dbus-based ipmid for host-endpoint IPMI commands

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  1. be5a2e0 Logging.Entry: use AdditionalData2 metadata dict by Patrick Williams · 4 weeks ago master
  2. af4a775 update transporthandler.cpp to use lg2 by Vernon Mauery · 6 months ago
  3. 531223f boost version 1.86 support by Jayanth Othayoth · 6 weeks ago
  4. 8bd9a9b transporthandler: Synchronous get IP address and IP address source by Chanh Nguyen · 6 weeks ago
  5. 402024a sensorhandler: Support NonRecoverable in getSensorThresholds method by George Liu · 5 months ago


Compile ipmid with default options

meson builddir
ninja -C builddir

Compile ipmid with yocto defaults

meson builddir -Dbuildtype=minsize -Db_lto=true -Dtests=disabled
ninja -C builddir

If any of the dependencies are not found on the host system during configuration, meson automatically gets them via its wrap dependencies mentioned in ipmid/subprojects.

Enable/Disable meson wrap feature

meson builddir -Dwrap_mode=nofallback
ninja -C builddir

Enable debug traces

meson builddir -Dbuildtype=debug
ninja -C builddir

Generate test coverage report

meson builddir -Db_coverage=true -Dtests=enabled
ninja -C builddir test
ninja -C builddir coverage