blob: aa9ead0e6ad4f0ca1514cbecc8075b3088065e5d [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
This script reads in fan definition and zone definition YAML
files and generates a set of structures for use by the fan control code.
import os
import sys
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import yaml
from mako.lookup import TemplateLookup
def parse_cpp_type(typeName):
Take a list of dbus types from YAML and convert it to a recursive cpp
formed data structure. Each entry of the original list gets converted
into a tuple consisting of the type name and a list with the params
for this type,
['dict', ['string', 'dict', ['string', 'int64']]]
is converted to
[('dict', [('string', []), ('dict', [('string', []),
('int64', [])]]]
if not typeName:
return None
# Type names are _almost_ valid YAML. Insert a , before each [
# and then wrap it in a [ ] and it becomes valid YAML (assuming
# the user gave us a valid typename).
typeArray = yaml.safe_load("[" + ",[".join(typeName.split("[")) + "]")
typeTuple = preprocess_yaml_type_array(typeArray).pop(0)
return get_cpp_type(typeTuple)
def preprocess_yaml_type_array(typeArray):
Flattens an array type into a tuple list that can be used to get the
supported cpp type from each element.
result = []
for i in range(len(typeArray)):
# Ignore lists because we merge them with the previous element
if type(typeArray[i]) is list:
# If there is a next element and it is a list, merge it with the
# current element.
if i < len(typeArray) - 1 and type(typeArray[i + 1]) is list:
(typeArray[i], preprocess_yaml_type_array(typeArray[i + 1]))
result.append((typeArray[i], []))
return result
def get_cpp_type(typeTuple):
Take a list of dbus types and perform validity checking, such as:
[ variant [ dict [ int32, int32 ], double ] ]
This function then converts the type-list into a C++ type string.
propertyMap = {
"byte": {"cppName": "uint8_t", "params": 0},
"boolean": {"cppName": "bool", "params": 0},
"int16": {"cppName": "int16_t", "params": 0},
"uint16": {"cppName": "uint16_t", "params": 0},
"int32": {"cppName": "int32_t", "params": 0},
"uint32": {"cppName": "uint32_t", "params": 0},
"int64": {"cppName": "int64_t", "params": 0},
"uint64": {"cppName": "uint64_t", "params": 0},
"double": {"cppName": "double", "params": 0},
"string": {"cppName": "std::string", "params": 0},
"array": {"cppName": "std::vector", "params": 1},
"dict": {"cppName": "std::map", "params": 2},
if len(typeTuple) != 2:
raise RuntimeError("Invalid typeTuple %s" % typeTuple)
first = typeTuple[0]
entry = propertyMap[first]
result = entry["cppName"]
# Handle 0-entry parameter lists.
if entry["params"] == 0:
if len(typeTuple[1]) != 0:
raise RuntimeError("Invalid typeTuple %s" % typeTuple)
return result
# Get the parameter list
rest = typeTuple[1]
# Confirm parameter count matches.
if (entry["params"] != -1) and (entry["params"] != len(rest)):
raise RuntimeError("Invalid entry count for %s : %s" % (first, rest))
# Parse each parameter entry, if appropriate, and create C++ template
# syntax.
result += "<"
if entry.get("noparse"):
# Do not parse the parameter list, just use the first element
# of each tuple and ignore possible parameters
result += ", ".join([e[0] for e in rest])
result += ", ".join([get_cpp_type(e) for e in rest])
result += ">"
return result
def convertToMap(listOfDict):
Converts a list of dictionary entries to a std::map initialization list.
