blob: 392d68a42fb0165b6259689670d964141f86c143 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <linux/i2c-dev.h>
#include <linux/i2c.h>
#include <mapper.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <systemd/sd-bus.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <app/channel.hpp>
#include <app/watchdog.hpp>
#include <apphandler.hpp>
#include <array>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
#include <ipmid/api.hpp>
#include <ipmid/types.hpp>
#include <ipmid/utils.hpp>
#include <memory>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include <phosphor-logging/elog-errors.hpp>
#include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp>
#include <sdbusplus/message/types.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <sys_info_param.hpp>
#include <transporthandler.hpp>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
#include <xyz/openbmc_project/Common/error.hpp>
#include <xyz/openbmc_project/Control/Power/ACPIPowerState/server.hpp>
#include <xyz/openbmc_project/Software/Activation/server.hpp>
#include <xyz/openbmc_project/Software/Version/server.hpp>
#include <xyz/openbmc_project/State/BMC/server.hpp>
extern sd_bus* bus;
constexpr auto bmc_state_interface = "xyz.openbmc_project.State.BMC";
constexpr auto bmc_state_property = "CurrentBMCState";
static constexpr auto redundancyIntf =
static constexpr auto versionIntf = "xyz.openbmc_project.Software.Version";
static constexpr auto activationIntf =
static constexpr auto softwareRoot = "/xyz/openbmc_project/software";
void register_netfn_app_functions() __attribute__((constructor));
using namespace phosphor::logging;
using namespace sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Common::Error;
using Version = sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Software::server::Version;
using Activation =
using BMC = sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::State::server::BMC;
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
typedef struct
uint8_t busId;
uint8_t slaveAddr;
uint8_t slaveAddrMask;
std::vector<uint8_t> data;
std::vector<uint8_t> dataMask;
} i2cMasterWRWhitelist;
static std::vector<i2cMasterWRWhitelist>& getWRWhitelist()
static std::vector<i2cMasterWRWhitelist> wrWhitelist;
return wrWhitelist;
static constexpr const char* i2cMasterWRWhitelistFile =
static constexpr const char* filtersStr = "filters";
static constexpr const char* busIdStr = "busId";
static constexpr const char* slaveAddrStr = "slaveAddr";
static constexpr const char* slaveAddrMaskStr = "slaveAddrMask";
static constexpr const char* cmdStr = "command";
static constexpr const char* cmdMaskStr = "commandMask";
static constexpr int base_16 = 16;
static constexpr uint8_t maxIPMIWriteReadSize = 144;
* @brief Returns the Version info from primary s/w object
* Get the Version info from the active s/w object which is having high
* "Priority" value(a smaller number is a higher priority) and "Purpose"
* is "BMC" from the list of all s/w objects those are implementing
* RedundancyPriority interface from the given softwareRoot path.
* @return On success returns the Version info from primary s/w object.
std::string getActiveSoftwareVersionInfo(ipmi::Context::ptr ctx)
std::string revision{};
ipmi::ObjectTree objectTree;
objectTree =
ipmi::getAllDbusObjects(*ctx->bus, softwareRoot, redundancyIntf);
catch (sdbusplus::exception::SdBusError& e)
log<level::ERR>("Failed to fetch redundancy object from dbus",
entry("INTERFACE=%s", redundancyIntf),
entry("ERRMSG=%s", e.what()));
auto objectFound = false;
for (auto& softObject : objectTree)
auto service =
ipmi::getService(*ctx->bus, redundancyIntf, softObject.first);
auto objValueTree =
ipmi::getManagedObjects(*ctx->bus, service, softwareRoot);
auto minPriority = 0xFF;
for (const auto& objIter : objValueTree)
auto& intfMap = objIter.second;
auto& redundancyPriorityProps =;
auto& versionProps =;
auto& activationProps =;
auto priority =
auto purpose =
auto activation =
auto version =
if ((Version::convertVersionPurposeFromString(purpose) ==
Version::VersionPurpose::BMC) &&
(Activation::convertActivationsFromString(activation) ==
if (priority < minPriority)
minPriority = priority;
objectFound = true;
revision = std::move(version);
catch (const std::exception& e)
if (!objectFound)
log<level::ERR>("Could not found an BMC software Object");
return revision;
bool getCurrentBmcState()
sdbusplus::bus::bus bus{ipmid_get_sd_bus_connection()};
// Get the Inventory object implementing the BMC interface
ipmi::DbusObjectInfo bmcObject =
ipmi::getDbusObject(bus, bmc_state_interface);
auto variant =
ipmi::getDbusProperty(bus, bmcObject.second, bmcObject.first,
bmc_state_interface, bmc_state_property);
return std::holds_alternative<std::string>(variant) &&
BMC::convertBMCStateFromString(std::get<std::string>(variant)) ==
bool getCurrentBmcStateWithFallback(const bool fallbackAvailability)
return getCurrentBmcState();
catch (...)
