> _reporter;
* Tracks if the config has already been loaded.
bool _loaded = false;
* @brief Process the json config to extract the defined fan presence
* policies.
* @param[in] jsonConf - parsed json configuration data
void process(const json& jsonConf);
* @brief Get the redundancy policy of presence detection for a fan
* @param[in] rpolicy - policy type to construct
* @param[in] fpolicy - fan policy object
* @return - The constructed redundancy policy type for the fan
std::unique_ptr<RedundancyPolicy> getPolicy(const json& rpolicy,
const fanPolicy& fpolicy);
* Methods of fan presence detection function declarations
namespace method
* @brief Fan presence detection method by tach feedback
* @param[in] fanIndex - fan object index to add tach method
* @param[in] method - json properties for a tach method
* @return - A presence sensor to detect fan presence by tach feedback
std::unique_ptr<PresenceSensor> getTach(size_t fanIndex, const json& method);
* @brief Fan presence detection method by gpio
* @param[in] fanIndex - fan object index to add gpio method
* @param[in] method - json properties for a gpio method
* @return - A presence sensor to detect fan presence by gpio
std::unique_ptr<PresenceSensor> getGpio(size_t fanIndex, const json& method);
} // namespace method
* Redundancy policies for fan presence detection function declarations
namespace rpolicy
* @brief Create an `Anyof` redundancy policy on the created presence
* sensors for a fan
* @param[in] fan - fan policy object with the presence sensors for the fan
* @return - An `Anyof` redundancy policy
std::unique_ptr<RedundancyPolicy> getAnyof(const fanPolicy& fan);
* @brief Create a `Fallback` redundancy policy on the created presence
* sensors for a fan
* @param[in] fan - fan policy object with the presence sensors for the fan
* @return - A `Fallback` redundancy policy
std::unique_ptr<RedundancyPolicy> getFallback(const fanPolicy& fan);
} // namespace rpolicy
} // namespace presence
} // namespace fan
} // namespace phosphor