blob: edc07791fde7ebdd45b8f79b8d5188a90318f2da [file] [log] [blame]
#Example set speed events for phosphor-fan-control
# - name: [A unique name for this group]
# description: [A user description of what makes up the group]
# type: [The '/xyz/openbmc_project' path extension]
# members:
# [List of object paths under the path extension]
# - name: [The name associated with a supported action function]
# description: [A user description of what this action does]
# parameters:
# [Ordered list of required parameters for the associated function]
# - name: [A unique name for this event]
# zone_conditions:
# - name: [The name of the zone condition]
# zones:
# - [Zone number to include this set speed event with]
# group: [A group name from the list of groups]
# interface: [The Dbus interface on the group members' object path]
# property: [The property name and type on the interface to be used]
# action:
# name: [Name of an action from the list of actions]
# [List each required action parameter with a defined type and value
# for this event. The 'property' parameter utilizes the same type
# defined under the 'property' attribute.]
# - name: zone0_fans
# description: Group of fan inventory objects for zone 0
# type: inventory
# members:
# - /system/chassis/motherboard/fan0
# - /system/chassis/motherboard/fan1
# - /system/chassis/motherboard/fan2
# - /system/chassis/motherboard/fan3
# - name: count_state_before_speed
# description: Set the speed when a number of properties at a state
# parameters:
# - count
# - property
# - speed
# - name: missing_before_high_speed
# zone_conditions:
# - name: air_cooled_chassis
# zones:
# - 0
# group: zone0_fans
# interface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item
# property:
# name: Present
# type: bool
# action:
# name: count_state_before_speed
# count: 1
# property: false
# speed:
# value: 10500
# type: uint64_t