// Nothing provided the BMC interface, therefore return whatever was
// configured as the default.
return fallbackAvailability;
namespace acpi_state
using namespace sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Control::Power::server;
const static constexpr char* acpiObjPath =
const static constexpr char* acpiInterface =
const static constexpr char* sysACPIProp = "SysACPIStatus";
const static constexpr char* devACPIProp = "DevACPIStatus";
enum class PowerStateType : uint8_t
sysPowerState = 0x00,
devPowerState = 0x01,
// Defined in 20.6 of ipmi doc
enum class PowerState : uint8_t
s0G0D0 = 0x00,
s1D1 = 0x01,
s2D2 = 0x02,
s3D3 = 0x03,
s4 = 0x04,
s5G2 = 0x05,
s4S5 = 0x06,
g3 = 0x07,
sleep = 0x08,
g1Sleep = 0x09,
override = 0x0a,
legacyOn = 0x20,
legacyOff = 0x21,
unknown = 0x2a,
noChange = 0x7f,
static constexpr uint8_t stateChanged = 0x80;
struct ACPIState
uint8_t sysACPIState;
uint8_t devACPIState;
} __attribute__((packed));
std::map<ACPIPowerState::ACPI, PowerState> dbusToIPMI = {
{ACPIPowerState::ACPI::S0_G0_D0, PowerState::s0G0D0},
{ACPIPowerState::ACPI::S1_D1, PowerState::s1D1},
{ACPIPowerState::ACPI::S2_D2, PowerState::s2D2},
{ACPIPowerState::ACPI::S3_D3, PowerState::s3D3},
{ACPIPowerState::ACPI::S4, PowerState::s4},
{ACPIPowerState::ACPI::S5_G2, PowerState::s5G2},
{ACPIPowerState::ACPI::S4_S5, PowerState::s4S5},
{ACPIPowerState::ACPI::G3, PowerState::g3},
{ACPIPowerState::ACPI::SLEEP, PowerState::sleep},
{ACPIPowerState::ACPI::G1_SLEEP, PowerState::g1Sleep},
{ACPIPowerState::ACPI::OVERRIDE, PowerState::override},
{ACPIPowerState::ACPI::LEGACY_ON, PowerState::legacyOn},
{ACPIPowerState::ACPI::LEGACY_OFF, PowerState::legacyOff},
{ACPIPowerState::ACPI::Unknown, PowerState::unknown}};
bool isValidACPIState(acpi_state::PowerStateType type, uint8_t state)
if (type == acpi_state::PowerStateType::sysPowerState)
if ((state <= static_cast<uint8_t>(acpi_state::PowerState::override)) ||
(state == static_cast<uint8_t>(acpi_state::PowerState::legacyOn)) ||
(state ==
static_cast<uint8_t>(acpi_state::PowerState::legacyOff)) ||
(state == static_cast<uint8_t>(acpi_state::PowerState::unknown)) ||
(state == static_cast<uint8_t>(acpi_state::PowerState::noChange)))
return true;
return false;
else if (type == acpi_state::PowerStateType::devPowerState)
if ((state <= static_cast<uint8_t>(acpi_state::PowerState::s3D3)) ||
(state == static_cast<uint8_t>(acpi_state::PowerState::unknown)) ||
(state == static_cast<uint8_t>(acpi_state::PowerState::noChange)))
return true;
return false;
return false;
return false;
} // namespace acpi_state
ipmi_ret_t ipmi_app_set_acpi_power_state(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd,
ipmi_request_t request,
ipmi_response_t response,
ipmi_data_len_t data_len,
ipmi_context_t context)
auto s = static_cast<uint8_t>(acpi_state::PowerState::unknown);
ipmi_ret_t rc = IPMI_CC_OK;
sdbusplus::bus::bus bus{ipmid_get_sd_bus_connection()};
auto value = acpi_state::ACPIPowerState::ACPI::Unknown;
auto* req = reinterpret_cast<acpi_state::ACPIState*>(request);
if (*data_len != sizeof(acpi_state::ACPIState))
log<level::ERR>("set_acpi invalid len");
*data_len = 0;
*data_len = 0;
if (req->sysACPIState & acpi_state::stateChanged)
// set system power state
s = req->sysACPIState & ~acpi_state::stateChanged;
if (!acpi_state::isValidACPIState(
acpi_state::PowerStateType::sysPowerState, s))
log<level::ERR>("set_acpi_power sys invalid input",
entry("S=%x", s));
// valid input
if (s == static_cast<uint8_t>(acpi_state::PowerState::noChange))
log<level::DEBUG>("No change for system power state");
auto found = std::find_if(
acpi_state::dbusToIPMI.begin(), acpi_state::dbusToIPMI.end(),
[&s](const auto& iter) {
