blob: ad64e91beb897a61cf98a8355ed948aa961f21be [file] [log] [blame]
# Example fan presence detection definitions
# List each fan requiring presence detection and creation of an inventory object
# within a system with the following parameters. The 'Detection' method must
# have an associated fan presence detection application to properly handle
# detecting fans using that type.
#- [Detection method]:
# - Fan: [A fan enclosure instance]
# Sensors: [List of sensors associated with this fan enclosure]
# - i.e) For tach feedback detection:
# The hwmon name for a detected fan rotor's tach feedback
# For gpio detection:
# The gpio pin name for the fan's presence line
# Inventory: [The system inventory location for the fan]
# Description: (Optional)
# Example entry for a single fan's presence detected by 'Tach' feedback
#- Tach:
# - Fan:
# Sensors:
# - fan0
# Inventory: /system/chassis/fan0
# Description: Chassis location A1