listOfDict = listOfDict.replace("'", '"')
listOfDict = listOfDict.replace("[", "{")
listOfDict = listOfDict.replace("]", "}")
listOfDict = listOfDict.replace(":", ",")
return listOfDict
def genEvent(event):
Generates the source code of an event and returns it as a string
e = "SetSpeedEvent{\n"
e += '"' + event["name"] + '",\n'
e += "Group{\n"
for group in event["groups"]:
for member in group["members"]:
e += '{"' + member["object"] + '",\n'
e += '"' + member["interface"] + '",\n'
e += '"' + member["property"] + '"},\n'
e += "},\n"
e += "ActionData{\n"
for d in event["action"]:
e += "{Group{\n"
for g in d["groups"]:
for m in g["members"]:
e += '{"' + m["object"] + '",\n'
e += '"' + m["interface"] + '",\n'
e += '"' + m["property"] + '"},\n'
e += "},\n"
e += "std::vector<Action>{\n"
for a in d["actions"]:
if len(a["parameters"]) != 0:
e += "make_action(action::" + a["name"] + "(\n"
e += "make_action(action::" + a["name"] + "\n"
for i, p in enumerate(a["parameters"]):
if (i + 1) != len(a["parameters"]):
e += p + ",\n"
e += p + "\n"
if len(a["parameters"]) != 0:
e += ")),\n"
e += "),\n"
e += "}},\n"
e += "},\n"
e += "std::vector<Trigger>{\n"
if ("timer" in event["triggers"]) and (
event["triggers"]["timer"] is not None
e += "\tmake_trigger(trigger::timer(TimerConf{\n"
e += "\t" + event["triggers"]["timer"]["interval"] + ",\n"
e += "\t" + event["triggers"]["timer"]["type"] + "\n"
e += "\t})),\n"
if ("signals" in event["triggers"]) and (
event["triggers"]["signals"] is not None
for s in event["triggers"]["signals"]:
e += "\tmake_trigger(trigger::signal(\n"
e += "match::" + s["match"] + "(\n"
for i, mp in enumerate(s["mparams"]["params"]):
if (i + 1) != len(s["mparams"]["params"]):
e += "\t\t\t" + s["mparams"][mp] + ",\n"
e += "\t\t\t" + s["mparams"][mp] + "\n"
e += "\t\t),\n"
e += "\t\tmake_handler<SignalHandler>(\n"
if ("type" in s["sparams"]) and (s["sparams"]["type"] is not None):
e += s["signal"] + "<" + s["sparams"]["type"] + ">(\n"
e += s["signal"] + "(\n"
for sp in s["sparams"]["params"]:
e += s["sparams"][sp] + ",\n"
if ("type" in s["hparams"]) and (s["hparams"]["type"] is not None):
e += (
+ s["handler"]
+ "<"
+ s["hparams"]["type"]
+ ">(\n"
e += "handler::" + s["handler"] + "(\n)"
for i, hp in enumerate(s["hparams"]["params"]):
if (i + 1) != len(s["hparams"]["params"]):
e += s["hparams"][hp] + ",\n"
e += s["hparams"][hp] + "\n"
e += "))\n"
e += "\t\t)\n"
e += "\t)),\n"
if "init" in event["triggers"]:
for i in event["triggers"]["init"]:
e += "\tmake_trigger(trigger::init(\n"
if "method" in i:
e += "\t\tmake_handler<MethodHandler>(\n"
if ("type" in i["mparams"]) and (
i["mparams"]["type"] is not None
e += i["method"] + "<" + i["mparams"]["type"] + ">(\n"
e += i["method"] + "(\n"
for ip in i["mparams"]["params"]:
e += i["mparams"][ip] + ",\n"
if ("type" in i["hparams"]) and (
i["hparams"]["type"] is not None
e += (
+ i["handler"]
+ "<"
+ i["hparams"]["type"]
+ ">(\n"
e += "handler::" + i["handler"] + "(\n)"
for i, hp in enumerate(i["hparams"]["params"]):
if (i + 1) != len(i["hparams"]["params"]):
e += i["hparams"][hp] + ",\n"
e += i["hparams"][hp] + "\n"
e += "))\n"
e += "\t\t)\n"
e += "\t)),\n"
e += "},\n"
e += "}"
return e
def getGroups(zNum, zCond, edata, events):
Extract and construct the groups for the given event.
