blob: ed02179e63c50d2446d467694b9d3c0d9f022d89 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "ipmi_fru_info_area.hpp"
#include <phosphor-logging/elog.hpp>
#include <phosphor-logging/lg2.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <ctime>
#include <iomanip>
#include <map>
#include <numeric>
#include <sstream>
namespace ipmi
namespace fru
using namespace phosphor::logging;
// Property variables
static constexpr auto partNumber = "Part Number";
static constexpr auto serialNumber = "Serial Number";
static constexpr auto manufacturer = "Manufacturer";
static constexpr auto buildDate = "Mfg Date";
static constexpr auto modelNumber = "Model Number";
static constexpr auto prettyName = "Name";
static constexpr auto version = "Version";
static constexpr auto type = "Type";
// Board info areas
static constexpr auto board = "Board";
static constexpr auto chassis = "Chassis";
static constexpr auto product = "Product";
static constexpr auto specVersion = 0x1;
static constexpr auto recordUnitOfMeasurement = 0x8; // size in bytes
static constexpr auto checksumSize = 0x1; // size in bytes
static constexpr auto recordNotPresent = 0x0;
static constexpr auto englishLanguageCode = 0x0;
static constexpr auto typeLengthByteNull = 0x0;
static constexpr auto endOfCustomFields = 0xC1;
static constexpr auto commonHeaderFormatSize = 0x8; // size in bytes
static constexpr auto manufacturingDateSize = 0x3;
static constexpr auto areaSizeOffset = 0x1;
static constexpr uint8_t typeASCII = 0xC0;
static constexpr auto maxRecordAttributeValue = 0x3F;
static constexpr auto secs_from_1970_1996 = 820454400;
static constexpr auto maxMfgDateValue = 0xFFFFFF; // 3 Byte length
static constexpr auto secs_per_min = 60;
static constexpr auto secsToMaxMfgdate =
secs_from_1970_1996 + secs_per_min * maxMfgDateValue;
// Minimum size of resulting FRU blob.
// This is also the theoretical maximum size according to the spec:
// 8 bytes header + 5 areas at 0xff*8 bytes max each
// 8 + 5*0xff*8 = 0x27e0
static constexpr auto fruMinSize = 0x27E0;
// Value to use for padding.
// Using 0xff to match the default (blank) value in a physical EEPROM.
static constexpr auto fruPadValue = 0xff;
* @brief Format Beginning of Individual IPMI FRU Data Section
* @param[in] langCode Language code
* @param[in/out] data FRU area data
void preFormatProcessing(bool langCode, FruAreaData& data)
// Add id for version of FRU Info Storage Spec used
// Add Data Size - 0 as a placeholder, can edit after the data is finalized
if (langCode)
* @brief Append checksum of the FRU area data
* @param[in/out] data FRU area data
void appendDataChecksum(FruAreaData& data)
uint8_t checksumVal = std::accumulate(data.begin(), data.end(), 0);
// Push the Zero checksum as the last byte of this data
// This appears to be a simple summation of all the bytes
* @brief Append padding bytes for the FRU area data
* @param[in/out] data FRU area data
void padData(FruAreaData& data)
uint8_t pad = (data.size() + checksumSize) % recordUnitOfMeasurement;
if (pad)
data.resize((data.size() + recordUnitOfMeasurement - pad));
* @brief Format End of Individual IPMI FRU Data Section
* @param[in/out] fruAreaData FRU area info data
void postFormatProcessing(FruAreaData& data)
// This area needs to be padded to a multiple of 8 bytes (after checksum)
// Set size of data info area =
(data.size() + checksumSize) / (recordUnitOfMeasurement);
// Finally add area checksum
* @brief Read chassis type property value from inventory and append to the FRU
* area data.
