blob: aea13fdb9d8f92d9f6247ac6529a6f8500fef241 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "watchdog.hpp"
#include "watchdog_service.hpp"
#include <endian.h>
#include <ipmid/api.hpp>
#include <phosphor-logging/elog-errors.hpp>
#include <phosphor-logging/elog.hpp>
#include <phosphor-logging/lg2.hpp>
#include <xyz/openbmc_project/Common/error.hpp>
#include <bitset>
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
using phosphor::logging::commit;
using phosphor::logging::level;
using phosphor::logging::log;
using sdbusplus::error::xyz::openbmc_project::common::InternalFailure;
static bool lastCallSuccessful = false;
void reportError()
// We don't want to fill the SEL with errors if the daemon dies and doesn't
// come back but the watchdog keeps on ticking. Instead, we only report the
// error if we haven't reported one since the last successful call
if (!lastCallSuccessful)
lastCallSuccessful = false;
// TODO: This slow down the end of the IPMI transaction waiting
// for the commit to finish. commit<>() can take at least 5 seconds
// to complete. 5s is very slow for an IPMI command and ends up
// congesting the IPMI channel needlessly, especially if the watchdog
// is ticking fairly quickly and we have some transient issues.
ipmi::RspType<> ipmiAppResetWatchdogTimer()
WatchdogService wd_service;
// Notify the caller if we haven't initialized our timer yet
// so it can configure actions and timeouts
if (!wd_service.getInitialized())
lastCallSuccessful = true;
constexpr uint8_t ccWatchdogNotInit = 0x80;
return ipmi::response(ccWatchdogNotInit);
// The ipmi standard dictates we enable the watchdog during reset
lastCallSuccessful = true;
return ipmi::responseSuccess();
catch (const InternalFailure& e)
return ipmi::responseUnspecifiedError();
catch (const std::exception& e)
lg2::error("wd_reset: {ERROR}", "ERROR", e);
return ipmi::responseUnspecifiedError();
catch (...)
lg2::error("wd_reset: Unknown Error");
return ipmi::responseUnspecifiedError();
static constexpr uint8_t wd_timeout_action_mask = 0x3;
static constexpr uint8_t wdTimerUseResTimer1 = 0x0;
static constexpr uint8_t wdTimerUseResTimer2 = 0x6;
static constexpr uint8_t wdTimerUseResTimer3 = 0x7;
static constexpr uint8_t wdTimeoutActionMax = 3;
static constexpr uint8_t wdTimeoutInterruptTimer = 0x04;
enum class IpmiAction : uint8_t
None = 0x0,
HardReset = 0x1,
PowerOff = 0x2,
PowerCycle = 0x3,
/** @brief Converts an IPMI Watchdog Action to DBUS defined action
* @param[in] ipmi_action The IPMI Watchdog Action
* @return The Watchdog Action that the ipmi_action maps to
WatchdogService::Action ipmiActionToWdAction(IpmiAction ipmi_action)
switch (ipmi_action)
case IpmiAction::None:
return WatchdogService::Action::None;
case IpmiAction::HardReset:
return WatchdogService::Action::HardReset;
case IpmiAction::PowerOff:
return WatchdogService::Action::PowerOff;
case IpmiAction::PowerCycle:
return WatchdogService::Action::PowerCycle;
throw std::domain_error("IPMI Action is invalid");
enum class IpmiTimerUse : uint8_t
Reserved = 0x0,
BIOSFRB2 = 0x1,
OSLoad = 0x3,
SMSOS = 0x4,
OEM = 0x5,
WatchdogService::TimerUse ipmiTimerUseToWdTimerUse(IpmiTimerUse ipmiTimerUse)
switch (ipmiTimerUse)
case IpmiTimerUse::Reserved:
return WatchdogService::TimerUse::Reserved;
case IpmiTimerUse::BIOSFRB2:
return WatchdogService::TimerUse::BIOSFRB2;
case IpmiTimerUse::BIOSPOST:
return WatchdogService::TimerUse::BIOSPOST;
case IpmiTimerUse::OSLoad:
return WatchdogService::TimerUse::OSLoad;
case IpmiTimerUse::SMSOS:
return WatchdogService::TimerUse::SMSOS;
case IpmiTimerUse::OEM:
return WatchdogService::TimerUse::OEM;
return WatchdogService::TimerUse::Reserved;
static bool timerNotLogFlags = false;
static std::bitset<8> timerUseExpirationFlags = 0;
static uint3_t timerPreTimeoutInterrupt = 0;
static constexpr uint8_t wdExpirationFlagReservedBit0 = 0x0;
static constexpr uint8_t wdExpirationFlagReservedBit6 = 0x6;
static constexpr uint8_t wdExpirationFlagReservedBit7 = 0x7;
/**@brief The Set Watchdog Timer ipmi command.