return (static_cast<uint8_t>(iter.second) == s);
value = found->first;
auto acpiObject =
ipmi::getDbusObject(bus, acpi_state::acpiInterface);
ipmi::setDbusProperty(bus, acpiObject.second, acpiObject.first,
catch (const InternalFailure& e)
log<level::ERR>("Failed in set ACPI system property",
entry("EXCEPTION=%s", e.what()));
log<level::DEBUG>("Do not change system power state");
if (req->devACPIState & acpi_state::stateChanged)
// set device power state
s = req->devACPIState & ~acpi_state::stateChanged;
if (!acpi_state::isValidACPIState(
acpi_state::PowerStateType::devPowerState, s))
log<level::ERR>("set_acpi_power dev invalid input",
entry("S=%x", s));
// valid input
if (s == static_cast<uint8_t>(acpi_state::PowerState::noChange))
log<level::DEBUG>("No change for device power state");
auto found = std::find_if(
acpi_state::dbusToIPMI.begin(), acpi_state::dbusToIPMI.end(),
[&s](const auto& iter) {
return (static_cast<uint8_t>(iter.second) == s);
value = found->first;
auto acpiObject =
ipmi::getDbusObject(bus, acpi_state::acpiInterface);
ipmi::setDbusProperty(bus, acpiObject.second, acpiObject.first,
catch (const InternalFailure& e)
log<level::ERR>("Failed in set ACPI device property",
entry("EXCEPTION=%s", e.what()));
log<level::DEBUG>("Do not change device power state");
return rc;
* @brief implements the get ACPI power state command
* @return IPMI completion code plus response data on success.
* - ACPI system power state
* - ACPI device power state
ipmi::RspType<uint8_t, // acpiSystemPowerState
uint8_t // acpiDevicePowerState
uint8_t sysAcpiState;
uint8_t devAcpiState;
sdbusplus::bus::bus bus{ipmid_get_sd_bus_connection()};
auto acpiObject = ipmi::getDbusObject(bus, acpi_state::acpiInterface);
auto sysACPIVal = ipmi::getDbusProperty(
bus, acpiObject.second, acpiObject.first, acpi_state::acpiInterface,
auto sysACPI = acpi_state::ACPIPowerState::convertACPIFromString(
sysAcpiState = static_cast<uint8_t>(;
auto devACPIVal = ipmi::getDbusProperty(
bus, acpiObject.second, acpiObject.first, acpi_state::acpiInterface,
auto devACPI = acpi_state::ACPIPowerState::convertACPIFromString(
devAcpiState = static_cast<uint8_t>(;
catch (const InternalFailure& e)
return ipmi::responseUnspecifiedError();
return ipmi::responseSuccess(sysAcpiState, devAcpiState);
typedef struct
char major;
char minor;
uint16_t d[2];
} Revision;
/* Currently supports the vx.x-x-[-x] and v1.x.x-x-[-x] format. It will */
/* return -1 if not in those formats, this routine knows how to parse */
/* version = v0.6-19-gf363f61-dirty */
/* ^ ^ ^^ ^ */
/* | | |----------|-- additional details */
/* | |---------------- Minor */
/* |------------------ Major */
/* and version = v1.99.10-113-g65edf7d-r3-0-g9e4f715 */
/* ^ ^ ^^ ^ */
/* | | |--|---------- additional details */
/* | |---------------- Minor */
/* |------------------ Major */
/* Additional details : If the option group exists it will force Auxiliary */
/* Firmware Revision Information 4th byte to 1 indicating the build was */
/* derived with additional edits */
int convertVersion(std::string s, Revision& rev)
std::string token;
uint16_t commits;
auto location = s.find_first_of('v');
if (location != std::string::npos)
s = s.substr(location + 1);
if (!s.empty())
location = s.find_first_of(".");
if (location != std::string::npos)
rev.major =
static_cast<char>(std::stoi(s.substr(0, location), 0, 16));
token = s.substr(location + 1);
if (!token.empty())
location = token.find_first_of(".-");
if (location != std::string::npos)
rev.minor = static_cast<char>(
std::stoi(token.substr(0, location), 0, 16));
token = token.substr(location + 1);
// Capture the number of commits on top of the minor tag.