* @param[in] propMap map of property values
* @param[in,out] data FRU area data to be appended
void appendChassisType(const PropertyMap& propMap, FruAreaData& data)
uint8_t chassisType = 0; // Not specified
auto iter = propMap.find(type);
if (iter != propMap.end())
auto value = iter->second;
chassisType = std::stoi(value);
catch (const std::exception& e)
lg2::error("Could not parse chassis type, value: {VALUE}, "
"error: {ERROR}",
"VALUE", value, "ERROR", e);
chassisType = 0;
* @brief Read property value from inventory and append to the FRU area data
* @param[in] key key to search for in the property inventory data
* @param[in] propMap map of property values
* @param[in,out] data FRU area data to be appended
void appendData(const Property& key, const PropertyMap& propMap,
FruAreaData& data)
auto iter = propMap.find(key);
if (iter != propMap.end())
auto value = iter->second;
// If starts with 0x or 0X remove them
// ex: 0x123a just take 123a
if ((, 2, "0x")) == 0 ||
(, 2, "0X") == 0))
value.erase(0, 2);
// 6 bits for length as per FRU spec v1.0
// if length is greater then 63(2^6) bytes then trim the data to 63
// bytess.
auto valueLength = (value.length() > maxRecordAttributeValue)
? maxRecordAttributeValue
: value.length();
// 2 bits for type
// Set the type to ascii
uint8_t typeLength = valueLength | ipmi::fru::typeASCII;
std::copy(value.begin(), value.begin() + valueLength,
// set 0 size
std::time_t timeStringToRaw(const std::string& input)
// TODO: For non-US region timestamps, pass in region information for the
// FRU to avoid the month/day swap.
// 2017-02-24 - 13:59:00, Tue Nov 20 23:08:00 2018
static const std::vector<std::string> patterns = {"%Y-%m-%d - %H:%M:%S",
"%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"};
std::tm time = {};
for (const auto& pattern : patterns)
std::istringstream timeStream(input);
timeStream >> std::get_time(&time, pattern.c_str());
if (!
return timegm(&time);
* @brief Appends Build Date
* @param[in] propMap map of property values
* @param[in/out] data FRU area to add the manfufacture date
void appendMfgDate(const PropertyMap& propMap, FruAreaData& data)
// MFG Date/Time
auto iter = propMap.find(buildDate);
if ((iter != propMap.end()) && (iter->second.size() > 0))
std::time_t raw = timeStringToRaw(iter->second);
// From FRU Spec:
// "Mfg. Date / Time
// Number of minutes from 0:00 hrs 1/1/96.
// LSbyte first (little endian)
// 00_00_00h = unspecified."
if ((raw >= secs_from_1970_1996) && (raw <= secsToMaxMfgdate))
raw -= secs_from_1970_1996;
raw /= secs_per_min;
uint8_t fru_raw[3];
fru_raw[0] = raw & 0xFF;
fru_raw[1] = (raw >> 8) & 0xFF;
fru_raw[2] = (raw >> 16) & 0xFF;
std::copy(fru_raw, fru_raw + 3, std::back_inserter(data));
std::fprintf(stderr, "MgfDate invalid date: %u secs since UNIX epoch\n",
static_cast<unsigned int>(raw));
// Blank date
* @brief Builds a section of the common header
* @param[in] infoAreaSize size of the FRU area to write
* @param[in] offset Current offset for data in overall record
* @param[in/out] data Common Header section data container
void buildCommonHeaderSection(const uint32_t& infoAreaSize, uint16_t& offset,
FruAreaData& data)
// Check if data for internal use section populated
if (infoAreaSize == 0)
// Indicate record not present
// offset should be multiple of 8.
auto remainder = offset % recordUnitOfMeasurement;
// add the padding bytes in the offset so that offset
// will be multiple of 8 byte.