groups = []
if ("groups" in edata) and (edata["groups"] is not None):
for eGroups in edata["groups"]:
if ("zone_conditions" in eGroups) and (
eGroups["zone_conditions"] is not None
# Zone conditions are optional in the events yaml but skip
# if this event's condition is not in this zone's conditions
if all(
"name" in z
and z["name"] is not None
and not any(c["name"] == z["name"] for c in zCond)
for z in eGroups["zone_conditions"]
# Zone numbers are optional in the events yaml but skip if this
# zone's zone number is not in the event's zone numbers
if all(
"zones" in z
and z["zones"] is not None
and zNum not in z["zones"]
for z in eGroups["zone_conditions"]
eGroup = next(
g for g in events["groups"] if g["name"] == eGroups["name"]
group = {}
members = []
group["name"] = eGroup["name"]
for m in eGroup["members"]:
member = {}
member["path"] = eGroup["type"]
member["object"] = eGroup["type"] + m
member["interface"] = eGroups["interface"]
member["property"] = eGroups["property"]["name"]
member["type"] = eGroups["property"]["type"]
# Use defined service to note member on zone object
if ("service" in eGroup) and (eGroup["service"] is not None):
member["service"] = eGroup["service"]
# Add expected group member's property value if given
if ("value" in eGroups["property"]) and (
eGroups["property"]["value"] is not None
if (
isinstance(eGroups["property"]["value"], str)
or "string" in str(member["type"]).lower()
member["value"] = (
'"' + eGroups["property"]["value"] + '"'
member["value"] = eGroups["property"]["value"]
group["members"] = members
return groups
def getParameters(member, groups, section, events):
Extracts and constructs a section's parameters
params = {}
if ("parameters" in section) and (section["parameters"] is not None):
plist = []
for sp in section["parameters"]:
p = str(sp)
if p != "type":
if p != "group":
params[p] = '"' + member[p] + '"'
params[p] = "Group\n{\n"
for g in groups:
for m in g["members"]:
params[p] += (
+ str(m["object"])
+ '",\n'
+ '"'
+ str(m["interface"])
+ '",\n'
+ '"'
+ str(m["property"])
+ '"},\n'
params[p] += "}"
params[p] = member[p]
params["params"] = plist
params["params"] = []
return params
def getInit(eGrps, eTrig, events):
Extracts and constructs an init trigger for the event's groups
which are required to be of the same type.
method = {}
methods = []
if len(eGrps) > 0:
# Use the first group member for retrieving the type
member = eGrps[0]["members"][0]
if ("method" in eTrig) and (eTrig["method"] is not None):
# Add method parameters
eMethod = next(
m for m in events["methods"] if m["name"] == eTrig["method"]
method["method"] = eMethod["name"]
method["mparams"] = getParameters(member, eGrps, eMethod, events)
# Add handler parameters
eHandler = next(
h for h in events["handlers"] if h["name"] == eTrig["handler"]
method["handler"] = eHandler["name"]
method["hparams"] = getParameters(member, eGrps, eHandler, events)
return methods
def getSignal(eGrps, eTrig, events):
Extracts and constructs for each group member a signal
subscription of each match listed in the trigger.
signals = []
for group in eGrps:
for member in group["members"]:
signal = {}
# Add signal parameters
eSignal = next(
s for s in events["signals"] if s["name"] == eTrig["signal"]
signal["signal"] = eSignal["name"]
signal["sparams"] = getParameters(member, eGrps, eSignal, events)
# If service not given, subscribe to signal match
if "service" not in member:
# Add signal match parameters
eMatch = next(
for m in events["matches"]
if m["name"] == eSignal["match"]
signal["match"] = eMatch["name"]
signal["mparams"] = getParameters(
member, eGrps, eMatch, events
# Add handler parameters
eHandler = next(
h for h in events["handlers"] if h["name"] == eTrig["handler"]
signal["handler"] = eHandler["name"]
signal["hparams"] = getParameters(member, eGrps, eHandler, events)
return signals
def getTimer(eTrig):
Extracts and constructs the required parameters for an
event timer.
timer = {}
timer["interval"] = (
+ "("
+ str(eTrig["interval"])
+ ")"
timer["type"] = "TimerType::" + str(eTrig["type"])
return timer
def getActions(zNum, zCond, edata, actions, events):
Extracts and constructs the make_action function call for
all the actions within the given event.