* @param
* - timerUse
* - dontStopTimer
* - dontLog
* - timerAction
* - pretimeout
* - expireFlags
* - initialCountdown
* @return completion code on success.
ipmi::RspType<> ipmiSetWatchdogTimer(
uint3_t timerUse, uint3_t reserved, bool dontStopTimer, bool dontLog,
uint3_t timeoutAction, uint1_t reserved1, uint3_t preTimeoutInterrupt,
uint1_t reserved2, uint8_t preTimeoutInterval, std::bitset<8> expFlagValue,
uint16_t initialCountdown)
if ((timerUse == wdTimerUseResTimer1) ||
(timerUse == wdTimerUseResTimer2) ||
(timerUse == wdTimerUseResTimer3) ||
(timeoutAction > wdTimeoutActionMax) ||
(preTimeoutInterrupt == wdTimeoutInterruptTimer) ||
(reserved | reserved1 | reserved2 |
expFlagValue.test(wdExpirationFlagReservedBit0) |
expFlagValue.test(wdExpirationFlagReservedBit6) |
return ipmi::responseInvalidFieldRequest();
if (preTimeoutInterval > (initialCountdown / 10))
return ipmi::responseInvalidFieldRequest();
timerNotLogFlags = dontLog;
timerPreTimeoutInterrupt = preTimeoutInterrupt;
WatchdogService wd_service;
// Stop the timer if the don't stop bit is not set
if (!(dontStopTimer))
// Set the action based on the request
const auto ipmi_action = static_cast<IpmiAction>(
static_cast<uint8_t>(timeoutAction) & wd_timeout_action_mask);
const auto ipmiTimerUse = types::enum_cast<IpmiTimerUse>(timerUse);
timerUseExpirationFlags &= ~expFlagValue;
// Set the new interval and the time remaining deci -> mill seconds
const uint64_t interval = initialCountdown * 100;
// Mark as initialized so that future resets behave correctly
lastCallSuccessful = true;
return ipmi::responseSuccess();
catch (const std::domain_error&)
return ipmi::responseInvalidFieldRequest();
catch (const InternalFailure& e)
return ipmi::responseUnspecifiedError();
catch (const std::exception& e)
lg2::error("wd_set: {ERROR}", "ERROR", e);
return ipmi::responseUnspecifiedError();
catch (...)
lg2::error("wd_set: Unknown Error");
return ipmi::responseUnspecifiedError();
/** @brief Converts a DBUS Watchdog Action to IPMI defined action
* @param[in] wd_action The DBUS Watchdog Action
* @return The IpmiAction that the wd_action maps to
IpmiAction wdActionToIpmiAction(WatchdogService::Action wd_action)
switch (wd_action)
case WatchdogService::Action::None:
return IpmiAction::None;
case WatchdogService::Action::HardReset:
return IpmiAction::HardReset;
case WatchdogService::Action::PowerOff:
return IpmiAction::PowerOff;
case WatchdogService::Action::PowerCycle:
return IpmiAction::PowerCycle;
// We have no method via IPMI to signal that the action is unknown
// or unmappable in some way.
// Just ignore the error and return NONE so the host can reconcile.
return IpmiAction::None;
IpmiTimerUse wdTimerUseToIpmiTimerUse(WatchdogService::TimerUse wdTimerUse)
switch (wdTimerUse)
case WatchdogService::TimerUse::Reserved:
return IpmiTimerUse::Reserved;
case WatchdogService::TimerUse::BIOSFRB2:
return IpmiTimerUse::BIOSFRB2;
case WatchdogService::TimerUse::BIOSPOST:
return IpmiTimerUse::BIOSPOST;
case WatchdogService::TimerUse::OSLoad:
return IpmiTimerUse::OSLoad;
case WatchdogService::TimerUse::SMSOS:
return IpmiTimerUse::SMSOS;
case WatchdogService::TimerUse::OEM:
return IpmiTimerUse::OEM;
return IpmiTimerUse::Reserved;
/**@brief The getWatchdogTimer ipmi command.
* @return Completion code plus timer details.
* - timerUse
* - timerAction
* - pretimeout
* - expireFlags
* - initialCountdown
* - presentCountdown
ipmi::RspType<uint3_t, // timerUse - timer use
uint3_t, // timerUse - reserved
bool, // timerUse - timer is started
bool, // timerUse - don't log
uint3_t, // timerAction - timeout action
uint1_t, // timerAction - reserved
uint3_t, // timerAction - pre-timeout interrupt
uint1_t, // timerAction - reserved
uint8_t, // pretimeout
std::bitset<8>, // expireFlags
uint16_t, // initial Countdown - Little Endian (deciseconds)
uint16_t // present Countdown - Little Endian (deciseconds)
uint16_t presentCountdown = 0;
uint8_t pretimeout = 0;
WatchdogService wd_service;
WatchdogService::Properties wd_prop = wd_service.getProperties();
// Build and return the response
// Interval and timeRemaining need converted from milli -> deci seconds
uint16_t initialCountdown = htole16(wd_prop.interval / 100);
if (wd_prop.expiredTimerUse != WatchdogService::TimerUse::Reserved)
if (wd_prop.enabled)
presentCountdown = htole16(wd_prop.timeRemaining / 100);
if (wd_prop.expiredTimerUse == WatchdogService::TimerUse::Reserved)
presentCountdown = initialCountdown;
presentCountdown = 0;
// Automatically clear it whenever a timer expiration occurs.
timerNotLogFlags = false;
// TODO: Do something about having pretimeout support
pretimeout = 0;
lastCallSuccessful = true;
return ipmi::responseSuccess(
0, wd_prop.enabled, timerNotLogFlags,
0, timerPreTimeoutInterrupt, 0, pretimeout, timerUseExpirationFlags,
initialCountdown, presentCountdown);
catch (const InternalFailure& e)
return ipmi::responseUnspecifiedError();
catch (const std::exception& e)
lg2::error("wd_get: {ERROR}", "ERROR", e);
return ipmi::responseUnspecifiedError();
catch (...)
lg2::error("wd_get: Unknown Error");
return ipmi::responseUnspecifiedError();