blob: 010772d58c87a486ef4c6d7394cf0e98ee5628ad [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include "types.hpp"
#include "host-ipmid/ipmid-api.h"
namespace ipmi
namespace sensor
using Assertion = uint16_t;
using Deassertion = uint16_t;
using AssertionSet = std::pair<Assertion, Deassertion>;
using Service = std::string;
using Path = std::string;
using Interface = std::string;
using ServicePath = std::pair<Path, Service>;
using Interfaces = std::vector<Interface>;
using MapperResponseType = std::map<Path, std::map<Service, Interfaces>>;
/** @brief get the D-Bus service and service path
* @param[in] bus - The Dbus bus object
* @param[in] interface - interface to the service
* @param[in] path - interested path in the list of objects
* @return pair of service path and service
ServicePath getServiceAndPath(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus,
const std::string& interface,
const std::string& path = std::string());
/** @brief Make assertion set from input data
* @param[in] cmdData - Input sensor data
* @return pair of assertion and deassertion set
AssertionSet getAssertionSet(const SetSensorReadingReq& cmdData);
/** @brief send the message to DBus
* @param[in] msg - message to send
* @return failure status in IPMI error code
ipmi_ret_t updateToDbus(IpmiUpdateData& msg);
namespace get
* @brief Helper function to map the dbus info to sensor's assertion status
* for the get sensor reading command.
* @param[in] sensorInfo - Dbus info related to sensor.
* @param[in] path - Dbus object path.
* @param[in] interface - Dbus interface.
* @return Response for get sensor reading command.
GetSensorResponse mapDbusToAssertion(const Info& sensorInfo,
const InstancePath& path,
const DbusInterface& interface);
* @brief Map the Dbus info to sensor's assertion status in the Get sensor
* reading command response.
* @param[in] sensorInfo - Dbus info related to sensor.
* @return Response for get sensor reading command.
GetSensorResponse assertion(const Info& sensorInfo);
* @brief Maps the Dbus info to the reading field in the Get sensor reading
* command response.
* @param[in] sensorInfo - Dbus info related to sensor.
* @return Response for get sensor reading command.
GetSensorResponse eventdata2(const Info& sensorInfo);
} //namespace get
namespace set
/** @brief Make a DBus message for a Dbus call
* @param[in] updateInterface - Interface name
* @param[in] sensorPath - Path of the sensor
* @param[in] command - command to be executed
* @param[in] sensorInterface - DBus interface of sensor
* @return a dbus message
IpmiUpdateData makeDbusMsg(const std::string& updateInterface,
const std::string& sensorPath,
const std::string& command,
const std::string& sensorInterface);
/** @brief Update d-bus based on assertion type sensor data
* @param[in] cmdData - input sensor data
* @param[in] sensorInfo - sensor d-bus info
* @return a IPMI error code
ipmi_ret_t assertion(const SetSensorReadingReq& cmdData,
const Info& sensorInfo);
/** @brief Update d-bus based on a reading assertion
* @tparam T - type of d-bus property mapping this sensor
* @param[in] cmdData - input sensor data
* @param[in] sensorInfo - sensor d-bus info
* @return a IPMI error code
template<typename T>
ipmi_ret_t readingAssertion(const SetSensorReadingReq& cmdData,
const Info& sensorInfo)
auto msg = makeDbusMsg(
const auto& interface = sensorInfo.propertyInterfaces.begin();
for (const auto& property : interface->second)
sdbusplus::message::variant<T> value =
(cmdData.assertOffset8_14 << 8) | cmdData.assertOffset0_7;
return updateToDbus(msg);
/** @brief Update d-bus based on a discrete reading
* @param[in] cmdData - input sensor data
* @param[in] sensorInfo - sensor d-bus info
* @return an IPMI error code
template<typename T>
ipmi_ret_t readingData(const SetSensorReadingReq& cmdData,
const Info& sensorInfo)
auto msg = makeDbusMsg(
const auto& interface = sensorInfo.propertyInterfaces.begin();
ipmi::sensor::Multiplier m = sensorInfo.coefficientM;
if (0 == m)
m = 1; // Avoid * 0
// TODO: Refactor this into a generated function depending on the type
// of conversion for the value between IPMI and dbus.
T raw_value = (m * cmdData.reading) + sensorInfo.scaledOffset;
for (const auto& property : interface->second)
sdbusplus::message::variant<T> value = raw_value;
return updateToDbus(msg);
/** @brief Update d-bus based on eventdata type sensor data
* @param[in] cmdData - input sensor data
* @param[in] sensorInfo - sensor d-bus info
* @return a IPMI error code
ipmi_ret_t eventdata(const SetSensorReadingReq& cmdData,
const Info& sensorInfo,
uint8_t data);
/** @brief Update d-bus based on eventdata1 type sensor data
* @param[in] cmdData - input sensor data
* @param[in] sensorInfo - sensor d-bus info
* @return a IPMI error code
inline ipmi_ret_t eventdata1(const SetSensorReadingReq& cmdData,
const Info& sensorInfo)
return eventdata(cmdData, sensorInfo, cmdData.eventData1);
/** @brief Update d-bus based on eventdata2 type sensor data
* @param[in] cmdData - input sensor data
* @param[in] sensorInfo - sensor d-bus info
* @return a IPMI error code
inline ipmi_ret_t eventdata2(const SetSensorReadingReq& cmdData,
const Info& sensorInfo)
return eventdata(cmdData, sensorInfo, cmdData.eventData2);
/** @brief Update d-bus based on eventdata3 type sensor data
* @param[in] cmdData - input sensor data
* @param[in] sensorInfo - sensor d-bus info
* @return a IPMI error code
inline ipmi_ret_t eventdata3(const SetSensorReadingReq& cmdData,
const Info& sensorInfo)
return eventdata(cmdData, sensorInfo, cmdData.eventData3);
}//namespace set
namespace notify
/** @brief Make a DBus message for a Dbus call
* @param[in] updateInterface - Interface name
* @param[in] sensorPath - Path of the sensor
* @param[in] command - command to be executed
* @param[in] sensorInterface - DBus interface of sensor
* @return a dbus message
IpmiUpdateData makeDbusMsg(const std::string& updateInterface,
const std::string& sensorPath,
const std::string& command,
const std::string& sensorInterface);
/** @brief Update d-bus based on assertion type sensor data
* @param[in] interfaceMap - sensor interface
* @param[in] cmdData - input sensor data
* @param[in] sensorInfo - sensor d-bus info
* @return a IPMI error code
ipmi_ret_t assertion(const SetSensorReadingReq& cmdData,
const Info& sensorInfo);
}//namespace notify
namespace inventory
namespace get
* @brief Map the Dbus info to sensor's assertion status in the Get sensor
* reading command response.
* @param[in] sensorInfo - Dbus info related to sensor.
* @return Response for get sensor reading command.
GetSensorResponse assertion(const Info& sensorInfo);
} // namespace get
} // namespace inventory
}//namespace sensor
}//namespace ipmi