// I'm using BE format like the ipmi spec asked for
location = token.find_first_of(".-");
if (!token.empty())
commits = std::stoi(token.substr(0, location), 0, 16);
rev.d[0] = (commits >> 8) | (commits << 8);
// commit number we skip
location = token.find_first_of(".-");
if (location != std::string::npos)
token = token.substr(location + 1);
rev.d[0] = 0;
if (location != std::string::npos)
token = token.substr(location + 1);
// Any value of the optional parameter forces it to 1
location = token.find_first_of(".-");
if (location != std::string::npos)
token = token.substr(location + 1);
commits = (!token.empty()) ? 1 : 0;
// We do this operation to get this displayed in least significant bytes
// of ipmitool device id command.
rev.d[1] = (commits >> 8) | (commits << 8);
return 0;
/* @brief: Implement the Get Device ID IPMI command per the IPMI spec
* @param[in] ctx - shared_ptr to an IPMI context struct
* @returns IPMI completion code plus response data
* - Device ID (manufacturer defined)
* - Device revision[4 bits]; reserved[3 bits]; SDR support[1 bit]
* - FW revision major[7 bits] (binary encoded); available[1 bit]
* - FW Revision minor (BCD encoded)
* - IPMI version (0x02 for IPMI 2.0)
* - device support (bitfield of supported options)
* - MFG IANA ID (3 bytes)
* - product ID (2 bytes)
* - AUX info (4 bytes)
ipmi::RspType<uint8_t, // Device ID
uint8_t, // Device Revision
uint8_t, // Firmware Revision Major
uint8_t, // Firmware Revision minor
uint8_t, // IPMI version
uint8_t, // Additional device support
uint24_t, // MFG ID
uint16_t, // Product ID
uint32_t // AUX info
ipmiAppGetDeviceId(ipmi::Context::ptr ctx)
int r = -1;
Revision rev = {0};
static struct
uint8_t id;
uint8_t revision;
uint8_t fw[2];
uint8_t ipmiVer;
uint8_t addnDevSupport;
uint24_t manufId;
uint16_t prodId;
uint32_t aux;
} devId;
static bool dev_id_initialized = false;
static bool defaultActivationSetting = true;
const char* filename = "/usr/share/ipmi-providers/dev_id.json";
constexpr auto ipmiDevIdStateShift = 7;
constexpr auto ipmiDevIdFw1Mask = ~(1 << ipmiDevIdStateShift);
if (!dev_id_initialized)
auto version = getActiveSoftwareVersionInfo(ctx);
r = convertVersion(version, rev);
catch (const std::exception& e)
if (r >= 0)
// bit7 identifies if the device is available
// 0=normal operation
// 1=device firmware, SDR update,
// or self-initialization in progress.
// The availability may change in run time, so mask here
// and initialize later.
devId.fw[0] = rev.major & ipmiDevIdFw1Mask;
rev.minor = (rev.minor > 99 ? 99 : rev.minor);
devId.fw[1] = rev.minor % 10 + (rev.minor / 10) * 16;
std::memcpy(&devId.aux, rev.d, 4);
// IPMI Spec version 2.0
devId.ipmiVer = 2;
std::ifstream devIdFile(filename);
if (devIdFile.is_open())
auto data = nlohmann::json::parse(devIdFile, nullptr, false);
if (!data.is_discarded())
{ = data.value("id", 0);
devId.revision = data.value("revision", 0);
devId.addnDevSupport = data.value("addn_dev_support", 0);
devId.manufId = data.value("manuf_id", 0);
devId.prodId = data.value("prod_id", 0);
devId.aux = data.value("aux", 0);
// Set the availablitity of the BMC.
defaultActivationSetting = data.value("availability", true);
// Don't read the file every time if successful
dev_id_initialized = true;
log<level::ERR>("Device ID JSON parser failure");
return ipmi::responseUnspecifiedError();
log<level::ERR>("Device ID file not found");
return ipmi::responseUnspecifiedError();
// Set availability to the actual current BMC state
devId.fw[0] &= ipmiDevIdFw1Mask;
if (!getCurrentBmcStateWithFallback(defaultActivationSetting))
devId.fw[0] |= (1 << ipmiDevIdStateShift);
return ipmi::responseSuccess(, devId.revision, devId.fw[0], devId.fw[1], devId.ipmiVer,
devId.addnDevSupport, devId.manufId, devId.prodId, devId.aux);
auto ipmiAppGetSelfTestResults() -> ipmi::RspType<uint8_t, uint8_t>
// Byte 2:
// 55h - No error.
// 56h - Self Test function not implemented in this controller.
// 57h - Corrupted or inaccesssible data or devices.
// 58h - Fatal hardware error.
// FFh - reserved.
// all other: Device-specific 'internal failure'.
// Byte 3:
// For byte 2 = 55h, 56h, FFh: 00h
// For byte 2 = 58h, all other: Device-specific
// For byte 2 = 57h: self-test error bitfield.
// Note: returning 57h does not imply that all test were run.
// [7] 1b = Cannot access SEL device.
// [6] 1b = Cannot access SDR Repository.
// [5] 1b = Cannot access BMC FRU device.
// [4] 1b = IPMB signal lines do not respond.
// [3] 1b = SDR Repository empty.
// [2] 1b = Internal Use Area of BMC FRU corrupted.
