blob: 562465daefe0c980619b9c785b7c3fa411259f27 [file] [log] [blame]
## This file is a template. The comment below is emitted
## into the rendered file; feel free to edit this file.
// This file was auto generated. Do not edit.
#include "manager.hpp"
#include "utils.hpp"
% for i in interfaces:
#include <${i.header()}>
% endfor
namespace phosphor
namespace inventory
namespace manager
using namespace std::literals::string_literals;
const Manager::Makers Manager::_makers{
% for i in interfaces:
% endfor
const Manager::Events Manager::_events{
% for e in events:
% if e.description:
// ${e.description.strip()}
% endif
${, indent=indent +2)},
} // namespace manager
} // namespace inventory
} // namespace phosphor