blob: 170533550e8158f7da775219f36f8bffa3b86440 [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <openssl/crypto.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <sdbusplus/server.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <variant>
namespace ipmi
using DbusObjectPath = std::string;
using DbusService = std::string;
using DbusInterface = std::string;
using DbusObjectInfo = std::pair<DbusObjectPath, DbusService>;
using DbusProperty = std::string;
using Association = std::tuple<std::string, std::string, std::string>;
using Value = std::variant<bool, uint8_t, int16_t, uint16_t, int32_t, uint32_t,
int64_t, uint64_t, double, std::string,
std::vector<std::string>, std::vector<Association>>;
using PropertyMap = std::map<DbusProperty, Value>;
using ObjectTree =
std::map<DbusObjectPath, std::map<DbusService, std::vector<DbusInterface>>>;
using InterfaceList = std::vector<std::string>;
using DbusInterfaceMap = std::map<DbusInterface, PropertyMap>;
using ObjectValueTree =
std::map<sdbusplus::message::object_path, DbusInterfaceMap>;
namespace sensor
using Offset = uint8_t;
* @enum SkipAssertion
* Matching value for skipping the update
enum class SkipAssertion
NONE, // No skip defined
ASSERT, // Skip on Assert
DEASSERT, // Skip on Deassert
struct Values
SkipAssertion skip;
Value assert;
Value deassert;
* @enum PreReqValues
* Pre-req conditions for a property.
struct PreReqValues
Value assert; // Value in case of assert.
Value deassert; // Value in case of deassert.
using PreReqOffsetValueMap = std::map<Offset, PreReqValues>;
* @struct SetSensorReadingReq
* IPMI Request data for Set Sensor Reading and Event Status Command
struct SetSensorReadingReq
uint8_t number;
uint8_t operation;
uint8_t reading;
uint8_t assertOffset0_7;
uint8_t assertOffset8_14;
uint8_t deassertOffset0_7;
uint8_t deassertOffset8_14;
uint8_t eventData1;
uint8_t eventData2;
uint8_t eventData3;
} __attribute__((packed));
* @struct GetReadingResponse
* IPMI response data for Get Sensor Reading command.
struct GetReadingResponse
uint8_t reading; //!< Sensor reading.
uint8_t operation; //!< Sensor scanning status / reading state.
uint8_t assertOffset0_7; //!< Discrete assertion states(0-7).
uint8_t assertOffset8_14; //!< Discrete assertion states(8-14).
} __attribute__((packed));
constexpr auto inventoryRoot = "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory";
struct GetSensorResponse
uint8_t reading; // sensor reading
bool readingOrStateUnavailable; // 1 = reading/state unavailable
bool scanningEnabled; // 0 = sensor scanning disabled
bool allEventMessagesEnabled; // 0 = All Event Messages disabled
uint8_t thresholdLevelsStates; // threshold/discrete sensor states
uint8_t discreteReadingSensorStates; // discrete-only, optional states
using OffsetValueMap = std::map<Offset, Values>;
using DbusPropertyValues = std::pair<PreReqOffsetValueMap, OffsetValueMap>;
using DbusPropertyMap = std::map<DbusProperty, DbusPropertyValues>;
using DbusInterfaceMap = std::map<DbusInterface, DbusPropertyMap>;
using InstancePath = std::string;
using Type = uint8_t;
using ReadingType = uint8_t;
using Multiplier = uint16_t;
using OffsetB = int16_t;
using Exponent = int8_t;
using ScaledOffset = double;
using Scale = int16_t;
using Unit = std::string;
using EntityType = uint8_t;
using EntityInst = uint8_t;
using SensorName = std::string;
using SensorUnits1 = uint8_t;
enum class Mutability
Read = 1 << 0,
Write = 1 << 1,
inline Mutability operator|(Mutability lhs, Mutability rhs)
return static_cast<Mutability>(static_cast<uint8_t>(lhs) |
inline Mutability operator&(Mutability lhs, Mutability rhs)
return static_cast<Mutability>(static_cast<uint8_t>(lhs) &
struct Info
EntityType entityType;
EntityInst instance;
Type sensorType;
InstancePath sensorPath;
DbusInterface sensorInterface;
ReadingType sensorReadingType;
Multiplier coefficientM;
OffsetB coefficientB;
Exponent exponentB;
ScaledOffset scaledOffset;
Exponent exponentR;
bool hasScale;
Scale scale;
SensorUnits1 sensorUnits1;
Unit unit;
std::function<uint8_t(SetSensorReadingReq&, const Info&)> updateFunc;
std::function<GetSensorResponse(const Info&)> getFunc;
Mutability mutability;
SensorName sensorName;
std::function<SensorName(const Info&)> sensorNameFunc;
DbusInterfaceMap propertyInterfaces;
using Id = uint8_t;
using IdInfoMap = std::map<Id, Info>;
using PropertyMap = ipmi::PropertyMap;
using InterfaceMap = std::map<DbusInterface, PropertyMap>;
using Object = sdbusplus::message::object_path;
using ObjectMap = std::map<Object, InterfaceMap>;
using IpmiUpdateData = sdbusplus::message::message;
struct SelData
Id sensorID;
Type sensorType;
ReadingType eventReadingType;
Offset eventOffset;
using InventoryPath = std::string;
using InvObjectIDMap = std::map<InventoryPath, SelData>;
enum class ThresholdMask
static constexpr uint8_t maxContainedEntities = 4;
using ContainedEntitiesArray =
std::array<std::pair<uint8_t, uint8_t>, maxContainedEntities>;
struct EntityInfo
uint8_t containerEntityId;
uint8_t containerEntityInstance;
bool isList;
bool isLinked;
ContainedEntitiesArray containedEntities;
using EntityInfoMap = std::map<Id, EntityInfo>;
} // namespace sensor
namespace network
constexpr auto MAC_ADDRESS_FORMAT = "%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx";
constexpr auto IPV4_ADDRESS_SIZE_BYTE = 4;
constexpr auto IPV6_ADDRESS_SIZE_BYTE = 16;
constexpr auto DEFAULT_MAC_ADDRESS = "00:00:00:00:00:00";
constexpr auto DEFAULT_ADDRESS = "";
} // namespace network
template <typename T>
class SecureAllocator : public std::allocator<T>
template <typename U>
struct rebind
typedef SecureAllocator<U> other;
void deallocate(T* p, size_t n)
OPENSSL_cleanse(p, n);
return std::allocator<T>::deallocate(p, n);
using SecureString =
std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, SecureAllocator<char>>;
} // namespace ipmi
namespace std
template <>
inline ipmi::SecureString::~SecureString()
OPENSSL_cleanse(&((*this)[0]), this->size());
} // namespace std