// [1] 1b = controller update 'boot block' firmware corrupted.
// [0] 1b = controller operational firmware corrupted.
constexpr uint8_t notImplemented = 0x56;
constexpr uint8_t zero = 0;
return ipmi::responseSuccess(notImplemented, zero);
static constexpr size_t uuidBinaryLength = 16;
static std::array<uint8_t, uuidBinaryLength> rfc4122ToIpmi(std::string rfc4122)
using Argument = xyz::openbmc_project::Common::InvalidArgument;
// UUID is in RFC4122 format. Ex: 61a39523-78f2-11e5-9862-e6402cfc3223
// Per IPMI Spec 2.0 need to convert to 16 hex bytes and reverse the byte
// order
// Ex: 0x2332fc2c40e66298e511f2782395a361
constexpr size_t uuidHexLength = (2 * uuidBinaryLength);
constexpr size_t uuidRfc4122Length = (uuidHexLength + 4);
std::array<uint8_t, uuidBinaryLength> uuid;
if (rfc4122.size() == uuidRfc4122Length)
rfc4122.erase(std::remove(rfc4122.begin(), rfc4122.end(), '-'),
if (rfc4122.size() != uuidHexLength)
for (size_t ind = 0; ind < uuidHexLength; ind += 2)
char v[3];
v[0] = rfc4122[ind];
v[1] = rfc4122[ind + 1];
v[2] = 0;
size_t err;
long b;
b = std::stoul(v, &err, 16);
catch (std::exception& e)
// check that exactly two ascii bytes were converted
if (err != 2)
uuid[uuidBinaryLength - (ind / 2) - 1] = static_cast<uint8_t>(b);
return uuid;
auto ipmiAppGetDeviceGuid()
-> ipmi::RspType<std::array<uint8_t, uuidBinaryLength>>
// return a fixed GUID based on /etc/machine-id
// This should match the /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc's UUID data
// machine specific application ID (for BMC ID)
// generated by systemd-id128 -p new as per man page
static constexpr sd_id128_t bmcUuidAppId = SD_ID128_MAKE(
e0, e1, 73, 76, 64, 61, 47, da, a5, 0c, d0, cc, 64, 12, 45, 78);
sd_id128_t bmcUuid;
// create the UUID from /etc/machine-id via the systemd API
sd_id128_get_machine_app_specific(bmcUuidAppId, &bmcUuid);
char bmcUuidCstr[SD_ID128_STRING_MAX];
std::string systemUuid = sd_id128_to_string(bmcUuid, bmcUuidCstr);
std::array<uint8_t, uuidBinaryLength> uuid = rfc4122ToIpmi(systemUuid);
return ipmi::responseSuccess(uuid);
auto ipmiAppGetBtCapabilities()
-> ipmi::RspType<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t>
// Per IPMI 2.0 spec, the input and output buffer size must be the max
// buffer size minus one byte to allocate space for the length byte.
constexpr uint8_t nrOutstanding = 0x01;
constexpr uint8_t inputBufferSize = MAX_IPMI_BUFFER - 1;
constexpr uint8_t outputBufferSize = MAX_IPMI_BUFFER - 1;
constexpr uint8_t transactionTime = 0x0A;
constexpr uint8_t nrRetries = 0x01;
return ipmi::responseSuccess(nrOutstanding, inputBufferSize,
outputBufferSize, transactionTime, nrRetries);
auto ipmiAppGetSystemGuid() -> ipmi::RspType<std::array<uint8_t, 16>>
static constexpr auto bmcInterface =
static constexpr auto uuidInterface = "xyz.openbmc_project.Common.UUID";
static constexpr auto uuidProperty = "UUID";
ipmi::Value propValue;
// Get the Inventory object implementing BMC interface
auto busPtr = getSdBus();
auto objectInfo = ipmi::getDbusObject(*busPtr, bmcInterface);
// Read UUID property value from bmcObject
// UUID is in RFC4122 format Ex: 61a39523-78f2-11e5-9862-e6402cfc3223
propValue =
ipmi::getDbusProperty(*busPtr, objectInfo.second, objectInfo.first,
uuidInterface, uuidProperty);
catch (const InternalFailure& e)
log<level::ERR>("Failed in reading BMC UUID property",
entry("INTERFACE=%s", uuidInterface),
entry("PROPERTY=%s", uuidProperty));
return ipmi::responseUnspecifiedError();
std::array<uint8_t, 16> uuid;
std::string rfc4122Uuid = std::get<std::string>(propValue);
// convert to IPMI format
uuid = rfc4122ToIpmi(rfc4122Uuid);
catch (const InvalidArgument& e)
log<level::ERR>("Failed in parsing BMC UUID property",
entry("INTERFACE=%s", uuidInterface),
entry("PROPERTY=%s", uuidProperty),
entry("VALUE=%s", rfc4122Uuid.c_str()));
return ipmi::responseUnspecifiedError();
return ipmi::responseSuccess(uuid);
static std::unique_ptr<SysInfoParamStore> sysInfoParamStore;
static std::string sysInfoReadSystemName()
// Use the BMC hostname as the "System Name."
