blob: f75c37727b98ca2a82654bb329836cc38d2be436 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "types.hpp"
#include "host-ipmid/ipmid-api.h"
namespace ipmi
namespace sensor
using Assertion = uint16_t;
using Deassertion = uint16_t;
using AssertionSet = std::pair<Assertion, Deassertion>;
using Service = std::string;
using Path = std::string;
using Interface = std::string;
using ServicePath = std::pair<Path, Service>;
using Interfaces = std::vector<Interface>;
using MapperResponseType = std::map<Path, std::map<Service, Interfaces>>;
/** @brief get the D-Bus service and service path
* @param[in] bus - The Dbus bus object
* @param[in] interface - interface to the service
* @param[in] path - interested path in the list of objects
* @return pair of service path and service
ServicePath getServiceAndPath(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus,
const std::string& interface,
const std::string& path = std::string());
/** @brief Make assertion set from input data
* @param[in] cmdData - Input sensor data
* @return pair of assertion and deassertion set
AssertionSet getAssertionSet(const SetSensorReadingReq& cmdData);
/** @brief send the message to DBus
* @param[in] msg - message to send
* @return failure status in IPMI error code
ipmi_ret_t updateToDbus(IpmiUpdateData& msg);
namespace set
/** @brief Make a DBus message for a Dbus call
* @param[in] updateInterface - Interface name
* @param[in] sensorPath - Path of the sensor
* @param[in] command - command to be executed
* @param[in] sensorInterface - DBus interface of sensor
* @return a dbus message
IpmiUpdateData makeDbusMsg(const std::string& updateInterface,
const std::string& sensorPath,
const std::string& command,
const std::string& sensorInterface);
/** @brief Create a message for IPMI assertion
* @param[in] msg - Message to add the values
* @param[in] interface - sensor interface
* @param[in] sensorPath - Path of the sensor
* @param[in] cmdData - input sensor data
* @return a IPMI error code
ipmi_ret_t appendAssertion(IpmiUpdateData& msg,
const DbusInterfaceMap& interfaceMap,
const std::string& sensorPath,
const SetSensorReadingReq& cmdData);
/** @brief Create a message for discrete signal
* @param[in] msg - Message to add the values
* @param[in] interface - sensor interface
* @param[in] data - input discrete sensor data
* @return a IPMI error code
ipmi_ret_t appendDiscreteSignalData(IpmiUpdateData& msg,
const DbusInterfaceMap& interfaceMap,
uint8_t data);
/** @brief Create a message for reading data
* @param[in] msg - Message to add the values
* @param[in] interface - sensor interface
* @param[in] data - input sensor data
* @return a IPMI error code
ipmi_ret_t appendReadingData(IpmiUpdateData& msg,
const DbusInterfaceMap& interfaceMap,
const Value& data);
}//namespace set
namespace notify
/** @brief Make a DBus message for a Dbus call
* @param[in] updateInterface - Interface name
* @param[in] sensorPath - Path of the sensor
* @param[in] command - command to be executed
* @param[in] sensorInterface - DBus interface of sensor
* @return a dbus message
IpmiUpdateData makeDbusMsg(const std::string& updateInterface,
const std::string& sensorPath,
const std::string& command,
const std::string& sensorInterface);
/** @brief Create a message for IPMI discrete signal
* @param[in] msg - Message to add the values
* @param[in] interfaceMap - sensor interface
* @param[in] sensorPath - Path of the sensor
* @param[in] cmdData - input sensor data
* @return a IPMI error code
inline ipmi_ret_t appendDiscreteSignalData(IpmiUpdateData& msg,
const DbusInterfaceMap& interfaceMap,
uint8_t data)
return IPMI_CC_OK;
/** @brief Create a message for reading data
* @param[in] msg - Message to add the values
* @param[in] interfaceMap - sensor interface
* @param[in] data - input sensor data
* @return a IPMI error code
inline ipmi_ret_t appendReadingData(IpmiUpdateData& msg,
const DbusInterfaceMap& interfaceMap,
const Value &data)
return IPMI_CC_OK;
/** @brief Create a message for IPMI asserting
* @param[in] msg - Message to add the values
* @param[in] interfaceMap - sensor interface
* @param[in] sensorPath - Path of the sensor
* @param[in] cmdData - input sensor data
* @return a IPMI error code
ipmi_ret_t appendAssertion(IpmiUpdateData& msg,
const DbusInterfaceMap& interfaceMap,
const std::string& sensorPath,
const SetSensorReadingReq& cmdData);
}//namespace notify
}//namespace sensor
}//namespace ipmi