blob: 4a739c2b07dac5d9e9114af68e359d1d41d65573 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include "nlohmann/json.hpp"
#include <sdbusplus/bus.hpp>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace dcmi
using NumInstances = size_t;
using Json = nlohmann::json;
enum Commands
static constexpr auto propIntf = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties";
static constexpr auto assetTagIntf =
static constexpr auto assetTagProp = "AssetTag";
static constexpr auto networkServiceName = "xyz.openbmc_project.Network";
static constexpr auto networkConfigObj = "/xyz/openbmc_project/network/config";
static constexpr auto networkConfigIntf =
static constexpr auto hostNameProp = "HostName";
static constexpr auto temperatureSensorType = 0x01;
static constexpr size_t maxInstances = 255;
static constexpr uint8_t maxRecords = 8;
static constexpr auto gDCMISensorsConfig =
static constexpr auto ethernetIntf =
static constexpr auto ethernetDefaultChannelNum = 0x1;
static constexpr auto networkRoot = "/xyz/openbmc_project/network";
static constexpr auto dhcpObj = "/xyz/openbmc_project/network/dhcp";
static constexpr auto dhcpIntf =
static constexpr auto systemBusName = "org.freedesktop.systemd1";
static constexpr auto systemPath = "/org/freedesktop/systemd1";
static constexpr auto systemIntf = "org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager";
static constexpr auto gDCMICapabilitiesConfig =
static constexpr auto gDCMIPowerMgmtCapability = "PowerManagement";
static constexpr auto gDCMIPowerMgmtSupported = 0x1;
static constexpr auto gMaxSELEntriesMask = 0xFFF;
static constexpr auto gByteBitSize = 8;
namespace sensor_info
/** @struct Response
* DCMI payload for Get Sensor Info response
struct Response
uint8_t recordIdLsb; //!< SDR record id LS byte
uint8_t recordIdMsb; //!< SDR record id MS byte
} __attribute__((packed));
using ResponseList = std::vector<Response>;
} // namespace sensor_info
static constexpr auto groupExtId = 0xDC;
/** @brief Check whether DCMI power management is supported
* in the DCMI Capabilities config file.
* @return True if DCMI power management is supported
bool isDCMIPowerMgmtSupported();
/** @brief Parse out JSON config file.
* @param[in] configFile - JSON config file name
* @return A json object
Json parseJSONConfig(const std::string& configFile);
namespace sensor_info
/** @brief Create response from JSON config.
* @param[in] config - JSON config info about DCMI sensors
* @return Sensor info response
Response createFromJson(const Json& config);
/** @brief Read sensor info and fill up DCMI response for the Get
* Sensor Info command. This looks at a specific
* instance.
* @param[in] type - one of "inlet", "cpu", "baseboard"
* @param[in] instance - A non-zero Entity instance number
* @param[in] config - JSON config info about DCMI sensors
* @return A tuple, containing a sensor info response and
* number of instances.
std::tuple<Response, NumInstances> read(const std::string& type,
uint8_t instance, const Json& config);
/** @brief Read sensor info and fill up DCMI response for the Get
* Sensor Info command. This looks at a range of
* instances.
* @param[in] type - one of "inlet", "cpu", "baseboard"
* @param[in] instanceStart - Entity instance start index
* @param[in] config - JSON config info about DCMI sensors
* @return A tuple, containing a list of sensor info responses and the
* number of instances.
std::tuple<ResponseList, NumInstances>
readAll(const std::string& type, uint8_t instanceStart, const Json& config);
} // namespace sensor_info
/** @brief Read power reading from power reading sensor object
* @param[in] bus - dbus connection
* @return total power reading
int64_t getPowerReading(sdbusplus::bus_t& bus);
/** @struct GetPowerReadingRequest
* DCMI Get Power Reading command request.
* Refer DCMI specification Version 1.1 Section 6.6.1
struct GetPowerReadingRequest
uint8_t mode; //!< Mode
uint8_t modeAttribute; //!< Mode Attributes
} __attribute__((packed));
/** @struct GetPowerReadingResponse
* DCMI Get Power Reading command response.
* Refer DCMI specification Version 1.1 Section 6.6.1
struct GetPowerReadingResponse
uint16_t currentPower; //!< Current power in watts
uint16_t minimumPower; //!< Minimum power over sampling duration
//!< in watts
uint16_t maximumPower; //!< Maximum power over sampling duration
//!< in watts
uint16_t averagePower; //!< Average power over sampling duration
//!< in watts
uint32_t timeStamp; //!< IPMI specification based time stamp
uint32_t timeFrame; //!< Statistics reporting time period in milli
//!< seconds.
uint8_t powerReadingState; //!< Power Reading State
} __attribute__((packed));
/** @struct GetSensorInfoRequest
* DCMI payload for Get Sensor Info request
struct GetSensorInfoRequest
uint8_t sensorType; //!< Type of the sensor
uint8_t entityId; //!< Entity ID
uint8_t entityInstance; //!< Entity Instance (0 means all instances)
uint8_t instanceStart; //!< Instance start (used if instance is 0)
} __attribute__((packed));
/** @struct GetSensorInfoResponseHdr
* DCMI header for Get Sensor Info response
struct GetSensorInfoResponseHdr
uint8_t numInstances; //!< No. of instances for requested id
uint8_t numRecords; //!< No. of record ids in the response
} __attribute__((packed));
* @brief Parameters for DCMI Configuration Parameters
enum class DCMIConfigParameters : uint8_t
ActivateDHCP = 1,
/** @struct SetConfParamsRequest
* DCMI Set DCMI Configuration Parameters Command.
* Refer DCMI specification Version 1.1 Section 6.1.2
struct SetConfParamsRequest
uint8_t paramSelect; //!< Parameter selector.
uint8_t setSelect; //!< Set Selector (use 00h for parameters that only
//!< have one set).
uint8_t data[]; //!< Configuration parameter data.
} __attribute__((packed));
/** @struct GetConfParamsRequest
* DCMI Get DCMI Configuration Parameters Command.
* Refer DCMI specification Version 1.1 Section 6.1.3
struct GetConfParamsRequest
uint8_t paramSelect; //!< Parameter selector.
uint8_t setSelect; //!< Set Selector. Selects a given set of parameters
//!< under a given Parameter selector value. 00h if
//!< parameter doesn't use a Set Selector.
} __attribute__((packed));
/** @struct GetConfParamsResponse
* DCMI Get DCMI Configuration Parameters Command response.
* Refer DCMI specification Version 1.1 Section 6.1.3
struct GetConfParamsResponse
uint8_t major; //!< DCMI Spec Conformance - major ver = 01h.
uint8_t minor; //!< DCMI Spec Conformance - minor ver = 05h.
uint8_t paramRevision; //!< Parameter Revision = 01h.
uint8_t data[]; //!< Parameter data.
} __attribute__((packed));
} // namespace dcmi