blob: 2e4ea2363d56def64e729358ff2561b7791aa0fc [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <ipmid/api.h>
#include <ipmid/iana.hpp>
#include <array>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
namespace oem
constexpr std::size_t groupMagicSize = 3;
using Group = std::array<std::uint8_t, groupMagicSize>;
// Handler signature includes ipmi cmd to support wildcard cmd match.
// Buffers and lengths exclude the OemGroup bytes in the IPMI message.
// dataLen supplies length of reqBuf upon call, and should be set to the
// length of replyBuf upon return - conventional in this code base.
using Handler = std::function<ipmi_ret_t(ipmi_cmd_t, // cmd byte
const std::uint8_t*, // reqBuf
std::uint8_t*, // replyBuf
std::size_t*)>; // dataLen
/// Router Interface class.
/// @brief Abstract Router Interface
class Router
virtual ~Router() {}
/// Enable message routing to begin.
virtual void activate() = 0;
/// Register a handler for given OEMNumber & cmd.
/// Use IPMI_CMD_WILDCARD to catch any unregistered cmd
/// for the given OEMNumber.
/// @param[in] oen - the OEM Number.
/// @param[in] cmd - the Command.
/// @param[in] handler - the handler to call given that OEN and
/// command.
virtual void registerHandler(Number oen, ipmi_cmd_t cmd,
Handler handler) = 0;
/// Expose mutable Router for configuration & activation.
/// @returns pointer to OEM Router to use.
Router* mutableRouter();
/// Convert a group to an OEN.
/// @param[in] oeg - request buffer for IPMI command.
/// @return the OEN.
constexpr Number toOemNumber(const std::uint8_t oeg[groupMagicSize])
return (oeg[2] << 16) | (oeg[1] << 8) | oeg[0];
/// Given a Group convert to an OEN.
/// @param[in] oeg - OEM Group reference.
/// @return the OEN.
constexpr Number toOemNumber(const Group& oeg)
return (oeg[2] << 16) | (oeg[1] << 8) | oeg[0];
/// Given an OEN, conver to the OEM Group.
/// @param[in] oen - the OEM Number.
/// @return the OEM Group.
constexpr Group toOemGroup(Number oen)
return Group{static_cast<std::uint8_t>(oen),
static_cast<std::uint8_t>(oen >> 8),
static_cast<std::uint8_t>(oen >> 16)};
} // namespace oem