char hostname[HOST_NAME_MAX + 1] = {};
if (gethostname(hostname, HOST_NAME_MAX) != 0)
perror("System info parameter: system name");
return hostname;
struct IpmiSysInfoResp
uint8_t paramRevision;
uint8_t setSelector;
uint8_t encoding;
uint8_t stringLen;
uint8_t stringData0[14];
} __attribute__((packed));
uint8_t stringDataN[16];
uint8_t byteData;
} __attribute__((packed));
* Split a string into (up to) 16-byte chunks as expected in response for get
* system info parameter.
* @param[in] fullString: Input string to be split
* @param[in] chunkIndex: Index of the chunk to be written out
* @param[in,out] chunk: Output data buffer; must have 14 byte capacity if
* chunk_index = 0 and 16-byte capacity otherwise
* @return the number of bytes written into the output buffer, or -EINVAL for
* invalid arguments.
static int splitStringParam(const std::string& fullString, int chunkIndex,
uint8_t* chunk)
constexpr int maxChunk = 255;
constexpr int smallChunk = 14;
constexpr int chunkSize = 16;
if (chunkIndex > maxChunk || chunk == nullptr)
return -EINVAL;
std::string output;
if (chunkIndex == 0)
// Output must have 14 byte capacity.
output = fullString.substr(0, smallChunk);
// Output must have 16 byte capacity.
output = fullString.substr((chunkIndex * chunkSize) - 2, chunkSize);
std::memcpy(chunk, output.c_str(), output.length());
return output.length();
catch (const std::out_of_range& e)
// The position was beyond the end.
return -EINVAL;
* Packs the Get Sys Info Request Item into the response.
* @param[in] paramString - the parameter.
* @param[in] setSelector - the selector
* @param[in,out] resp - the System info response.
* @return The number of bytes packed or failure from splitStringParam().
static int packGetSysInfoResp(const std::string& paramString,
uint8_t setSelector, IpmiSysInfoResp* resp)
uint8_t* dataBuffer = resp->stringDataN;
resp->setSelector = setSelector;
if (resp->setSelector == 0) // First chunk has only 14 bytes.
resp->encoding = 0;
resp->stringLen = paramString.length();
dataBuffer = resp->stringData0;
return splitStringParam(paramString, resp->setSelector, dataBuffer);
ipmi_ret_t ipmi_app_get_system_info(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd,
ipmi_request_t request,
ipmi_response_t response,
ipmi_data_len_t dataLen,
ipmi_context_t context)
IpmiSysInfoResp resp = {};
size_t respLen = 0;
uint8_t* const reqData = static_cast<uint8_t*>(request);
std::string paramString;
bool found;
std::tuple<bool, std::string> ret;
constexpr int minRequestSize = 4;
constexpr int paramSelector = 1;
constexpr uint8_t revisionOnly = 0x80;
const uint8_t paramRequested = reqData[paramSelector];
int rc;
if (*dataLen < minRequestSize)
*dataLen = 0; // default to 0.
// Parameters revision as of IPMI spec v2.0 rev. 1.1 (Feb 11, 2014 E6)
resp.paramRevision = 0x11;
if (reqData[0] & revisionOnly) // Get parameter revision only
respLen = 1;
goto writeResponse;
// The "Set In Progress" parameter can be used for rollback of parameter
// data and is not implemented.
if (paramRequested == 0)
resp.byteData = 0;
respLen = 2;
goto writeResponse;
if (sysInfoParamStore == nullptr)
sysInfoParamStore = std::make_unique<SysInfoParamStore>();
// Parameters other than Set In Progress are assumed to be strings.
ret = sysInfoParamStore->lookup(paramRequested);
found = std::get<0>(ret);
paramString = std::get<1>(ret);
if (!found)
// TODO: Cache each parameter across multiple calls, until the whole string
// has been read out. Otherwise, it's possible for a parameter to change
// between requests for its chunks, returning chunks incoherent with each
// other. For now, the parameter store is simply required to have only
// idempotent callbacks.
rc = packGetSysInfoResp(paramString, reqData[2], &resp);
if (rc == -EINVAL)
respLen = sizeof(resp); // Write entire string data chunk in response.