action = []
for eActions in actions["actions"]:
actions = {}
eAction = next(
a for a in events["actions"] if a["name"] == eActions["name"]
actions["name"] = eAction["name"]
actions["groups"] = getGroups(zNum, zCond, eActions, events)
params = []
if ("parameters" in eAction) and (eAction["parameters"] is not None):
for p in eAction["parameters"]:
param = "static_cast<"
if type(eActions[p]) is not dict:
if p == "actions":
param = "std::vector<Action>{"
pActs = getActions(
zNum, zCond, edata, eActions, events
for a in pActs:
if len(a["parameters"]) != 0:
param += (
"make_action(action::" + a["name"] + "(\n"
for i, ap in enumerate(a["parameters"]):
if (i + 1) != len(a["parameters"]):
param += ap + ","
param += ap + ")"
param += "make_action(action::" + a["name"]
param += "),"
param += "}"
elif p == "defevents" or p == "altevents" or p == "events":
param = "std::vector<SetSpeedEvent>{\n"
for i, e in enumerate(eActions[p]):
aEvent = getEvent(zNum, zCond, e, events)
if not aEvent:
if (i + 1) != len(eActions[p]):
param += genEvent(aEvent) + ",\n"
param += genEvent(aEvent) + "\n"
param += "\t}"
elif p == "property":
if (
isinstance(eActions[p], str)
or "string" in str(eActions[p]["type"]).lower()
param += (
+ '>("'
+ str(eActions[p])
+ '")'
param += (
+ ">("
+ str(eActions[p]["value"]).lower()
+ ")"
# Default type to 'size_t' when not given
param += "size_t>(" + str(eActions[p]).lower() + ")"
if p == "timer":
t = getTimer(eActions[p])
param = (
+ t["interval"]
+ ","
+ t["type"]
+ "}"
param += str(eActions[p]["type"]).lower() + ">("
if p != "map":
if (
isinstance(eActions[p]["value"], str)
or "string" in str(eActions[p]["type"]).lower()
param += '"' + str(eActions[p]["value"]) + '")'
param += (
str(eActions[p]["value"]).lower() + ")"
param += (
+ convertToMap(str(eActions[p]["value"]))
+ ")"
actions["parameters"] = params
return action
def getEvent(zone_num, zone_conditions, e, events_data):
Parses the sections of an event and populates the properties
that construct an event within the generated source.
event = {}
# Add set speed event name
event["name"] = e["name"]
# Add set speed event groups
event["groups"] = getGroups(zone_num, zone_conditions, e, events_data)
# Add optional set speed actions and function parameters
event["action"] = []
if ("actions" in e) and (e["actions"] is not None):
# List of dicts containing the list of groups and list of actions
sseActions = []
eActions = getActions(zone_num, zone_conditions, e, e, events_data)
for eAction in eActions:
# Skip events that have no groups defined for the event or actions
if not event["groups"] and not eAction["groups"]:
# Find group in sseActions
grpExists = False
for sseDict in sseActions:
if eAction["groups"] == sseDict["groups"]:
# Extend 'actions' list
del eAction["groups"]
grpExists = True
if not grpExists:
grps = eAction["groups"]
del eAction["groups"]
actList = []
sseActions.append({"groups": grps, "actions": actList})
event["action"] = sseActions
# Add event triggers
event["triggers"] = {}
for trig in e["triggers"]:
triggers = []
if trig["name"] == "timer":
event["triggers"]["timer"] = getTimer(trig)
elif trig["name"] == "signal":
if "signals" not in event["triggers"]:
event["triggers"]["signals"] = []
triggers = getSignal(event["groups"], trig, events_data)
elif trig["name"] == "init":
triggers = getInit(event["groups"], trig, events_data)
event["triggers"]["init"] = triggers
return event
def addPrecondition(zNum, zCond, event, events_data):
Parses the precondition section of an event and populates the necessary
structures to generate a precondition for a set speed event.