offset += (remainder > 0) ? recordUnitOfMeasurement - remainder : 0;
// Place data to define offset to area data section
data.emplace_back(offset / recordUnitOfMeasurement);
offset += infoAreaSize;
* @brief Builds the Chassis info area data section
* @param[in] propMap map of properties for chassis info area
* @return FruAreaData container with chassis info area
FruAreaData buildChassisInfoArea(const PropertyMap& propMap)
FruAreaData fruAreaData;
if (!propMap.empty())
// Set formatting data that goes at the beginning of the record
preFormatProcessing(false, fruAreaData);
// chassis type
appendChassisType(propMap, fruAreaData);
// Chasiss part number, in config.yaml it is configured as model
appendData(modelNumber, propMap, fruAreaData);
// Board serial number
appendData(serialNumber, propMap, fruAreaData);
// Indicate End of Custom Fields
// Complete record data formatting
return fruAreaData;
* @brief Builds the Board info area data section
* @param[in] propMap map of properties for board info area
* @return FruAreaData container with board info area
FruAreaData buildBoardInfoArea(const PropertyMap& propMap)
FruAreaData fruAreaData;
if (!propMap.empty())
preFormatProcessing(true, fruAreaData);
// Manufacturing date
appendMfgDate(propMap, fruAreaData);
// manufacturer
appendData(manufacturer, propMap, fruAreaData);
// Product name/Pretty name
appendData(prettyName, propMap, fruAreaData);
// Board serial number
appendData(serialNumber, propMap, fruAreaData);
// Board part number
appendData(partNumber, propMap, fruAreaData);
// FRU File ID - Empty
// Empty FRU File ID bytes
// End of custom fields
return fruAreaData;
* @brief Builds the Product info area data section
* @param[in] propMap map of FRU properties for Board info area
* @return FruAreaData container with product info area data
FruAreaData buildProductInfoArea(const PropertyMap& propMap)
FruAreaData fruAreaData;
if (!propMap.empty())
// Set formatting data that goes at the beginning of the record
preFormatProcessing(true, fruAreaData);
// manufacturer
appendData(manufacturer, propMap, fruAreaData);
// Product name/Pretty name
appendData(prettyName, propMap, fruAreaData);
// Product part/model number
appendData(modelNumber, propMap, fruAreaData);
// Product version
appendData(version, propMap, fruAreaData);
// Serial Number
appendData(serialNumber, propMap, fruAreaData);
// Add Asset Tag
// FRU File ID - Empty
// Empty FRU File ID bytes
// End of custom fields
return fruAreaData;
FruAreaData buildFruAreaData(const FruInventoryData& inventory)
FruAreaData combFruArea{};
// Now build common header with data for this FRU Inv Record
// Use this variable to increment size of header as we go along to determine
// offset for the subsequent area offsets
uint16_t curDataOffset = commonHeaderFormatSize;
// First byte is id for version of FRU Info Storage Spec used
// 2nd byte is offset to internal use data
// 3rd byte is offset to chassis data
FruAreaData chassisArea;
auto chassisIt = inventory.find(chassis);
if (chassisIt != inventory.end())
chassisArea = buildChassisInfoArea(chassisIt->second);
// update the offset to chassis data.
buildCommonHeaderSection(chassisArea.size(), curDataOffset, combFruArea);
// 4th byte is offset to board data
FruAreaData boardArea;
auto boardIt = inventory.find(board);
if (boardIt != inventory.end())
boardArea = buildBoardInfoArea(boardIt->second);
// update the offset to the board data.
buildCommonHeaderSection(boardArea.size(), curDataOffset, combFruArea);
// 5th byte is offset to product data
FruAreaData prodArea;
auto prodIt = inventory.find(product);
if (prodIt != inventory.end())
prodArea = buildProductInfoArea(prodIt->second);
// update the offset to the product data.
buildCommonHeaderSection(prodArea.size(), curDataOffset, combFruArea);
// 6th byte is offset to multirecord data
// 7th byte is PAD
// 8th (Final byte of Header Format) is the checksum
// Combine everything into one full IPMI FRU specification Record
// add chassis use area data
combFruArea.insert(combFruArea.end(), chassisArea.begin(),
// add board area data
combFruArea.insert(combFruArea.end(), boardArea.begin(), boardArea.end());
// add product use area data
combFruArea.insert(combFruArea.end(), prodArea.begin(), prodArea.end());
// If area is smaller than the minimum size, pad it. This enables ipmitool
// to update the FRU blob with values longer than the original payload.
if (combFruArea.size() < fruMinSize)
combFruArea.resize(fruMinSize, fruPadValue);
return combFruArea;
} // namespace fru
} // namespace ipmi