std::memcpy(response, &resp, sizeof(resp));
*dataLen = respLen;
return IPMI_CC_OK;
inline std::vector<uint8_t> convertStringToData(const std::string& command)
std::istringstream iss(command);
std::string token;
std::vector<uint8_t> dataValue;
while (std::getline(iss, token, ' '))
static_cast<uint8_t>(std::stoul(token, nullptr, base_16)));
return dataValue;
static bool populateI2CMasterWRWhitelist()
nlohmann::json data = nullptr;
std::ifstream jsonFile(i2cMasterWRWhitelistFile);
if (!jsonFile.good())
log<level::WARNING>("i2c white list file not found!",
entry("FILE_NAME: %s", i2cMasterWRWhitelistFile));
return false;
data = nlohmann::json::parse(jsonFile, nullptr, false);
catch (nlohmann::json::parse_error& e)
log<level::ERR>("Corrupted i2c white list config file",
entry("FILE_NAME: %s", i2cMasterWRWhitelistFile),
entry("MSG: %s", e.what()));
return false;
// Example JSON Structure format
// "filters": [
// {
// "Description": "Allow full read - ignore first byte write value
// for 0x40 to 0x4F",
// "busId": "0x01",
// "slaveAddr": "0x40",
// "slaveAddrMask": "0x0F",
// "command": "0x00",
// "commandMask": "0xFF"
// },
// {
// "Description": "Allow full read - first byte match 0x05 and
// ignore second byte",
// "busId": "0x01",
// "slaveAddr": "0x57",
// "slaveAddrMask": "0x00",
// "command": "0x05 0x00",
// "commandMask": "0x00 0xFF"
// },]
nlohmann::json filters = data[filtersStr].get<nlohmann::json>();
std::vector<i2cMasterWRWhitelist>& whitelist = getWRWhitelist();
for (const auto& it : filters.items())
nlohmann::json filter = it.value();
if (filter.is_null())
"Corrupted I2C master write read whitelist config file",
entry("FILE_NAME: %s", i2cMasterWRWhitelistFile));
return false;
const std::vector<uint8_t>& writeData =
const std::vector<uint8_t>& writeDataMask =
if (writeDataMask.size() != writeData.size())
log<level::ERR>("I2C master write read whitelist filter "
"mismatch for command & mask size");
return false;
filter[busIdStr].get<std::string>(), nullptr, base_16)),
nullptr, base_16)),
nullptr, base_16)),
writeData, writeDataMask});
if (whitelist.size() != filters.size())
"I2C master write read whitelist filter size mismatch");
return false;
catch (std::exception& e)
log<level::ERR>("I2C master write read whitelist unexpected exception",
entry("ERROR=%s", e.what()));
return false;
return true;
static inline bool isWriteDataWhitelisted(const std::vector<uint8_t>& data,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& dataMask,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& writeData)
std::vector<uint8_t> processedDataBuf(data.size());
std::vector<uint8_t> processedReqBuf(dataMask.size());
std::transform(writeData.begin(), writeData.end(), dataMask.begin(),
processedReqBuf.begin(), std::bit_or<uint8_t>());
std::transform(data.begin(), data.end(), dataMask.begin(),
processedDataBuf.begin(), std::bit_or<uint8_t>());
return (processedDataBuf == processedReqBuf);
static bool isCmdWhitelisted(uint8_t busId, uint8_t slaveAddr,
std::vector<uint8_t>& writeData)
std::vector<i2cMasterWRWhitelist>& whiteList = getWRWhitelist();
for (const auto& wlEntry : whiteList)
if ((busId == wlEntry.busId) &&
((slaveAddr | wlEntry.slaveAddrMask) ==
(wlEntry.slaveAddr | wlEntry.slaveAddrMask)))
const std::vector<uint8_t>& dataMask = wlEntry.dataMask;
// Skip as no-match, if requested write data is more than the
// write data mask size
if (writeData.size() > dataMask.size())
if (isWriteDataWhitelisted(, dataMask, writeData))
return true;
return false;
static bool populateI2CMasterWRWhitelist()
"I2C_WHITELIST_CHECK is disabled, do not populate whitelist");
return true;
/** @brief implements master write read IPMI command which can be used for
* low-level I2C/SMBus write, read or write-read access
* @param isPrivateBus -to indicate private bus usage
* @param busId - bus id
* @param channelNum - channel number
* @param reserved - skip 1 bit
* @param slaveAddr - slave address
* @param read count - number of bytes to be read
* @param writeData - data to be written