precond = {}
# Add set speed event precondition name
precond["pcname"] = event["name"]
# Add set speed event precondition group
precond["pcgrps"] = getGroups(
zNum, zCond, event["precondition"], events_data
# Add set speed event precondition actions
pc = []
pcs = {}
pcs["name"] = event["precondition"]["name"]
epc = next(
for p in events_data["preconditions"]
if p["name"] == event["precondition"]["name"]
params = []
for p in epc["parameters"] or []:
param = {}
if p == "groups":
param["type"] = "std::vector<PrecondGroup>"
param["open"] = "{"
param["close"] = "}"
values = []
for group in precond["pcgrps"]:
for pcgrp in group["members"]:
value = {}
value["value"] = (
+ str(pcgrp["object"])
+ '","'
+ str(pcgrp["interface"])
+ '","'
+ str(pcgrp["property"])
+ '",'
+ "static_cast<"
+ str(pcgrp["type"]).lower()
+ ">"
if (
isinstance(pcgrp["value"], str)
or "string" in str(pcgrp["type"]).lower()
value["value"] += "(" + str(pcgrp["value"]) + ")}"
value["value"] += (
"(" + str(pcgrp["value"]).lower() + ")}"
param["values"] = values
pcs["params"] = params
precond["pcact"] = pc
pcevents = []
for pce in event["precondition"]["events"]:
pcevent = getEvent(zNum, zCond, pce, events_data)
if not pcevent:
precond["pcevts"] = pcevents
# Add precondition event triggers
precond["triggers"] = {}
for trig in event["precondition"]["triggers"]:
triggers = []
if trig["name"] == "timer":
precond["triggers"]["pctime"] = getTimer(trig)
elif trig["name"] == "signal":
if "pcsigs" not in precond["triggers"]:
precond["triggers"]["pcsigs"] = []
triggers = getSignal(precond["pcgrps"], trig, events_data)
elif trig["name"] == "init":
triggers = getInit(precond["pcgrps"], trig, events_data)
precond["triggers"]["init"] = triggers
return precond
def getEventsInZone(zone_num, zone_conditions, events_data):
Constructs the event entries defined for each zone using the events yaml
events = []
if "events" in events_data:
for e in events_data["events"]:
event = {}
# Add precondition if given
if ("precondition" in e) and (e["precondition"] is not None):
event["pc"] = addPrecondition(
zone_num, zone_conditions, e, events_data
event = getEvent(zone_num, zone_conditions, e, events_data)
# Remove empty events and events that have
# no groups defined for the event or any of the actions
if not event or (
not event["groups"]
and all(not a["groups"] for a in event["action"])
return events
def getFansInZone(zone_num, profiles, fan_data):
Parses the fan definition YAML files to find the fans
that match both the zone passed in and one of the
cooling profiles.
fans = []
for f in fan_data["fans"]:
if zone_num != f["cooling_zone"]:
# 'cooling_profile' is optional (use 'all' instead)
if f.get("cooling_profile") is None:
profile = "all"
profile = f["cooling_profile"]
if profile not in profiles:
fan = {}
fan["name"] = f["inventory"]
fan["sensors"] = f["sensors"]
fan["target_interface"] = f.get(
"target_interface", "xyz.openbmc_project.Control.FanSpeed"
fan["target_path"] = f.get(
"target_path", "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/"
return fans
def getIfacesInZone(zone_ifaces):
Parse given interfaces for a zone for associating a zone with an interface
and set any properties listed to defined values upon fan control starting
on the zone.
ifaces = []
for i in zone_ifaces:
iface = {}
# Interface name not needed yet for fan zones but
# may be necessary as more interfaces are extended by the zones
iface["name"] = i["name"]
if ("properties" in i) and (i["properties"] is not None):
props = []
for p in i["properties"]:
prop = {}
prop["name"] = p["name"]
prop["func"] = str(p["name"]).lower()
prop["type"] = parse_cpp_type(p["type"])
if "persist" in p:
persist = p["persist"]
if persist is not None:
if isinstance(persist, bool):
prop["persist"] = "true" if persist else "false"
prop["persist"] = "false"
vals = []
for v in p["values"]:
val = v["value"]
if val is not None:
if isinstance(val, bool):
# Convert True/False to 'true'/'false'
val = "true" if val else "false"
elif isinstance(val, str):
# Wrap strings with double-quotes
val = '"' + val + '"'
prop["values"] = vals
iface["props"] = props
return ifaces
def getConditionInZoneConditions(zone_condition, zone_conditions_data):
Parses the zone conditions definition YAML files to find the condition
that match both the zone condition passed in.
