blob: 441c2048263a1e3143549cdbda2f47fa18bbe2f7 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "blob_mock.hpp"
#include <blobs-ipmid/manager.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
namespace blobs
using ::testing::_;
using ::testing::Return;
TEST(ManagerOpenTest, OpenButNoHandler)
// No handler claims to be able to open the file.
BlobManager mgr;
std::unique_ptr<BlobMock> m1 = std::make_unique<BlobMock>();
auto m1ptr = m1.get();
uint16_t flags = OpenFlags::read, sess;
std::string path = "/asdf/asdf";
EXPECT_CALL(*m1ptr, canHandleBlob(path)).WillOnce(Return(false));
EXPECT_FALSE(, path, &sess));
TEST(ManagerOpenTest, OpenButHandlerFailsOpen)
// The handler is found but Open fails.
BlobManager mgr;
std::unique_ptr<BlobMock> m1 = std::make_unique<BlobMock>();
auto m1ptr = m1.get();
uint16_t flags = OpenFlags::read, sess;
std::string path = "/asdf/asdf";
EXPECT_CALL(*m1ptr, canHandleBlob(path)).WillOnce(Return(true));
EXPECT_CALL(*m1ptr, open(_, flags, path)).WillOnce(Return(false));
EXPECT_FALSE(, path, &sess));
TEST(ManagerOpenTest, OpenFailsMustSupplyAtLeastReadOrWriteFlag)
// One must supply either read or write in the flags for the session to
// open.
BlobManager mgr;
std::unique_ptr<BlobMock> m1 = std::make_unique<BlobMock>();
auto m1ptr = m1.get();
uint16_t flags = 0, sess;
std::string path = "/asdf/asdf";
/* It checks if someone can handle the blob before it checks the flags. */
EXPECT_CALL(*m1ptr, canHandleBlob(path)).WillOnce(Return(true));
EXPECT_FALSE(, path, &sess));
TEST(ManagerOpenTest, OpenSucceeds)
// The handler is found and Open succeeds.
BlobManager mgr;
std::unique_ptr<BlobMock> m1 = std::make_unique<BlobMock>();
auto m1ptr = m1.get();
uint16_t flags = OpenFlags::read, sess;
std::string path = "/asdf/asdf";
EXPECT_CALL(*m1ptr, canHandleBlob(path)).WillOnce(Return(true));
EXPECT_CALL(*m1ptr, open(_, flags, path)).WillOnce(Return(true));
EXPECT_TRUE(, path, &sess));
// TODO(venture): Need a way to verify the session is associated with it,
// maybe just call Read() or SessionStat()
} // namespace blobs