* @returns IPMI completion code plus response data
* - readData - i2c response data
ipmiMasterWriteRead(bool isPrivateBus, uint3_t busId, uint4_t channelNum,
bool reserved, uint7_t slaveAddr, uint8_t readCount,
std::vector<uint8_t> writeData)
i2c_rdwr_ioctl_data msgReadWrite = {0};
i2c_msg i2cmsg[2] = {0};
if (readCount > maxIPMIWriteReadSize)
log<level::ERR>("Master write read command: Read count exceeds limit");
return ipmi::responseParmOutOfRange();
const size_t writeCount = writeData.size();
if (!readCount && !writeCount)
log<level::ERR>("Master write read command: Read & write count are 0");
return ipmi::responseInvalidFieldRequest();
if (!isCmdWhitelisted(static_cast<uint8_t>(busId),
static_cast<uint8_t>(slaveAddr), writeData))
log<level::ERR>("Master write read request blocked!",
entry("BUS=%d", static_cast<uint8_t>(busId)),
entry("ADDR=0x%x", static_cast<uint8_t>(slaveAddr)));
return ipmi::responseInvalidFieldRequest();
std::vector<uint8_t> readBuf(readCount);
std::string i2cBus =
"/dev/i2c-" + std::to_string(static_cast<uint8_t>(busId));
int i2cDev = ::open(i2cBus.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC);
if (i2cDev < 0)
log<level::ERR>("Failed to open i2c bus",
entry("BUS=%s", i2cBus.c_str()));
return ipmi::responseInvalidFieldRequest();
int msgCount = 0;
if (writeCount)
i2cmsg[msgCount].addr = static_cast<uint8_t>(slaveAddr);
i2cmsg[msgCount].flags = 0x00;
i2cmsg[msgCount].len = writeCount;
i2cmsg[msgCount].buf =;
if (readCount)
i2cmsg[msgCount].addr = static_cast<uint8_t>(slaveAddr);
i2cmsg[msgCount].flags = I2C_M_RD;
i2cmsg[msgCount].len = readCount;
i2cmsg[msgCount].buf =;
msgReadWrite.msgs = i2cmsg;
msgReadWrite.nmsgs = msgCount;
int ret = ::ioctl(i2cDev, I2C_RDWR, &msgReadWrite);
if (ret < 0)
log<level::ERR>("Master write read: Failed", entry("RET=%d", ret));
return ipmi::responseUnspecifiedError();
if (readCount)
readBuf.resize(msgReadWrite.msgs[msgCount - 1].len);
return ipmi::responseSuccess(readBuf);
void register_netfn_app_functions()
// <Get Device ID>
ipmi::registerHandler(ipmi::prioOpenBmcBase, ipmi::netFnApp,
ipmi::app::cmdGetDeviceId, ipmi::Privilege::User,
// <Get BT Interface Capabilities>
ipmi::registerHandler(ipmi::prioOpenBmcBase, ipmi::netFnApp,
ipmi::Privilege::User, ipmiAppGetBtCapabilities);
// <Reset Watchdog Timer>
ipmi::registerHandler(ipmi::prioOpenBmcBase, ipmi::netFnApp,
ipmi::Privilege::Operator, ipmiAppResetWatchdogTimer);
// <Set Watchdog Timer>
ipmi_register_callback(NETFUN_APP, IPMI_CMD_SET_WD, NULL,
ipmi_app_watchdog_set, PRIVILEGE_OPERATOR);
// <Get Watchdog Timer>
ipmi_register_callback(NETFUN_APP, IPMI_CMD_GET_WD, NULL,
ipmi_app_watchdog_get, PRIVILEGE_OPERATOR);
// <Get Self Test Results>
ipmi::registerHandler(ipmi::prioOpenBmcBase, ipmi::netFnApp,
ipmi::Privilege::User, ipmiAppGetSelfTestResults);
// <Get Device GUID>
ipmi::registerHandler(ipmi::prioOpenBmcBase, ipmi::netFnApp,
ipmi::app::cmdGetDeviceGuid, ipmi::Privilege::User,
// <Set ACPI Power State>
ipmi_register_callback(NETFUN_APP, IPMI_CMD_SET_ACPI, NULL,
ipmi_app_set_acpi_power_state, PRIVILEGE_ADMIN);
// <Get ACPI Power State>
ipmi::registerHandler(ipmi::prioOpenBmcBase, ipmi::netFnApp,
ipmi::Privilege::Admin, ipmiGetAcpiPowerState);
// Note: For security reason, this command will be registered only when
// there are proper I2C Master write read whitelist
if (populateI2CMasterWRWhitelist())
// Note: For security reasons, registering master write read as admin
// privilege command, even though IPMI 2.0 specification allows it as
// operator privilege.
ipmi::registerHandler(ipmi::prioOpenBmcBase, ipmi::netFnApp,
ipmi::Privilege::Admin, ipmiMasterWriteRead);
// <Get System GUID Command>
ipmi::registerHandler(ipmi::prioOpenBmcBase, ipmi::netFnApp,
ipmi::app::cmdGetSystemGuid, ipmi::Privilege::User,
// <Get Channel Cipher Suites Command>
getChannelCipherSuites, PRIVILEGE_CALLBACK);
// <Get System Info Command>
ipmi_register_callback(NETFUN_APP, IPMI_CMD_GET_SYSTEM_INFO, NULL,
ipmi_app_get_system_info, PRIVILEGE_USER);