condition = {}
for c in zone_conditions_data["conditions"]:
if zone_condition != c["name"]:
condition["type"] = c["type"]
properties = []
for p in c["properties"]:
property = {}
property["property"] = p["property"]
property["interface"] = p["interface"]
property["path"] = p["path"]
property["type"] = p["type"].lower()
property["value"] = str(p["value"]).lower()
condition["properties"] = properties
return condition
def buildZoneData(zone_data, fan_data, events_data, zone_conditions_data):
Combines the zone definition YAML and fan
definition YAML to create a data structure defining
the fan cooling zones.
zone_groups = []
# Allow zone_conditions to not be in yaml (since its optional)
if not isinstance(zone_data, list) and zone_data != {}:
zone_data = [zone_data]
for group in zone_data:
conditions = []
# zone conditions are optional
if "zone_conditions" in group and group["zone_conditions"] is not None:
for c in group["zone_conditions"]:
if not zone_conditions_data:
"No zone_conditions YAML file but "
+ "zone_conditions used in zone YAML"
condition = getConditionInZoneConditions(
c["name"], zone_conditions_data
if not condition:
sys.exit("Missing zone condition " + c["name"])
zone_group = {}
zone_group["conditions"] = conditions
zones = []
for z in group["zones"]:
zone = {}
# 'zone' is required
if ("zone" not in z) or (z["zone"] is None):
sys.exit("Missing fan zone number in " + z)
zone["num"] = z["zone"]
zone["full_speed"] = z["full_speed"]
zone["default_floor"] = z["default_floor"]
# 'increase_delay' is optional (use 0 by default)
key = "increase_delay"
zone[key] = z.setdefault(key, 0)
# 'decrease_interval' is optional (use 0 by default)
key = "decrease_interval"
zone[key] = z.setdefault(key, 0)
# 'cooling_profiles' is optional (use 'all' instead)
if ("cooling_profiles" not in z) or (
z["cooling_profiles"] is None
profiles = ["all"]
profiles = z["cooling_profiles"]
# 'interfaces' is optional (no default)
ifaces = []
if ("interfaces" in z) and (z["interfaces"] is not None):
ifaces = getIfacesInZone(z["interfaces"])
fans = getFansInZone(z["zone"], profiles, fan_data)
events = getEventsInZone(
z["zone"], group.get("zone_conditions", {}), events_data
if len(fans) == 0:
sys.exit("Didn't find any fans in zone " + str(zone["num"]))
if ifaces:
zone["ifaces"] = ifaces
zone["fans"] = fans
zone["events"] = events
zone_group["zones"] = zones
return zone_groups
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = ArgumentParser(description="Phosphor fan zone definition parser")
help="fan zone definitional yaml",
help="fan definitional yaml",
help="events to set speeds yaml",
help="conditions to determine zone yaml",
help="output directory",
args = parser.parse_args()
if not args.zone_yaml or not args.fan_yaml:
with open(args.zone_yaml, "r") as zone_input:
zone_data = yaml.safe_load(zone_input) or {}
with open(args.fan_yaml, "r") as fan_input:
fan_data = yaml.safe_load(fan_input) or {}
events_data = {}
if args.events_yaml:
with open(args.events_yaml, "r") as events_input:
events_data = yaml.safe_load(events_input) or {}
zone_conditions_data = {}
if args.zone_conditions_yaml:
with open(args.zone_conditions_yaml, "r") as zone_conditions_input:
zone_conditions_data = yaml.safe_load(zone_conditions_input) or {}
zone_config = buildZoneData(
zone_data.get("zone_configuration", {}),
manager_config = zone_data.get("manager_configuration", {})
if manager_config.get("power_on_delay") is None:
manager_config["power_on_delay"] = 0
tmpls_dir = os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "templates"
output_file = os.path.join(args.output_dir, "fan_zone_defs.cpp")
if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
lkup = TemplateLookup(
directories=tmpls_dir.split(), disable_unicode=True
lkup = TemplateLookup(directories=tmpls_dir.split())
tmpl = lkup.get_template("fan_zone_defs.mako.cpp")
with open(output_file, "w") as output:
output.write(tmpl.render(zones=zone_config, mgr_data=manager_config))