| <%include file="defs.mako"/>\ |
| <%namespace file="defs.mako" import="*"/>\ |
| <%! |
| def indent(str, depth): |
| return ''.join(4*' '*depth+line for line in str.splitlines(True)) |
| %>\ |
| /* This is a generated file. */ |
| #include "manager.hpp" |
| #include "functor.hpp" |
| #include "actions.hpp" |
| #include "handlers.hpp" |
| #include "preconditions.hpp" |
| #include "matches.hpp" |
| |
| using namespace phosphor::fan::control; |
| |
| const unsigned int Manager::_powerOnDelay{${mgr_data['power_on_delay']}}; |
| |
| const std::vector<ZoneGroup> Manager::_zoneLayouts |
| { |
| %for zone_group in zones: |
| ZoneGroup{ |
| std::vector<Condition>{ |
| %for condition in zone_group['conditions']: |
| Condition{ |
| "${condition['type']}", |
| std::vector<ConditionProperty>{ |
| %for property in condition['properties']: |
| ConditionProperty{ |
| "${property['property']}", |
| "${property['interface']}", |
| "${property['path']}", |
| static_cast<${property['type']}>(${property['value']}), |
| }, |
| %endfor |
| }, |
| }, |
| %endfor |
| }, |
| std::vector<ZoneDefinition>{ |
| %for zone in zone_group['zones']: |
| ZoneDefinition{ |
| ${zone['num']}, |
| ${zone['full_speed']}, |
| ${zone['default_floor']}, |
| ${zone['increase_delay']}, |
| ${zone['decrease_interval']}, |
| std::vector<ZoneHandler>{ |
| %if ('ifaces' in zone) and \ |
| (zone['ifaces'] is not None): |
| %for i in zone['ifaces']: |
| %if ('props' in i) and \ |
| (i['props'] is not None): |
| %for p in i['props']: |
| ZoneHandler{ |
| make_zoneHandler(handler::setZoneProperty( |
| "${i['name']}", |
| "${p['name']}", |
| &Zone::${p['func']}, |
| static_cast<${p['type']}>( |
| %if "vector" in p['type'] or "map" in p['type']: |
| ${p['type']}{ |
| %endif |
| %for j, v in enumerate(p['values']): |
| %if (j+1) != len(p['values']): |
| ${v}, |
| %else: |
| ${v} |
| %endif |
| %endfor |
| %if "vector" in p['type'] or "map" in p['type']: |
| } |
| %endif |
| ), |
| ${p['persist']} |
| )) |
| }, |
| %endfor |
| %endif |
| %endfor |
| %endif |
| }, |
| std::vector<FanDefinition>{ |
| %for fan in zone['fans']: |
| FanDefinition{ |
| "${fan['name']}", |
| std::vector<std::string>{ |
| %for sensor in fan['sensors']: |
| "${sensor}", |
| %endfor |
| }, |
| "${fan['target_interface']}" |
| }, |
| %endfor |
| }, |
| std::vector<SetSpeedEvent>{ |
| %for event in zone['events']: |
| %if ('pc' in event) and \ |
| (event['pc'] is not None): |
| SetSpeedEvent{ |
| Group{ |
| %for group in event['pc']['pcgrps']: |
| %for member in group['members']: |
| { |
| "${member['object']}", |
| {"${member['interface']}", |
| "${member['property']}"} |
| }, |
| %endfor |
| %endfor |
| }, |
| std::vector<Action>{ |
| %for i, a in enumerate(event['pc']['pcact']): |
| %if len(a['params']) != 0: |
| make_action( |
| precondition::${a['name']}( |
| %else: |
| make_action( |
| precondition::${a['name']} |
| %endif |
| %for p in a['params']: |
| ${p['type']}${p['open']} |
| %for j, v in enumerate(p['values']): |
| %if (j+1) != len(p['values']): |
| ${v['value']}, |
| %else: |
| ${v['value']} |
| %endif |
| %endfor |
| ${p['close']}, |
| %endfor |
| %if (i+1) != len(event['pc']['pcact']): |
| %if len(a['params']) != 0: |
| )), |
| %else: |
| ), |
| %endif |
| %endif |
| %endfor |
| std::vector<SetSpeedEvent>{ |
| %for pcevt in event['pc']['pcevts']: |
| SetSpeedEvent{\ |
| ${indent(genSSE(event=pcevt), 6)}\ |
| }, |
| %endfor |
| %else: |
| SetSpeedEvent{\ |
| ${indent(genSSE(event=event), 6)} |
| %endif |
| %if ('pc' in event) and (event['pc'] is not None): |
| } |
| %if len(event['pc']['pcact'][-1]['params']) != 0: |
| )), |
| %else: |
| ), |
| %endif |
| }, |
| TimerConf{ |
| ${event['pc']['pctime']['interval']}, |
| ${event['pc']['pctime']['type']} |
| }, |
| std::vector<Signal>{ |
| %for s in event['pc']['pcsigs']: |
| Signal{ |
| %if ('match' in s) and \ |
| (s['match'] is not None): |
| match::${s['match']}( |
| %for i, mp in enumerate(s['mparams']): |
| %if (i+1) != len(s['mparams']): |
| "${mp}", |
| %else: |
| "${mp}" |
| %endif |
| %endfor |
| ), |
| %else: |
| "", |
| %endif |
| make_handler(\ |
| ${indent(genHandler(sig=s), 9)}\ |
| ) |
| }, |
| %endfor |
| } |
| %endif |
| }, |
| %endfor |
| } |
| }, |
| %endfor |
| } |
| }, |
| %endfor |
| }; |